mystic-shadow · 2 years
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mystic-shadow · 2 years
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mystic-shadow · 3 years
when I was like 10 I learned that splitting an atom will make a nuclear explosion and for a long time I got really stressed out whenever I had to cut anything bc like. what if I hit an atom at just the right angle
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mystic-shadow · 3 years
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Colored version
Kakashi Is a mood
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mystic-shadow · 3 years
you ever just ugh really hard 
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mystic-shadow · 3 years
If you hide and censor your true self in order to appeal to more people, then the ones who would genuinely appreciate the real you might never notice you. So don't choose conformity over honesty. A bunch of polite but fake connections will never beat a genuine one. So wait for the real deal. Don't censor yourself to fit in cause where you're actually meant to belong, no one will want you to.
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mystic-shadow · 3 years
being on tumblr is just cozy... you know what i mean? instagram and twitter is all flashy and loud but tumblr is as cozy as my bedroom with scented candles on a cold November night
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mystic-shadow · 3 years
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tell me one time twitter has ever lied.
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mystic-shadow · 3 years
1- How he is the leader of BTS’ OT7 movement!
Whenever Taehyung smelled even a hint of solo-stanning he was fast to use the ‘We are 7 BISH’ repellant! 
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2- How he called out Sasaengs (stalker ‘fans’) to stand not only or himself bit also his members.
BTS compared to many huge celebrities do not take private jets just because it’s fancy. But because their travel infos were always sold and people would record them on a 12 hours flight or even follow them to the bathroom. 
3- How family oriented he is.
His family was not well-off and his parents had to work extra hard. So, although Taehyung’s parents were very loving and supportive, they were always busy. As a result, he was raised by his grandmother, for almost half of his life (about 14 years.) His grandmother was one of the closest people to V until she passed away. This broke him a lot but still came on stage and shared her passing away with his fans because that’s how much ARMY means to him. Once he made it, he supported his family. He has been seen playing with Yeontan in a luxirious apartment. And his dog is now being taken care of by his parents. So he probably got the house for them.
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4- How He love ARMYs and it shows. 
They say love need to be shown not just expressed to be proven sincere. And Taehyung did just that and more. On his spare time, he would play games, share behind cuts, clips … 
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For example: V playing PUBG with ARMY HERE and just recently playing as if they were in a historical drama HERE and even before quarantine HERE
But mostly it’s his kind and comforting words that save many fans’ days.
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5- How He gave a special meaning to ‘purple’ just for ARMY. 
He thinks BTS & ARMYs bond is unique so saying a simple ‘I love you’ couldn’t express his feelings so easily, so he said ‘I purple you’ which he defined as: “I purple you means I will love and trust you for a long time … I wish I could see you for a long time just like the meaning of purple,“ Taehyung continued. “We will always trust you and go up the stairs with you. You don’t need to help us all the time. You can hold our hands and follow us now. We’ll go up really high. I’ll make it nice.” And now, everyone uses it, from brands to celebrities and so on. Purple became BTS’ & ARMYs’ color. Even big landmarks turned purple for BTS.
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6- How he has a deep and magical voice. 
Being born blessed has limits, but God decided that this man shall be given no limits. He is a talented performer. It’s not easy to grab every concept and performance so easily but V has always been that guy that your eyes just keep going back to. 
7- How we just lucked out at having him part of BTS.  
If he didn’t accompany his friend to BigHit’s audition he would have been a farmer and only the skies and birds would have seen his greatness of an existence. V, who played the saxophone since he was 3 years old, auditioned for Big Hit Entertainment in late 2011 when he was 15. Originally, he went to the audition to support his friend who wanted to be a trainee at Big Hit Entertainment. But an executive at the audition who saw V encouraged him to also try out. Once V performed, he made it to the next round and became the only auditionee from Daegu, Korea, who passed that day. He later became a member of BTS.
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8- The looks of a Greek God. And the world approves. A face like that is close to a miracle. 
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9- How he is an amazing composer and lyricist. 
Taehyung learned by seeing other members writing songs. In the past, it was hard for him to even write a line. He didn’t know how and found it hard to put what is in his mind into words. But look at him planning to be the first of BTS’ vocal line to release a mixtape and having so many masterpieces under his records already.
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10- How smart he is. 
He has always been an underrated genius. But because he thinks so out of the box, many people fail to grasp how smart he is. But if you look at him from a third party view point. You will see how it’s always someone gets played while they think they played him. 
