                                                                        JUST LET ME BE WHO I AM                                         it’s what you really need to understand
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Throughout their journey, Aaliyah manipulated the mist to conceal them for extra protection, “guess I was wrong fewer monsters to deal with this way,” she says intently watching the clear water below. Not being on hard land made her little uneasy for there are monsters who dwell in the sea as well, if any ever decided to surface she won't be much use.” good,” Aaliyah mutters wanting to get off the boat soon as possible. Turning to face Bella, “How long is ‘Almost there?’
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LII Event || Aaliyah & Bella
> @mystical-wiccian​ !!
“We should be… almost there,” Bella said confidently, willing the boat to move fast and gracefully through the waves as they made quickly for their destination. “I told you water travel would be a lot safer and faster.” She smiled over at the other.
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Aaliyah grimace at his words,“That’s a cruel thing to say,” she responded tighten her hold on her digger. Her shoulders slump even lower, dejected,”I like to hope he is.” The girl didn’t personally know the person who was taken but his one of them. his friends and family were most differently worried sick.“we shouldn’t underestimate our own.”
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Once again danger lurks near their camp borders the night once again their enemy.It was a matter of time such a situation like this would occur. One of the downsides of being a demigod something or someone was always trying to kill you. Aaliyah signs frowning,“Why was I chosen for patrol it’s not like I can do much?” She grumbles trying to hide the tinge of fear. She lays one hand on the hilt of her treasured twin dagger which sooth her a bit. Unfortunately, her mind kept replaying the grim scene; katanas covered in the blood of their own. the worst part not knowing if he is even still alive,“Do you think he’s even alive?” she whispers.Eyeing her partner, knowing very well they wouldn’t have a straight answer.
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Myers-Briggs Personality Type: INTP
Four Temperaments: Phlegmatic
The Enneagram Type: Investigator
Moral Alignment: Neutral/Lawful Good
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie
Faction: Erudite  
District: District 3
GoT House: House Reed
Spirit Animal (why?): 
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Aaliyah’s lips tug slightly at the hunter’s words although there was a sad gleam in her eyes,“Yeah, the only thing we can do now is hope for the best and have faith,” her words sound and felt hollow to her truly what were the chance of him surviving even with his skills? low. Aaliyah shook her head, no she wouldn’t think like that.
There was a path that split in two directions,“which one should we check first?
Once again danger lurks near their camp borders the night once again their enemy.It was a matter of time such a situation like this would occur. One of the downsides of being a demigod something or someone was always trying to kill you. Aaliyah signs frowning,“Why was I chosen for patrol it’s not like I can do much?” She grumbles trying to hide the tinge of fear. She lays one hand on the hilt of her treasured twin dagger which sooth her a bit. Unfortunately, her mind kept replaying the grim scene; katanas covered in the blood of their own. the worst part not knowing if he is even still alive,“Do you think he’s even alive?” she whispers.Eyeing her partner, knowing very well they wouldn’t have a straight answer.
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Concern entered the Hunter’s heart as she listened, wishing she was a daughter of Eirene instead of Thanatos, if only for the purpose of instilling a sense of calm in her companion. Allison took a deep breath before placing a small smile on her face, hoping it gave the impression she had confidence things would turn out just. “He has to be. One can only imagine the prayers the Fates are receiving, as well as Hades and my own father, Thanatos. We just need to have faith in his skills and hope that our godly parents can hear us,” she answered.
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Aaliyah agrees with her,”we have to keep the rest safe.-she pauses-but I’m really concerned something to come this close, our defenses must be weak. There might be a few weak spots they could slip through, ”Aaliyah reckoned deeply wishing that was not the case. Deciding there when their patrol run was done and they turn in for the night she’ll look into it in the morning.“hey, when do we switch out?”
Once again danger lurks near their camp borders the night once again their enemy.It was a matter of time such a situation like this would occur. One of the downsides of being a demigod something or someone was always trying to kill you. Aaliyah signs frowning,“Why was I chosen for patrol it’s not like I can do much?” She grumbles trying to hide the tinge of fear. She lays one hand on the hilt of her treasured twin dagger which sooth her a bit. Unfortunately, her mind kept replaying the grim scene; katanas covered in the blood of their own. the worst part not knowing if he is even still alive,“Do you think he’s even alive?” she whispers.Eyeing her partner, knowing very well they wouldn’t have a straight answer.
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Once again danger lurks near their camp borders the night once again their enemy.It was a matter of time such a situation like this would occur. One of the downsides of being a demigod something or someone was always trying to kill you. Aaliyah signs frowning,“Why was I chosen for patrol it’s not like I can do much?” She grumbles trying to hide the tinge of fear. She lays one hand on the hilt of her treasured twin dagger which sooth her a bit. Unfortunately, her mind kept replaying the grim scene; katanas covered in the blood of their own. the worst part not knowing if he is even still alive,“Do you think he’s even alive?” she whispers.Eyeing her partner, knowing very well they wouldn’t have a straight answer.
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“Thanks, I sure did and the fangs are real,” she says then she points at them, “magic sure does have its perks.” Aaliyah looks at the entrance of the maze with determination chuckling,“Yep, cause this maze hasn’t seen what I can do.So let’s go!“ The girl runs ahead first into the unknown.
