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This is Rustflights pet a gargoyle named bouldie because they originally thought he was a bolder until they awakened him
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Light brown with dark brown spots and piercing green eyes
Affiliation: Blue mountain clan
Previous Names: frondkit, frondpaw , frondpad
Kin: Smallflash (Father) Maplewatcher (Mother)
Proceeded By: none
British short hair 50% rag doll 25% Maine coon 50%
Often seen as a kid of the group, until Pearpaw arrived anyway. Frondpaw is incredibly friendly and loving, excitable over most things and prefers to look on the bright side and stay positive even when things don’t seem like they’ll turn out well. His seemingly constant good mood even rubs off on Nettlebriar on occasion. Frondpaw is a naive bean. He’s really clever but can sometimes take things too literally and has a hard time understanding sarcasm and telling it apart from normal statements. He’s a positive ray of sunshine but has one pet peeve and that’s being teased for misunderstanding something. He has slapped meadowheart. (Something he profusely apologised for, for months)
Never swears. Ever. Something nettlebriar tries to trick him into doing much to Rustflights dismay.
Has a scar on the left of his forehead which he hides with his fur after the accident involving a badger. It put him in a lot of pain and he doesn’t like talking about it, or showing the scar.
Falcontalon affectionately calls him Frondie sometimes. is also nicknamed Paddy (this is how he got his warrior name) by the others, and FP by nettlebriar.
Likes old two leg Disney films. Fairy tales in general, and is a sap for happy endings.
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Light brown with dark brown spots
Affiliation: Blue mountain clan
Previous Names: wisekit , wisepaw ,
Kin: Swiftsky (Father) doveroar (Mother) bravestar (brother) Talyllyn (Twin) unknown ghost cat (brother) smudger (brother) dolgoch (brother)
Apprentices: frondpaw
Proceeded By: none
British Shorthair 50% Abyssinian50% Oriental Shorthair25% American Ringtail50%
He’s kind and welcoming of everyone, and is the level headed one along with Bravestar usually, others see him as the best one to come to for advice or wise words. He enjoys his work and his responsibilities, he’s got pride in that and takes it seriously, though Wiseslip also has a adventurous streak and likes to explore places he’s not familiar with. He has quite the curious side to him. During his off time he likes reading, two leg mystery novels he found. Despite Bravestar being older than him and the one who everyone looks up to, Wiseslip is often looked at by Bravestar for advice in a weak moment.
Still has a scar on his leg from the time Rustflights Boulder chased him into crashing. (He’s warmed up to Bouldie since, though)
Has a soft spot for nettlebriar, he knows the guy has a good side, and tries to get him to show it a little more.
Is the majordomo of blue mountain clan and since bravestar has trouble moving sometimes he usually is the one to speak for him especially if it means travelling long distance to a allied clan
Voice: m.youtube.com/watch?v=3aMKaMdQ… (he was based off of him because of nostalgia same with Pearpaw and the others )
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Light brown with with orange patches
Affiliation: Blue mountain clan
Previous Names:Rusty , rust paw ,
Kin: Cooper (Father) Sandy (Mother) Fred (brother) Paxton (cousin)
Apprentices: pearpaw
Proceeded By: none
Turkish Angora 50% Scottish Fold 25% Persian 50 % Maine Coon 25%
Rustflight is a trusty, tame, friendly cat. He is a dedicated worker, often maintaining the patrols, while understanding and respecting the importance of his duties. He also has a rather distinctive two-tone meow. Rustflight is quick to remind others with regards to proper conduct, particularly nettle briar, who was initially very suspicious of him. And Has a sort of rivalry with nettle briar , considering Nettle briar doesn’t like being told off or nagged. The two often get into squabbles though Rustflight forgives him and the two usually sort it out most likely due to Rustflight having a crush on the other cat. He also Has a bad habit of procrastinating despite being a very hard worker and trustworthy in his work.
