Figure Skater HC’s
Hi!! How do you think the RFA members would react if mc that figure skated as their sport?
Aww, this was actually really cute and fun to write :3 Enjoy, Anon~! ~Admin Lily
Well, when MC told Jaehee of her passion, she immediately became interested
She wasn't surprised though
MC had a graceful step to her walk, so she could picture her participating in a sport like that
However, she was impressed when MC explained that she'd been skating ever since she was seven or eight years old
And what was even more impressive to her was that MC had won more than twenty competitions when she was younger
MC would smile longingly as she thought back, “I dreamed of becoming the best figure skater in the world, but that didn't happen. I haven't been on ice in a while.”
Jaehee would cheer her up: “Everyone has a chance! Including you! You shouldn't give up.” such a princess I love her
MC gave her such a bright smile
Jaehee instantly lit up when she decided to ask MC to go skating
“I’d be able to see what you're capable of!”
“Or, we could just have fun together,” MC giggled
Yeah, that's sweet and all, but Jaehee was really interested to see her talent
MC seemed almost nervous when she grabbed her skates
Jaehee’s so clumsy on the ice it's adorable
MC laughs and holds her hand the whole time
Finally, Jaehee takes a break and tells MC to show her some moves
MC hesitates but with some of Jaehee’s motivation, she finally started to skate with ease, doing a twirl here and there and even jumping, doing a spin, and sticking the landing
Jaehee whistles and applauds, making MC blush and people turn their heads
Afterwards, Jaehee nonstop tells her to start competing again
“You’re so talented! Go back to doing what you love!”
It takes a while, but MC finally agrees to do one competition, just to make Jaehee happy and have the chance to relive her childhood
Jaehee sounds like a 40-year-old soccer mom oml its great
She's just so proud when MC skates, and, with Jaehee’s support and love, MC wins easily
MC’s just happy to relive her childhood with Jaehee
She plans on never forgetting the fun she had with Jaehee ever
Yoosung thinks MC’s the most amazing person ever like
Everything she does, she does with ease and it's just so elegant she's just perfect to him
He's literally grinning when MC mentions being a figure skater
“Just a sport I do on the side.”
“Awesome!!! Can we go skating some time so you could teach me?”
“Uh…” MC’s notorious nervous chuckle “okay. I'm not that good, but I'll teach you what I know.”
At the rink, Yoosung puts on his skates faster than MC does and sits eagerly
It's so cute he's just so excited I love that boy
MC tells him to take things slowly but he didn't listen
He panics, loses his balance and falls on his butt
MC just laughs and he just blushes
He loves her laugh
MC would hold out her hand and slowly guide him around the rink
Its one of those cliché movie moments where the couple are holding hands while one struggles to skate but it's still cute
He asks her what she can do
“Figure skating has the twirls and stuff, right? Do a flip or something!” “I can't do a flip, Yoosung,” MC would giggle but she would let him go and go do a little trick
She does a large figure eight before kicking off and doing a couple spins with one foot pointed at her knee and her hands up above her head like a ballerina
She sticks the landing perfectly, ending the short performance with a pretty pose
Yoosung literally loses his balance when MC gives him a playful wink and falls again critical hit!
She laughs and helps him up, noticing his sparkling eyes as he said, awestruck, “that was so awesome!”
MC just blushes and smiles, “thanks...”
“I don't think I can ever do something like that.” “You can do anything if you wanted to, Yoosung,” MC reassured with a sweet smile
For the next few hours, MC taught Yoosung to skate without falling and even taught him how to skate backwards. but only for a few seconds
He constantly reassured her that this won't be the last time they go ice skating together
Early on before MC and Zen started dating, MC had told him about her figure skating team and competitions
And, ever since then he’s been interested
He’ll ask where her competitions are held and if there are any videos or pictures
He’s always wanted to see a competition in person, but he’s never had the chance to actually go due to his work
but, once he and MC started dating, he had made a vow that he would go to every competition, no matter what and he planned on keeping it
And MC thought it was adorable how excited he was to finally see her skate for the first time
“It’s not that big a deal, Zen, calm down,” MC would laugh, flattered
“I just can’t wait to see your performance! I bet you look stunning on ice! Wait, who’s our partner?”
“It doesn’t matter, you’ll see him tomorrow. Before you get any ideas, he’s gay. Goodnight, handsome.”
Zen gets the best seat in the house, in a disguise of course to make sure the paparazzi doesn’t show up
He waits eagerly for MC and her partner, ready to cheer them on
And, his jaw couldn't help but drop when the lights shined down on MC  and her beautiful and sparkling blue outfit
To top it all off, she wore a light pink rose that Zen had given her earlier in her hair
Throughout the performance, Zen was smiling brightly, his heart leaping with every leap MC took
She looked so gorgeous and graceful
He didn’t appreciate her partner possibly glancing at places he shouldn’t have though
Stop it Zen she’ll be fine :)
After the performance he literally stands up and applauds, cheering
He began drawing attention to himself that he probably shouldn’t have
Because the night ended with a swarm of fans and cameras because
of it
However, Zen couldn’t help but give MC a kiss in front of everyone, “you were wonderful, beautiful.”
It made everyone go crazy it was great
And MC couldn’t be happier with his arm around her
Power couple
Of course, Jumin’s MC is the best of the best at pretty much anything, including skating
If she can warm up Jumin’s cold dead heart, she can do anything
I’m kidding guys I promise I’m sorry
And, it’s not like Jumin didn’t know of her talents when he had learned her name
But, when MC explained the passion she felt when she was skating, Jumin couldn’t help but wonder
He offered to sponsor her in her next championship and see a performance of hers in person
“You skate well, right?”
MC accepts his offer, overjoyed and gives him a kiss, “I won’t let yiou down, I promise! Thank you, Jumin!”
He gets the best seat money can buy and he literally yawns at everyone’s performances
Until, MC appears
Jumin can’t help but widen his eyes and blush
MC wears a red and black dress that glimmers and sparkles
It’s impossible not to stare at her she’s stunning
MC notices him in the audience and gives him a wink, making him feel the urge to loosen his tie
It’s getting kinda hot in here
It’s an ice rink, Jumin
Suddenly, MC’s song comes on, and immediately Jumin just stares in awe at her gracefulness and spontaneity
She’s just amazing
The crowd cheers loudly every time she sticks a landing, and Jumin can’t help but smile brightly at her
She seemed to enjoy every minute of it and that made him so happy
He was also happy because it was a brilliant investment idea
What did you expect?
