10th of February 2021 "Can You Solve The Quranic Dilemma?" 🧐😎😍🌈😇
There is ONLY one solution for this Quranic dilemma...
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
2 Corinthians 6.15
🌈💖💪 HalleluYAH! 💪💖🌈
I just commented this on the beloved brethren "CIRA International," of the Spirit:
There is NO fellowship between the Holy Bible and this blasphemous unholy Quran of Islam. Amen. This Quran is a "great pretender" seeking in vain - fooling itself "as original" then acts as a better replacement of the real originals, as if the completed originals (the Holy Bible that tells clearly "the beginning to the end,") ever needed anything new disconfirming. HalleluYAH! 💖 The ONLY good solution for millions, and millions, of Muslims' great dilemma is to ABANDON Islam, and be converted to Christianity - be born again of the Spirit of God the LORD; otherwise, "a final war of worlds" is imminent! - the armies of heaven against every evil army of Satan (Allah,) of this world. Amen. Lo, there is no such thing as a "WW3"... "The world is one: the rich are one, the poor is another;" It's as simple as that. Amen. HalleluYAH! 💖 MATTHEW 26.53!; JAMES 2.5 etc. Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
(End of comment)
Behold, everyone of us, true Christian servants, from the beginning, by the Spirit living in us, have inspired, and forever encourage practically all men to read, examine, and prove, the holy scriptures from the old testament to the new testament (the Holy Bible) for themselves: as our LORD was on earth, so are we: We kept NOTHING SECRET! of our faith, HalleluYAH!💖
We are ever ready to give logical answers to any questions that any man, set by GOD above, may ask, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
Our Almighty true and wise God, the Father and the LORD, our Lord JESUS CHRIST [YAHAVAH YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH], is a GOD OF LOVE: The LORD God of Israel is NOT a distant God, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
And the GOD of the Gentile Christians (that same God of Abraham, of ISAAC, and of Jacob,) is as a Father to his children, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖 But his anger for his children's sins are for a little while, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
God came to earth as a man, that HE may save man (man which the LORD created in his image and after his likeness);
That every man who believes God, and is saved by God, may be with HIM, his/her Creator, in heaven for the rest of eternity, in abundance, comfort, glory, love, peace, holiness and righteousness, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
"Can You Solve The Quranic Dilemma?"
Final solution for millions and millions of deceived victims of Islam of its Quranic dilemma? GET OUT OF CHAOS FALSE ISLAM, AND CONVERT TO GOOD HEAVENLY CHRISTIANITY. Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
This is the only way: It's the only solution: Christ JESUS is the only way, and only true answer of life, even everlasting life. Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
2 Corinthians 6.17-18
HalleluYAH! 💖
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr./ John
22nd to 23rd of January 2021 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven: "The Bread & the Wine (Body & Blood of Christ), As Given To Philadelphia Ministry/Church Accordingly," Amen. 🧐💖💪🌈😇
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.
1 Corinthians 11.26
🌈💖💪😍 HalleluYAH! 😍💪💖🌈
Beloved, God is love; and the Lord God of glory, of peace, of power, and of salvation, proved to us his love when he sent his only begotten Son as man, to redeem us, and to save us for himself in heaven for his kingdom, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
This is still the story, that old story of the Gospel: that the Lord Jesus [Yahavah Yahshua] sacrificed himself on the cross at Calvary, shedding his precious blood for the forgiveness of our sins, a propitiation to God his Father, which he purposed in himself by the pleasure of his great love, and of his righteous will, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
The Lamb of God (the Lord of hosts) that was slain, and was buried, and rose on the third day, the power of indestructible life, for death cannot hold him, death has no power over him, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
But God, who saved us by his own blood, bought us for himself, which he predestined in the foundation of this present world, that in the end he may gather us earthly with the heavenly, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
As for us, who believe the Gospel of salvation by the name and through the power of his resurrection, while we wait for the fulness, we recall the undying passion of our dear Lord for us - when he gave his life, by breaking of bread and taking of wine symbolizing his body and blood: and this holy ritual we do as much as we always could until our everlasting joy appears (seeing God face to face), Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
This is the Gospel, and we remember this better, refreshing our souls of his sacrifice and redemption for us, in communion with him our Lord and our only Saviour, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
If you are new here - knowing not the "real Jesus Christ of Nazareth," I have been sharing his Gospel of love and of salvation - this is the only way your soul may be saved after this life on earth, if so you believe you got a soul, which is the invisible you - the greater eternal you,
For the end of the world is near - the days of the end are upon us, for God is coming to judge all good and all evil: The good to the right and the evil to the left: The good taken and received for God in heaven; but the evil shall be bound taken and received in prisons called hell for the devil Satan's portion: This is the righteous judgment of God in the end, Amen.
God the LORD shall judge every man according to what he/she has done on earth. Amen.
But those who love the Gospel, and the truth, those who watches always for that sure blessed hope of everlasting life with Christ, the Bridegroom, is like a bride that makes herself ready in white raiment of righteousness, Amen;
These faithful shall be filling the Lamb's wife, the new Jerusalem in heaven, which shall come down of for heaven in the reign of Christ Almighty, who redeemed his saints (the faithful, whether a Jew or a Gentile), Amen.
Once again this is the "good news" (God's spell of his love and virtue) for all that believes him, whether sleeping or remaining, that shall have everlasting life, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Beloved, would you like to know more about the Gospel? and the true reasons and true stories "why" God the Father (the Spirit, the Author of life,) made the creation of our earth, the creation of man (Adam and Eve), why God saved man after by Jesus Christ, and of course "why" would he (God the LORD) end this world (or is ending this world slowly but surely,) but to renew all things again on his return?
If your heart wills, take a blessed time (blessing and thanking God today you're here on FB reading a script, based in the holy scriptures - the written Word of God, even the Holy Bible,) to know and to understand "why you must be saved"(your spiritual body -your soul) in the name of God - in the name of the LORD JESUS, Amen;
For there is an enemy too called Satan the Devil, who wants your soul to die in hell with evil him punishing you of your sins by his demons, in case you die before glory appears, and you're found
unbelieving, Amen.
Therefore, I'm so seriously suggesting to you, beloved friend, that again take a little more time and read/know and understand more elaborations and true logic of salvation, even of this great Gospel of Christ/God, (but it's so much better to read the Holy Bible itself, and confirm these things, for righteousness' sake, maybe after heavenly things and matters I have claimed in God and in Christ about the this Gospel, the history of us all through the eyes of heaven, and the coming judgment that you'll eternally regret if you be part of it! Amen. So here are they beloved, they are all related with one good eye of virtue: I have gathered the links into one, last week, which is better reference for you too:
"15th of January 2021 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven - 'Salvation, The Pearl of Great Price!'" 🧐😍🌈😇
HalleluYAH! 💖
The Bread and the Wine according to what the Spirit gave my little humble but faithful Philadelphia ministry/church:
The bread and wine which symbolizes the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; When we eat and drink it - we spiritually become part of Christ's body, the church:
A redeemed Christian ought to live henceforth, a holy righteous life (by the Spirit of Christ,) as much as our weak souls can but while inside our corruptible tents - that is our bodies individually, and of a truth, "nobody lives perfectly physically, or while in the body;
While the wine which we have drank, through it reminds us (the Spirit reminds us,) "who we are" and how God loves us by our dear faithful Lord's intercession - forgiving our sins (washing us from our sins,) if so we fall from the enemy's temptations every time, and every moment, Amen.
This communion with our Lord, a great reminder and showcase of his everlasting love, and everlasting life to come, the breaking of bread and drinking of wine, is one of the anchors and or a token of the Gospel living in us, "even Christ who redeemed us - God that foreknew and saved us," Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
By God's grace, I'm placing my suggestive "salvation prayer," if you have not yet seen and prayed it in the links:
Salvation Prayer:
"Father (Abba) which art in heaven,
I confess all my sin to thee,
and that I am worthy to perdition:
But now I repent, please forgive me,
for I believe thou art the CHRIST (ha Mashiach/ Immanuel)
who died, and rose again,
and washed me from my sins,
by thy own precious blood;
Please grant thy Spirit with me now,
that I may be worthy of thee,
and for thee, my only Saviour;
In thy name, LORD JESUS (Adonai YAHSHUA),
I pray. Amen."
HalleluYAH! 💖
If God wills a baptism for you (the submerging in pure water,) then it shall be, afterwards:
Lo, either the Spirit of God leads you to a beloved church which will baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, or simply instead "in the name of the Jesus Christ," our Lord, or the saints are set up already (by the angels,) and shall come across you, to baptize you, Amen.