Rustflight is non binary, and goes by both They/Them and He/Him, not minding which of the two people refer to him as. Frondpaw tends to use They/Them more often when talking about Rustflight.
Binges two leg crime dramas on the old two leg tv.
Rustflight has a pet Gargoyle (a supernatural beast which has a body made of stone), which was mistaken for a giant Boulder sitting atop the cliff. He feared it at first, and thought it was sentient despite everyone telling him he was being silly. Eventually all the work below woke the creature and caused it to rampage through the site, hurting Wiseslip in the process. Rustflight was convincing enough for the creature to be left alone, however, under the condition he look after it and keep it in line. He called it Bouldie and the two have a strong bond. In other words, no one messes with Rustflight.
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Light brown with with white patches
Affiliation: Blue mountain clan
Previous Names: Luke,pearpaw, pearshine
Kin: Pager (Father) Rachel (Mother)
Apprentices: none
Proceeded By: none
Ragdoll 50% birman 25% Somali 50%
Maine coon 25% Siberian 50% Norwegian forest cats 25%
The newest addition to the clan and protected by all of them as the youngest and most precious. Pearpaw is naive and bubbly, caring about his friends and those close to him more than anything. He’s not quick to trust, but once he does he will trust you with his life and nothing less. Pearpaw is slightly smaller than the other cats, they don’t know why and neither does he.
Works incredibly hard as he always feels he has to prove his worth, and gets overly panicked and worried when he makes a mistake or does something wrong, when Bravestar or Wiseslip often step in to ensure him mistakes are unavoidable and he’s not a villain for making them.
Befriended a deer which he calls Bambi (after watching the film with his friends on a old two legs tv)
Has reoccurring nightmares about the ocean and has a phobia of deep water.
Not allowed to swear.
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Nettle briar
Medicine cat
Light yellow and dark yellow with spots
Affiliation: Blue mountain clan
Previous Names: nettlekit, nettlepaw,
Kin: Mottlethorn (Father) Doeskip (Mother)
Douglas (brother)
Apprentices: Doeskip
Proceeded By: none
American Shorthair 50% Manx 25 % Bengal 50% Tonkinese 25%
Grumpy and loves to complain for no reason, he’s an insufferable butthole most of the time by choice. He’s brutally honest which is a good thing for the most part, but it can lead to him making hurtful remarks without actually realising it before speaking. Deep down he’s actually really nice and has a soft fluffy side, though he doesn’t let just anyone see that part of him. His positive traits are often overlooked because of his tough, grumpy exterior. In reality nettlebriar is pretty selfless when it comes to something important and puts the ones he cares for first. He wouldn’t ever admit it, though. Not at first. Doesn’t like admitting he’s afraid of anything and usually puts up the tough guy act of being a hard guy, though he actually is terrified of ghosts, only worsened by a prank the others played on him involving a ghost story Rustflight told them. Has a nasty temper and a real short fuse. Something that specifically can set him off is being complained to, or losing to someone.
Loves bunnies. No one knows why. Not even him. He has a pet bunny named Cocoa and will die for her.
Favourite music is two leg rock. Likes to blast it on an old two leg radio much to brave stars annoyance.
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Brown and grey Tom with windswept fur
Affiliation: Blue mountain clan
Previous Names: falconkit, falconpaw, falcontalon
Kin: fishnose(Father) arianna (Mother) Albert (brother)Sir Haydn (brother)
Apprentices: Littlepaw
Proceeded By: none
Maincoon 50% Ragdoll 50% British Longhair 25% Nebelung 50%
Falcontalon in his younger days, has been prone to moody tantrums and thinking that he knows better than others, suggesting a superiority complex. He has been known for being impulsive, arrogant, pompous, rude, stubborn, naughty and bad-tempered, as he took a disliking to the other clan cats, feigned illnesses to avoid jobs he hated, bumped other cats even if they behaved themselves and deliberately injured himself. He believed that he should be in charge and had a tendency to get too big for his paws. When he grew up he had broad paws that held well to the mountain terrain, this contributed to his self-importance and his belief that he is a grand cat.