MC blows him a kiss at the end of her performance and he awkwardly catches it
After that, Jumin goes to every competition, learning each name of each move
It’s also tradition for him to bring her a bouquet of red roses for good luck
Once he looked MC up the first time he met her, he noticed that on her profile, she mentioned skating
He thought nothing of it, but someone had asked MC what she does for fun to which she replied, “Oh, I love to skate.”
“Oh, yeah, I remember that. You’re team is pretty good, right?”
“Yeah, I think we are! Hey, Mr. Defender? Maybe you and I should go skating sometime, huh? ;3″
“I guess that would be alright...?”
“Really?” MC would ask, surprised, “Alright, it’s a date!”
Of course, Seven is nervous because 707 usually doesn’t have time for skating and dating
But, MC looks so cute with her pretty white skates on and beanie, “where are your skates? Let’s go?”
This boy has no balance at all he sits at a desk all day he wasn’t ready for this
MC laughed, but she had him put an arm over her shoulder as she said, “just try to slide and glide! Take it one step at a time! Copy me.”
He’s blushing it’s so cute but eventually he learns
MC pulls away unexpectedly, making him panic, “you let me go??!?!?”
MC chuckled evilly as she smirked, “I wanted to watch you struggle.”
“You are truly evil, Agent 60-AH!” Seven tried so hard
But, before he could break his face, MC grabbed his arm and helped him regain his balance
He looked at her as he let out a relieved sigh, “my hero~”
MC winked, and they skated for another two hours
They had so much fun, Seven enjoyed every moment of it.
“Would you like me to show you how to skate backwards next time?” MC offered, “I wouldn't mind teaching you.”
“I wouldn't mind learning! Where can I get one of those dresses you skaters wear? I want a red one. No! A mint one!”
MC let out a sigh as she teased, acting disappointed, “I’m sorry, Mr. Defender, but they don’t come in your size.”
“Oh, how disappointing!”
Lol future Christmas present from MC: a skating outfit
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Short Announcement and HC
How about the RFA reacting to a bitter MC since the RFA once remarked that they're not trustworthy and MC took it to heart? And then the RFA attempts to win them over? I need the angst and fluff.
Hey everybody! Uh, sorry for the disappearance hehe… well, Admin Mazz and I had things to deal with in school, and I hope you can all understand that it can take a while to get back on track when it comes to grades! (The only reason why we were gone) We really didn't plan on disappearing for so long… We really do mean it when we say sorry! And, I'm apologizing on Admin Mazz’s behalf, due to the fact that she felt too overwhelmed to continue writing for the blog, especially because she feels she can’t keep up with school and the blog simultaniously. She's not gone forever, though! Don't worry! She'll be there to type the NSFW stuff, since I'm only here for the fluff ^w^ But! I hope you guys won't mind me taking over the blog a little bit! It's good to be back everybody! I'm planning on posting a HC or scenario once a day! Enjoy, Anon, and sorry it took so long! :D ~Admin Lily
Jaehee really didn't mean any harm this angel is so precious and would never try to hurt someone’s feelings on purpose
But, she didn't know MC at the time, so she said something that might have been unnecessary
MC just was trying to get to know Jaehee who wouldn't want to get to know her?
“Hm, I don't think I should tell you anymore about myself too much. You aren't exactly trustworthy.”
Poor, sensitive MC untrustworthy?!
Well it's not like she can trust you either, Jaehee! Don't hate me for this angel it was requested
“Sorry for trying to be friendly.” She'd say coldly
First impressions are important people
Jaehee is so disappointed to see MC getting along with literally everyone else except her later
All because MC took her caution to heart
Jaehee tries to make amends
“Hey, MC! Been awhile since we talked, just us”
“There are reasons why” forgive her, MC she means well I promise
Jaehee would apologize for what she said, explaining how she “didn't mean to hurt MC or offend her in any way”
She's also explains that when they first met, she wanted to protect herself just in case
But, now she would like a second chance at being her friend because she sees how kind and genuine she truly is
Atta girl Jaehee how can she not love you
Well, Jaehee’s MC is easily moved by her persistence and kind words
And, after she's been apologized to, MC forgives her pretty easily
Not best friends right away, but
Friends all the same
Yoosung is very trusting, so of course Mama Baehee Jaehee warned him of the dangers of a hacker, like MC, while MC tried to explain herself and he immediately became terrified
What evil plot could this girl be forming?!?!?!?
“Wat do yoy want!1??!” He'd ask, complete with spelling errors and all
MC continued to try and explain her situation, but Yoosung didn’t believe a word
Jaehee’s thinkin “this is what I get for trying”
Whenever someone would talk to MC, Yoosung would say “careful” or “watch out”
Of course, not being trusted and having things go against Yoosung’s MC would make her feel stressed, irritated, and frankly just hurt
She didn't mean to get here, but here she was
Finally, things calmed down, but Yoosung, now paranoid, continuously called MC “untrustworthy” and told her “not to do anything bad becuz I got my eye on u”
my not-so macho man <3
MC shows her true self to everyone else, staying away from Yoosung to try and avoid conflict
He did think she was evil after all, and that hurt her a lot
Yoosung began to feel guilty when Jaehee started to tell Yoosung to tone things down
“She seems safe now. She seems nice and sweet, so go easy on her, okay?”
Maybe he overeacted
“maybe”, Yoosung?
He'd apologize for being so paranoid and ask if he could try again
MC, being understanding and sweet, she accepted his apology and agreed like how can she not forgive him he's precious
But, she'd bring it up to tease him a lot
“Watch out, Yoosung! We both know I’m not trustworthy.”
“You're still mad at me for that;;;;”
Well, of course, Zen’s a lonely little sinnamon roll
So, if he had known MC was a girl, maybe he wouldn’t have been as mean
When MC was trying to explain her situation, Zen wouldn't have anything to do with her
“He must be a stalker or a hacker! He can't be trusted! What do you really want?!? How did you get here???”
MC’s obviously an angel innocent and didn’t do anything wrong, so she immediately becomes frustrated, trying to defend herself
When Seven texts, “itsagirl” the tables turn
Nice goin there pal
“Oh… a girl?”
