mysticallty · 3 months
Hey Gene,
If ya got a favorite crystal, what's it? :>
"probably goldstone. It's glittery, and one of the variants looks like the night sky."
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mysticallty · 4 months
You as well, my friend in unwilling-chaos 😔👍
We suffer together 😔
You ever try to just be a normal person, but EVERYTHING says "no", to the point that no one even believes you're human because of all the chaos you've been unwillingly dragged into?
I just want a normal life, man-
Thats literally my everyday life, so yes. Isn't that a mood though... I do hope your life becomes more normal eventually.
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mysticallty · 4 months
Never meet your idols.
"I... I didn't even... I didn't even do anything..."
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Vizerxa, losing faith after being cursed by her Patron Gods for something that she didn't even do, and a timeline that shouldn't be possible to exist.
I'd do the full dialogue-scene post thing I normally do w/ art but I can't really draw the Ancients well tbh
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mysticallty · 4 months
Casual reminder; draconic deities (especially the Fallens) will answer literally any question you have for them, unless it's impossible to
Valid questions include; how they died , when they died , what their hobbies are, who they hate, who they're close to, why they hate someone, if you can throw a thing/person at them, why Snow Sky isn't allowed in the kitchen, why Fallen Deities all have white tips to their hair, what their favorite things are, etc...
You can also give them things if you want :3
Vizerxa is the only exception, but honestly Videns would answer for her :3
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mysticallty · 4 months
"I can confirm glowing ice blue eyes scares people quite a bit! It's actually quite fun, and a great way to make my victims squirm, hehe... My eyes technically don't naturally glow, but just a bit of light manipulation or messin' with their minds means they may as well glow! I could honestly probably help you glow-ify your eyes :}"
The eyepatch & scar are not lame >:(
Nikolai has very pretty eyes :3
Also an ice blue shade like the visible eye CAN be pretty scary sometimes actually... I have a bunch of blue-eyed characters who are scarier bc of it...
& could technically add a dramatic face shadow & find a way to make the blue eye glow or seem like it's glowing... Or be in a dark room...
Heh, you get it!!!
And I guess you're right...having glowing eyes would be awesome! I could stare at Sigma and Fedya as they sleep and spook them.
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mysticallty · 4 months
Vizerxa: *overheats easily*
Also Vizerxa: *refuses to take off her coat unless she's forced to*
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mysticallty · 4 months
I love the fact that the Fallen Pantheon is generally a terrifying group of beings. But like. At the same time they're just silly guys after Light Song got overthrown
Like, Vizerxa literally changed how the Fallen Pantheon works; before she overthrew Light Song, the Fallen Pantheon was incredibly strict & harsh, and most of the members were almost constantly just cold and withdrawn, if not murderous just to stay on LS's good side.
To be fair, if they disobeyed her, she'd literally stab them with one of the most dangerous venoms/acids in Salha...
They'll be fine, after all, what didn't take their mortal life won't kill them
Anyways after Vizerxa overthrew LS, they're all just silly goofy. Snow Sky and Path Changer play pranks. Blood Moon sulks. Star Seer actually paints what he wants instead of his prophecies. Zenaer and Vizerxa actually decorate the Palace. Videns is.... Videns.
Vizerxa not only ended the war between the two Pantheons, but she also generally made the Fallen Pantheon a better place.
Though, as Amatus says, mortals are naturally conflict driven; the fact that there even are two Pantheons will eventually lead to more conflict. And honestly that's what he's just waiting for at this point
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mysticallty · 4 months
Since I'll be online for a couple more days, this weekend & next will be a "focus week" on the Fallen Pantheon.
As in, I finally made files for some of them, and might make the rest next weekend.
This few days will focus on the Fallen Elites!
(the Fallen Elites are the most powerful Fallen Deities, including the Leader themself. since the Fallen Pantheon doesn't have as many members as the Celestial Pantheon, it has a system of Elites instead of a separate Pantheon.)
Vizerxa Mortem
Tenebris Deorum / Star Seer
Amatus Maren
Aella Maren
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mysticallty · 4 months
"I am burning this stupid dress after this."
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mysticallty · 4 months
Happy(?) Deathday to Night Shade, Salhan god of Darkness & the oddly calming being of the Pantheon. Her birthday is unknown, so instead, death day.
Night Shade is also canonically double-dead, not just a spirit, so she isn't in the blog. Still, have some facts about her, because she's still pretty important to me due to having been a character for several years.
-her 'other name' was Flos Xeqeri.
-she was the Leader of the Celestial Pantheon 2 leaders before Blaze.
-She was the Guide of the Battle, and Guided people who died in or because of War/conflict to the Afterlife, due to how naturally calming she was.
-she was mute.
-out of universe, she's one of the oldest still-canon characters, having been made in 2018 or so. She's been around since Rewrite 15 or so (for context, the current Rewrite is somewhere in the 40s)
-she liked gardening, and took care of the gardens around her kingdom quite often.
-she was technically 623 years old.
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mysticallty · 4 months
Happy Birthday to Verum Deorum, the Salhan god of Truth and Peace, and the ex-crown heir of the Regnum Deos Kingdom!
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mysticallty · 4 months
The fact that Light Song was the leader of the Fallen Pantheon before Vizerxa is halarious when I think about it because. She's the second shortest member of the entire Fallen Pantheon.
The other members TOWER over her.
The conflicts between her and Vizerxa are silly because Vizerxa is a full foot taller than her...
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mysticallty · 4 months
"You really will never stop pushing yourself too far, will you?"
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mysticallty · 4 months
"Always remember; Immortality is never a gift. It is always a curse, and one of the worst fates anyone could have."
-Clara Ventus and Zenza Vezexe, on two different occasions
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mysticallty · 4 months
Sometimes I forget the that for some reason, heterochromia is more common in my characters than brown eyes
I've lost track of the amount of OCs that have some form of heterochromia
I have.... 4? 6 at most? Characters with brown eyes
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mysticallty · 5 months
Random fun fact! All draconic deities are spirits. Asking how or when they died is technically a normal & acceptable question, but some w/ more gruesome deaths won't answer.
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mysticallty · 5 months
Clara: What flowers' scent is your favorite, Mumther? (Totally not gonna paint them)
"hm, good question... Probably Chrysanthemums, I think. They smell nice."
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