11- How he is a trend setter and a fashion legend.
On many occasions Taheyung made even the ugliest and werdest clothes look trendy. But there is this memorable time that to this day makes me giggle. Taehyung used to wear that shirt all the time. BTS were wearing luxury brands so everyone wanted to buy that shirt. When we saw it we thought it was some overpriced Gucci article. 
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But it turned out to be a $6 grandma shirt.
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12- How he think he is thinks he is bad with words BUT still manages to find the most comforting ones.
13- How he treats children with love, attention and care. He always saw kids as precious beings. 
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14- How he loves animals and own his royal highness of luck and charms, his Majesty Kim Yeontan the 8th.
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Even snakes are cute to him?
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15- How he is a living meme
Imagine being born with a face like THIS
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And still going around doing THIS
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16- How he is a walking paradox. 
He manages to be cute but sexy, sweet but fierce, reachable but unattainable, relatable but superior. Top tier duality.
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17- How he learns things fast.
BTS dances are hard and intricate and even though it’s a team with people who had a dancing background like JHope and Jimin, It’s Taehyung who learns the choreos the fastest.
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18- How he starts things as a hobby but masters them like a pro.
Taehyung fell for photography and today many professional photographers around the world acknowledge his skill. He was even BTS’ latest album ‘BE’ visual director because he has good taste in visuals and a keen eye for details.
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19- How he makes friends anywhere and everywhere. 
He used to make friends by simply going to the bathroom at music shows and award ceremonies.
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20- How he was told that his art was weird and ugly, but he never gave up.
Taehyung used to not draw well. But he enjoyed it. So, at some point he even walked around holding a sketchbook where he drew as soon as he could. He was loving this hobby, and it was hurting no one. Thus, just because many criticized his work, he knew beginning are usually weak and lacking, so he persevered and has now his own style. 
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21- How he gets hurt the most but still wants to hurt no one.
Taehyung used to get a lot of hate for things he didn’t even mean. He was an easy target coming from a small company and when BTS weren’t that well known. They wanted to crush him so bad. But for the sake of ARMYs, he smiled in front of the camera, and then he cried in TV stations’ bathrooms. People who get stubbed, betrayed and insulted usually turn even more closed up and mean, but this man choose kindness.
22- How wise he is in such a young age. 
Being in show-business is not all lights and sparkles as it seems. It’s a world that even animals in the wild would have feared. So this young man, who lived half his life in a countryside next to his grandmother has to learn the hard way and mature earlier than his pears. 
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23- How his smile is contagious. 
They say beautiful souls hold beautiful smiles. And it can’t be more true looking at Taehyung who proves this to be right. 
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24- How charitable he is
It’s no news that BTS are charitable kings. Even though they don’t publish their good deeds, sometimes associations decide to do so and that’s the only way the public can know. Taehyung also wears small business’ accessories. He saved many brands to avoid bankruptcy or receive free publicity. As anything he wears goes SOLD OUT in minutes. 
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25- How he is an amazing artist, composer and song writer. 
He even wrote a successful song all in English by using a translator just because he wanted his international fans to not feel left out. Most of his songs are available for free, and he will soon be the first in BTS’ vocal line to release his mixtape. Knowing that he just learned all of this after joining BTS and getting influenced by the other members and ARMY. 
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Today, BTS’ V A.K.A Kim Taehyung turns 25 (international age), so I thought 25 reasons to adore this precious man! This post might be long but even 100 reasons would not be enough to describe how great he is. Yes, he is human and lacks in many things but his good side, talent, personality and so on are more than enough to overshadow it all and make him as close to perfection a human can reach. I always say, It’s such a blessing Kim Taehyung was born at the end of the year. No matter how hard the past 365 days were, as an ARMY I know that at the end of it, I will be smiling by celebrating with many this man’s existence. 
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This took me an eternity to finish so I hope you enjoyed it and liked it ^^ Post by @mimibtsghost​
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mystic-shadow · 3 years
If you shake me you can actually hear all the gay little thoughts rattling in my brain
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mystic-shadow · 3 years
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Bunny hours 🐇🌼
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mystic-shadow · 4 years
Thinking abt immortality and how meticulously you’d have to keep track of all of your shit so some nosy historian didnt spot your old journal or coat or copy of a book and call an infuriating time-based finders keepers
“It’s two hundred years old” they say. “It’s essentially public property” they say. It’s a letter you sent to your friend and it’s in a museum now and you’re screaming
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mystic-shadow · 4 years
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Do I really give off an aura of pure bliss?