“Yes,” MC would send bitterly, “I am, and I'm no stalker or hacker!”
Of course, everything's just a big misunderstanding, but Zen’s MC holds grudges
Once she joins the RFA, she literally ignores Zen’s messages all together and it lasts for a while
Everyone gets to know MC better except Zen
Especially Trust-Fund kid
Trust-Fund kid gets to talk to the cute girl, but he doesn't
Like, no he won't let that happen
He finally has had enough of it: “MC, you can't ignore me forever! I'm apart of the RFA, just like you! Please, give me a chance;; I'm really sorry! I'll make it up to you, princess! I promise!;;;”
MC tries so hard to stay mad but he sends a selfie of himself pouting
Of course, he's too handsome to turn down
“Fine!” MC would say, “but, just because you're handsome, doesn't mean you can insult me willy-nilly! Don't call me princess either”
“Yes, ma’am ;)”
Okay, for being raised in a rich family, Jumin has bad manners
I’m not talking about table manners
I mean he has no filter
Like not even joking
Of course, he's literally the most suspicious out of all of them since MC really wasn't supposed to be there
Zen and Yoosung being adorable: “IT'S A GIRL??”
“Stop it, you too. Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she's not here for malicious intend. She can't be trusted.”
Um excuse me?
“But, I just saw this app in the App Store,” MC would try to defend herself, “and some guy led me to this apartment”
Jumin’s MC is literally afraid of almost nothing so she’s ready to fight if she has to
“You don't even know me, I'm trying to tell you what happened!” MC would continue to say, “maybe I’ll just go”
The others Zen and Yoosung immediately went against her leaving because they needed to get things figured out like how she got there and what to do about it
She was in Rika’s apartment after all
Things eventually get sorted out, but when Jumin offered for her to join, she literally just replied, “not if you're asking, trust-fund kid.”
MC ain't scared of nothing you don't openly insult someone like Jumin unless you aren't afraid to die
Jumin’s shocked. No one has ever talked to him like that
“Well,” MC would continue, “I was told I was ‘untrustworthy’ and ‘malicious’. Maybe, I would make you feel unsafe if I joined
Goin straight for the ego
“Well, we don't need you here. I know I'd be perfectly safe where I am because of my guards.”
“Aww, you need guard to protect you, Prince Charming? That's cute”
Jumin’s talking to V like “I don't think this is worth it”
V’s like “no, Jumin, she's joining”
“…Look, I'm willing to apologize for my harsh words, but only for V because I trust his judgement.”
“Well,” MC would tease, “seems mostly genuine. Because I like your face, and I like everyone else here, I’ll forgive you and join.”
Um, okay? She’s strange Don't lie Jumin you think she's pretty cool
And, of course, he’ll have to admit later that she's pretty amazing
Seven isn't supposed to trust anyone like
He's agent 707, Defender of Justice, after all, he has to always be on guard
He immediately becomes interested in MC, due to the fact that he had no idea how she was there in the first place
she must’ve been a really good hacker
“Hang on, I'll track the IP…Huh? Rika’s house??”
Of course, MC was already suspicious for being in the chat, but to be in Rika’s apartment…
“Careful, guys, this person could be really bad!”
“Exsqueeze me?” MC would type, scoffing, “I'm not bad! It's not like I wanted to be here tomato head! I'm just lost after this guy led me here”
Of course, Seven finds his way to your info and immediately he's blushing MC is gorgeous how could he not
Finally, things get sorted out and Seven apologizes for jumping on her so fast, “guess you weren't so bad, huh? Well, I'm 707, but you can call me Seven~! Guess we’re gonna be buddies now, right? ;D” he'd ask hopefully
Not gettin’ off the hook that easy bud
MC just responds, taking out her anger in her own unique way “hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but I don’t like your emoji... more maybe?”
He thinks it’s cute “Lololol”
“Who types ‘lololol’? That's literally “laughing out loudoutloudoutloud… that's like me saying rolling over fastoverfastoverfast…”
“;;;; I like my lololol! Everyone likes my lololol” she insulted the Lolol?! He thought this was true love?!
“But I don't like you so I don't like your lololol”
But he loves her already he has to win her over
Seriously, though, MC doesn't really care, she gets it, but she's just stubborn so she teases him for a while before finally giving in
ten puns later
“You're cute, so I'll give you a second chance”
Seven’s just like O////O huh?? Okay…
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I have a quick question! What are the Admin's favorite character in the game and which route are your favorites?
Ohhh! anon you’re asking a hard question for me! I love all the character’s routes, but Sevens takes the cake for me. I loved how in depth it went into his life, and how he changed drastically (trying to say this without any spoilers). For my favorite character out of all, it would have to be Seven yet again, but V and Zen actually come in a tied close second for me! ~Admin Mazz
Yoosung is my prince and my one-and-only, but Jaehee is my precious angel. It’s literally impossible to choose out of them both, so yeah they’re both a tie for my favorite. Thanks for asking Anon this was cool! ^w^ ~Admin Lily.
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The ask-box is now closed!
Hey guys, thank you so much for all the requests so far! We now have a ton of requests from those who have sent in, so we have to close it to get them done! Though the requests are closed, we’ll keep it open for comments to the admins! Thank you so much again guys!
~Admin Mazz and Admin Lily!
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Hello!! I'm the anon who requested the first HC and I absolutely loved it! Also I'm glad others did as well and that you're getting requests. Can't wait to keep reading more from you!
Thank you so much, anon! It’s amazing how quickly you going are coming to us, and we’re loving every moment of it! I hope we continue to bring you guys requests you enjoy. ~Admin Mazz
Aww thanks so much, anon! We really appreciate it! ^///^ It’s insane! We’ve only been here a couple days and we’re getting so much support! Thanks everyone so so much! More to come for all to enjoy! ~Admin Lily
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Kpop1237: Hello! I saw you posted your first HC (loved it btw!!) and decided to request one. RFA + V and Saeran meeting MC at a coffee shop. Either they work there, MC works there, or just meeting there in general. How would they go about asking them out?
