mythkoi-blog · 7 years
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Since it’s super hard to find them when you need them! Anyone is welcome to use these, but I don’t want to see “this is great for people who DON’T have chronic illnesses too” (trust us, we know). Obviously not meant to replace medication!!
Back + neck issues:
“Ease my neck pain” sigil
“Ease my lower back and hip pain” sigil
“My back is relaxed and free of pain” sigil
“I am free of back pain” sigil
Brainfog lifting
Brainfog relief spell
Memory masterpost Memory and concentration spell
“Brainfog begone” sigil
Spell for energy
Energy gain spell
Energy jar
Energy bath
Crystals for fatigue
“No fatigue” sigil
“Energy” sigil
“I am energetic” sigil
“I have the energy to take a shower” sigil
Headache soothing tea spell
Headache healing
To banish a headache
Tea for cluster headaches
Curing a headache
“Ease my morning headaches” sigil
“Headache” sigil
“Against headaches” sigil
“My headache goes away” sigil
Immune system:
Masterpost of sigils to boost your immune system
Joint pain:
Joint pain spell
“Ease my joint pain” sigil
“My arthritis is manageable” sigil
“My joints are stable” sigil
Anti-migraine spell
A spell for migraines
Anti-migraine spell bottle
Migraine relief bath
Migraine magic (herbs and crystals)
Witch tip for migraines
“Ease my migraine” sigil
Muscle pain + spasms:
Crystals for rheumatic and muscular pain
Muscle pain sachet
“Ease my jaw tension” sigil/s
“My muscles are relaxed” sigil
Pain (general):
Chant to ease the pain
Chant for bad pain days
Simple ease the pain spell
Chronic pain relief spell
Release my pain to the wind spell
Bath spell to ease chronic pain
Change the pain spell jar
“I find moments of peace from my pain” sigil
“The pain is gone” sigil
“Relieve chronic pain” sigil
Sleep problems:
Sleep crystal spell
Spell to help you sleep when you’re in pain
Sleep easy spell sachet
Sleepy witch tip
Sleep aid art
“My chronic pain doesn’t affect my sleep” sigil 
Stomach issues:
Soothing tummy tea
Anti-nausea bath
“Anti-nausea” sigil
“Find your way out” (constipation) sigil
“My digestive issues are eased” sigil
“I overcome stomach pains” sigil
If anyone knows of additional witchy content for any of these that I missed, or content on a category I wasn’t able to include, feel free to send it my way and I’ll get a part two started for this post!
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Hey! I know your readings are currently closed, however, I’d love to send a request for whenever your readings do open back up again!! I’m vmr, and I love the outdoors at night not in the sense that I like hiking and stuff but I like to go outside at night and just watch the stars and the moon. There’s something about it that makes me feel relaxed. The love soulmate reading would be great sweetie thank you, blessed be ✨✨✨
Aww. Hello VMR! That is a adorable fact. Thank you for sharing! 
 Your soulmate represents The Lovers and The Nine Of Swords. 
 Your soulmate is the type of person to act upon what their heart says rather than their mind. Your partner puts great emotional effort into everything they do. Maybe a little bit too much. They care about what others think a lot about them- hoping that it’s only positive. Expect them to be very passionate and sensual. Love will never lack when you’re with them. They appreciate compliments and are the type to get jubilant when you notice even the slightest change about them. It excites them quite a bit even if they won’t show it. 
 Being a very emotional person- this can lead to sensitivity. People might’ve taken advantage to their loving nature in the past that could’ve resulted in affecting them long term. They worry a lot and are highly insecure. They’ll crave comfort to ease their worries. If they slip up or make a small mistake it’ll be good for you to tell them it’s alright. Ease those negative thoughts of theirs and work towards a healthy relationship. 
I hope this was okay! All the love! ❤💋
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
I only expected to do the two that requested but my inbox blew up again lol. I'll do as much as I can right now! If my energy gets too drained then I'll do the rest tomorrow morning ♡
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Initials-ajk fun fact: I have moved 5 times. Will I get a good grade on my presentation that I have on Wednesday?
I'm only doing soulmate readings right now love!
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
I lost my boyfriend in a metaphysical shop for five minutes and then I received this Snapchat
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
For those who missed the readings yesterday send them in. I already have a few in my inbox I'll be doing tonight ♡
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
i have a question about your soulmate readings?:) i know they are closed now but can i still ask for one for when/if they get opened?
I'll see about opening them later tonight? Send in your question and I'll try to get to it today or tomorrow.
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
damn. I was too late for the reading lol
Aww, since you guys like it I'll try to reopen them soon!
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Thank you so much for great reading.🙏
No problem love! 💙
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Ah I absolutely loved the reading! Oh My, they sound like a dream 😌 thank you so much, it was delightful 💜✨ - AN
I loved answering it! I gotta admit I was a little jealous too! They seem so lovely. Thank you for requesting! 💙💙💙
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Romantic. My initial-ajk. Fun fact: I hate driving.
Hello AJK!
Your soulmate represents Nine Of Pentacles and King Of Wands!
Attracting good things is not new to them. They are magnets and have such a live personality that people rush over to. They are confident but it’s the type of confidence that makes others feel the same. They make others feel SO good and happy. It’s genuine and caring. They are definitely a people person.
