mystiquezgf · 2 months
No but you know how Dick still randomly does handstands as an adult? I feel like that's something Bruce must be incredibly fond of. Dick is grown up in most ways, but in that way, he's still the kid Bruce remembers.
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Detective Comics 2021 Annual
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mystiquezgf · 2 months
In universe, Dick Grayson's equivalent of Bruce dropping out of med school is absolutely everyone demanding to know why he didn't go to the Olympics with his gymnastics abilities.
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mystiquezgf · 3 months
not to be back on my bullshit but as it stands I think cass and dick’s relationship has the potential to contain soooo much resentment and discomfort. two people who are not used to being meaningfully perceived are now being deeply understood by another person who is NOT their first choice for this. they know each other Too Well and are both uncomfortable by this. there is so much resentment wariness and tension to be found in their shared proximity to bruce and babs, their thought processes, personalities, etc. HOWEVER. i do think that throwing them into the emotional pressure cooker that is the bruce-is-dead era together could fix them. being forced to share the cowl and wrestling with differing ideas of batman’s legacy, family, morality, etc would end SO well actually. they would have so many screaming matches and would come out of it bonded to all hell.
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mystiquezgf · 3 months
"To me, Dick is the one hero who simply decided being a fighter for justice was the right thing to do. The murder of Dick's parents was solved almost immediately so there was never a feeling he needed revenge. Even back when he was created he was someone who made bad jokes and seemed to have fun doing what he did. He wasn't the sole survivor of a doomed planet. He didn't feel responsible for the death of his parents. He wasn't appointed an intergalactic cop. When Batman put his parent's killer behind bars he saw that stopping crime was something worth believing in. Dick is the only one I know who is like that. And he does it without having been given any special powers. To me Dick is the best kind of character there can be; he's dedicated to his cause for all the right reasons. Plus he's human, so Dick has to work hard to be good. Unlike Superman he has no natural powers. Shoot him and he will be hurt. That makes the story more interesting."
-Marv Wolfman
Dick Grayson, Boy Wonder : Scholars and Creators on 75 Years of Robin, Nightwing and Batman.
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mystiquezgf · 6 months
what is the craziest thing abt dick Grayson is that he isnt over his childhood experience except it isnt the obvious 1. he IS over his parents death. what he isnt over is bruce
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mystiquezgf · 6 months
the fanon that dick was awful to his successors — being abusive to jason or mean to tim — is very funny to me because he categorically handled being replaced better than either of them did
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mystiquezgf · 6 months
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[Image ID: Image of a TikTok by @/barstoolsports where two people are sitting in the front of the car and the person in the backseat is holding out their hand towards the front with the caption added
POV: ur not third wheeling ur their child
on-screen. The parents seem to be Speedy (Roy Harper) and Robin (Dick Grayson) with Kid Flash (Wally West) as the child. End ID]
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mystiquezgf · 7 months
"can I be mean for a sec?" Is a sacred statement made by girls when they are about to reveal their most deep rooted self
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mystiquezgf · 8 months
came back from the codependent homoerotic friendship wrong
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mystiquezgf · 8 months
*whispers quietly into the night* do u guys think that sometimes the Justice League unexpectedly ends up off-world on an ice planet, or maybe just in the arctic somewhere on Earth, and Batman didn’t plan for cold weather so he’s wearing his non-insulated suit. And he’s the only one who’s cold because everyone else either has alien physiology and/or powers to keep them warm. So when Hal sees Bruce suppress a shiver out of the corner of his eye, he wraps him in a layer of energy with his ring, but he does it under the suit because he knows Bruce would get embarrassed if everyone else knew he was experiencing a human response to the environment
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mystiquezgf · 8 months
if ur still taking requests..perhaps a silly batlantern...hal and bruce taking a selfie..
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this isnt really a selfie but they are being silly
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mystiquezgf · 8 months
So I know in canon Dick is a detective but I feel like he could’ve gone into the medical field.
He is a very caring person and he likes to help people, I like to think that during the day he helps people by treating their illnesses and injuries, and at night by keeping them safe.
This could go a few ways. On the one hand I could see him being an EMT, seeing as he does well in high stress faced paced situations. Helping people in emergencies and bringing them to the hospital is definitely something I could see him doing.
On the other hand I could also see him in nursing. He seems like he would have a good bedside manner, and I think he would be very gentle with how he goes about his job. Specifically, I think he would be a pediatric nurse.
I think he would be really good with the kids, cheering them up, easing their fears. There’s always lollipops and stickers in his scrub pockets for brave kids (and sad coworkers.)
He probably wears Nightwing scrubs a lot. It’s Nightwing, Teen Titans, Batman and Robin or Superman.
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mystiquezgf · 8 months
hc that Clark doesn’t get the human instinct/reaction of a gut feeling or the hairs standing up on the back of your neck since he’s Kryptonian, so sometimes Bruce just freezes up and says “something’s wrong” and Clark resigns himself to it like ah yes, that weird human thing again and is baffled when 99% of the time Bruce’s gut is absolutely right
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mystiquezgf · 8 months
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world’s finest #19, art by travis moore & tamra bonvillain
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mystiquezgf · 8 months
every JL meeting across all iterations is just Clark going " ssoso sorry for my platonic wife :( he is ovulating "
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mystiquezgf · 8 months
real footage of bruce the first time he came home after stopping harvey dent as two-face
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mystiquezgf · 9 months
after patrolling, unwinding in a diner somewhere ...
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throw the man a bone batman geez
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