So you shall praise the LORD always, and forevermore, filled with gladness and thanksgiving to God who saved you! Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
Shabbat Shalom brothers and sisters, and good friends! Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
1 CORINTHIANS 11.23-26; 15; 1 THESSALONIANS 4.16-18 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr./ John
22nd to 23rd of January 2021 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven: "The Bread & the Wine (Body & Blood of Christ), As Given To Philadelphia Ministry/Church Accordingly," Amen. 🧐💖💪🌈😇
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.
1 Corinthians 11.26
🌈💖💪😍 HalleluYAH! 😍💪💖🌈
Beloved, God is love; and the Lord God of glory, of peace, of power, and of salvation, proved to us his love when he sent his only begotten Son as man, to redeem us, and to save us for himself in heaven for his kingdom, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
This is still the story, that old story of the Gospel: that the Lord Jesus [Yahavah Yahshua] sacrificed himself on the cross at Calvary, shedding his precious blood for the forgiveness of our sins, a propitiation to God his Father, which he purposed in himself by the pleasure of his great love, and of his righteous will, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
The Lamb of God (the Lord of hosts) that was slain, and was buried, and rose on the third day, the power of indestructible life, for death cannot hold him, death has no power over him, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
But God, who saved us by his own blood, bought us for himself, which he predestined in the foundation of this present world, that in the end he may gather us earthly with the heavenly, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
As for us, who believe the Gospel of salvation by the name and through the power of his resurrection, while we wait for the fulness, we recall the undying passion of our dear Lord for us - when he gave his life, by breaking of bread and taking of wine symbolizing his body and blood: and this holy ritual we do as much as we always could until our everlasting joy appears (seeing God face to face), Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
This is the Gospel, and we remember this better, refreshing our souls of his sacrifice and redemption for us, in communion with him our Lord and our only Saviour, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
If you are new here - knowing not the "real Jesus Christ of Nazareth," I have been sharing his Gospel of love and of salvation - this is the only way your soul may be saved after this life on earth, if so you believe you got a soul, which is the invisible you - the greater eternal you,
For the end of the world is near - the days of the end are upon us, for God is coming to judge all good and all evil: The good to the right and the evil to the left: The good taken and received for God in heaven; but the evil shall be bound taken and received in prisons called hell for the devil Satan's portion: This is the righteous judgment of God in the end, Amen.
God the LORD shall judge every man according to what he/she has done on earth. Amen.
But those who love the Gospel, and the truth, those who watches always for that sure blessed hope of everlasting life with Christ, the Bridegroom, is like a bride that makes herself ready in white raiment of righteousness, Amen;
These faithful shall be filling the Lamb's wife, the new Jerusalem in heaven, which shall come down of for heaven in the reign of Christ Almighty, who redeemed his saints (the faithful, whether a Jew or a Gentile), Amen.
Once again this is the "good news" (God's spell of his love and virtue) for all that believes him, whether sleeping or remaining, that shall have everlasting life, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Beloved, would you like to know more about the Gospel? and the true reasons and true stories "why" God the Father (the Spirit, the Author of life,) made the creation of our earth, the creation of man (Adam and Eve), why God saved man after by Jesus Christ, and of course "why" would he (God the LORD) end this world (or is ending this world slowly but surely,) but to renew all things again on his return?
If your heart wills, take a blessed time (blessing and thanking God today you're here on FB reading a script, based in the holy scriptures - the written Word of God, even the Holy Bible,) to know and to understand "why you must be saved"(your spiritual body -your soul) in the name of God - in the name of the LORD JESUS, Amen;
For there is an enemy too called Satan the Devil, who wants your soul to die in hell with evil him punishing you of your sins by his demons, in case you die before glory appears, and you're found
unbelieving, Amen.
Therefore, I'm so seriously suggesting to you, beloved friend, that again take a little more time and read/know and understand more elaborations and true logic of salvation, even of this great Gospel of Christ/God, (but it's so much better to read the Holy Bible itself, and confirm these things, for righteousness' sake, maybe after heavenly things and matters I have claimed in God and in Christ about the this Gospel, the history of us all through the eyes of heaven, and the coming judgment that you'll eternally regret if you be part of it! Amen. So here are they beloved, they are all related with one good eye of virtue: I have gathered the links into one, last week, which is better reference for you too:
"15th of January 2021 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven - 'Salvation, The Pearl of Great Price!'" 🧐😍🌈😇
HalleluYAH! 💖
The Bread and the Wine according to what the Spirit gave my little humble but faithful Philadelphia ministry/church:
The bread and wine which symbolizes the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; When we eat and drink it - we spiritually become part of Christ's body, the church:
A redeemed Christian ought to live henceforth, a holy righteous life (by the Spirit of Christ,) as much as our weak souls can but while inside our corruptible tents - that is our bodies individually, and of a truth, "nobody lives perfectly physically, or while in the body;
While the wine which we have drank, through it reminds us (the Spirit reminds us,) "who we are" and how God loves us by our dear faithful Lord's intercession - forgiving our sins (washing us from our sins,) if so we fall from the enemy's temptations every time, and every moment, Amen.
This communion with our Lord, a great reminder and showcase of his everlasting love, and everlasting life to come, the breaking of bread and drinking of wine, is one of the anchors and or a token of the Gospel living in us, "even Christ who redeemed us - God that foreknew and saved us," Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
By God's grace, I'm placing my suggestive "salvation prayer," if you have not yet seen and prayed it in the links:
Salvation Prayer:
"Father (Abba) which art in heaven,
I confess all my sin to thee,
and that I am worthy to perdition:
But now I repent, please forgive me,
for I believe thou art the CHRIST (ha Mashiach/ Immanuel)
who died, and rose again,
and washed me from my sins,
by thy own precious blood;
Please grant thy Spirit with me now,
that I may be worthy of thee,
and for thee, my only Saviour;
In thy name, LORD JESUS (Adonai YAHSHUA),
I pray. Amen."
HalleluYAH! 💖
If God wills a baptism for you (the submerging in pure water,) then it shall be, afterwards:
Lo, either the Spirit of God leads you to a beloved church which will baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, or simply instead "in the name of the Jesus Christ," our Lord, or the saints are set up already (by the angels,) and shall come across you, to baptize you, Amen.
So you shall praise the LORD always, and forevermore, filled with gladness and thanksgiving to God who saved you! Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
Shabbat Shalom brothers and sisters, and good friends! Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
1 CORINTHIANS 11.23-26; 15; 1 THESSALONIANS 4.16-18 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr. /John
26th of January 2021 "Did the Church fulfill their calling to Israel?" ❤😇❤
Are the Gentile Christians provoking the Jews to jealousy that they may come and call on the name of the LORD? But what can really provoke Israel to jealousy?
I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.
Romans 11.11
Shalom! Beloved, it is only now/today, it is willed for me to watch this video of beloved "One For Israel Ministry" which dated way back last year of August, that after listening listening to the beloved Dr. Broshi (and the beloved brother with him,) its does indeed behoove every Gentile Christian to ask the Lord (his Spirit the Comforter,) and of course in himself also after, the things which have been done after God's resurrection of his Christ to provoke Israel to jealousy. Amen.
HalleluYAH! ❤
As for me, by grace (and by the sound mind) God gave me ever since his calling, and so be made aware of this very significant matter (a greater spiritual matter, which ultimately what really matters,) that is well present and so needed:
Thus seeing also "ROMANS 11.11," I examined myself, and of course ourselves (our very, very little Philadelphia church/ministry/ even Wild-Olives ministry/publishing,) asking the LORD - his Spirit of truth;
That there is indeed so less-to-nothing physical (in kind or in cash/money,) that we may give the Jews as ray of hope to show them "our Christian compassion/love" perhaps to provoke them into jealousy, in comparison maybe, with all the rest of the Gentile Christians churches all over the world:
Yet as I contemplate with God's grace "this seemingly very sad short-coming" my very small ministry has performed towards the Jews, the Wonderful and Faithful God of Israel (the Almighty Prince of Peace) gently whispers to my spirit, "It is well with your soul, and with your souls..." Amen; HalleluYAH! ❤
HalleluYAH! Why the the Spirit assured my spirit (my soul,) that "It is well..." , o all ye beloved reading this in edification and love? (for this might be same with every Gentile brethren too...,)
Therefore lo, and behold:
For there is nothing I may boast about before Judaism (the Jews,) but only my JESUS, my Christ (my dear Messiah) who bought and saved me (my soul) from death! Amen. HalleluYAH!
