mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Make Your Money Emoji Spell 💸
I made some good money with my pop up shop today, and feel really awesome about it!
I wanted to share the vibes, so here you go!
Like to Charge, Reblog to Cast
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Seashell Room Spray for Cleansing
Here’s a very simple room spray recipe used for cleansing.
A selections of seashells ( I recommend auger, abalone and whelk for protection, calmness and emotional stability)
An offering bowl 
Essential oils of your preference
A spray bottle to contain your finished solution
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Fill half of your offering bowl with water and sea-salt. The dilution should be about 1 part sea-salt to 5 parts water. 
Bathe your seashells in the salted water. 
Leave your offering bowl under the moonlight to charge. Clear your mind and speak your intentions to Lady Luna. 
I found that adding storm water to the solution makes an even stronger potion, but this is optional if you are unable to procure storm water. 
Pour your seashell water with imbued moon energy into a spray bottle. 
You can add essential oils and scents to the bottle at this point if you like. 
Spray the area that you wish to cleanse of any negative energy
Good for spraying before meditation, readings, and sleep
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Witchcraft | Safe Travel Charm
Hang from your rearview mirror, hide it in your glove box or keep it on your key ring if you’re traveling on public transportation or in someone else’s car. This charm is meant to bring you good luck when traveling, ease travel related anxiety and help aid you in arriving safely to your destination.
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This spell requires the use of salt dough. Salt dough is very simple to make and this particular spell only calls for a small amount of it. So I’ve altered the popular recipes for salt dough into a smaller size. 
So for your basic salt dough you’re gonna need:
2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp water
You’ll mix these ingredients until you have a firm dough. If it’s still slightly sticky add a little pinch more flour. If it’s too hard add a few drops of water. You can choose to use just regular tap water or for it’s magical properties you could use river water or spring water.
witch tip : you can use this salt dough for other charms and spells, as well as offering stone provided everything you use is biodegradable.
Salt is believed to protect and bless as well. So if you’re traveling to somewhere new river water might be something you’d include in this spell to signify moving forward. If you’re traveling somewhere old (to your hometown or somewhere you visit often) then spring water would be a great option instead to add that extra boost of protection to your charm.
You’re also gonna need :
A pinch of cinnamon : this is to help bring luck and help keep away negative energy.
A few drops of vanilla essential oil OR a few pieces of real vanilla : helps promote mental clarity and helps relieve anxiety.
If you use whole vanilla beans and cinnamon sticks you can use one of each and grind them using a mortar and pestle. Some witches may believe doing this can add even more of your personal energy into the spell and make it unique to the witch who made it. if you choose this route but still find your dough lacks a preferred vanilla scent (which is necessary to get the full aromatherapy benefits of anxiety relief and metal clarity) you can still add a few drops of vanilla essential oil to your dough. Just be careful if you have sensitive skin and be sure to wear some sort of gloves or use diluted oil.
Now mix your cinnamon and vanilla into your salt dough until it’s all nicely combined and the dough is smooth and soft but still a little firm.
Now you can shape your charms into whatever shapes you’d like. You can roll them out and use a small cookie cutter to shape them or you can free hand them yourself. To make this spell even more unique to you, you could also simply shape them in circles and create your own sigil(s) to carve into the charms. You may also choose to use symbols that are specific to your personal practice (such as religious symbols for protection or luck).
Make sure you add a small hole onto each charm to thread your string through. You’re gonna want to make 3 charms. 3 symbolizing the protection of your mind, body and spirit as you travel.
You can leave these to air dry in a cool dark place for a few days. This would be a great time to leave them in sacred space and you can do more elaborate rituals or chants in combination with this spell. Or you can bake them at 300 degrees F for about 30 minutes. The thinner they are the less time they’ll need. So be sure to check on them so they don’t burn.
Once they’re done and ready you’ll want to tie a string onto each one connecting them together (so that they hang much like a wind chime does) and then you can put them onto your key ring, hanging them from your rear view mirror or hide them somewhere in your car.