Aww! Thanks Kpop1237! We really appreciate it! And, thank you all for all your support recently, everyone! ~Admin Mazz
AWW SO CUTE! This is was so fun to write! Thanks so so much for the love! We both really appreciate it! ^///^ Really hope everyone enjoys these HC, including you Kpop1237! Hope it isn’t too long hehehe.. ~Admin Lily 
Jaehee doesn’t get many breaks poor angel
But, when she does, she loves to go to the café
Coffee runs in her veins anyways
Work was the last thing on her mind
All she wanted was to relax while drinking a nice warm cappuccino
As she pulled out her wallet, she walked up to the counter to see MC standing behind the register
She had such a big smile on her face, “Hello! How may I help you today?”
She seems really nice
While she’s making Jaehee’s cappuccino, she begins to easily make small talk
At one point, she brought up Zen’s latest movie
Fangirl mode activated
That was all Jaehee needed
She liked this MC and wouldn't mind talking to her again
And again, and again, and again
They became pretty close, you know?
MC was just so supportive and sweet and always there for Jaehee! She really was… cute!
Jaehee began to feel the butterflies
MC was really cute aww! <3
Maybe, Jaehee should try and ask MC out?
Wait, no way! They both have too much work to do and why would she be interested.
But… maybe it’d be worth a try?
One day, as they sat together and started talking, like they normally did, it just slipped out
“MC… you know I… like you a lot, right? And-And I appreciate you being my friend.”
MC is literally thinking “booyah”
“Did you know that I happen to like you a lot too,” MC would reply with a smile
“So, would that mean you'd like to come with me, not on a day out, but… as a date?”
“I'm pretty sure I'd love to.” GUYS THE FEELS RN SO SWEET
Okay, this boy works so hard (at LOLOL of course)
Sometimes he's gotta go out and get a latté because being the top guild is rough, okay?
But the coffee place isn't that big
And its packed
Yoosung had just snagged a table
Oops, but someone else had sat down at the other side too
Guess who lol
MC and Yoosung just looked at each other in surprise
Should I stand up…?
But MC just started giggling
Hey… she's kinda cute, isn't she?
“Hi!” MC would hold out her hand, “I'm MC, and you're trying to steal my table.”
Yoosung laughed nervously at her joke and shook her hand, “uh, sorry. I'm Yoosung Kim.”
She doesn't make him move, though, she just starts a conversation
And oml is that hard for him
Cute girl + nerd equals train wreck
Very stuttery and has rosy cheeks
He tells he's a college student and she immediately bombards him with questions
She seems so fascinated
But, he's really not a good student atm
He switches the convo and starts asking about MC
And, he starts to like her even more
Their convo seems to go on forever
But, her coffee is gone
“Oh, so you're leaving, huh?” Yoosung asks in disappointment
“Other people need tables, don't they?” She would smile
“Um, hey. Is there any way I could talk to you again?”
“well, you could ask for my number,” she would hint flirtatiously, “or you could ask me if I'd like to come back for more coffee sometime.”
Yoosung blushed but he was smiling, “I'll do both. How does that sound?”
Did Yoosung just get a girl’s number?? Yoosung got a girl's number! see even losers like have a chance
Then again he’s adorbs so
Okay, so Zen has been to many coffee shops, and let's just say it usually ends up in a pretty bad situation.
It’s not that the café itself that’s bad, it's just that…
Someone finds out who he is and his fans begin to swarm the café.
So, he rarely goes into them unless he’s in dire of need of coffee or something to eat.
Well, the day he meets MC is one of those days.
Zen had gotten off of work late, and was pretty much starving for some type of food.
Near the practice hall was a little café about a five minute walk from.
It was almost midnight, so he decided to take the chance and enter the café.
There only seemed to be one guy working the station at the moment,
which was a relief.
Just wait Zen it gets better
When he gave his order, the barista called out for someone in the back.
A really cute girl comes out in an apron.
The previous barista switches place with her to make his order done
Here comes the small talk.
She introduced herself as MC, and Zen thought she was the sweetest girl he’s seen.
It’s past midnight already  and she had more energy than a normal person should have around the time.
“Oh it’s because I had like three cups of coffee! Gotta stay awake for late night people like yourself!”
Throughout the whole chat, never did once MC bring up that he was an actor.
She treated him like a normal person
He took his drink and gave a farewell to MC, promising to come back.
He’ll be back in a hour 4 u MC
After his first encounter, he came back after every practice.
MC was always there to welcome him, and each day their conversations changed.
He told him about his new role in the play, and she seemed enamored
“I didn’t know you had a new role! I knew you were an actor, but I didn’t want to seem like every other person and fan over you…”
That was one of the things that made him want to see  MC over and over again.
She treated him like a normal person.
He learned that she was just working these night time shifts for some extra cash
“How’d it go? Your practice?”
“I went alright… Say, MC? How’d you like to go to dinner with me a night instead of working here?” hides nervousness like a true actor
MC is overjoyed, “I’d love to!”
Jumin rarely goes out like this due to the fact that reporters would usually swarm him
So he usually has Jaehee get him his coffee
However, even our little angel Jaehee can get sick sometimes and Jumin has to take matters into his own hands
He began to start searching for a café that delivers
Score, he found one
Guess who delivered
MC, lookin all nice and cute in her little uniform delivered the coffee
Jumin wanted to take it and go, but MC tried to start a small convo
“Hello, sir!”
“Um, good morning.”
“Wow this place is big. Is the intern out or something?”
“Um, yes, she is.”
“Hope she feels better. Have a good day, Mr. Han.”
“How do you know my name?”
Awkwardly points to name on coffee cup
“Oh. Yes, have a good day.” notorious Jumin throat clearing
She gave him such a bright smile
And that coffee was goood
He saw on the receipt the name of the creator and it was the same as the girl who delivered
Even though Jaehee came back, he wants more of that coffee so he ordered again but specifically asked for “MC”
MC came back and gave him another bright smile that morning, ‘so you liked my coffee huh? Here you are.”
“Thank you, MC.”
“Oh! Someone who used my name!” MC said, teasingly, but it kind of went over Jumin’s head
Oh my god, this coffee is so good
Jaehee never has to get Jumin coffee again cuz good ol’ MC is his new personal coffee girl
Convos became a little more than just small talk
MC’s always asking how his week went and he’d explain business statistics and crap
But, wait, she’d understand?
She went to business school for a while which is astounding to him.