Falcontalon can be quite impressionable when it comes to cats who he views as important, such as Bolderstar, duke or bravestar. However, when the advice he is given results in him getting into trouble, he can have second thoughts and wish to get revenge. Despite all of this, Falcontalon always works to get things done and wants to be a reliable, goodhearted, and really useful warrior . After many years in the mountain, Falcontalon has been portrayed as a steady, thoughtful and mature warrior who is ready to offer advice and be put in charge. Although he remains as a stubborn sort, he now enjoys helping others.
However, as time has gone on falcontalon has seemed to returned to his cheeky side. For the most part though Falcontalon is hard working and dependable, though he does have a tendency to be a little pompous and can sometimes have a bit of an attitude, especially with Bravestar who everyone else looks to as the one in charge.
Likes to pull pranks on other warriors and make jokes
Is the fastest of the clan
Is low-key addicted to anything strawberry.
He doesn’t grumble as much as Nettle briar, but can do so and stick his nose up when in a sour mood. Nettle briar likes calling him ‘Toffee Nose’ to tease him
He likes acting superior and can be a little uptight and rude, acting like he’s better than others, though really he’s incredibly sweet when given the chance to be.
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Brown and light brown Tom with paralyzed hind legs
Affiliation: Blue mountain clan
Previous Names: bravekit, bravepaw, braveheart
Kin: Swiftsky (Father) doveroar (Mother) wiseslip (brother) Dolgoch (twin brother)
Smudgepaw (brother) Talyllyn (brother)
Apprentices: Seedpaw
Proceeded By: none
British Shorthair 50% Abyssinian50% Oriental Shorthair25% American Ringtail50%
Bravestar has been called a "gallant old warrior" before and deserves such a title. Bravestar is highly determined, brave and courageous. He is a tough, committed worker despite his age and takes great responsibility in his work. He is keen to keep his friends smiling and, although he is a level-headed cat, he can be a bit of an adventurer too. Though he may often try to struggle on alone, Bravestar knows when it is time to call on the help of his friends. Nevertheless, Bravestar is always highly dedicated to the task at hand. He’s arguably the most mature cat out of the group and looked up to, but still has a streak of being clumsy and over excited at times.
Difficult to really upset him. If you managed to upset bravestar to the point of raising his voice or being visibly pissed off, you know you really done it. He’s incredibly patient with even the most insufferable cats.
Incredibly trustworthy and determined. Even if he’s hurt or damaged, bravestar will do whatever it takes to help his friends and get his job done. Like wiseslip, he’s got a strong fear of heights, but two leg bridges are especially difficult for him.
Has been called by friends: The Gallant Old Warrior
Bravestar the Brave Warrior
The Golden cat
Worn-Out Warrior On Worn-Out paws (often as a joke)
Bravestar injured his hind legs after saving his clan
Is closes friends with Bolderstar since both of their clans are in the mountains They don’t see each other often but enjoy each other’s company and have a habit of meeting up to talk and look at the view
Oldest cat out of the group. Seen as the appointed ‘leader’ by popular vote from the others. Despite his age and knowledge bravestar does have moments of uncertainty, which he goes to wiseslip for help with as the two are really close.
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Purple and brown she-cat with no neck
Affiliation: big top clan
Previous Names: tumblrkit, tumblrpaw,
Kin: shorty (father) purpleflower (mother)
Proceeded By:
Munchkin 50% Japanese bobtail 25% british shorthair 50%
Currently all she cares about is eating and sleeping
Tumblrbelly loves to explore and try new things, she'll always be the first in line to investigate new things and places. She takes it as a personal mission to know every inch of big top territory as if it were an extension of her own body.