Yeah, there is nothing I may boast before the chosen Jews (the Israelites of Abraham and of Isaac..,) but the hope of the glorious promise for the purchased possession of God the Saviour, which is none other than two incomparably great things (incomparable with all the riches of this world,) an everlasting life to come with my Maker (the Creator God of Israel,) and God's kingdom (the Lamb's wife,) even the new Jerusalem! Amen; HalleluYAH! ❤
Doubtless, I am convinced that in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, my God and Saviour, my rewards are to come yet, of this holy ministry of mine, HalleluYAH! Yet all my treasures are still in heaven to come - they are all with my LORD and my God in heaven still but ready! HalleluYAH! Amen.
Behold: In the Lord Jesus, on a fine day "in new Jerusalem" after work of witnessing, my Prince and everlasting Father shall walk me (and every other child every time...,) with him on streets of gold all the way to "a beautiful mansion" (one of so, so many, accordingly,) with doors and windows having the Lord's new name (a new name given/revealed to Philadelphia - but for all beloved,) and my name beside his! HalleluYAH! Where a glory may fit all angels, accordingly, with the Holy, Amen. This great mystery too is revealed, HalleluYAH! Amen.
These, and more in store in the kingdom of heaven, the new Jerusalem, for all of Adam, all of Eve's seed, if I may say as, are all 'only" spiritual for now: But they indeed are which I have (my heavenly true treasures to come,) that I could tell the beloved Jews, hoping in agape-love (charity) that the Spirit of God may use to provoke them into jealousy, Amen.
HalleluYAH! ❤
Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.
Luke 7.22
Beloved, the great "Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven" - the salvation of the soul, the fulfilment of God's eternal promise to spiritual Israel (the promise of the kingdom, and of the reign of Christ the KING without an end, etc.,) forever, and ever, intimacy with the sweet LORD of love, power, and glory himself - Him weeping your tears away too, etc., is what a poor Christian (but rich in faith) "only humbly has." Amen. For many poor Christians (Gentile Christians,) God the LORD Saviour [JESUS/ YAHSHUA] is but their "only portion." Amen. And they are eternally glad and joyful, Amen. And, Amen. Selah.
HalleluYAH! ❤
* The great salvation of the Lord, together of course with all of his glorious eternal promises, hopefully, shall provoke the Jews into jealousy. Amen
HalleluYAH! ❤
Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
7Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
Romans 9.6-7
* By the way, "Islam" (or Edom) those people who claim they are from father Abraham (which may rightly be so, if they really are from Abraham's bowels,) unfortunately, these "Arabs" (or Palestinians, Jordanians etc., I presume,) ye are NOT children of GOD Almighty in heaven, the LORD [[YAHAVAH] just so for being of Abraham's flesh and or blood:
But you become legitimate children of God ONLY through YAHSHUA HA MASHAICH [LORD JESUS CHRIST]:
By God the Saviour of many in the world only ye, O "Muslims" (which are from Ishmael and or Edom or Esau,) of Abraham, may be saved;
And that (the great salvation of JESUS/ YAHSHUA,) almost the same with all the nations, the Gentiles, which have accepted God by his only begotten Son, the Lamb of God (the Almighty), it is only BY FAITH in the LORD JESUS CHRIST [YAHAVAH YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH], the love, mercy, and redemption of God for all of Adam. Amen. HalleluYAH!
Therefore, as for the Jews once more, it is only through that great salvation, and the coming glory, of the eternal promise of God the Father (the LORD of glory - YAHAVAH/ YHVH,) which the Lord Jesus Christ (YAHAVAH YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH,) the Jews (the spiritual Jews/ Israel,) may be provoked to jealousy, as in the holy scriptures, Amen.
* As for me in my life - very simple, humble poor but rich in faith, there is nothing the present Jews may get jealous of: But instead I have reaped hate from all the Jews which hate their own Messiah, through the revelations that were given my Philadelphia ministry/church: I have received perhaps curses instead of blessings from "Judaism" which the Gospel has despised in greatness too, for the presence of that "wailing wall" treated by these Jews (which do not believe YAHSHUA/ JESUS,) as "a remnant of the third temple" is PLAIN BLASPHEMY OF CHRIST - making our dear Lord, who cannot lie, a liar;
For our Lord prophesied about the the temple - its destruction down to the last stone on top of another: So how then have they, the Jews, pray to a wall of the temple which is not really of the temple? again accusing the only begotten Son of God, the Almighty Lamb, as "a liar"...
And so today, when the Spirit of YAHAVAH [YHVH] leads me to "refresh" this topic for a great witnessing purpose, how would this adopted/grafted unknown Christian expect to reap again from those supposedly the subject of jealousy onto repentance and salvation for eternal life's and kingdom of God's promise? and but to hope still for his faithful God's same promise of Adam's creation and eternal purpose, Amen; HalleluYAH!
If heaven, and the kingdom of heaven, the new Jerusalem, cannot provoke the Jews, then nothing may anymore, Amen.
Before I end this "terrible blog/script - a slander of the devil against Judaism," let me "neutralize" it again this false precepts tagged against me towards the chosen people of Israel the Jews (which are not yet in Christ Jesus the Messiah, their Almighty Messiah,) I must reiterate a simple detail, before I call this service towards heaven today for the beloved a day or a night (a day's or night's work in the Spirit), which is this following statement:
"Did the Church fulfill their calling to Israel? But with all love in Christ, I must say, and ask, rather, in this very last time (last hour,) by grace to ye, o beloved Jews, and to everyone in the world:
"Didn't the Church fulfill their calling to 'spiritual Israel'?"
* The LORD our Lord JESUS Christ, bless and keep everyone of you, One For Israel, (if not all of you); Please take good care, and see you soon! whether on earth or above the earth - "in the air," is of the same Spirit of love, Amen.
HalleluYAH! ❤
MATTHEW 25.31-46; JOHN 14.6; HEBREWS 2.3; 6.7-9 etc.
Peace/Shalom ❤😇❤
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr./John
24th to 25th of January 2021 "Everlasting Gladness & Happiness? - God Preserved His Word!" Amen. 🌈😍💪💖🌈😇
Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.
Psalms 119.160
🌈💖💪😍 HalleluYAH! 😍💪💖🌈
"The LORD God of Israel, even our dear Lord and Saviour, YAHAVAH YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH [LORD JESUS CHRIST], has preserved his word yesterday, today, and forever, Amen.
"The LORD JESUS CHRIST, shall reign forever and ever! Amen;
HalleluYAH! 💖
Yeah, he the Lord, shall reign forever, and evermore, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
John 17.17
HalleluYAH! 💖
Shavua Tov Israel! shavua tov, Amen. HalleluYAH!!
Have a blessed week all ye, o Christian brethren (Jews and Gentiles);
And keep yourselves (protect yourselves,) from lies and slander, of that evil religion of Islam (their liar leaders and liar teachers particularly,) and others which unruly hate our Almighty Prince of Peace (the Lord God of glory, our Saviour JESUS [YAH-SHUA] - the truth,) all blasphemous antichrists! Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Do not fear, nor be weary, o beloved: Instead rejoice always in the LORD our true and wise God alone, our portion in heaven! Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
Yeah, I say again (and forever..,) rejoice in the LORD always! Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Lo beloved, thy names God has written on his book of life in heaven! HalleluYAH! 💖
What, and which, then is "everlasting gladness and happiness? - God has preserved His Word! even in heaven, everlasting! Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Matthew 24.35
HalleluYAH! 💖
PSALMS 12.6-7; 119; JOHN 6.63; 14.6; ROMANS 11; 1 CORINTHIANS 13; PHILIPPIANS 1.18 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVw9Htx1… > (Thank you Dr. Jay Smith, beloved brother in the KING of Kings, LORD of lords, God of gods! Our dearest LORD JESUS bless and keep thee, thy family/thy team, and thy church, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖💪🌈😍)
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr./ John
21st of January 2021 WOP Review: Deceptive GOD, Incompetent Messiah: What Islam Teaches About God and JESUS (Part 2/4): "Islam and the Quran - The Gates of Hell!" 🧐😳😕😠😇
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
2 Corinthians 11.4
🌈💖💪 HalleluYAH! 💪💖🌈
By the grace of truth in the name of the LORD God and our dear Saviour JESUS, the Christ, Almighty Lamb of God, through a beloved brother and fellow warrior of Christ (servant and defender of faith in JESUS/YAHSHUA,) Dr. David Wood and his great YouTube video ("Deceptive GOD, Incompetent Messiah: What Islam Teaches About God and JESUS:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2tYAgboOrI&t=207s), I present to you all here on mighty FB, perhaps the "GREATEST DECEPTION AND ATTACK" on Christendom (our true religion of Christianity,) if not, the "greatest deception in all of history," so behold, Islam's Quran great lie and slander of our LORD JESUS:
Islam by their Quran claims this absurd damned heresy, and say:
Qur'an 4:157-158 -- They [the Jews] said, "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah" -- But they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them. And those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow. For of a surety they killed him not. Nay, Allah raised him up to Himself, and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.
