mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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I decided it would be fun to try and make a mock Fablehaven book cover, I chose my own story and tried to replicate Brandon Dorman style, but I tried to mimic the first Fablehaven book covers, not the new ones, I like the old ones much better. I don’t think I succeeded but I had lots of fun any how
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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I am obsessed with my OC now lol
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
I wanted to make a little like gif of my naiad character in her hot spring home so I did lol. For only 2 seconds, this took a thousand years to make lol
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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ok so I have gotten REALLY into Arcane because.. come on it’s super good, so this page will also be about arcane to. So here is some Arcane art dump for yall lol
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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Suddenly got really invested in drawing and world building for my Fablehaven OC’s so here are the gales and some art I made of them, tell me about your Fablehave/Dragonwatch OC’s if you have any, I love to here about that stuff
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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Drew Raxtus because he is my favorite fairy dragon lol
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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So I wanted to take a crack at designing the 4 Fablehaven/Dragonwatch main cast as grown ups,
I had a lot of fun making this and trying to match there cloths with what I think there jobs would be when they are older. For Knox I gave him a rancher/cowboy look because I like to think, after his Satyr goat dads helped him through the war and was with him the whole time he grew a love for farm animals and takes care of stables and stuff, I think it’s kinda cute lol. For Seth if it were not for the new book I would have always say that Seth could have been like a knight for the fairy kingdom or something like that, but I think it would be super fun if Seth was kinda like a rogue and traveled around the world helping random creatures and slaying beast and kinda being like a folklore guy lol. Kendra’s is pretty obvious she works at the fairy realm as like an advisor for the Queen. And for Tess I think it would be cute if she became a preschool teacher and would always have her lessons tie in with magical creatures and would always tell the kids true story’s of magic creatures for like story time. (And I just realized now that I forgot I wanted to add little wings on her like the costumes ones but I forgot LOL)
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
I’m trying to make up some races for a Fablehaven/Dragonwatch centric DnD campaign, what creature in Fablehaven/Dragonwatch would you guys like to play as if you could you could? I wanna try my hand at completely home brewing a campaign like this making up stats for the Fablehaven races that are close to races that are already in the game, and I wanna try and make anything playable and some how find a way to make it balanced, I’ve talked to a friend who is great at home brewing races that are not under or over powered so don’t hold back if you have any ideas for races!
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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Super sad and tired Kendra AU with evil Seth AU
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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happy Halloween!
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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ok now I am obsessed lol, I now REALLY wanna play as this character, I’ll have to try and convince some friends to do the campaign with me lol
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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ok so I couldn’t stop thinking of a fablehaven/Dragonwatch DnD campaign and I decided to make my own character if I were to ever play a Fablehave/Dragonwatch campaign. So I thought about it and the thing I would really like to play as is a niad, I think that would be really fun. I also made a gollum to go with her, I tried to be really creative with the Gollum and I am pretty happy with it. I made her Gollum a puppet but the only way to move the gollum is to move the smaller puppet. so he’d Gollum just carries her around all the time because she refuses to be a human lol.
now I am curious what would you guys like to make for a Fablehave/Dragonwatch DnD campaig, what would you guys make and how creative can you be?
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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might be making plans for a 3rd sticker design!
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
I am not insane meme (unfinishe)
So since last book of Dragonwatch is coming out I 2 days and I wanted to make something special for that so I started working on this for awhile but I lost motivation lol that’s when I made the poster instead lol, but if I ever feel like finishing it I will, just for now it’s unfinished.
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
Dude I am actually a little scared for book 5, like what if it sucks, I am SO worried Mull won’t be able to tie up all these plot threads and either forget about them or just make them wrap up to fast and to unexpectedly, which would suck, I just hope he does it right. Like there so many small plot threads now, off the top of my head Seth needs to get all 5 of the monarch crowns including THE DEMON KINGS CROWN IN THE DEMON PRISON And give all of the MOST POWERFUL CROWNS IN THE WORLD to some sketchy women, then stop Ronodin, and Kendra needs to still stop a FUCKING WAR THAT APPARENTLY THE ADULTS CANT STOP then also save the fairy realm. And there is probably more that I forgot about but that’s still a LOT! In Fablehaven it took the society like 100 YEARS to open that prison and Seth is gonna do it in like a month.
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mythicalmermaids · 3 years
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made a book 5 poster in celebration of the last Dragonwatch book. It has been a wild ride these last couple of years and I can’t believe these books have been with me for almost my whole life. It’s crazy to think the story is almost over, but I am so glad these books and this community came into my life. Cant wait for the finale
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