Introvert Issues
A generic rant, nothing more.
Being a huge introvert, I appreciate quiet time. I love my current job for a few reasons:
First, I have my own office that's away from most of the other staff, and I have peace and quiet for most of the day. Occasionally, someone will pop in to quickly say hi or ask a question, but I'm fine with that.
Second, I get to set my own schedule; my boss knows that I know what I'm doing, and he's never had an issue with me getting my work done or meeting deadlines. There's no micromanaging, nagging, or 'friendly reminders'. I'm given a job, and I do it.
Third, casual dress code (nothing really to do with introversion, but throwing on a pair of jeans and a hoodie every morning saves me the time of having to decide on what to wear, and saves me the cost of buying and maintaining dress clothes). I'm not a fashion icon, and I know nothing about brand names or high-end stuff, or even fashion itself. My clothes are functional, not classy.
Fourth, my boss and almost all of my coworkers rock. We all work well together, we collaborate well, and we're all on the same page.
Of course, there's usually always one that drives you nuts.
My job involves a lot of things. Accounting, HR, safety stuff, IT stuff, website design and server maintenance, graphic design, etc. I do a wide variety of things, and I really do love it. A lot of what I do requires concentration, which is why a quiet office is beneficial to me. Of course I deal with interruptions, but they're usually minimal. Most of my coworkers take a few minutes of my time if they have a question, and the conversations are short and necessary, or there's a quick call. But, concentration is key, and so is quiet. I can't concentrate if a radio is playing, or if someone is constantly talking. Most of my coworkers understand this.
Then, there's Emily, who is a massive extrovert, and she is literally incapable of not talking or making some sort of noise. I can avoid her most of the time, but to me, she's utterly exhausting just to be around.
She'll literally walk up a flight to stairs to use the bathroom near my office just to have an excuse to talk to me. There's a bathroom about ten steps from her desk, but she'll literally walk across the office, up the stairs and down the hall just to use the upstairs bathroom and then she MUST say hi, and tell me all about her weekend or evening for 20-30 minutes.
I've told her I'm busy multiple times, and she didn't take a hint. I've ignored her, and she still keeps talking. It's at the point where, if I hear her coming, I pick up the phone and pretend I'm on a call. But, even that doesn't work, because she's incapable of existing in silence.
If she can't talk to me for whatever reason, she'll make noise somehow. If she ran up the stairs, she'll make loud panting noises to prove how exhausted she is. If she sees me on the phone she'll 'talk' to herself and make sad, disappointed noises as she walks by. And, if all else fails, she'll burst into song and start singing to herself, loudly. If she's making a coffee, she'll talk herself through every single step and comment on what the coffee pot looks like, how long it's taking, how much water she used, and so on.
My boss has given me the go-ahead to close my door and stick a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on it, but even that doesn't do it. She'll stand outside my door and talk to herself. For fifteen straight minutes.
Holy fuck. I cannot deal.
I know extroverts need to externalize, to some degree. But, this is almost pathological. She cannot exist quietly. She's incapable. She doesn't know how. She has to verbalize every single breath, thought, action and feeling.
And I don't know how to deal with it. I'm at a complete loss. I used to enjoy coming to work, and now I dread it.
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To the customer who came in and paid their $4,600 bill in 20s, 10s and 5s, please go fuck yourself.
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