They make a great leader due to their wise and intelligent decisions. Luxury is a love of theirs. They enjoy the finer things in life and can be very fancy and classy. A risk-taker and not afraid to step out is who they are. They believe they can do it all due to all of their experience. In this relationship- they will be sweet and kind. They are not the type to be mentally aggressive and peace with roll off always. Expect a blissful life full of prosperity and luxury with them.
I hope this was good enough for you! ❤💋
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Hello, I like to get reading. My initial RPH. I'm a day dreamer😁. Romantic.
Hey RPH! I’m guilty of that too. It’s a constant habit of mine to go into daydreaming land 😊
Your soulmate represents Judgment and Ten Of Cups.
They are someone who loves being in charge, favouring taking control of things and being assertive when speaking. They have a clear mindset and goal of what they want and have confidence that it will be successful. Your soulmate examines people carefully and knows when something is off which can make them feel uneasy.
This is due to the fact that they are extremely idealistic and desire perfection for this relationship. They will work really hard to make sure everyone is happy. They love seeing others happy including themselves. Sometimes staying on top can be hard work but they are determined to keep it that way. They do not take toxic people easily and like to avoid conflicting situations that could affect both of you. Though they long for perfection every relationship has conflicts and they will scramble to make things perfect again- honestly and trust is key in this relationship. A perfect fairytale.
I hope this was good enough for you! Much love. ❤💋
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Hi :) Can I have a romantic soulmate reading please? My initials are CM & I’m an Aries. Fun Fact: I’ve been to Disney World like 20 times and I never get tired of it 💘
Hey Hey CM! Disneyworld is so lovely. Wish I could’ve gone as much as you went. Sounds like a dream.
Your soulmate represents The Ace Of Wands and The Magician.
This just yells power. Your soulmate is one extremely powerful spirit. They desire to be successful in every area they get involved in. They incorporate their creativity into almost everything they do. They don’t need luck because everything they do is due to how they manifest it. They are a person of action and determination. It’s a matter of “I will make this happen” There is no hesitation in what they do.
Even if their stacked with the odds against them- they don’t fall ill to it. They have success in their lives as an individualist. Your relationship will almost always be at ease since they hate conflicts and will put all effort to solve it. Although they might seem serious and always on the go they are quite charming. They love having you with them and can be quite affectionate when not working. You’ll be sure to melt into this loving side of them.. as only you’ll be available to see!
I hope this was okay for you! ❤💋
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Hello! Could I have a platonic soulmate reading, please? Initials are IJ and I love cats and snakes
Hey IJ! I love cats too!
Your platonic soulmate represents the Eight Of Swords and the Three Of Pentacles!
An excellent team player! They have strong leadership qualities and are available to communicate when needed. They love working and fighting for what they believe in. They are wise and have a expanded mind during decision making and problem solving. Very intelligent! 
 Sometimes though this expanded mind can lead to misunderstandings. They seem to over examine things and are quite sensitive. They may get fixated on unimportant details that can harm them. Since they communicate well they will confront about anything bothering them may cause problems. They are an open flame and need someone to keep them from going too far. Together you will tame eachother as so and in return will recieve a strong bond and knowledge. Nothing will go past you two. Trust in this friendship will be very strong. I sense you two will meet/have met in a workplace or connecting through a hobby! I hope this was good enough for you! ❤💋
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Hello, may I have a (romantic) soul mate reading please? My initials are SH and a fun fact about me is that I don't like chocolate
Hey Hey SH! I can only handle certain chocolate- any chocolate bar that isn’t Hershey’s is gross to me 😝!
Your soulmate represents the Page Of Swords and the Four Of Wands!
The first thing that popped up for me is ‘bubbly’ They are so restless and appear to have never ending energy. They always love to be on the move and hate settling down. Freedom is their middle name- standing out has never been a problem and is actually what they want to achieve. They despise being 'normal’ and try their best to stand out. Eccentricity is perfect for them.
You’ll find yourself bursting in laughter with them. They are just naturally happy people and rarely have negative thoughts. They are the star of the party! You’ll always be on the mood since they hate lying around. Expect life with them to be full of unexpected turns and euphoria. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had multiple fire signs.
I hope this helped love! ❤💋
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mythkoi-blog · 7 years
Romantic my initial T. fact : butterflies attract themselves to me
Hey there T!
Your soulmate represents Three Of Swords, Five Of Cups, and Two Of Cups.
First things first- they really know how to love. They are such charmers.. Keep a look out since the eyes are what will bring you in. Their fiery eyes love eye contact. They are naturally sweet and romantic. Aside from that though they can be quite self-remorseful. They face a lot of self pity and tend to bring conflicts into their life.
This is caused by only them though. They cause their own difficulties. Really emotional too. I advise you to listen to them and work things out carefully since they might be prone to overthinking. Nurture this side of them and remind them that it’s not their fault. Bring them out from their self dug up hole. Only then will their true self be awake. Once these inner conflicts are solved you’ll be that romantic and sweet lover. They love getting close with people and will be as caring as you are to them!
I hope this was okay! ❤💋
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