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She made it this far might as go all the way and truth be told she was curious on how the maze turned out. Now she had a legitimate excuse. Coming towards him, moving gracefully in her Akasha costume from The Queen of The Damned. She flashes her fangs,“I like to company you mortal!
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Zachary chuckled and shook his head “Your costume is really cool. Did you make it all yourself?” He asked with a happy tone and began to walk toward the maze “If you’re immortal, this should be pretty easy,”
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She made it this far might as go all the way and truth be told she was curious on how the maze turned out. Now she had a legitimate excuse. Coming towards him, moving gracefully in her Akasha costume from The Queen of The Damned. She flashes her fangs,“I like to company you mortal!
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Zachary was dressed as Rocky from Rocky Horror Picture Show–which meant a blonde wig and a tight pair of golden shorts “Who’s gonna go in the maze with me?!”
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Normani Kordei as Queen Akasha from Queen of the Damned
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Aaliyah Kane as Akasha from Queen of the Damned
for half-blood Halloween
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Fun Fact: When I was younger I lied about my birthday because some people made fun of me. Born on Halloween mix in with my ‘unconventional’ family and the fact being the daughter of Hecate. Imagine being a kid of Eros your birthday on valentines day it gets annoying real quick. of course, my family played along. My father said ‘now you have two birthdays. For two years I fooled everyone at camp until someone discovered my Halloween presents.
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Little fun fact: “ I’m not a big fan of swords, they never really feel right to me that’s half the reason I don’t like training the other is…well I like martial arts, hand to hand or far distance combat better.But I guess beggars can’t be choosers.
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Meme REVIVAL: Send 👤 to learn a fun fact about my muse
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Reblog only once directly from the confess blog.
Link your character(s) in the reblog that you want to receive the meme.
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So use to the smell of herbs and chemicals it didn't really bother her, " that dangerous, can't rush potion making." Aaliyah snaps her fingers, the blinds rolled up the windowpanes automatically open letting fresh air in.” is that better?
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did she see him sniff, no she must be imaging it,“What it is, is an antidote for non-threatening poisons.”
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“Well, be quick about it then. And open the windows.”
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Hello, guys, name’s Tiyannah here’s little bit of info about Aaliyah
long ago Aaliyah father placed a protection spell so her scent would be hidden from monsters. but as she gotten older her powers worn the spell out thus was forced to flee her home for her own protection. Her brother and a st company the young demigod across the country. She has been in camp half-blood since 2010 she was claimed on arrival.
like her godly parent, Aaliyah likes her solitude practicing and studying Magic. she knows through half-blood a highly advanced potion maker she uses this talent stock the infirmary or helps campers who need it she even a made little business out of it. Depending on the difficulty of potion higher the cost. she accepts drachmas money and mortal money(US currency).
since her arrival, she’s been on four quests- she’s a decent enough fighter but her real strengths lies in defense magic making Aaliyah a great asset in a team quest. 
Don’t mistake her kindness for weakness there’s a ruthless side to her that only comes if someone severely pisses her or harm the people she cares about she’ll make you regret it.she may not seem like the type of person but Aaliyah can hold a grudge. forgive but never forget.
She’s a perfectionist and obsessive once she focuses on a challenge she goes through it till the end.
Her least favorite activity is training. Her favorite is archery surprisingly she has a natural knack for it.
Since being in camp for so long she made a catalog of all the demigods she met, their names godly parents, birthdays the general stuff. She has another one for business purpose of her clientele.
After successfully finishing her first quest Hecate gave her a gift; Twin rune daggers.one her most cherished possession. they're spelled to return to her whenever she loses them.
when stressing out or put in a corner Aaliyah can become bossy, rude and snarky. 
When younger she was a little prankster making people stuff disappear.
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Full Name; Aaliyah Zohara Kane
Nickname/What they go by: liyah, birdy
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Education (do they go to school? where?): - Part-time college student
Career ambition: - still undecided 
Hobbies: Brewing potions, Archery, collecting spells and artifacts, dancing
What does ambrosia taste like for them? - chocolate  butter cookies
What is their fatal flaw? - Curiosity and perfectionism 
Parents: Nashoba Kane and Hecate
Did their mortal parent know about the Gods? Yes
Siblings: older Half-brother (from her father previous relationship). the Hecate children
Pets: A long-eared white Fox
Other Family:  Uncle and Aunt and two cousins
Ancestry/Heritage: African-native American
Romantic orientation: biromantic
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Significant other: - none (as of yet)
If none above, do they have a crush? nah
Are they a virgin? umm how intrusive but yah
How did they arrive at camp the first time? It was a long dangerous travel to reach camp half blood from California. her brother and a stair half through they were attacked they survived
Have they been on any quests? Yes
Weapon of choice? Rune chanted twin daggers
Strongest ability or power? Potion Brewing  
Favorite activity at camp? Archery
Favorite place in camp? The Green
Relationship with their Godly parent? Aaliyah counts herself lucky most demi-gods never meet their godly or only a few times. they have a respectful relationship between each other to the point were Aaliyah feels comfortable enough to ask her mother’s aid on very difficult spells.  Since losing more children in the recent titian war Hecate has been more involved with her children as of late.
Theme song: A little Wicked-Valerie Broussard
The most important people/things in their life: Friends and Family
Significant information about their past: 
Random/fun fact:  
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