There isn't much that phazes Tumblrbelly and she'll leap to the defense of another gem immediately. It doesn't matter whether her opponent is bigger, stronger or has more back-up than she has, she won't back down until everyone else is safe.
Tumblrbelly foremost priority is her friends and her clan. She'll stand beside those she's close to for as long as there's a breath in her body, and it takes a lot for someone to break her trust so completely that her loyalty will be severed.
There's no doubting her bravery, but her perception of danger could use some work. She will often not see the true danger in a situation until it's too late.
She suffers from short-spine syndrome.
Mocking her size is probably the quickest way to tick her off;
She is not really aware of her own strength and may hurt others unintentionally.
Is often called tumble by angel
Posture & Gait
Walks with purpose and her head leans slightly forward as she walks.
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Medicine cat
Brown she-cat with antlers and white spots
Affiliation: big top clan
Previous Names: fawnkit, fawnpaw,
Kin: Eagleflight (father) Deerheart (mother)
Proceeded By:
American Bobtail 50% Abyssinian 25% Bengal 50% Savannah 25%
Fawn was taught with the belief that everyone deserves a second chance. No matter what they may have done in the past or who they were, everyone should be given the opportunity to fix past mistakes and change for the better if they wished to do so. Even with her still young mind, lessons like this are something she holds close to her, influencing her everyday actions and outlook on others. she has an open mind about anything and everything. She is always open to hearing new ideas, especially if it's on how to approach a new situation. It's much easier for her to take advice and apply it when it comes from a gem she looks up to and respects. Many would not grab this as being her upon first getting to know her unless there were certain circumstances involved. Fawn is a straight up adventure hog, always seeking to see different sights or come across exciting discoveries. Despite the circumstances, the month under the watch of no one but Mavis was exhilarating for her. Fawn isn't judgmental in the sense that it's mostly portrayed as. She does develop certain opinions about others, but the way she does so is quite different. She sees both the good and bad in others, the things every individual could improve upon in themselves along with the other actions that cause her to feel a certain respect for them. She never views a cat as just "good" or "bad" but rather the different aspects of each gem that cause them to act upon "good" or "bad" actions. Fawn is an extremely clumsy cat . Right now, it's just thought of as her long legs, but she has a lot of difficulty taking note of where exactly she places her feet. It's in cats that fawn is mostly cautious due to her history. The glimpses she's had into the darker side of the actions they can unleash onto others has caused her to be more to those she hasn't gotten the time to observe and watch. It doesn't keep her from getting to know them a bit more or cause her to avoid cats, just she's a bit more careful about what she does around them. Fawn has never been an out-right fighter. Not to say she would never learn on how to defend her self, but it would be for just that. Defense. Avoiding conflict of claws and teeth is what she prefers and will go to extreme lengths for right now. Fawn as a somewhat difficult time standing up for herself, especially after attempts going wrong and just making her that much more of a target. If she comes across someone who she knows is of higher authority, this is something that sort of increases as to not cause trouble for herself. The condition of fawn’s shyness has been pushed to the extreme due to her old clan. After the torment they landed onto her outside of the careful eye of her old leader has caused to have an extreme amount of shyness when meeting those of whom she does not know, mainly due to a certain level of distrust in not knowing anything about them. She will often not speak unless she absolutely has to, causing many to think of her as mute in first meetings. Even after warming up to certain cats, she's still a cat of little words. There is much to her past that fawn doesn't let onto others, even those close to her. A part of it is due to it becoming a bit blurry in her waking hours due to being suppressed. It comes back to her when certain things trigger it, but with her age and way of thinking, it's never something she's ever up for talking about. fawns most annoying trait to most would probably her inability to keep a decision. She will constantly change her mind about even the simplest of things, from where to go for the day to her favorite flower. This is mainly due to her constant change of views on things, something she has yet to control.
Right now, she hates conflict and will do what she can to avoid it.