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disclaimer : this is not meant to take the place of normal common sense safety. always wear your seat belt and follow all traffic laws. this is also not meant as an anti anxiety medication replacement. if you experience server travel related anxiety please talk with a medical professional. 
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Latin phrases to use as incantations.
This is gonna be a long list.
ab intra - from within
ab origine - from the source
absit iniuria - “let insult be absent”
absit invidia - “let envy be absent”
absit omen - “let omens be absent”
ab uno disce omnes - from one, learn all.
abyssus abyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep
a capite ad calcem - from head to heel
acta non verba - actions not words
ad altiora tendo - “I strive to higher things”
ad astra - to the stars
ad fontes - to the sources
ad meliora - towards better things
ad oculos - to the eyes
ad undas - to the waves
ad victoriam - to victory
adsum - I am here
a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength
a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea
audeamus - let us dare
audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favors the bold
audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent
beatae memoriae - of blessed memory
bona fide - in good faith
bono malum superate - overcome evil with good
capax infiniti - holding the infinite
carpe diem - seize the day
carpe noctem - seize the night
cave - beware
ceteris paribus - all other things being equal
circa - around
citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger
clavis aurea - golden key
cogito ergo sum - I think, therefor I am
compos mentis - in control of the mind
concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort
concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth
concordia salus - well-being through harmony
coniunctis viribus - with connected strength
consummatum est - it is complete
corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme
crescit eundo - it grows as it goes
de novo - from the new
de profundis - from the depths
dies irae - day of wrath
dona nobis pacem - give us peace
ego te provoco - I challenge you
esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived  
esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem
esto quod es - be what you are
ex animo - from the soul
ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge
ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power
ex silentio - from silence
ex undis - from the waves of the sea
experientia docet - experience teaches
fac et spera - do and hope
fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I’ll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei memineris - I’ll make you remember me
facta, non verba - deeds, not words
fortis et liber - strong and free
fortis in arduis - strong in difficulties
gloriosus et liber - glorious and free
hic abundant leones - here lions abound
hic et nunc - here and now
hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons
hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears
hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars
igni ferroque - with fire and iron
in memoriam - into the memory
in nocte consilium - advice comes over night
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - the written words endure
locus standi - a right to stand
luceo non uro - I shine, not burn
luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
mare liberum - free sea
memento vivere - remember to live
more ferarum - like beasts
natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened
nec spe, nec metu - without hope, without fear
noli me tangere - do not touch me
ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass
pro se - for oneself
propria manu - by one’s own hand
quaere - to seek
quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder
resurgam - I shall arise
semper ad meliora - always towards better things
semper anticus - always forward
semper apertus - always open
semper fortis - always brave
semper liber - always free
stet - let it stand
tuebor - I will protect
vera causa - true cause
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Days of the Week and Witchcraft ✨
A good way to plan when to do your spells
Sunday - The Sun - Solar power, success, personal empowerment, material wealth, health, beginning anew. 
Monday - The Moon - Lunar power, purity, spiritual cleansing, astral work, divination, psychic ability.
Tuesday - Mars - Physical power, passion, sexuality, drive, ambition, achievement, masculine power, activate protective talismans, reverse hexes and psychic attacks.
Wednesday - Mercury - Knowledge, money, communication, the arts, change, acceptance, adaptability.
Thursday - Jupiter - Luck, growth, fulfillment, worldly power, justice, authority, health, and prosperity. (Mercury brings quick cash, but Jupiter governs the long term accumulation and preservation of wealth.)
Friday - Venus - Fertility, love, money, prosperity, healing, charm, goodness, blocking, glamour, self-care, feminine power.
Saturday - Saturn - Binding, banishing, stopping, ending, loss, renewing, transforming, protection.
