Been a while since I last used Tumblr. I used to come here often 2 years ago to post/vent about my former TC. Then I graduated and the contact became unethical.
Feels weird coming back. This account was supposed to be for venting/fangirling and looking through my old posts feels strange, I wish I never met him but I don't want to erase history.
Welp, here I am now. Trying to revive this account. Hoping for better luck this time. :p
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"Slipping down a slide,
I did enjoy the ride.
Don't know what to decide,
You lied to me.
You looked me in the eye,
It took me by surprise.
Now are you gratified,
You cried to me?
La, la, la, la, la...
Don't turn around,
I'm sick and I'm tired of your face.
Don't make this worse,
You've already gone and got me mad.
It's too bad I'm not sad,
It's casting over.
It's just one of those things,
You'll have to get over it.
When I was feeling down,
You'd start to hang around,
And then I found your hands,
All over me.
And that was out of bounds,
You filthy rotten hound,
It's badder than it sounds,
Believe me.
La, la, la, la, la...
Don't turn around,
I'm sick and I'm tired of your face.
Don't make this worse,
You've already gone and got me mad.
It's too bad I'm not sad,
It's casting over.
It's just one of those things,
You'll have to get over it..."
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Our friendship dynamic
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called out
no one:
me: absolutely texting random ass nonsense to my tc just in hopes of getting a response.
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You're online. Why aren't you Emailing me right now.
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I sent him an Email yesterday and he still hasn't replied. Now I'm scared that I said something that made him uncomfortable.
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My close friends can tell when we just talked. Apparently our interactions leave me smiling like an idiot.
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"Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you..."
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It's been months now, since he discovered my crude sense of humor.
I constantly remind him that if he's ever uncomfortable, he can tell me and I'll stop. He says he would. He tells me not to worry.
Secretly I worry if I crossed a line somewhere but he just doesn't have the heart to say no to me. So I try to cut it down, but it confuses him.
Secretly I worry if he somehow knows about my feelings for him. And if he's silently holding back his own agitation of my presence.
I want to address it to him. I want to ask him if my assumptions are true. But what would I even say? "Did you ever notice that I like you more than I should?" All the clues point to a blissful ignorance, and yet I'm still anxious.
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Don't ever hesitate. Reblog this. This should be in the tumblr laws. When you see it, REBLOG IT.
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
If you ever want to talk: My tumblr ask is always open.
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Have a feeling like he self deprecates around me because he knows I'll shower him with compliments 🤭
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I love it when he's needy.
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Of all the people I could've chosen as a comfort person, it had to be a fucking teacher.
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How ironic.
I wrote a song about a celebrity I used to look up to, who started my interest in computer science, who I had a crush on; and casually talked about it with my computer science teacher, who I have a crush on.
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Our relationship... it's so poetic...
Storytime/rambling post. Tw: child grooming (not from the teacher). Relationship is purely platonic and he doesn't know I like him.
Fifth grade, last year of elementary school, very first teacher crush. I was behind on my social skills so I was too young to realize flirting with your teacher was inappropriate. Confessed to him over Email right before moving across the country, he told my parents. Instead of talking to me and explaining to me why it was wrong like what he told them to do, they screamed at me and I was heartbroken, confused and ashamed. Vowed to never develop feelings for an older person again.
Ninth grade, first year of high school. Long story short, I couldn't hold back anymore, got groomed. Not by a teacher but another adult I somewhat knew. This was the first time I ever confessed my feelings to someone verbally. Quotes included:
"So... I kind of have a crush on you."
"Oh, ahahaha. I saw it comin'."
It wasn't until this event that I was properly taught by one of my teachers and some friends why it was inappropriate for an adult to reciprocate a child's romantic interests, and this led me down a journey of realizing none of this was my fault, and it's okay to have feelings because feelings don't equate to actions.
Senior year. Met my current TC, S. Falling for him was so easy. I had a new sense of self worth and we grew very close, very quickly. One day we were having a conversation while we were alone together, and it got a bit deep.