There it is, this is the blasphemy of these spiritual bastards of Edom! -- They deny the love and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, when truly he had offered himself as a Lamb of God, for all sins of man (of Adam,) supposedly! Thus, Islam falsely denies also the end of faith! the salvation of the soul for all man (that is for every Christian who accepted the Gospel).
By the Quran Islam denies the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus, the Christ! Thus, it (evil Islam) also denies the resurrection of Christ, the deity of Christ (the Lord,) and of course the great salvation of Christ for us, Christians! (Jew and adopted Gentile): Therefore, if there is no resurrection then we are all dead in our sins, and our faith in vain! This and more! are the hidden deceptions of great evil Islam of Allah/Satan!
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
1 Corinthians 15.19
These devil's theology Islam (of their Quran etc.), a thing of hell-evil, imperatively, not only condemns all Christians which are living sacrifices, yesterday (the martyrs of Christ for thousands of years,) and "all the way back to Adam the first man's time!" on which peoples/many souls the Lord Almighty himself preached when they were captured in prisons of hell (or may I say "in Purgatory" as the Roman Catholic brethren claims or claimed then,) today (every faithful believer, and so doer, of the Word of God,) but falsely condemns misery for Christian even afterlife!
The LORD rebuke you, o evil Islam of Satan/Allah! Amen; The LORD rebuke thee, o Qur'an of hell! Amen; The LORD rebuke you all, Islam, Allah, Muhammad, and thy Qur'an! gates of hell! Amen.
All men came from Adam; all men of the beast, the seed of the serpent, came from Adam the first man too by flesh, which perished in the flood of Noah; all men who got confused that day in Babel made to speak with different tongues, all of them came from the sons of Noah, and Noah from Adam; all men who perished in the cities of Sodom and of Gomorrah (that ancient garden of the LORD,) they too were from the sons of Noah; all men who believed the God of Israel through his servant Moses, were delivered from Pharaoh's slavery in Egypt then - these were the descendants of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, all the way back to Noah's son Shem; all men who perished of unbelief, and all men who believed, and were saved of their faith to God, all these came from Adam the first man, by flesh, and by faith, respectively, Amen.
Yet this following truth stands as a firm reality on us all man, of the holy scriptures: let all predestined after God's heart read and so understand (accept):
And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.
2 Thessalonians 3.2
By the Holy Ghost to everyone of you, this I tell you a truth: The LORD God [YAHAVAH Elohim] of Abraham, of ISAAC, and of Jacob is true; God is the LORD; the name of the LORD is JESUS the Christ [YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH]; and Christ the Lord is the truth, even the Almighty Judge in the end: The Lord Jesus Christ shall judge all evil and liars: So, God will judge these liars of Islam at his coming too, of their blasphemy, lies. and slander! Amen.
* By the way, if you hear every time, a Muslim tells you either,
"Jesus is in the Quran, and we love him too!"
"We know Jesus and he is also a good prophet of Allah (of Islam)!"
Whether they know not their Quran - making themselves dumb ignorant for stating such, or they have learned from their own books' blasphemies, slander, and wickedness - presumptuously declaring such "false knowledge about Jesus" (which is ABSOLUTELY NOT our JESUS Christ!,) they end up still as liars and awfully false dumb witnesses!
But as for me, I will hope in the true God of love and of my salvation, with his reward - everlasting life, comfort, feast, perpetual heavenly riches, and everlasting peace in heaven paradise, the new Jerusalem: These sayings are true and shall come to pass! in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
I bless the LORD my God at all times: I praise the Lord JESUS Christ my Saviour often and everyday without cease: My soul worships, and thank God my Lord always, who saved me from death but to himself: and called me for his glorious kingdom to come, the new Jerusalem. I will glorify my LORD God of Israel, my Father in heaven, forever, and evermore in seeing me through this present life on to everlasting, an eternity with the Holy Eternal One, Amen.
I will rejoice; Yeah I will rejoice in the name of the LORD [JESUS/ YAHSHUA] in the glory of his presence, and in the might of his power, the Rock of my salvation, the only true and wise Almighty God, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, God of gods; and there is no one like him, the LORD, the Judge of all the living and the dead. Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
And for this generation, how can I thank my Almighty GOD of Israel, Abba YAHAVAH YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH (the Father and Lord Jesus Christ,) for I (and every fellow beloved brethren, defenders of the Word, fellow keepers of the flame of truth, the Gospel of salvation and everlasting life,) am appointed, lead, and made to know , and to uncover "the gates and the deaths of hell" which is "Islam" a wicked religion/theology of great blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, and great evil denial of Christ's salvation for heaven, for new Jerusalem! Amen. HalleluYAH! 💖
My soul, o my soul, bless the LORD at all times: Yeah, O God, my dear LORD JESUS, who bought me by thy precious blood, which was shed on his cross at Calvary despising the shame and great pain of death, buried, who rose from the dead on the third day, I honour and praise thee - I will sing songs and praises to thee while I have any being, O my Maker, and my salvation! Amen.
Thou, O Lord my only Saviour, by thy precious blood, are the better perfect "scapegoat" for my soul's forgiveness, more perfect than perfect sacrifices of unblemished animals, that made propitiation for all my corrupted transgressions once and for all, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
And thy new name I keep, and shall keep in the palm of my hand forevermore, O Father and Lord in heaven, Amen.
This has been, "Allah - A deceptive god, and an incompetent Islam-Jesus" - or "What Islam FALSELY teaches about God and Jesus," or simply, "Islam and the Quran - the Gates of Hell!" 😠🌈😇
If the LORD wills, watch out for "Part 3" of this series as by God's grace I will uncover maybe the greatest sinister plan of history, which already have been written in the Word at the old and new testaments by the holy prophets of God and the mighty apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, to refresh your minds and hearts (your souls,) about things to unfold before us all, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Yet lo, here is Satan and his fools' threat on earth, in vanity and in negligence they have accused the children of God forever, until their time on earth, their evil, is fulfilled, Amen.
Don't you see, beloved? Or do you see that "evil-lying-murderous-truth of Islam" now, beloved?
And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
2 Peter 3-4
Beloved, again, I encourage you to watch this great video of Dr. David Wood: "What Islam Really Teaches about God and Jesus (David Wood):" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2tYAgboOrI&t=253s
He knows so, so much about Islam theology (false deceptive evil theology) and tells it much better than I could, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
This series, in particular, is based on his video, beside the holy scriptures the Spirit leads me every time, faithfully, for all of us, Christians (Jews and Gentiles), Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
* I even fought the devil-hackers on my laptop (on my keyboard particularly..,) rebuking them in the LORD, that I may deliver this very significant blog/message/script, to everyone here on mighty Facebook. Amen.
And there are much more, our dear true LORD God of Israel in heaven willing... Keep the true faith: eschew evil Islam (NOT all Muslims - the innocent people, are evil - but millions and millions have been deceived, and so were/are victimized too!); God bless you all, beloved, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
Images from the great video of the beloved Christian brother Dr. David Wood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2tYAgboOrI&t=253s
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19th to 20th of January 2021 "Christians Unite Now." Amen. 🧐😍💪🌈
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
1 Corinthians 13.4-5
Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.
Love isn’t selfish or quick tempered. It doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do.
1 Corinthians 13.4-5 (CEV)
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
1 Corinthians 13.4-5 (NIV)
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
1 Corinthians 13.4-5 (NASB)
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked,
1 Corinthians 13.4-5 (NKJV)
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; 5 it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;
1 Corinthians 13.4-5 (RSV)
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
1 Corinthians 13.4-5 (NLT)
* Ahavah suffers long; ahavah is kind; ahavah does not have kinah; ahavah does not brag; ahavah is not puffed up in ga’avah (conceit, pride); 5 ahavah does not behave shamelessly; ahavah does not in anochiyut insist on its own way; ahavah is not touchy and vindictive, keeping a record of wrongs
1 Corinthians 13.4-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
HalleluYAH! ❤
We Christians unite now! Amen.
"Christians Don't Destroy Their Manuscripts Like Muslims Do!" > Dr. Jay Smith
Yes! and Amen! beloved Christian brother Dr. Jay Smith:
We Christians keep every record now: WE UNITE NOW! HalleluYAH! AKJV, NKJV, NIV, NASB, RSV, NLT, ESV, CEV, name it! HalleluYAH! ❤
We, Christians, Jews and Gentiles, unite now, and we shall be One on that day of the LORD (with the LORD) whom is hasting for his Bride the Church, for his wife, the new Jerusalem, Amen; HalleluYAH! ❤
The Quran? burned or not, still remains FALSE, and shall remain forever a confused insane book of false theology filled with errors and awful inconsistencies! Amen.
