mywackiyblog · 9 months
My Thought on Physical Fitness
by Michael Garcia
Physical fitness is an overwhelmingly positive activity that anybody can do. It can improve your mental health, body (obviously), as well as improve your mood. Not only does working out have many benefits, but the community is also tight knit with tons of friendly people. If you are hesitant to start you can always try and start a regimen with your friends or family. My goal by the end of this blog is to convince you to start your own journey to better yourself.
Let's begin with the most obvious positive of working out. If you stay consistent you will see great progress in your physical health. If you spend certain days working out specific parts of the body, you will see increased muscle mass and a decrease in body fat. It's not necessary to do long workouts every single day. If you can't make it to the gym, try and stay more active during the day. Take a walk or do your chores so that you aren't stagnant. Working out can also improve your mental health. Being able to witness your own growth can be an insane confidence booster. Being proud of how you look and the work it took to get there can boost your self-esteem.
One of my personal favorite parts about going to the gym is how social it can be. Going to the gym alone can be very nerve racking as well as hindering due to not being able to lift heavier weights. Without a partner even the smallest chance of you messing up on bench or any other exercise for that matter could lead to you injuring yourself. If you did want to lift heavy weights, then go up someone and ask them if they could spot you. 9 times out of 10 they will readily spot you and encourage you throughout your lift. Also, many people at the gym like to share their workout regimens, diets, and advice for those who need extra help. I've met tons of people at the gym that have become my friend just because I asked them to spot me on bench.
While some may consider working out to be a waste of time, it has so many benefits. While working out you can improve health leading to a longer happeir life. Also, regular exercise can help prevent many health problems such as strokes, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, etc. Don't forget that going to the gym is a great chance to meet new people with similar interests. For me I began working out with my father and to this day I'm glad he convinced me to do so. Not only am I more confident in myself, but I got to know my dad much better. Working out with those you love and cherish can create irreplaceable moments that will last forever. Working out isn't for everyone, but I hope I may have convinced you to give it a shot.
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