myuacc1 · 6 years
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The alleged artist of this DISARMAMENT MAN comic seems to have vanished from the Internet, or I’d credit him.
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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the new Mortal Kombat crossover characters are getting a little weird
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myuacc1 · 6 years
Ok, so... Shag ‘n’ Scoob are in *love.*
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…not with each other, mind you, even though I totally get that this frame suggests otherwise.
There’s some fun scenes with them not at all acting like themselves, when–
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…when… um… wait, what kind of transition is th–
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…it… I…
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…I certainly wasn’t expecting this.
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And thank goodness I took my groovy-suppressant medication this morning…
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…or else I definitely would have OD’d 10 seconds into this musical number.
Oh yeah, did I neglect to mention it’s a music video dream sequence sung by Shaggy? Because it totally is…
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…even while including Scooby pogo-sticking on clouds…
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…and a strawberry-cream-spewing whale, ready to add to the unceasing onslaught of insanity. 
Another day, another phrase I never thought I’d have to write.
The thing is, though?
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The animation? Freakin’ amazing.
Just like the rest of Alien Invaders, the quality level and little touches are ridiculously good by Scooby standards. 
Almost feels like – gasp – the creators were given semi-adequate deadlines and budgets. What a novel concept!
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But, uh… yeah, it sorta just keeps going and going–
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–and just when you’re think your safe with this cute throwback scene, suddenly–
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–OOF! The groovitude hits you like a ton of bricks.
Seriously guys, it’s a great sequence and all, but I don’t know how much more I can ta–
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Ack! *cough cough* I’m… I’m not prepared to handle this much tie-dye at once…
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…no matter how great Scoob’s bowtie is, it might not be enough to save me, I think I’m gonna–
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…oh? A reprieve! This scene is thoroughly safe!
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…ok, sure, Baby Shaggy is a touch weird, but we’ve survived A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, right?
How bad could it be, anyw–
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oh bother uncle scooby
i will never sleep again
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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nintendo please give us story mode in smash ultimate 
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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Fan animations by Mathilde Vachet (@mac-rabbit) https://vimeo.com/281952792
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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Source: [x]
Click HERE for more facts!
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myuacc1 · 6 years
Yo y’all wanna see something incredibly cursed? 
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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Andy took off his hat and had another one on under it and honestly me too
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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What a glow up am I right
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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“Keeping the internet open is critical for us. It powers social movements, and provides a global platform for people of color, LGBTQ folks and the most marginalized communities to tell their own stories, run their own businesses and route around powerful gatekeepers.”—Candace Clement, Free Press Action Fund Campaign Director via @fight4future​
Starting today, June 11, U.S. internet providers will be legally allowed to censor and block websites and apps, and force you to pay extra fees to to access your favorite places online. Your internet sanctuaries, the communities you are part of, the ones you have help build up, could be decimated.
Will it happen today? No. Next week? Probably not. The changes will not be swift. They will come piece by piece. A slow, tempered death to the free and open internet we love.
It doesn’t have to be this way. You can still make a difference, Tumblr. We need the House of Representatives to sign a discharge petition in support of the Congressional Review Act that would force a vote on the floor.
Contact your reps—let them know you support net neutrality.
It’s so easy. Just go to BattleForTheNet.com, fill out the form, and follow their directions from there.
They have an updated widget for you to throw on your websites to urge others to make a difference. You can put it on your Tumblr. Let your followers know what you stand for, encourage them to do the same. It’s so easy to do. Just copy and paste their small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.
Go, go, go, go. We know you have that passion in you. We’re fighting right alongside you.
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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i dont fil so gud
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myuacc1 · 6 years
I don’t want to disappear without a forewarning.
As of July 4th 2018, the Internet as we know it might be dead for good. 
The European Parliament is passing a new Copyright Directive.  Article 13 #CensorshipMachine will impose widespread censorship of all the content we share online. Art, fanfiction, parodies, remixes, mashups, memes, etc.. Anything that you do not hold the rights over will be taken down. 
Article 13 would force all online platforms to police and prevent the uploading of copyrighted content, or make people seek the correct licenses to post that content. Internet platforms hosting large amounts of user-uploaded content must monitor user behaviour and filter their contributions to identify and prevent copyright infringement. 
Such filters will be mandatory for platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit and Instagram, but also much smaller websites. 
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This doesn’t just affect Europe. The content creators you love are going to be in hot water for sharing their art and writing with you online. Any and all content that doesn’t belong to us will be filtered. Even memes are at risk, as the person who took the original photo may want to file complaints against any platform that allows it to be used without permission. But it goes even further than that.
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Last Tuesday (19th June 2018) a group of more than 70 people who have played important roles in building the internet and developing it (Tim Berners-Lee, Vincent Cerf, Jimmy Wales, Mitchell Baker…) into what it is today addressed an open letter to the members of the European Parliament:
“As creators ourselves, we share the concern that there should be a fair distribution of revenues from the online use of copyright works, that benefits creators, publishers, and platforms alike.
But Article 13 is not the right way to achieve this. By requiring Internet platforms to perform automatic filtering all of the content that their users upload, Article 13 takes an unprecedented step towards the transformation of the Internet from an open platform for sharing and innovation, into a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users. […] The damage that this may do to the free and open Internet as we know it is hard to predict, but in our opinions could be substantial.”
Here is the original Article 13. It’s even scarier. / Link 2 
Here is how to contact your MEPs. 
Here is a full list of everything that will be affected.
Europe is facing a huge problem, and unlike with Net Neutrality, the world doesn’t seem to care. 
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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actual footage of EA dealing with a newly acquired studio
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myuacc1 · 6 years
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Some phrasing of “art is an explosion” has shown up in enough unrelated shows now that it has to either be a reference or a pun, I’m just not sure which
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