She begins to help him with his ideas and promos, and he’s so thankful
This girl is so strange, he’s never met anyone like her
He actually becomes really interested in her
So much so that he wants to see her more often, so he offers her a job there
Happily, she takes it and quits her coffee job
For a while, they work together and she makes him his favorite coffee without him asking
He really starts to like MC
So much so that Jaehee recommends that he ask her on a date
And he takes it like what that actually worked
And, guess what she said: “Took you long enough!” thats a yes btw
This boy has a lot on his mind alright
Always workin and hackin so coffee is his life
And he thinks cafes are such cute little places with cute little human beings to swarm~
And cute girls too
This one day, as he was enjoying his third coffee while bein on his nice laptop, he noticed a girl walk into the café
She was really pretty like oml the kind of pretty that makes you widen your eyes and try to look away to not seem like a creep
And Seven wasn’t any different
But, since he was so close, he could hear what the girl was saying
“How may I help you?”
“Um, hi… Hey, your name’s Mario. Isn’t that Italian? I heard Italians are so good at making coffee because they naturally like to espresso themselves~”
Omg Seven was ready to explode he spit up his coffee a little
“Har har…” Poor Mario where did he go wrong he just works there
Seven loved this girl already he had to get to know her name or something
“MC,” she giggled pretty girl giggle
Okay, okay, Seven think
He had a ton of great ideas, but they were lost… somewhere… in his brain
She had already grabbed her coffee so Seven gave up, thinking maybe it wasn’t meant to be anyways
Suddenly, Seven noticed the girl had placed her coffee down on his table
“I’m so sorry,” MC apologized, “just trying to get the keys out of my purse”
“No problem” Seven said with a smile don’t be stupid don’t be stupid
MC gave him a smile and a wave before grabbing her coffee and going to leave
This trainwreck grabbed his coffee and went to take a sip, but he realized “Seven” wasn’t written on his cup
He ran out to MC and called, “wait! Wrong coffee”
MC turned around and glanced at the name on her coffee before laughing nervously, “oops! Sorry!”
“You know…” be prepared here comes the pun “stealing someone’s coffee is called ‘mugging’, you know?”
She bursted out laughing nailed it
Seven was successfully able to ask her for her number and she happily gave it to him
Cafés are such quaint little spaces and V loves to take pictures of them even tho, ya know, he can’t really see
He usually goes to smaller cafes to limit his chances of being swarmed with fans and artists (he is famous)
One day, he got himself a nice cup of coffee while he began to observe his surroundings
Then, the magical camera was pulled out and he began to take pictures
Took pictures of the workers, the windows, the customers
At one point he pointed up to take a picture of the door, but a girl had walked in and looked at him in shock
She was beautiful prettier than that witch Rika that’s for sure
V immediately apologized, “excuse me! Just taking some pictures, don’t mind me.”
“Of me?” MC asked with a nervous giggle
“Hold that smile!” V said before finding the perfect angle and snapping a picture “very lovely.”
MC blushed, ‘aww, thank you, Mr…?”
“Call me V.” he smiled
“V… Um, alright.”
“Do you, uh… come here often?” smooth V real smooth I bet she’s never heard that one before
“Well, yeah. This is my favorite café.” she has, but she doesn’t mind it when it’s from this blue-haired cutie
“Ah… Well, I should be going. Thank you!”
“Bye, V.”
Guess which café V went to again?
He was obviously really hopeful in seeing MC again because MC is infinitely times better than Rika
Overjoyed, he sorta sees her in her cute little dress and he pulls out his camera to take a picture
Of course, at the perfect timing she looks up at the lens as he takes it it’s not creepy if it’s true love guys
She lets out a laugh and he looks embarrassed, “Sorry, I-uh…”
“I didn’t think you’d come back,” she smiles
“Well, I mean it’s a lovely little café. Perfect for pictures.”
“I see…” MC began to blush as she messed with her fingers, “Um, hey V? Would you say yes if I offered to buy you coffee?”
“I don’t see why I wouldn’t,” he’d smile, “as long as you’d help me take more pictures.”
“Sounds fair,” she smiled brightly.
I can totally see Saeran working at a small coffee shop because it’s just so calming to make all these drinks and talking to a person only a few seconds at a time
Especially since this boy can be really intimidating
I bet you he likes all the nice plants that surround the building too
The people can get annoying though
Because some actually try to start a conversation
MC is one of those people
“Hello, how are you?” she would smile
“What can I get you?” trying so hard to ignore this human being and do his job
“Um, you pick.”
Really. “Me?”
“Yeah. You,” she smiled.
She had such a big smile
“Well, alright. What’s the name?”
Of course, as she leaves she says his name, “thank you, Saeran.” Which doesn’t happen often to him
“Uh, no problem?” He hands her the coffee and she pays him
The day goes smoothly and Saeran thinks nothing of it
The next day the girl comes back, “Hello, Saeran!”
“Hi…” Not her again, “What can I get you?”
“You pick.”
Again, he picks and thinks nothing of it
But she keeps coming again and again and asks the same thing
He sees it as almost an attack or something he just doesn’t get it
“Is there something you want from me?” he’d snap
MC would be so calm “I don’t want anything from you. You just seem nice”
Her smile is just... so bright and her eyes are so sparkly
Saeran didn’t know what to do then
Nice? Nice?? Huh… She thinks he’s nice
“Okay,” he sighed, “well, I’ll get you your coffee”
This poor guy finds it so hard to say this “Have a good day”
MC just gives him her stupid bright smile with her eyes lighting up, “thank you! You too, Saeran”
After that, he starts to adjust to her
“Hey MC.” She’s such a nice girl she always asks him how his day is going
One day, he’s having a rough day and MC noticing so she buys a coffee for him too because he mentioned that it was his favorite
“Hope that makes your day better, Saeran”
Of course it does, he loves the gesture but he doesn’t show it
Finally one day he asks, “Uh, hey MC. Why do you come here so often to see me?”
“I told you I like you.”
“Alright, well, maybe we should actually hang out sometime?”
“As in a date?” happiness levels at max
Immediate blush, “no, just… a hangout.” yeah, a date don’t lie
“Of course I’d love to.”
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So i had this idea about headcannon: how would the rfa boys +v+saeran react to MC being a the most popular korean singer?
Omg thank you guys so much! It was a shocker to see how popular the last headcanon had gotten in less than the day. This one was so fun to write, hopefully it lives up to our previous one!  ~Admin Mazz
Oh my goodness. Look at all that support!! Apparently everybody loved that last HC lol hope this one is as good! Thanks so much guys this is awesome!!! :D Enjoy, anon! ~Admin Lily
He was honestly surprised when you told him. Duh
How were you able to hide the information from him?