Unless the Muslims, their leaders, adopt the true faith - Christianity, they would have to invent a new version of their religion (and of course their dogmas,) thus proving Muhammad's illegitimacy and falsehood, of which I personally doubt:
But the holy scriptures must be fulfilled, and it indeed shall be! and shall come to pass, regardless of any man, or any religion's ways especially vanity. Amen.
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the words of the LORD shall not until it has accomplished its purpose under the sun, even the pleasure of the Author and Creator LORD of all above in heaven, Amen."
HalleluYAH! 💖
We, Christians, are peacemakers and honest people too: We do NOT slander Islam, or any other religion:
But we preach and tell the TRUTH always, according to how the Holy Spirit of our LORD (or the power of the Holy Ghost,) inspires and leads us on everything, everywhere and every moment, HalleluYAH! Amen.
For the LORD JESUS CHRIST alone is our Head (Head of the church); And the Head of Christ is God, Amen.
HalleluYAH! ❤
We, Christians, don't destroy our manuscripts like Muslims do! HalleluYAH! 💖
Our GOD of Israel, our Father the LORD, HE alone is LOVE: Therefore we, Christians, don't destroy our holy manuscripts, unlike Muslims that destroyed theirs out of errors and shame most likely. Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
And we, Christians, unite now, in love. Amen; HalleluYAH! ❤ 😃 ❤ 😇 ❤ 😉 ❤
And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
Malachi 3.17
HalleluYAH! ❤ Hallelu-YAHAVAH! ❤ Hallelu-YAHSHUA! HalleluYAH! ❤
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
* This script in the LORD, was inspired also of Dr. Jay Smith's PfanderFilms (YouTube Video):
"Christians Don't Destroy Their Manuscripts Like Muslims Do!"
* Images made for one expression:
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr./ John
12th of January 2021 "Yes I Hear You, A True Love Story, Of Hearts As One" 💖💪🌈
Come, in the Spirit with me, I'll tell you a short story, a love story, and endless love story of hearts; Yeah hearts as one. Amen. 💖
And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:
Exodus 14.15
HalleluYAH! 💖
But before I tell the story in, "and with," the LORD our dear God and Saviour, I'm gonna "borrow" beloved JMCIM's song title - "Yes I Hear You"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBqaLSyX…
So, here we go with my following love story with the LORD entitled:
"'Yes I Hear You,' A True Love Story Of Hearts As One"
HalleluYAH! Today is the 12th of January 2021. Back last year, 2020, around the same time of January, grace lead me across a YouTube video of beloved pastor Carl Gallups and Messianic rabbi Zev Porat about the third Temple. The beloved pastors related their experience when they went to Jerusalem/Israel to find out "what's going on" regrading the building of the third temple - for this marks too the coming of the King of Israel, the Messiah, as prophesied by the prophet Daniel (other holy prophets like Jeremiah, apostle Paul, etc.,) and no less than the Lord himself bodily, on earth.
Brothers Carl and Zev reiterated that the Jews, particularly in Jerusalem, were not really having interest/s rebuilding a third temple, since it might surely ignite war with the Muslims their "Dome of the Rock" has been erected there ever since; They even added that "if you place a sack of cement" at the Temple Mount" and Muslims sees it, then trouble might come immediately! Despite of these, the Jews though (as the two related,) were ready to accept donations for the hope of rebuilding; But as for the assurance of constructing remain quite uncertain, again, since also it might take "greater contributions to convince some Jewish authorities," yet only for the hope of considering, but not confirming... Rabbi Zev Porat even added a detail of a Chinese Christian lady/sister who gave much (if not all,) of her possessions to "unwilling" Jewish authorities ("Temple Mount Institute," or so,) just to "expedite" the second coming of our Saviour...
The conclusion of that great video of the seasoned brethren was that "the rebuilding of the third temple" is far from reality: Thus, since the written Word (the Holy Bible) records the words of God saying that "all things must come to pass first before the end," the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is far-fetched - "Coming home to the new Jerusalem" being raptured and all from this earth is still very unlikely, judging from conflicting situations in Jerusalem...
A thought arised in me after hearing these "bad news" (and "very bad news" for living sacrifices or martyrs of Christ suffering all things for God and for his kingdom of heaven's sake): Seemingly, the rebuilding of the third temple (that the second coming of the KING to reign and make all things new again, would speed-up,) "rests on the hands" of peoples (Muslims and Jews) which do not revere the Lord Jesus Christ as the true Messiah and Son of God (equal with God); plus the known fact now of their "unwillingness" to rebuild a third temple "for the sake of peace" amongst themselves... This broke my heart, beloved...
For the next days, and long nights, I was crying to the heavens - I was crying to my Lord and my God, of the uncertainty of his second coming - for a "third Jewish temple is required"; perhaps the Chinese sister who gave so much (and many others,) got her pure hear broken too... Tears were flowing from my eyes (which my wife Sheila saw too - that agony of a broken Christian heart whose hope seemed to have faded away into a wind of uncertainty, so she kept praying fervently to the everlasting Father in heaven,) while I kept thinking of an "impossible third temple" blocking the way of my dear Lord's appearing, since God will never break (or abolish) his words, until all things are fulfilled, the next couple of days;
The next day of wandering, unaware the faithful Spirit had lead me to another video, I came across a footage showing this old city of Jerusalem - a drone capturing the great city with the Temple Mount at the middle (and the Dome of course on it,) deep sadness again refreshed in my soul, so I ask the Comforter in spirit:
"O Abba, O Lord Jesus, YAHSHUA, my Lord, how helpless, and hopeless, am I (are we) in seeing YOU soon... oh no! not in the shortest time on earth.... but if I may say and ask Thee, O my LORD, my Master, whom I serve with all my heart and soul, "Lo, see Jerusalem now (while watching the video..,) my Lord - 'there is no third temple'... it's still but impossible that I (and everyone of us, thy spiritual Israel, even thy Christians,) may finally see YOU my Maker and my Redeemer... 'There is nothing here...' (staring at the great city without...); 'There is no hope here yet' (no hope of rebuilding..,); 'There is no sign of light...'; "There seemed to be no willingness, nor the excitement of thy coming here in this place on this great old city"... "O my LORD behold my hopelessness, helpless and uncertain to forever"... (and tears kept flowing...as ever, but more than ever I simply wanted to "disappear" or "to die" into nothing...)"
Then, in spirit, I heard a gentle voice, whispered clearly, and asked:
"Stop crying my child... look again and see...look again... and so see if there is none..."
And so I overlooked very intently at the city once more..."if there is nothing" - if there is no third temple (no third temple rebuilt, and no way to be rebuild...): But lo, behold, "the sweet faithful wise LORD with gentle still small voice, had opened my eyes!" so I saw the answer - I saw it that it was not empty at all, HalleluYAH! "A temple building indeed has been standing forever" right on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem! - Islam's Dome of the Rock. Amen.
My eyes, my face, my whole self, felt brightness of virtue! - "A temple was there all along!" HalleluYAH! 💖
I showed my Christian sister Sheila (my wife) pointing at the screen of my laptop (I paused the video pointing at Jerusalem to the Dome...,) with great joy in my eyes/on my face telling her, "That's the temple!... there is a "worship-building" indeed at the Temple Mount! (and she/we praised God the more...): This Islam Dome of the Rock is that building indeed, "as a form of a temple" Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
The LORD, his name is Wonderful; the Wonderful God also is called the Faithful and True: The God of Israel, even the Almighty Saviour, the LORD of hosts, is faithful to his servants: God indeed tells his secrets to his humble servants, which are always at the doors of heaven hoping, praying, desiring to see their Master, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
The LORD has answered and comforted my broken heart and my soul's anguish and helplessness, once more, Amen; HalleluYAH!
The holy scriptures are perfect! Exactly what, and how, our dear Almighty King and Saviour JESUS [YAHSHUA] described it: "It is right there standing where it ought not! and at same time it is indeed abominable, whose god worshipped in it, is not God at all, no - it is not the LORD God of Israel worshipped currently on that Islam Dome of the Rock, Amen. Thus the holy scriptures are accurate - "right to the tee!" Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
Afterwards, inspired and all glad glorious spiritually, God's Counseller lead to many more scriptures - and eventually the computation of the days given by Michael to Daniel from the time the abomination of desolation is set up yours truly have met of the Spirit's faithful knowledge and wisdom, HalleluYAH! 💖
And so, from last year January onwards God Spirit has lead me to tell the whole everything and about, according to the holy scriptures, with patience, gladness, and that renewed sure hope of everlasting glory/life that is at shortly hand so much nearer than when we first believed, Amen.
