Imam Shafiee said:
You cannot please everyone, so rectify that which is between you and Allah, and do not care about pleasing people.
‏قال الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله :
إنك لاتقدر أن ترضي الناس
كلهم ،فأصلح ما بينك وبين
الله ، ولاتبال بالناس.
- مناقب الشافعي
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‘The heart can find no happiness nor sweetness except through the love of Allah and closeness to Him.’
- Ibn Taymiyyah ‎رحمه الله
[Majmoo’ al-Fataawa]
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a private life is the best life.
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Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) said:
Staying silent without recitation (of the Quran), nor thikr, nor du'a, is not worship, nor is it ordered for, rather it opens the door for the whispering of the shaytan. Therefore, keeping busy with Dhikr (mentioning Allah) is better than remaining silent.
[Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah), al-Fatawa al-Kubra, 2:298]
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less company will bring you more happiness.
thousands of mouths talking won't fulfill you, but a silence shared with a similiar soul like yours will leave you fulfilled.
time on social media spent won't lead you to a modern life, but time spent with yourself alone and outside in the nature will show you the real beauty of this world.
disconnecting with others won't make you alone, for it allows you to reconnect with yourself and build a safe place within yourself.
others behaving harsh towards you doesn't mean that you are a reflection of their behaviour; the self-love you radiate will irritate those who were never meant for you.
what others say about you is a reflection of themselves. those who have a good heart will see beauty, those who are full of negativity will try to pass it on to you.
knowledge and understanding of your inner are your most powerful weapons.
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Fear a day when Allah lifts the Qur'an from the chests of people. Wallahi one day people will wake up and not a single person on earth will remember a single ayah from the Qur'an. People will hurry to their masahif and open it only to find blank pages. The clever is the one who doesn't waste a chance to accompany the words of Allah on all his states, reciting, listening, studying, pondering, teaching, following and applying.
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I think one of the most beautiful things in life is when you sit down and make genuine du'a to Allah and you can literally feel your heart finding ease. It's like the mountains of worries in your heart suddenly crumble- and you feel Allah personally taking your worries and saying "Whoever puts his trust in Allah; He will be enough for him." (65:3)
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عارضی آزمائشیں ہیں, آہ بھرنا کیسا؟🍂
Aarzi azmaaishen hain, aah bharna kaisa?
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“You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.”
— Maya Angelou (via marijuanamodels)
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اللهُم إني أسألك نفساً بك مطمئنة تؤمن بلقائك وترضى بقضائك وتقنع بعطائك ، اللهم اجعل خير عملي خواتمه وخير أيامي يوم لقائك .
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Sometimes people think they know you. They know a few facts about you, and they piece you together in a way that makes sense to them. And if you don't know yourself very well, you might even believe that they are right. But the truth is, that isn't you. That isn't you at all.
— Leila Sales
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A little chibird sprout helper to encourage you to take care! 🌱💕
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