It’s called a stage name, Zen.
After the initial shock wore off he actually came pretty excited.
Power couple has been activated
Selfies that used to be on and off with you? They’re double fold
Plus, when he heard your first time when practicing
It didn't just make his jaw drop let's just say that much
You guys end up practicing together
“I should get my director to get you to take the female roll, babe.”
“For Christ’s sake, Zen, I’m just a singer, not an actor.”
With all the pluses of both being famous, there are some minor down sides.
Paparazzi everywhere; you wanna go for a walk? Pfft. Always got that camera on you
You guys become pretty creative with your disguises when wanting to go out
Before any big concerts, this boy has bouquets of roses in your dressing room.
They take up half of my dresser Zen, I need to see.
All and all, his love for you doesn’t change, it just makes everything 10xs better.
He's not angry at all, he's just so shocked
You explain that you didn't want to say anything because you weren't allowed to blow your cover for safety reasons, but now that you're dating…
“Just because I'm famous, doesn't mean I'm not the same girl, though!”
You felt so guilty for keeping this from him and he can tell
But that guilt is immediately shoved aside
“I had no idea! Wow, this is amazing! It's not like I haven't heard you before, all of Korea has, but I just… wow!”
“You… aren't mad?”
“Why would I be mad?” Yoosung would smile “you're the best singer in Korea and the woman of my dreams! This is a combo!”
Yoosung I love you so much
He tries to go to all of your performances and of course he absolutely adores your voice
“Babe, are those my CD’s?”
He gets you flowers every time you perform and it's usually white roses
how can you not love him?
Also, another thing you love to do is while you're on TV, is to blow him kisses just to make him blush
Paparazzi loves that boy btw they think he's a doll
You're really nervous
Jumin loves you because you're not like the women he sees everyday, but… you are the kind of woman he sees everyday
You're famous
Will he love you still?
Gotta try
It doesn't come out easily, but you finally tell him
At first, there was nothing
Please say something already this is killing me
He finally lets out a sigh and just says, “I understand why you needed to hide this from me.”
“You do?”
“Of course. I'm a C.E.O., remember? I’m around people like you all the time.”
He acts like nothing has changed like what; he treats you with just as much love as he did before
Which is such a relief
He makes sure you have guards go with you everywhere, even though you already have some
“Jumin, is this really necessary?”
“Of course it is. Your safety is my first priority.”
He absolutely loves your voice
He’ll listen to you sing while you practice, while your focusing, and while you’re performing
he plays your songs in his head all day long
Sometimes he’ll get caught humming them too
“Jumin, is that my song?”
Notorious Jumin threat clearing
Also, takes blurry pictures of you while you're singing and sends to Zen just to make him mad.
“Why can't you sing this nicely, Zen?”
This boy already knew from background checks.
Though that didn’t stop him from falling in love with you?
After everything you two have been through, and everything is chill, you tell him.
He just laughs at you like your the fool.
“Jokes on you, I knew before you did.”
He loves the idea of you being famous, like Zen, he makes spambots about you and how wonderful you are.
Seven makes sure that the public eye isn’t as nosey in your personal life when living with him.
Because how the hell can you take pictures from inside his bunker? Find out next episode.
He keeps check on you whenever you leave for practice from the CCTVs around the area you're in.
If you ever get back lashes for your choices, guess whose erasing those people from the internet?
Ya boi.
When it comes to going into public is the only problem you two have about your job.
He’s not supposed to be in the spotlight.
After several possible ideas of how to escape the paparazzi, you both forget you have the best cross-dresser with you.
I totally didn’t think of that while watching a drag race.
You two become so well hidden, that sometimes when leaving your home people think that there's more than you two living in there.
It ends up becoming a game of how creative you can get before they find out.
You and Seven 1 - Paparazzi 0
Whenever you have a big show, or even anything major, you have your number one cheerleader in the crowd.
Sometimes you believe he’s louder than a mic set.
When he finally comes to term of being in the spotlight with you, the public think of two things.
Quirky and Adorable.
Well, that’s just me.
Even if you’re a superstar, you’re the love of his life, and your job doesn’t take away from who you are at all.
Well it was certainly a shocker.
But, these things happen…?
No, V. They really don’t
He knew from what Seven told him from the background check, but it passed his mind at the time.
It wasn’t that you being famous was a bad thing, due to him being a famous photographer himself.
He just didn’t know how to handle the change?
It took awhile for him to adjust to the constant snooping, but he did it for you.
This sweet bean would die for you.
V would end up becoming your number one fan, always at your concerts, watching from backstage.
He would go to some of your rehearsals and take pictures of you in your work environment.
When you were home and practicing your songs under your breath, you sometimes hear a camera click but never can find where he’s taking them from. Stalker skills
They would end up being hung around the house to your dismay.
He also finds your voice to be very soothing
Sometimes, he’ll ask you to sing to him before going to bed.
You two are seen as an adorable couple who keep to themselves.
You also found a letter from a fangirl for your boyfriend once, he doesn’t let it go.
When you become busy with work, you’ll find post-it notes with encouraging phrases on it, or simple love notes.
This man will love you even if your job was being the center of the music industry because he fell in love with who you are, and not your job.
Yeah, he knew
I mean, it's not like he didn't do a background check on you already
But it didn't matter to him at the time because, well…
Ya know he didn't think that he'd fall for you and he uh
He kinda did
And, what's worse is that you kinda fell in love with him too
You make an agreement that outside of the RFA and your home, you don't know him, he doesn't know you
“Do you think that'll work? Paparazzi always finds out, Saeran.”
It’s not exactly easy, but it's what makes you two happy for a while
He never admits it but he thinks your voice is beautiful, and he sneakily listens to you sing while singing to yourself
Paparazzi finally sees you and Saeran together once and all hell breaks loose
A picture of you two together is literally everywhere
Saeran is so mad, and at first you think it's at you
He explains that he's angry that they always have to surround you like that
“Why can't they just leave you alone?!”
Aww, Saeran
You start to come up with an elaborate plan to distract the media, but Saeran just says, “forget it. It was going to be found out sooner or later.”