Has a soft spot for kits
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Reddish she-cat with gigantism
Affiliation: big top clan
Previous Names: mavis,
Kin: Bamm-Bamm (father)Roxanne(mother) lumberjack (twin sister)
Apprentices: blossompaw
Proceeded By:
Himalyan 50% Kurilian Bobtail 25% Siberian 50% German Rex 25%
Mavis has grown to be more wiser, around others she has become more respectful and mature, has become more reserved while talking and serious towards others, but she isn't reluctant to social activities. And When in need of advice, you can surprisingly find Mavis' point of view very useful, she is very objective and doesn't put her feelings or beliefs when seek out for words of help or support. Close to becoming a real old warrior, Mavis now has grown to behave the way a cat at her age acts, in fact she looks, thinks and sounds as someone who has experienced a lot of hardships in her life and can pass for even older than she really is. Being able to explore the forest on it's own, she has started to train every single day her fighting skills, her leader is her hero, and so she wants to be as strong as she is to make her teammates and herself proud. For Mavis clan is the most important thing in her life, she is eager to defend those around her if needed, always trying to think before acting to not hurt others because of her decisions, she talks less and acts more. In combat Mavis is very cunning and precise, she has trained a lot with her teammates, but, in a serious fight she doesn't moderate herself, she is always going to try and kill her opponent, she has heritage this warrior aspect from clan cat/bloodline origins, so she seeks others as strong as herself, always following and respecting those who are stronger than her without looking much to their personalities. Although she also highly respects cats who are very intelligent too, since for her not anyone can be a genius. Due to the dark age, Mavis has developed some signs of these traits, she has a very traumatic experience when the final battle took place, so she sometimes suffers from nightmares or paranoia, but it hasn't escalated to anything worse at the moment. She keeps herself pretty chill while working, her face features are just intimidating at first sight, she also knows what she is capable and so little are the things that can surprise her.
Marks/Scars: (Shown in art) Most of her scars come from the Dark Age of the clans, the new ones are from defending the borders, all of them were made by cats.
She has a scar on the lower part of her back, but due to her short hair it can be seen just once in a while.
Scent: Blood combined with mud/grass.
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All white she-cat with red eyes
Affiliation: Big top clan
Previous Names: angelkit,angelpaw, angelfoot
Kin: skypelt (father) blindsnow (mother) Damon (brother) vada (sister)
Apprentices: none
Proceeded By: mavis
turkish angora 50% amarican curl 25% Maine Coon 50%
They are very brave and will take on tasks, no matter what. Mainly because they don't care. And are confident in what they do, even if they dont show if often.
And angel Can endure things without showing their feelings. She can be quite dramatic sometimes when telling stories, or overall any situation replayed to her.
But They are quite blunt and will say things they way they are. In turn of doing things uncaringly, she doesnt think about anything she says. And can come off as rude.
She likes to get her way and can be stubborn.
She can be quite defensive and wont be slightly glad until she gets her way and others know it. She can be quite morbid and will say things as they are, and not care.
But is very kind around kits and finds them fun to watch since it reminds her of her youth.
Has developed Dyssocial Personality Disorder after her sisters
Also Has insomnia.
Weak sighted, however it appears to improve during nighttime.
Has a high pain tolerance. - This means that she often can't be bothered with the pain unless it's severe and really intense.
Loves star gazing and moonlit strolls, as well as watching the moon. She insists it calms whatever chaos is going on inside her.
She doesn't do crushes, instead she does intense interest. Love is a foreign concept to her, but being intensively interested in someone is a thing in her world.
Unable to care or love anyone except ones close, though she hides it well.
Understands and knows what feelings are, but does not sincerely experience them.
She’s is known to have one sister. Her status is unknown, but presumed dead.
Nightmares are usual occurance to her, and might be part of the reason for her insomnia.
Scent: Dirt and dead plants
Often - if not always - uses a sarcastic tone, when she is annoyed with something or feel like you insulted her. Otherwise a smooth-talker, with a polite and smart choice of words.