— Just a thing from my grimoire
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
My favourite Strange Superstitions and Beliefs
1. Ringing Bells - During the rein of Queen Elizabeth, it became popular to ring bells to ward away evil spirits, especially those at the foot of the bed as it was said to frighten them away. They were also rung during prayers to guide departed souls.
2. Curse of the Opal Stone - Some people believe opals are evil and unlucky. The superstition stemmed from the best selling novel ‘Anne of Geierstein’ by Sir Walter Scott in 1829 where Lady Hermione was falsely accused of being a demon as she dies shortly after a drop of holy water accidentally falls on her opal jewellery and changes its colour. This book had such an effect on the image of the Opal that shortly after its publication, the Opal market crashed and Opal prices dropped by 50%. Some say it is only bad luck to wear opals if you were not born in October.
3. Counting Crows - Apparently it was once thought that counting crows flying overhead could tell one’s fate. “One’s bad / Two’s luck / Three’s health / Four’s wealth / Five’s sickness / Six is death.”
4. Eye twitches - Though there is not much information about how this English superstition was idealised, it is said that in one of your eyes twitch, you are bewitched.
5. Gravestones -  If you align your gravesite (beforehand!) north-to-south you’re a witch.
6. Domovoi -   A common Russian superstition is that one must never shake hands, kiss, sleep or sit near a threshold such as a door. Thresholds are where brownie-like creatures known as domovoi dwell and kissing or shaking hands is regarded as an offensive invasion of their space.
7. Yellow - In Russia, superstition people believe yellow to be a sad and unlucky colour.
8. Candles - In a candle blows out by itself, especially during rituals, it is a sign that evil spirits are near.
9. Chills - If you get a sudden shiver or chill, it is a sign that someone is walking over your eventual grave.
10. Sparrows - are said to carry the souls of the dead and it is unlucky to kill one.
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Knot Magic, A Summary:
A fantastic, lowkey way to practice witchcraft. Knot magic involves knotting (oh really?) strings, shoelaces, ribbons – basically anything that can be tied – while focusing on your intention. For example, you could make a friendship-bracelet-style amulet for protection, focusing on protection with each knot you make. A great way to get an extra boost is by using colour magic when you pick out strings, enchant some beads, weave in corresponding symbols and bless and charge your amulet. There are no limitations to knot magic. Whatever your intention, you can make something to help you achieve it. It’s also inconspicuous as *heck*. Literally everyone wears some sort of woven bracelet. And even if you don’t want to make a bracelet per se, you can tie your shoelaces with knot magic before starting your day, make a study-aiding bookmark or focus on your intention while plaiting your hair and tying ribbons in it. The ideas are endless, it’s completely secret and you are making it yourself - therefore imbuing your own creation with your own energy and making it that little bit extra special, powerful and personal.
- From my grimoire. Blessed be, everyone!
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Acacia: Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness Adders Tongue : Healing African Violet : Spirituality, Protection Agaric : Fertility Agrimony : Protection, Sleep Ague Root : Protection Alfalfa : Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money Alkanet : Purification, Prosperity Allspice : Money, Luck, Healing Almond : Money, Prosperity, Wisdom Aloe : Protection, Luck Aloes, Wood : Love, Spirituality Althea : Protection, Psychic Powers Alyssum : Protection, Moderating Anger Amaranth : Healing Heartbreak, Protection, Invisibility, Anemone : Health, Protection, Healing Angelica : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions Anise : Protection, Purification, Youth Apple : Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality Apricot : Love Arabic Gum : Spirituality, Purify Negativity and Evil Arbutus : Exorcism, Protection Asafoetida : Exorcism, Purification, Protection Ash : Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health Aspen : Eloquence, Anti-Theft Aster : Love Avens : Exorcism, Purification, Love Avocado : Love, Lust, Beauty
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
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Wait…What? Tarot Spread
A spread for when something happens and you have mixed feelings about your reaction and how these events came to happen.