Are you kidding me? Why couldn't we do that in the first place
After that, the paparazzi literally is unable to find any information on Saeran, and they're always asking questions about him
“Who is this mystery man? Look at Page 3 for more info”
You just shrug, “I don't know. Does it matter?” Saeran thinks its hilarious he loves you so much
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Hello and welcome new blog! I thought I’d send in a request for some HC. Basically how would the RFA + V & Saeran react to MC having a close male friend who flirts with them. I’m a sucker for jealous RFA lol!
Aaah thank you, anon!  This was extremely fun to write! Thank you again for sending in your request! ~Admin Mazz
Omg our first request!!! I was super super excited to write this because let’s be honest we all like it when they get jealous, m’kay? Enjoy, anon! (thx for being our first :3) ~Admin Lily
Seven knew that he was a close friend of yours
When he first met him he seemed okay?
But after the second meeting the guy said something pretty promiscuous.
Um, no sir she’s taken.
He would gradually indirectly insult the guy, trying to make a point that he wasn’t okay with his flirting.
You would brush it off, already used to his flirting, but it can get a little annoying after time
Once you kindly sassily said goodbye to your friend, you parted ways with seven
You can feel his grip tighten the whole way home, and you constantly ask if he’s okay.
Of course he’s fine, it’s just a friend.
Your mind says otherwise Seven.
When returning home he was more sulky and clingy to you.
I only love you Seven okay? Chill out.
You take him into a cuddle session and wait until he explains whats wrong.
When he finally gives in, he tells you he feels like that guy is after you.
“Oh, don’t worry he’s gay. He does that everytime we’re in front of someone.” You laughed at his worriment.
Oh, he didn’t see that coming.
He ends up laughing it off, and returns back to his normal self.
Though he knows that you love him, it still nags him every time situations like these appear.
To get rid of the bitter thoughts out of him, he’ll begin to give you a bunch of sloppy kisses to you, and it won’t stop until he’s gotten rid of any thoughts of you being gone.
Yoosung was definitely thrown off guard when he first met him
You had never mentioned him before, so he wondered how long you’d known him
He seemed like a decent guy, but Yoosung just couldn’t get himself to like him
Once he left, Yoosung began to bombard you with questions about him
“What’s his name? Is he always like that? How do you know each other?”
Yoosung calm down you’re talking to fast
You explain he’s just a friend from work that you’ve known for a long time and that he shouldn’t get jealous over someone like him
“Pfft! I’m not jealous!” Notorious Yoosung blush
The next encounter got a little more heated
He noticed your “friendly coworker” had made an attempt at flirting
Um what? He knows that you’re his, right?
He’s about to let out his yandere boyfriend-mode when he notices you push the flirtation aside and wave goodbye
You grab his hand and give him that smile he loves and he immediately melts
Of course, he can’t help but give the guy a cold glare as they walk away
“This isn’t over. I’m watching you.”
You began to tell Yoosung you loved him a little more than usual that night to get the point across “you are my one and only, Yoosung, I promise!”
“Aww, I love you so much. But, if he ever flirts with you again, you let me know.”
Being the level-headed angel that she is, Jaehee thinks nothing of this male friend since, ya know… you’re gay
But, even still when she realized that he seemed to be flirting with you, she was just like… “?”
Isn’t that kinda pointless?
But when she looked at the way you smiled at him, she couldn’t help but start to worry
“You are gay right?”
“Jaehee, aren’t we both?”
“Except for Zen. We’re both straight for Zen”
You reassure her that nothing is going on and that you aren’t even remotely interested
“He’s just a nice guy that I’ve known for a while.”
“Maybe a little too nice?” She would reply but you would laugh it off
Later on, the same thing would happen again and Jaehee would immediately begin to worry again
You just look so happy with him and she begins to feel insecure about it
You realize her discomfort quickly and immediately stop your conversation with your friend
“Babe, are you okay?”
“Oh, fine. It’s just that…”
You slowly smile, your cheeks becoming a rosy pink, before you explain: “Jaehee thinks you’re flirting with me, so she’s getting a little jealous~”
The guy immediately apologizes and explains that he’s just known you for a while, and that it’s all just fun in games, especially since he’s already married dropped his ring in the sink a week ago
“The only kind of women I’m allowed to flirt with are lesbians, so it’s just an inside joke, don’t worry.”
Jaehee is instantly relieved and began to apologize for the misunderstanding
“I told you so~” you would tease
She would smile and admit “you told me so”
“I love you so much, you’re such an angel”
You guys were out on a date  at a cafe when you ran into your good friend.
The guy takes you into a bear hug, and you can feel the icy stare being borne down onto your friend.
Poor guy, you started off on the wrong base already.
Before you can introduce your friend, Zen confidently introduces himself as your boyfriend.
It was a casual conversation until the guy  says a funny pickup line he heard from  someone.
Or so he says.
You laugh it off, and Zen didn’t think it was funny one bit.
“Hey you should use those to flirt with someone else.” Zen would tell your friend.
The guy would reply “I’m not flirting, I’m just being extra nice to someone attractive as myself.”
It seems you’re into being around narcissistic people huh?
You can feel the tension between the two become as hot as your drinks, and you needed to think fast before one of the two decides to play king-of-the-hill.
You take Zen’s hand, pointing out that you two will miss the movies if you don’t leave soon.
“Well, it was nice seeing you! We’ll see you later!”
Zen gives his other hand out to give firm death grip handshake to your friend, before pulling you towards him, and leaving the cafe.
“I don’t like him, babe.” Zen says to you while walking.
“You don’t like any guy I talk to Zen.”
“Well he was flirting with you and-”
“Zen, don’t worry, he’s been like that forever, and plus I love you.”
He would pull you into a kiss, realizing that he was being petty over nothing really.
You loved him, not some egotistic friend of yours.
Are you sure you’re not talking about yourself, Zen?
You two are hosting a dinner party together and having a blast when all of the sudden this buddy of yours decides to come along and ruin Jumin’s fun
You introduce this man to Jumin as an old friend from highschool that became a rather successful C.E.O.
“Oh! What company do you run?”
“My company is the top company in our market.”
“And, it is?” “Just answer the question, it’s not like I want to talk to you”
“My company makes delicious dog treats for adorable little puppies and dogs!”