She gos by the alias of Espiritual, Anjos se conectam (witch is Portuguese for angels connect)
She polydactyl she has six toes on one foot
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“If you could only see the beast you made me”
anti is a antimatter alien slime beast that can shift any form she can do, she can survive getting eaten, crushed, and any other thing, she can turn her body into slime, solid, or hard as metal or rock, she can transform into her hoist and friend chickadee, she cannot change her gender, she can change size, she has a visor to protect herself, she can return to chickadee to recover and rest. And She has a strange past that connects with her relationship with chickadee. Since about 95% of her body is an unusual slimy mass, she can slip around into small crevices and areas with ease. She can consume and absorb matter to grow bigger. Though when big, she becomes a slow and easy target. She hates fire since her slimy body is flammable. She does have the ability to pick objects up and hurl them around.
-Age: unknown
-Gender: Female
-Sexuality: Bisexual
-Species: Currently unknown (but has said she’s a incognita witch in Latin means unknown)
-Likes: Eating any kind of matter, destroying enemy clans, natural stuff, nighttime, being sneaky, and chickadee, protecting friends taunting, megajerk.
-Dislikes: Civilization, anything artificial, fire, daytime, those who defend what she hates, and being chased, megajerk.
-Personality: Destructive, gluttonous, sly, and sometimes angry and/or crazy, sassy, playful, friendly, mischievous.
-Occupied with: chickadee
Can suck anything in with her mouth like a black hole no matter if the things are bigger than her
Her mouth has multiple toungues that stretch at great distances
Can swallow anything and store it in her pocket dimension
Can regenerate.
Is indestructible
Is able to launch a torrent of slime with acidic properties
dissolve things to keep in touch
change her shape and enter to small areas
Her skin is very slippery so makes difficult to get caught
Can get through pipes and swim inside them
totally Elastic
Is immune to gases
Is immune to being hypnotized
Can regenerate lost parts of his body
Can throw goo bombs
Has a incredible super strength.
Is very resistant
Has the big size of a skyscraper but usually is normal cat size
Can survive in the vacuum of space.
Lacking bones can infiltrate narrow corners
Possesses heightened senses more advanced than those of a human.
Can sense incoming danger.
Can mimic voices of her targets and there closes friends
Can change the color and texture of her body, allowing Her to mimic other living creatures by moving in different ways.
Can't swallow electricity because it would overload in her dimension.
fire since her slimy body is flammable.
Due to her size it is very difficult to control and is an easy target for the enemy.
Dark energon (do not try this since she becomes a monster when she has it and will destroy anything)
voice: www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&a…
While yes, she is a slime monster, she is solid enough and can't just be walked through. Her body just constantly secretes the black goo and gives her body bit of a translucent quality.
Has her own pocket dimension
Is rivals with Pumaponce
Anti can speak her native language called enposa that she likes because it freaks cats out
She has “siblings” all of them help each other out when in danger
theme song: renegade- Styx
She was originally found as a mask by chickadee and when she picked her up it caused her to fuses and bond with chickadee because of a curses during a eclipses in a canyon.
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Nomadic warrior
Brown-white- she-cat that looks stunning and powerful
Affiliation: Alphaclan/outsiders
Previous Names: chickadeekit, chickadeepaw
Kin: Muddycreek (Father) Meadowheart (Mother) Bolderstar(adoptive mother)
Wheeljack (mate)
Tulipkit (daughter) Swiftkit (Son)
Apprentices: none
Proceeded By: none
Norwegian forest cat 50% European Shorthair 25% LaPerm 50% Maine coon 50%
Chickadeeheart is a sweet ginormous she-cat, who loves adventuring and exploring and is stead fast and iron willed and likes a good challenge and loves making new friends And finding new territory and helping out friends even though she is born with a curse
Last part of her name is from her mom
Her father is from glacierclan
has gigantism
is bisexual
often scares many cats
is a nomadic rogue
Chickadees voice- raven Simon
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Pink Tom that can be mistaken for a she-cat
Affiliation: alphaclan and Morgan’s bar
Previous Names: primrose
Kin: Comet (Father) Lilac (Mother)
Apprentices: none
Proceeded By: none
Persian 25% Maine Coon 50% Birman 50% ragdoll 25%
Morgan is a flamboyant and charming Tom who’s many actions, as well as a potential cause for a few screws being loose, is the death of his beloved mate.