ONE. What has happened? TWO. How did this happen? THREE. Why did I react the way I did? FOUR. What is a positive to this reaction? FIVE. What is a negative to this reaction? SIX. What was an alternative course of action? SEVEN. What is a positive of this action? EIGHT. What is a negative of this action? NINE. What lesson should I learn from this? TEN. What advice do you have for me moving forward?
My spreads are free to use so long as I retain credit for creating the spread and you are not making money from the reading. Do not repost or remove caption.
Like my blog, my sigils, my tarot spreads, or me in general? Consider buying me a coffee!
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
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One word spells are powerful little statements that send BIG messages out to the universe.  Use these in your daily life–mundane or magical!  I like to combine beautiful languages outside of English with seafarer lingo to make these little beauties. 
Pronounced brawn-wreck-in.
A combination of BRONTIDE (a rumbling noise heard occasionally in some parts of the world, probably caused by seismic activity) and the Haitian Creole word REKKEN (shark.)
Use BRONREKKEN when in needing to make your presence known in a subtle, yet powerful way (meetings with your boss, leading a group, presenting a project. etc.)
Pronounced smeer-ee-skwahl.
A combination of the Croatian word SMIRITI (to calm, quieten, pacify) with the word SQUALL (a sudden, violent gust of wind; a violent sea storm.)
Use SMIRISQUALL to curb sudden temper flares.  This is best for people who are quick to have aggressive emotions.  
Pronounced task-mee-nawg.
A combination of MULTITASK (to perform two or more tasks simultaneously) and the Russian word осьминог (also: os'minog) which literally translates to “octopus.”
Use TASKMINOG when having multiple things going on that need your attention.  It will aid you in being able to prioritize and accomplish your goals without getting stressed.
Pronounced steh-lee-nah.
A combination of STELLA, the Italian word for “star”, and MARINA (a dock in a bay for multiple boats.)
Use STELINA when needing to bring a night to an end (best used at a party or event; when needing to get people to go home; when needing to wind down from a very busy day.)
Pronounced sigh-deer.
A combination of the Irish word SOITHEACH (ship or vessel) and DIRECT (to regulate the course of.)
Use SOIDIR when needing your intention or actions to follow a straight, unblocked path and accomplish your goal quickly and efficiently.
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Witches Reblog If...
• New, young, or considering witches can ask you questions
• Your blog is free of hate and is a safe learning community (this includes bashing christians/non-pagans)
• No questions (as long as they aren’t creepy) will be laughed at or shamed
• It’s okay to ask you for advice or opinions, even if you are an experienced witch.
• Your blog is inviting and welcoming and is a space for education on the craft.
I will follow you, because tumblr needs more of these witches.
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Breaking Astrology Down
Your Sun is about yourself. Your Moon is your heart. Your Rising is how you look. Your Mercury is the way you think. Your Venus is how you love. Your Mars is how you deal with life. Your Jupiter is your luck. Your Saturn is how you discipline yourself and your responsibilities. Your Uranus is how unique you are. Your Neptune is your imagination. Your Pluto is your transformation. Your Chiron is how you heal. Your Ceres is how you take care of yourself. Your Pallas is your relationships. Your Juno is beauty and Influences. Your Vesta is your potential and your organization. Your North Node is how you develop in your current life. Your South Node is how you developed in your past life. Your Midheaven is your career, how others view you. Your Lilith is your hidden emotions.
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
✨ signs of house fae ✨
okkkk this post is just for fun and for you babes are into the more mystical side of spirituality! signs there are faeries in your house : 
you see lights dancing out the corner of your eye 
your shoes seem to move - when I was little, I would always swear to my parents that my shoes would shift every time I woke up. the movements are usually so tiny that most people will dismiss it as their brains messing with them.
jewelry and shiny objects vanish  a l l   t h e   f u c k i n g   t i m e.  I once left a dangly earring on my bathroom counter, turned around, and looked back to see it slipping into the sink. it was as if a magnet was pulling it in, craziest thing in the world !! (then proceeded to cry because I really wanted to wear that fucking earring bitch)
you walk into a room and immediately forget what you went in there to do/get - sometimes just a psychological thing but if it happens randomly + frequently, could be a sign!
plants grow effortlessly around your house - even if you live in an urban area or don’t actively garden, you’ll find that everything just grows quickly.
birds, bees, wasps, etc. build nests around your house - even though there are a thousand other natural places for them to live.
your pets get random bursts of energy/excitement despite any visible stimulation - in celtic folklore this is considered a sign that the fae are playing around with your pets!
you hear bells, tapping, or singing at night or early morning - will sound like it’s distant but close at the same time, as if drifting from another realm.