Dog treats!? This man can not be trusted
You explain that this guy is  actually one of your closest friends
Him? Out of all people
The guy starts telling stories about you when you were young and mentions how much more attractive you’ve become since then.  Uh, oh.
“Excuse me?” Jumin will not tolerate those kind of comments
The guy doesn’t back down. He adds another comment on how “beautiful your eyes looked”
He is flirting, isn’t he?
Jumin immediately tells this guy that you are engaged and that you aren’t interested in him in any romantic way “if that’s what you’re implying”
You awkwardly tell Jumin that there’s no need for him to get so defensive over you even though you kinda like it don’t lie
The guy suddenly apologizes for offending Jumin in any way and leaves, telling you that he’d see you later
Offended? I’m not offended
You give Jumin a look before asking, “Jumin, do you have to get so jealous?”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Yes you are,” you’d chuckle.
“Am not.”
“Well, if you were jealous, I’d tell you not to worry because you’re the only man I’m interested in.”
Jumin would smile, feeling that deep love for you that he’s always felt before pulling you in for a passionate kiss, for that little friend of yours especially to see
“If he tries flirting again, I’m going to kick him out of Korea.”
“Jumin, no”
“Jumin, yes”
This precious bean wouldn’t say anything about this guy.
He’s not exactly the jealous type, so he wouldn’t start to worry until your friend made any inappropriate moves on you.
V had taken you out to take some photos at a local park, but V you can’t SEE, when you ran into a close friend from high school.
Your friend was… Well, he was a little intense when it came to you.
You specifically introduce V as your boyfriend to your friend, hoping that your guy-friend would take the hint of not trying anything.
You can be discrete as hell, but it ain’t gonna happen.
Everything started off nice, you three were having a casual conversation until how you two met came a part of the conversation.
“We meet during high school, and when I saw her it was like love had blinded me.”
Are you insulting him? Or are you insulting me?
You laughed it off awkwardly, and looked to see V just smiling and nodding along.
He continued on with his previous statement, talking about how he tried to get with you, and you kept denying his attempts.
Yeah, I wonder why.
During all of this, V would slyly pull you closer to him, giving subtle hints that you were his.
Your buddy just seemed to almost ignore the fact you were taken.
“If only you would understand, maybe we could have a bit of fun, huh?” Your friend would ask flirtatiously, winking at you.
“Why would you even say that? That’s  disgusting.”
You and V would both feel uncomfortable after that comment, and he would tug on your hand, indicating you should both leave.
Turning towards your friend, you’d say that you are leaving.
“Are you sure you wanna leave already? I was gonna ask you out to some drinks.”
“We’re both busy, if  you’ll excuse us.” V would say before grabbing his stuff, and taking you with him.
After escaping from your overly-flirtatious friend,  V would be eerily silent for majority of your outing for the day.
Every time you asked if he was alright, you’d would get, “I’m fine, love.”
He’s been thinking about maybe you’d be better off with someone else, so you could say in a sense he wasn’t fine.
By the time you two returned home, you had enough of his silent treatment.
“V, darling, are you jealous of my friend?”
“Of course not.” He would immediately reply with, but his thoughts have been saying otherwise.
You would be the one to take inessive and sit him down to talk to him.
“Well, I want you to know that I love you more than him.”
It still shocks him every time you say ‘I love you’ to him, but he pulls you into his embrace as he sits quietly with you for a few minutes.
“He’s way too intense.” You say to break the silence. “You wanna know why I always turn him down?”
“Because, he has an Oedipus complex.”
That gets both of you to laugh, and it reminds him why he loves you so much, and he should take your judgement on this.
You’ve told him about all your friends beforehand to help him adjust easier, but this guy… this guy he knew he wasn’t going to like at all
Still, you tried to explain that your guy-friend wasn’t a bad guy
“I’ve known him for a while and he’s very nice! You gave me a chance, why can’t you give him one?” Guilt-trip professional
He’ll try to be nice for your sake.
You three meet up at your apartment for a bit of a reunion between you and your friend, as well as an introduction for Saeran.
Your friend enters your house giving you an intense hug, and an awkward handshake to your boyfriend.
You introduce your friend to Saeran while slipping out the proud title of boyfriend
The friend gave Saeran an awakened glance as he mumbled, “boyfriend, huh?”
Wtf is that supposed to mean??
Well this was starting off great, but you were gonna try to make this work.
But you began to think these two are not gonna be compatible for friendship.
You brought the two into the living room, and tried to create a conversation that they could engage in.
Just when Saeran thought things couldn’t get any worse, he started to notice that your friend was always touching you in some shape or form when he talked (and it was you he was talking to, not Saeran)
“Can you try to keep you hands to yourself?” Saeran would ask, passive-aggressively
You would immediately look at your friend with an awkward glance, “I-uh…”
Your friend would remove his hands from you, only to make a crude comment about the your relationship with Saeran, and that you should’ve picked “someone like him.”
You seemed to be oblivious to his comment, which made Saeran glare at your friend,menacingly.
Didn’t you notice what he said?? He’s flirting with you!
You begin to notice the tension get bigger between the two and you begin to think that your attempt at bringing them together was probably a mistake
“Look at the time!” You said, awkwardly, “Saeran, we forgot we have to-to uh… get your brother that thing, remember?” Please, Saeran just go along with it
Trust me he’s happy to
You nicely explain to your friend that they had some very important things to do, and that this reunion will have to be postponed
Oml the smile Saeran had on his face as he tauntingly waved his fingers at your friend “bye bye~”
Of course, you held in your laugh until after you had closed the door
“You don’t have to get so jealous, you know?”
“Who said I was jealous?”
“I did,” you smirked, “anyways, let’s go get your brother that thing.” Notorious Saeran eye roll
“Hey, Saeran? I love you.” You smiled before batting your eyes playfully
Of course, he can’t help but smile, “good.”
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New Scenario Blog Open!
Hello everybody, and welcome to our new Mystic Messenger imagines blog! The two admins who will be running this are Admin Mazz and Lily, partners in-crime for making this blog run smoothly!
We only have one rule in asking requests is that you don’t ask anything along the lines of murder and of the sorts. However, angst of anything else is perfectly appropriate. Admin Mazz also does NSFW for the people who are interested in that.
If you’re interested in our little blog, give us a follow and send us some requests!
Hope you come and give us a message!
From: Admin Lily and Mazz!
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