And has a tendency to smile, laugh, and sing, even in serious/rough situations. It is sometimes unclear as to whether or not this is a scare tactic or a result of having a few screws loose. And While he is fully capable of scowling and frowning, his face usually has a charming smile on it. And Acts as the parental substitute for blazestrike. He offers protection and emotional comfort to him when he's troubled and unhappy. And can completely engulf himself, and his claws, in flames. And When he's given compliments, especially from Leaders, it can make him flustered, causing him to smoke up and start fires on his tail. And As a fire elemental, he can cover himself in fire without being injured. He also acted confident towards Magostrike by offering her advice, listening to her about her relationship troubles with fernskip, and keeping her relationship with fernskip a secret.
Has a secret kittypet club in his owners bar at night only some kittypets know about this and is very popular.
Let’s many kittypet rouges stay at his place since his owner isn’t too picky.
Morgan blames himself heavily for his mates death, since he accidentally killed her.
His hair, eyes, skin, and gem are all colored pink, and Most note that he has a very feminine appearance.
He can control fire and walk through dreams and understand two legs and dogs
Morgan’s voice- J Michael Tatum t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3…
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Rogue warrior
A maroon-orange-White-calico she-cat
Affiliation: Rogue
Previous Names: Zina, beechpaw,
Kin: Morgan(Father) Mangostrike (Mother)
Apprentices: none
Proceeded By: none
Siamese cat 25% Maine Coon 50% Ragdoll 50% calico 50% Birman 25%
Beechdapple is a showy theatrical and full of charisma and energy she-cat, who can easily become angered when her buttons are pushed. And Can quickly shift from acting confident and showy, to being fearful, or aggressive, and back again within a short period of time. And has very good hearing and hunting instincts like her mom. but holds the strange ability to control the ‘sun’.
Starclan power:
control fire
BeachDapples voice- ??
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Warrior/ Queen
gray-white very attractive drop-dead gorgeous queen.
Affiliation: Alphaclan
Previous Names: fernkit , fernpaw.
Kin: Rapidhawk (father) Cypressslip (mother)
Eclipsewing (mate)
EclipseFlight (son) Featherskip (daughter) Freezesong (daughter) Nightshadeheart (daughter)
Lullabykit (son) Phoenixkit (daughter) Pupkit (son)
Apprentices: Cootpaw
Proceeded By: none
Maine Coon 50% Ragdoll 25% Siberian cat 50% Burmilla 25% Snowshoe cat 25%
Fernskip is a manipulative she-cat, who often presents as a sweet and innocent cat, but there may be something much darker lurking beneath her friendly exterior. And many cats take notice of her beauty, even those who dislike her, and her appearance is one of the reasons why most cats are able to be manipulated by her. She is also shown to be emotionally manipulative in her relationships with other cats. Considered in-universe to be very attractive, and towers over quite a few cats. And is often by others' sides, happy and willing to help them out wherever she can. However, it's shown that at least most of these incidents occur out of a desire to manipulate whichever cat is her current "target".
Eclipsewing might have changed her
Flips her fur when speaking to mangostrike, particularly when putting her down or insulting her.
Will curl up into a ball when she’s extremely upset or terrified, particularly when she’s reminded of Spikebrooks death.
Sometimes talks to themselves when nervous.
theme song: simply irresistible
Fernskips voice: Kristine Bell t.umblr.com/redirect?z=http%3A…
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