How sweeter is the LORD beloved? From the calculated time left based on real facts of everything established in history, lo, behold, our sweet God of Israel, even the merciful Saviour, had shortened the days to his coming! Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
The LORD has shortened the days to his appearing, therefore, we not only now the time from Daniel's, but God's heart/love pleases that HE sees us sooner than expected! Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
"Stop crying; My glory and my kingdom I have not given to anyone else: For I not only have not forsaken you all, my children, my Israel, but I AM much closer now to you all; So keep watch, alway, Amen." And, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
-----— (End of story) —-----
"Lahat ay hayag sa Aking paningin, at Aking narinig ang bawat dalangin."
HalleluYAH! 💖
There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
Ephesians 4.4
HalleluYAH! 💖
EXODUS 14.14-16; ISAIAH 46.9-11; DANIEL 12.10-12; MATTHEW 24.15-22; MARK 13.14-20; EPHESIANS 4.4-7; 1 THESSALONIANS 4.16-18; REVELATION 11.14-17 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
Images: https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/mount…
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr./ John
10th of January 2021 "The Falling Away" 🧐😔😕🌈😇
Braise yourselves beloved...
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1 Timothy 4.1
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2 Thessalonians 2.3
HalleluYAH! 💖
Beloved, keep the truth; The plain and simple but very truth of the Word of God keep in yourselves: Thus, eschew and or remove evil or the wicked amongst you, if possible, o beloved churches.
But DO ALL THINGS GENTLE AND WITH AGAPE-LOVE OR CHARITY, for it is written/commanded to us all, saints, Amen.
Let all your things be done with charity.
1 Corinthians 16.14
Edify yourselves with all integrity in and of the Holy Ghost (the Holy Spirit) who bought everyone of you through his Christ, for the very end days (which is "now!" or these "final days") ye know, are delusive, evil, and carnal/wanting, Amen.
What does the truth of the scriptures say about the "backsliding from the faith?" The written Word of God is quite clear:
"1 TIMOTHY 4.1" expresses it as "DEPARTING FROM THE FAITH;"
"2 THESSALONIANS 2.3" expresses it as "A FALLING AWAY:"
So beloved, BE NOT DECEIVED! Amen.
Again, braise yourselves beloved in the enduring power of the Holy Ghost in you, Amen;
For the anointing you received in the beginning remains in you, if it had been of God, Amen;
So, let the joy of the LORD, and his salvation, be burning in your hearts always to the end, wanting nothing but heavenly things to come, which is at hand, Amen.
Lo, behold, they are right at the doors! so much nearer than when we first believed God's amazing grace, Amen:
Therefore, if we have our sweet God and Saviour living in us that believe, then we got contentment, gladness, happiness, peace, and that sure hope of eternal glory, which is about to appear, that everlasting joy whom is Christ the LORD of hosts in the air to meet beloved.
Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
1 John 2.17
HalleluYAH! 💖
DANIEL 11.34; MATTHEW 24.12-14; LUKE 22.36-38; 2 THESSALONIANS 2; HEBREWS 10.39; 1 PETER 1.8-9 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
Image borrowed from beloved sister Jane: https://www.facebook.com/janengozi.okonkwo/posts/1969520066526963
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr. /John
11th of January 2021 "Philadelphia Church/Ministry of Christ/God" 💖💪🔥🌈 😇🇵🇭
But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing alone, and not in another.
Galatians 6.4
🌈💖💪😍 HalleluYAH! 🤩💪💖🌈
Beloved, here in our very humble hired-house or apartment is our Philadelphia Christian church/ministry, Amen;
HalleluYAH! 💖
Weekly, the Almighty of Israel willing, we break bread here and take wine (or Grape juice) - we do the holy communion with God the Father, our dear Maker and Saviour, the LORD, our Lord JESUS Christ [YAHAVAH YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH]. Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
And so we live content and glad everyday, by and by, fresh and bright! in memory of the Almighty Faithful and Wonderful, of his enduring love that lives in us, Amen.
Of the will and purpose of God in heaven above, this one of a kind little ministry has been for almost 14 years now. We have been sent to different places where the Spirit of the Lord pleases;
But I know the "final-stop" or end, of this worth while journey with the Master of heaven and of earth, would be incomparable with all the things we have endured for Christ Almighty and his kingdom of heaven's sake, which is heaven's glory the new Jerusalem! Amen;
HalleluYAH! 💖
Lo, behold beloved brother/sister, the day, the moment hastes for all of us, "Israel of God" (Jews and grafted Gentiles) when we shall be taken up! HalleluYAH!, so be received into that majestic golden crystal squared city the new Jerusalem, Amen;
And so we do not have to hire an apartment (or pay tax of a house), for the NEW JERUSALEM shall be our everlasting home! Amen: HalleluYAH! 💖
Indeed, as father Jacob told the pagan king, "we are but pilgrims on this earth..." Amen.
Yeah, all faithful Christians, purposed rich and poor, known and unknown, is on this spiritual journey ending in God's merciful and generous hands accordingly. Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Therefore, we continue with every love possible for all Christian brethren; and in the patience and power of the Holy Ghost we work with our hands with our ministries, our businesses, our jobs/professions, until the consummations, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
Rejoice beloved! Rejoice in the Lord always, for home and glory is at hand! HalleluYAH! 💖💪😇
New Jerusalem and everlasting life with God YAHAVAH YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH [LORD JESUS CHRIST], is at hand! Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
Praise the Lord, o ye all the earth! Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
Psalms 126.6
HalleluYAH! 💖
Once again, o all beloved, I humbly share to you all my service to our Almighty LORD God of Israel the Father, and our Lord JESUS Christ:
This has been Philadelphia Church/Ministry of Christ/God," a Wild-Olives Publishing exclusive, Amen. 💖💪🔥🌈 😇🇵🇭
HalleluYAH! 💖
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
ISAIAH 66.1-5; DANIEL 11.34-35; JOHN 14.2-3; ACTS 28.30-31; 1 CORINTHIANS 13; EPHESIANS 4.11-16; PHILIPPIANS 1.17; REVELATION 3.7-12 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr./ John
2nd of January 2021 "Tug of Holy War" - Patience, and the LORD'S Faithfulness wins It! 💖💪🌈😇
Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
1 Thessalonians 5.24
🌈💖💪 HalleluYAH! 💪💖🌈
Our patience, and the LORD'S Faithfulness wins It all, Amen.
It's only a matter of time - the days are revealed to us, children of God (Jews and grafted Gentiles,) in God's patience by HIS faithfulness we shall pass by and by, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
What is worth more of rejoicing now, beloved?
The True and Faithful KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, shall shorten more the days, even the limit given or revealed to me, and to everyone believing of heart and of soul, Amen.
This "holy tug of war" against filthy harmful and lying beasts without God, God our LORD has won already for us and for his pleasure; the Lord JESUS shall deliver the kingdom, even the temple of God, on that day, which is shortened and at hand (known), Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Beloved, as we live this 2021 by and by, with or without lockdown, live at peace with all men, as much as it possible with you, while protecting yourselves in meekness, in prayers, and in the power entrusted to the saints which begun in Jerusalem, on to us today, the last days. Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
Romans 12.9
HalleluYAH! 💖
By the way, beloved, always remember "charity" (that Agape-love) for all Christians - the seven candlesticks, and not only for thy own congregation, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Lo, behold, it is incomparably better to allow your brother to defraud thee, than you, of ignorance and or of presumptuous lusts (God's mercy forbid you,) to defraud thy brother/sister in Christ, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
For so many holy righteous men of God which have rested suffered the same in charity (in love of brethren,) from the smallest to the greatest, which included the apostle Paul then, none the less, Amen; This was the reason he got purposed, so separated too, for the gospel's sake, saith the Spirit to my spirit, Amen;
He, the apostle to the Gentiles, raised up everyone everywhere for Christ, his Master, and for the kingdom of heaven's sake, until there was no one to raise up anymore - for his departure was appointed/required above, so he was executed/martyred in Rome, Amen.
I am nobody, I am an unknown servant - and I am no apostle but the least from you all, o beloved greater brethren: but I serve the LORD with all my heart, soul, and strength, that I am given these amazing faithful things from above, of the Spirit, Amen.