"Y'know... if there's anyone this year who really tried to get to know me, and looked out for me... that person has been you."
"That pause you made right before saying it's me... I saw it coming."
I never told him about my feelings for him and I don't think he ever suspected them.
Last year of elementary school, I made a significant, innocent mistake that haunted me for years. Last year of high school, I picked myself back up. I got another chance with another person, and I'm doing it right this time. Finishing school, finishing strong.
The guy who groomed me, and S. Two people, same quote. Two different reasons, two different versions of myself, and two very different intentions. One person healing a wound inflicted by the other, with the exact same words.
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Aight gonna try this.
Yeah, they usually teach stem.
Caring and nurturing male authority figure, something I'm not used to. Also he's really funny.
Probably marriage, no kids.
All of them, a lot 🤫
Yeah, he posted some shower thoughts
Most 80's classic rock songs, and prog rock because we both like the genre.
Pretty close, we've had some moments together.
I'd probably flinch and then hug back
Everyone loves my TC lol.
Yeah, I wanted his attention.
He loves me. /hj
Probably music theory/composition/production. He likes doing it and he's good at it.
Finish grading, family time, shower, bed.
There's this park he goes to pretty frequently, he likes animals.
Theme park, roller coaster rides.
Weirdest dream: he married my other teacher. Both are married with kids IRL.
A regular person? They usually stand.
About 20 years.
I once took a picture of him, because I peer pressured him into wearing a weird looking hat.
I really, really want to fuck him. Also his hair looks soft, I want to pet it.
Getting closer.
He kind of is already, so I won't say why.
Probably school supplies
Not gonna say
Nope, he gives the least he thinks is necessary to understand the material.
A lot of my friends think he's attractive lol (they're not his students though)
He's married :(
Light blue. Cool like his personality, but also soft.
I like how it is now, I want it to stay this way.
December TCC Challenge
Hi I’m super sorry that it’s late but I created a few questions for the December TCC challenge ☺️
1. Have you ever had any TCs before? If yes, describe them very briefly
2. What is the main thing that attracted you to them?
3. In an ideal world where you’re similar ages, they’re not your teacher and they return your feelings, how far would you like your relationship with them to go? (Friends, dating, marriage., etc.)
4. How much of your attraction to them is sexual, romantic, platonic, aesthetic or admiration?
5. Have you found them on social media? If yes, have any of their posts caught your attention?
6. What is one song that makes you instantly think of your TC?
7. At this current moment in time, what is your relationship like and how close to them are you?
8. If they hugged you, how do you think you would react?
9. Have they ever said or done anything which gave you the ick?
10. How do other students generally see your TC? Are they well liked or seen to be disliked a lot?
11. Have you ever felt jealous when you saw them with another student? If so, why?
12. How do you think they see you? Do they appear to have a good opinion of you?
13. If your TC had to teach something else, what subject would you choose for them?
14. What do you think a typical evening looks like for them?
15. Has your TC taken any holidays which you know about? If yes, where did they go and what did they do?
16. If you got the opportunity to have a date with them, where would you go and what would you do together?
17. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve had about them?
18. What do they usually sit like while teaching?
19. If known, how long have they been teaching for?
20. Have you got any pictures of them? If yes, how did you get them?
21. If you could tell them one thing with no limits, what would it be?
22. How are you dealing with your feelings for them? Are you pulling away or getting closer to them?
23. If you heard your TC was now famous, what do you think it would be for?
24. If you could get them anything as a Christmas gift, what would you choose and why?
25. Does your TC like Christmas?
26. If known, what are your TCs political beliefs?
27. Does your TC set much homework?
28. Do you know if any other student has a crush on your TC?
29. Is your TC currently dating anyone to your knowledge?
30. If your TC was a colour, what colour would they be and why?
31. In the new year, how would you like your TCs class to progress?
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