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mystic-shadow · 4 years
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201206 - jungkook x life goes on
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mystic-shadow · 4 years
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YOONGI IN 2013: “Hurry up and show me BTS, I’m getting dizzy”
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LITERALLY: “Top 10 Anime Betrayals”
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| Cr twt BTS_History613 & charts_k & iIlejeons & btstranslation7 & minimoniT_T & meme joonypear
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mystic-shadow · 4 years
You can’t make this up. ARMYs know how BTS are so close and while stanning BTS I saw many jealous people trying to paint it as an act and lie. And yes, of course, the bond BTS share looks like something straight out of a book or an anime. BUT today’s MAMA is clear proof that acting like you are close with somebody has LIMITS. Only ONE member was not present and BTS were SO sad about it that they kept talking about Yoongi whenever they were given a mic. This is NOT the first time a member is sick in a group and needs to halt promotions for a while. Usually, members will mention their member once or twice (I am not saying those groups are not close but BTS are like soulmates at this point) but BTS were literally winning Daesangs (Grand Prizes) but still felt a bit sad without Yoongi and ARMYs being there. Yoongi has to work hard to get better and does rehabilitation almost daily and it’s very exhausting, but he stayed in front of the TV for over 5 hours watching BTS and talking with ARMYs. This man do NOT usually even watch TV. BTS called Yoongi live for him to give a speech. And even made a whole hologram of him during their performance because they really do not wanna be apart. But as I said, ARMYs know. For example: When BTS filmed Bon Voyage and one of them was not there, they looked like fools for one another each time as they kept talking about the missing one when they didn’t see him for only 2 days. Even when they had their first real vacation since their debut after 6 years and were with their REAL families they said it only felt like home when they were together. Basically, there is a limit to acting close to someone. And we are not dumb. Yet, I guess this relationship they share might seem unreal at first. You know what happens to a lot of new ARMYs? They get shocked by how comfortable BTS are around each other. But you will tell me, It’s a culture thing? Koreans are usually like this. Well … not really. The other day I saw Koreans discussing how shocked they were about BTS being so close that Jimin is using Hoseok’s feet as a mic. In the past they even took showers together and slept in the same room. All of us know people and have friends, but how many are this close to even ONE person the same way BTS are. How many people do you have around you that you don’t mind them seeing you naked, seeing you vulnerable crying, seeing you hurt and depressed, seeing you angry and mad, seeing you in so many personal states but will still accept you because it’s you, and in return you will never feel judged in any moment while with them. Right? Not that common. But I guess this is what happens when humans decide to be human and open themselves to the right people who are ready to understand, support, love and help. For BTS, they all have different personalities. Some are even polar opposites. They fought a lot to make it where they are today. However, after each disagreement they grew closer because they discussed it between the seven of them, found solutions and not just pushed things aside. Bottom of this long text that I don’t know if anyone will read or not but wanted to write anyway: BTS are REAL and their bond is just as REAL. And if you want something like what they have, don’t just wait for people who will like you to show up, you need to do your part too, be kind and stop hiding in fear of being rejected. The right ones will see light in you even if you were standing in the darkest place. And remember, you can’t please everyone and be loved by everyone. But this earth is bigger than it seems and out there at least someone will adore you. 
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mystic-shadow · 4 years
OTHERS WHEN THEY WIN: We want to thank our stylist, makeup team, producer, agency, fans ...
RM: Oh we got this award called "Worldwide something" but you know who is also worldwide? OUR JIN HYUNG IS WORLDWIDE HANDSOME!
V: WORLDWIDE~~ *Grabs Jin and brings him closer*
V: I wanna thank the people who directed our MVs BUT I want to thank the MOST our Director JUNGKOOK who did just amazing! Fabulous! Perfect Job! For Life Goes On!
JIN: *Wins best performance award* Well our performance will really be even better if Yoongi was here with us. Did you notice how much we miss him yet?
JIMIN: Thanks for the award! SO anyway *Proceeds to phone call Yoongi live on stage* our Suga Hyung will make the speech!
JHOPE: *Teary eyes* SUGA HYUNG has to be with us for us to shine brighter
JHOPE: *In the back doing some cute celebratory dance as if no one is watching*
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