And like my apostle Paul (I am an adopted/grafted Gentile Christian only,) I am also separated from all the churches: But my ministry is "Philadelphia" - I defend and protect the faith and the gospel, the name and word of God specifically, Amen: This is also why I got Christ in me - the sure victory of this one-sided "tug of holy war," Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
This same spiritual victory of the soul should be same with everyone of you in all of us, seven golden candlesticks, I assume in love (in God): Therefore, we rejoice day by day, week by week, month by month, until all things written are fulfilled/accomplished, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Revelation 3.13
HalleluYAH! 💖
Rejoice beloved, again I say rejoice for the LORD has triumphed over of all the earth and of all the heavens, and we are his children, his spiritual Israel for the new Jerusalem, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
"Tug of Holy War" - Patience, and the LORD'S Faithfulness wins It! 💖💪🌈😇
Shabbat Shalom brothers, sisters, and good friends, Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
LUKE 9.50; JOHN 21.23; ROMANS 8.34-39; PHILIPPIANS 1.6; 2 TIMOTHY 1.7-12 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
A year ago on FB
1st of January 2019 "Tug of Holy War" 2/2
God, LORD JESUS, is victor, always! Amen.
He [JESUS] is Prince of Peace, the Almighty, and the Judge of all the living and the dead. Amen.
HalleluYAH; Amen.
ST.JOHN 11.25; THE ACTS 10.42 etc.
Peace/ Shalom/ Salam/ Frieden/ Yokoso/ Pyeonghwa/ Heping/ Piax/ Paz/ Kapayapaan 💖🌈💪💖🌈
Images from the ff: https://actionagogo.com/2014/10/22/why-d…
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22nd of December 2020 Christmas Everyday Presents: "The Water of Everlasting Life!" Amen. 💖💪🌈😇
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
John 4.14
🌈💖💪 HalleluYAH! 💪💖🌈
Beloved, the truth is crystal clear! brighter the sun! the LORD, even our dear Saviour, the Lord JESUS Christ, is the Giver of life, everlasting life! Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
The truth can not be mistaken for any lie, the God of Israel, the LORD [YAHAVAH YAHSHUA HA MASHAICH] the great I AM, he commanded Moses to strike the rock for Israel to drink pure water:
But now the LORD [JESUS] has given every one who believes in HIM (Jew or Gentile) of HIS Spirit that water of living waters, that they may never thirst again, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
Our LORD, better than Jacob's well, is a well of water springing up into everlasting life, Amen! and we shall never thirst again of his Spirit! Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
…The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
John 6.63b
HalleluYAH! 💖
Now, beloved, isn't that "Christmas everyday" (Christ in you everyday)?
LORD JESUS CHRIST [YAHAVAH YAHSHUA HA MASHIACH], God and Almighty Saviour of Israel and of so many in the world, the Redeemer, LORD of hosts, is "Christmas life everyday," forever, and evermore, into everlasting!, beloved, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
HalleluYAH! 💖
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
NUMBERS 20.8; JOHN 7.37 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
GIF: https://christiangifs.net/i-am-the-water…
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr./ John
From Facebook blog
December 1, 2013
(7 years ago)
"Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus." THE ACTS 8: 35
Philip is one of the twelve apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was though a "stranger" from an authoritative Ethiopian eunuch; yet the great officer desired him to come up on his chariot for to understand the holy scripture of the prophet Esaias (Isaiah); for the Lord purposed and ordered that day towards the Ethiopian. Fact is that the "lucky-chosen" eunuch got baptized by Philip along their way with water: and while Philip was caught away by the Spirit of the Lord, that Christian went on his way rejoicing.
Question: Is ISAIAH chapter 53 verse 7 and 8 about joy? And didn't the LORD caused, of himself, in grave and death to be with the wicked and the rich? Wasn't the high officer, who was in charge of all the treasures of the queen of Ethiopia, Candace, enjoying the comforts and pleasures of this life too, before his baptism in the name and faith of the only Son of God Jesus Christ?
Beside the worldly blessings/ provisions of the Lord, there is that inner-joy in believing Jesus Christ our Saviour. Is it everlasting life then? Definitely. Yet there was much more of it, hidden behind that veil of salvation in us Christians and Israel....
Behold, the Ethiopian eunuch came to Jerusalem to worship. He might had been glad of it (if not surely,) and had his way back home to his land on his chariot. So glad, perhaps, that he was still reminiscing of the holy scriptures, for so. More or less, he had known that way of Israel's "purification," or may I say, the sacrificing of animals with their blood especially, for remission of sins (LEVITICUS 16: 1-34). "For without the blood there is no remission...." But his joy and godly peace was found in Christ the Redeemer! The great officer was seeking spiritual comfort in worship of the Lord God, more than his worldly riches (comfort). By grace, the Apostle Philip preached to him Jesus Christ crucified, as in the prophet Esaias, yet went on filled with that inexpressible joy of being saved by God's passion for every man [all man that fears God]: 2 CORINTHIANS 5: 15; HEBREWS 5: 9 etc.
The gospel of the Christ, the Messiah, brings to everyone rejoicing, that whosoever believes has his name written in heaven: ST. LUKE 10: 20 etc. The perfect atoning blood of Jesus Christ cleanses the believer of his sins, once, and for all he has to sin, presumptuously: ST. JOHN 5: 14; 8: 11 etc. Furthermore of, this once in a lifetime redemption and salvation, with "greater peace and contentment," the precious blood of Jesus Christ purges every believer's conscience: HEBREWS 9: 14; 10: 22 etc. Through holy men, Israel have known this glorious everlasting purging, in that they have been (or had been for many holy,) waiting on their King to come for everlasting salvation: ISAIAH 9: 7; ST. LUKE 1: 68 etc. and so the responsible Holy One Lord God, the Redeemer and Saviour himself, the Lord of hosts, came to his own.... Truth is that every faithful Christian who repented of their sins, realizing the everlasting atonement and forgiveness, through the blood of the Saviour Jesus Christ, believing the only begotten Son of God, and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, is an Israelite, a child of Abraham, by faith, of which is righteousness:ROMANS 11: 26, 32 etc.
Every true Christian has joy in salvation, an everlasting joy in the Holy Ghost. Every redeemed knows well in gladness of the heart (a greater contentment in the soul,) whom he/she has chosen. Every chosen has no worries in his life, either in abundance or in need: For which lives are hidden in Christ Jesus the Lord, and is always, by the Spirit, in communion of God's promises; whose benefactors are even joint-heirs with Christ, and children of the Father in heaven, together with the holy angels. Amen.
All of Israel, even the Christians, those which have that eternal peace and security, by the grace of God, behold thy joy of the Lord: PSALM 32: 2; ST. JOHN 1: 47; 2 CORINTHIANS 5: 18-19 etc.
When the Saviour knocks in the gates of your hearts, trust, embrace, and accept him; otherwise receive his discipline submitting yourselves in the truth and will of his Word. Then by his grace you shall unveil your glorious election, a colourful life in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Lord, even thy peace, a fellowship with the saints and the angels of glory. Trust in Jesus Christ the Almighty: For the Lord God of Israel is perfect joy!
A wonderful truth, without any work from us, is that, "We didn't choose him, but he had chosen us." Now that is so sweet and special! Beloved, like the eunuch of Ethiopia who went home rejoicing, (for he got chosen as a gentile at that,) let us keep this grace, love, and mercy of God, until the end, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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17th of December 2020 "More Islam mumbo-jumbo? Today's Islam menu - Camel Urine... "refreshing!" LOL!
But seriously beloved, abhor and eschew evil as this of Islam, Amen. Watch this first before you read my script in the Lord...
And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.
Numbers 20.11
❤ HalleluYAH! ❤
8:00 (On 8 minute of this video): A Muslim looked glad, fulfilled in Arabia! and might be saying proudly before all:
"Thank you my prophet! at long last now, today, I can taste ("taste literally" any moment now...,) of your 'holy' command written in your 'holy' book! Wow! CAMEL URINE... I'm almost sure it would be delicious, and refreshing indeed! at long last a real medicine!... ("Gulp, gulp.." - I think he drank/gulped in the excrement/urine twice, and then...)
Yeah, "refreshing" alright... (Watch how "refreshing" it was indeed...I think it got him sick suddenly... and not "as a medicine" for sure, it looked like...) LOL!
So, seriously now, I scrolled down on the comments, and found Muslims - one who quoted (their Quran, or so,) "where camel urine was commanded" and the other seemingly advocating for Muhammad's great messy hell stuff:
Secular Pakistan
8 months ago (edited)
Sahih Bukhari
Volume 8, Book 82, Number 794:
Narrated Anas:
Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine).
moiz chughtai
8 months ago
@Secular Pakistan this is out of context the Prophet only permitted them to have medicine made from the liquid in belly of a camel ( that is not urine). And Prophet did not encouraged that! So it is makrooh! Only permitted in extreme conditions if the alternate is not available! This is the complete story!