🌷 feel free to add onto this list with your own signs and experiences! 🌷
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
5 Powerful Ways to Raise Your Vibration
1. Accept where you are and what you are feeling. Wherever you are and whatever you are feeling right now is okay.
2. Move your attention to something that makes you feel better. Even if you feel slightly better, it’s an improvement and it’s working.
3. Simply be aware. Become aware of your senses—feel the water when you wash your hands, enjoy the taste of the food you are eating, etc. Try meditation.
4. Appreciate what you have. Think of all the great things and people you are grateful for. 
5. Acts of Kindness. Do big or tiny acts of kindness for anyone you wish, including yourself. You can write someone a poem, draw something, or just tell someone how much you appreciate them. “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple effect with no logical end.”  —Scott Adams
You can choose to do all five of these, a few of these, or even just one of these, and it will work.
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Since it’s super hard to find them when you need them! Anyone is welcome to use these, but I don’t want to see “this is great for people who DON’T have chronic illnesses too” (trust us, we know). Obviously not meant to replace medication!!
Back + neck issues:
“Ease my neck pain” sigil
“Ease my lower back and hip pain” sigil
“My back is relaxed and free of pain” sigil
“I am free of back pain” sigil
Brainfog lifting
Brainfog relief spell
Memory masterpost Memory and concentration spell
“Brainfog begone” sigil
Spell for energy
Energy gain spell
Energy jar
Energy bath
Crystals for fatigue
“No fatigue” sigil
“Energy” sigil
“I am energetic” sigil
“I have the energy to take a shower” sigil
Headache soothing tea spell
Headache healing
To banish a headache
Tea for cluster headaches
Curing a headache
“Ease my morning headaches” sigil
“Headache” sigil
“Against headaches” sigil
“My headache goes away” sigil
Immune system:
Masterpost of sigils to boost your immune system
Joint pain:
Joint pain spell
“Ease my joint pain” sigil
“My arthritis is manageable” sigil
“My joints are stable” sigil
Anti-migraine spell
A spell for migraines
Anti-migraine spell bottle
Migraine relief bath
Migraine magic (herbs and crystals)
Witch tip for migraines
“Ease my migraine” sigil
Muscle pain + spasms:
Crystals for rheumatic and muscular pain
Muscle pain sachet
“Ease my jaw tension” sigil/s
“My muscles are relaxed” sigil
Pain (general):
Chant to ease the pain
Chant for bad pain days
Simple ease the pain spell
Chronic pain relief spell
Release my pain to the wind spell
Bath spell to ease chronic pain
Change the pain spell jar
“I find moments of peace from my pain” sigil
“The pain is gone” sigil
“Relieve chronic pain” sigil
Sleep problems:
Sleep crystal spell
Spell to help you sleep when you’re in pain
Sleep easy spell sachet
Sleepy witch tip
Sleep aid art
“My chronic pain doesn’t affect my sleep” sigil 
Stomach issues:
Soothing tummy tea
Anti-nausea bath
“Anti-nausea” sigil
“Find your way out” (constipation) sigil
“My digestive issues are eased” sigil
“I overcome stomach pains” sigil
If anyone knows of additional witchy content for any of these that I missed, or content on a category I wasn’t able to include, feel free to send it my way and I’ll get a part two started for this post!
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mysticmerwitch-blog · 6 years
For anon: Emoji spell for hair growth Likes charge // reblogs cast
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