* So I ("authentic advocate") replied today, in PRACTICAL TRUTH, and according to the true HOLY SCRIPTURES of the HOLY BIBLE, saying:
1 second ago
@moiz chughtai Extreme conditions?! Did Moses, the servant of the only true and wise God of Israel, the LORD, gave Israel animal urine (or liquid in a belly of a camel,) to drink?! The LORD God Almighty of Israel told him to strike a rock that fresh water may come out for Israel to drink. Amen. HalleluYAH! Urine is a toxic excrement! meaning it's a waste product! So who is the real Almighty God now huh? God of Israel giving fresh water for drinking, or a false man-made god and false prophet of Islam that got so desperate (without water) and resort into drinking animal urine or whatsoever nasty fluid in an animal's belly? That's pretty easy to know, and to choose, right? Except if one is cursed and so wasted as a camel's urine. Amen. Islam of Muhammad and his false god Allah, is but a false religion indeed! It's proven well on this video how gruesome Muslims obey something taught from sore-stinking hell stuff. Amen. WAKE UP Muslims! WAKE UP! Amen. NUMBERS 20.11 etc. HalleluYAH!
(End of comment)
Let me make this clear again - why I post and so expose this gruesome ways of Muhammad which billions of Muslims have UNFORTUNATELY INHERITED for thousands of years now: But TO PROTECT, and TO WARN, all my fellow Christians about Islam, and how dirty they have been victimized by their false prophet/religion, even literally in their bodies. Amen.
Oh beloved, I encourage you all to watch this, and so let your sane selves decide for yourselves and your Christian families. Amen.
HalleluYAH! ❤
Lo, behold, once again I remind you all well the great true story of the ONLY TRUE AND WISE GOD OF ISRAEL when chosen people of Israel then had no water to drink in the desert/wilderness, of how our Almighty Lord (even YAHSHUA,) gave them fresh water to drink out of a stricken rock, Amen. HalleluYAH!
God is a Righteous God! He knows everything his creatures need ACCORDING TO HOW HE MADE AND ORDERED THEM. Amen.
HalleluYAH! ❤
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
Luke 11.11
Oh may the truth make everyone free still, if the LORD wills. Amen.
Never the less, touch me not, O ye false pride unrepentant wastes of the earth. Amen.
And otherwise, even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen.
HalleluYAH!! ❤
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
Peace/Shalom ❤ 😇 ❤
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan/John
15th of December 2020 "Pawn Sacrifice:" Bobby Fischer - An uncanny search for the truth... 🧐🌈😇
Hey beloved, "Spidy" is playing Chess! 😍😉😇
🌈💖💪 HalleluYAH! 💪💖🌈
Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?
John 18.38a
HalleluYAH! 💖
"Spiderman" Tobey Maguire plays true world chess champion Bobby Fischer (1943 - 2008) on this great true story movie "Pawn Sacrifice"...
Lo, watch this video to the end to hear how Bobby "summarized" all of chess... but rather, maybe "all of life," Amen;
HalleluYAH! 💖
Wow! Even super heroes, and grand masters had sought "the Truth"... Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
"Pawn Sacrifice, and Bobby Fischer - An uncanny search for the truth... 🧐🌈😇
Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.
John 18.38
HalleluYAH! 💖
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
JOHN 8.32; 14.6 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
Image: Pawn Sacrifice Is a Chess Psychodrama That Fails to Capture Interest (vulture.com)
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14th of December 2020 "The Covid-19 Virus and Vaccine:" True or False? Is it a scam/hoax or terribly real? Is it a true Pandemic, or a "Plandemic?" (extra part) 🧐😕😳🤭🤔😇
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Romans 12.18
🌈💖💪 HalleluYAH! 💪💖🌈
"The Covid-19 Virus and Vaccine:" True or False? Is it a scam or a hoax or terribly real? Is it a true Pandemic, or a Plandemic - A secret plan to experiment on the human race everywhere as guinea pigs, or to simply murder them indirectly for population reduction?
So many questions, for so many answers...
Well, many doctors and professionals in this video got much to say about this pandemic, or if I may say this "plandemic"...
So, whether true or not, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG OF WATCHING A VIDEO OF SINCERE ("well they look sincere and honest from my end...,") MANY DOCTORS' AND PROFESSIONALS' TESTIMONIES about this Pandemic, or again may I say, "Plandemic" in a world of the Light God created free, sinless, and very good, at the beginning. Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
Therefore, I speak and appeal for all my FELLOW CHRISTIANS, from Ephesus (Protestants,) to Pergamos (Roman Catholics,) to Smyrna (the Conservatives and Fundamentalists,) to the Laodiceans (the beloved rich "Contemporaries,") and to the rest: WATCH AND SO DECIDE FOR YOURSELVES:
"Consult your own doctors, beloved: But our MAIN PHYSICIAN above is our dear sweet LORD JESUS CHRIST in heaven, the Spirit and Wisdom itself/himself," Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
* DUE RESPECT BE TO ALL - FB, its affiliates, and the doctors/professionals in this video, Amen. 💖🌈
HalleluYAH! 💖
Praise the LORD, O ye his people, Israel of God (all Christians, Jews and adopted Gentiles). Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 1.25
GENESIS 4.7; ECCLESIASTES 12.12-14; LUKE 8.17; JOHN 8.32; 2 TIMOTHY 1.7 etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
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by: Cesar Dela Cruz Karaniwan Jr./John
10th of December 2020 "The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven - Justice of all Good" 🧐😍💪🌈😇
And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Revelation 19.9
🌈💖💪 HalleluYAH! 💪💖🌈
Beloved, we are on the good side of things - the easier side, HalleluYAH! We are reading the bright side of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven: We are not on the "judgment side" but on the those justified by the blood of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, the Almighty, Amen;
HalleluYAH! 💖
Rejoice, o ye saints of the Most High! rejoice for your names are written in heaven, written in the book of life of the Lamb! Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
But what about those who never heard of God, or never heard of the name of the LORD [JESUS CHRIST] the love and mercy of the Creator? how about those which were born "before Christ" (B.C.) are they all doomed? Oh God forbid that beloved - it is not that "overruled," but God our LORD is a Just God, Amen; HalleluYAH!
So, let us then hear a truth:
For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
Romans 2.14
And here another holy, beloved (HalleluYAH!):
Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
1 Peter 3.20
HalleluYAH! 💖
The LORD, the only true and wise, indeed is a just God; and he does not tempt anyone, Amen; HalleluYAH! 💖
Behold, I tell you a truth of the Word of God, which is also written, yet now is rarely discussed or mentioned:
"A good man has a good heart: a good heart always has clean/good conscience, Amen;
Every good man born of woman, before the law of Moses, his body faced death, his soul God justifies;
Every good man born of woman, before Christ came to earth, his body faced death, his soul God justifies;
But every good man born of woman in the time when God came to earth by his only begotten Son in a figure of a man born of woman, and all the rest henceforth who have believed Jesus Christ the only
begotten Son of God, though they have died or remaining, GOD justifies them, the Lord shall raise them up again for himself in the last day, Amen; HalleluYAH!" 💖
How about all those which are judged and are not good men?
Beloved, "it's on the other side of this coin," - see "The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven - The Judgment of Evil," then...
This script, the "Gospel of the Kingdom of heaven," have just discussed "the justification of all good." Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
Romans 5.16
Beloved, if you are new, and you are curious to know more about my God of the Holy Bible, the LORD God of Israel, please do read clicking the link below about the "23rd of October 2020 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven - 'Kissing the Son of God'"
The Son of God is JESUS Christ, which king David prophesied about: "Kissing him and accepting him, thy Saviour." Amen.
Yet do read first, beloved guest, and let the holy truth itself in it convince you (your soul/yourself,) according or based on the holy scriptures. Amen.
As for us who believed, we rejoice forever, HalleluYAH! 😍💪🌈😇 But if you are new (and has understand the holy gospel/ good news,) there is no difference, we are all equal before our Just God of equality, of love, and of mercy, the everlasting Father/Creator and our LORD JESUS Christ the Redeemer, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (even the GOD of gods). Amen.
Once again, this is the "Gospel of the Kingdom of heaven" for "the justification of all good." Amen.
HalleluYAH! 💖
DANIEL 12.1-3; MATTHEW 24.14; ROMANS 2.11-16; 5.13-17; REVELATION etc.
Peace/Shalom 🌈💖💪😇💪💖🌈
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Continuation Link:
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