myworxweek · 5 years
Senior Year is Here
Hello everyone!
Here’s a little update on my senior year at Quinnipac. I can pretty much define the first couple of weeks so far in one word-- stressful.  I always thought that senior year was suppose to be filled with lots of weekend adventures with my friends and easy, fun classes, but that is a fantasy that was shut down very fast. I, unfortunately, have overbooked my schedule this year, thinking that I could tackle the large workload and it wouldn’t actually be as much as the professors explained. I was very wrong. The smart thing to do would have been to drop one of my classes the second I was offered the internship at Worx, but all of them sounded so interesting and valuable for life after I graduate and I just couldn’t choose. So here I am, chastising myself for not dropping just one of them. 
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 In my defense, they are pretty cool classes. One of my favorites this semester is called The Agency. The Agency is basically a once a week workshop where we have real clients and throughout the semester, work on various projects for their companies. Some projects that we might do, for example, are packaging and logo designs as well as social media mockups. This year, we will be working with Field Trip Snacks, Westport Library, and the QU polling institute, among others. I love that I get the chance to work hands-on with real companies and clients. It will be a lot of work doing both The Agency, the Worx internship, as well as my other six classes, but at the end of this semester, I will have learned so much more about this industry than I ever could have imagined. 
I have decided that the best way to cope with stress and an overwhelming schedule is to make sure that there is a little bit of fun mixed in there as well. Yesterday was the first official day of fall, and with fall comes one of my favorite fairs of the year-- The Big E. 
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The Big E or The Eastern States Exposition is a huge fair that takes place in West Springfield, MA that basically shows off all of the states in New England. Vendors come from all of the surrounding states to sell their products or food and to show off their businesses. There is also a section of the fair that has concerts and various amusement park rides. Fun fact: I was never allowed on these rides (to my annoyance) because my Dad always thought they were unstable and would come crashing down if any of us rode on them. But they look really fun! 
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Along the back part of the fair are six buildings that represent each state in New England. Inside the building of each state, they promote what makes each state special. It could be specific foods or brands, for example, Maine has the BEST loaded baked potato station and Vermont always has so many cheese stands. My family and I have made it a tradition to go to The Big E every fall and this year is no exception. I am beyond excited to spend the weekend with my family, consume an unrealistic amount of food, and walk around the grounds of one of my favorite fairs of the year. 
More updates coming soon! 
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myworxweek · 5 years
First Day Jitters!
Hello fellow readers!
My name is Katerina Bressette and I am the new marketing intern here at Worx. I am currently entering my senior year at Quinnipiac University and the bitter-sweet emotions are all too real. I am a media studies major with a double minor in entrepreneurship/small businesses and Spanish and plan to graduate in May of 2020. This fall semester, I will be splitting my time between being an intern here at Worx and attending my classes. I am beyond excited to start my senior year working with the already amazing Worx team. 
Just a little about myself… I am from a little historic town south of Boston, Massachusetts, so yes, I do say “wicked” in about fifty percent of my sentences. I am also a diehard RedSox fan (just a warning to all Yankees fans out there). While I am on school vacations, I work at Honey Dew Donuts, which I have been working at for about four years. Honey Dew has not only taught me the ins and outs of customer relations but also that coffee is actually liquid magic, something that people are VERY protective over. 
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In my free time, you can usually find me either dancing or reading. I started dancing when I was about three years old and do not plan to stop anytime soon. I am currently treasurer of Dance Fusion at Quinnipiac, which is their performance hip-hop team on campus. This team has become my pride and joy over the last three years as we have worked hard to gain a larger presence on campus. As for reading, you will always find my nose in some kind of book (or Kindle) ranging from dystopian novels to historical fiction. 
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My first day at Worx has already been an exciting whirlwind of new faces and names and I can’t wait to learn more. I came in today a bundle of nerves, anxious to start my first internship, but everyone's welcoming attitudes quickly diminished any fears. I am excited to see what’s in store next! Updates coming soon!   
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myworxweek · 5 years
Goodbye for now, WORX
This is my second to last week interning at the wonderful WORX. As I reflect back on my summer here, I become filled with gratitude. From everything I have learned, to the WORXers I’ve worked with; I am so grateful for spending my summer employed here.
In May, when I first started working here, I wasn’t entirely sure what I was in store for. Little did I know that by mid-August I would have more experience in the areas of print advertisement design, animating gifs and banner ads, logo design, social media post design, file management, and even a little bit of marketing. On a general note, learning more in all those areas has allowed me to gain more confidence in my skills as a designer.
An overarching idea that I have learned consistently through every project I have worked on is that it is essential to have a firm idea of the client partner’s wants/needs before diving into any project. Aesthetic and consistency is so important in a brand because these are the areas that will set your client partner apart from others. When it comes to designing work for a client partner, the designer has to execute it as best as they can, but always keeping what the they would like in the back of their mind. Design aesthetic can come in all shapes, sizes, colors, etc. That is something that I have been exposed to a lot. So now going into my senior year of college, this may change more because there’s so much to explore and learn in the world of design. That is why I have such a strong passion for design and art in general; it is exciting for me!
Besides gaining experience in the creative area, I also gained general knowledge in marketing. Just recently we had a “Lunch and Learn” where basically all of the WORXers attended a meeting discussing marketing tactics and how they can be addressed when it comes to a client partner. Then afterwards we had our usual “Friday Lunch” (which I love & have appreciated so much). In addition, I’ve also had the privilege to go on small trips with the WORX group such as attending a music and food truck festival in Waterbury, and also getting free Friday lunch out. On top of that, I have learned that this company truly shows appreciation for their employees not only with the previous points I’ve mentioned, but we have also had small celebrations for birthdays! It felt so good to be in an environment that is so genuine and everyone is treated with respect. On that note, I certainly will miss WORX but I also will never forget the value that this company has added to my life. I’ll stay in touch! Goodbye for now, WORX.
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myworxweek · 5 years
Catch you later Worx!
It’s been a summer of growth! Not in terms of the amount of coffee that I drink daily, although that number has grown, but my social media and Google Ads skills. This summer has been a true testimony to both, and I have learned so much from all the Worxers. I’ve been responsible for many tasks, such as checking Google Ads, answering client reviews, and planning social media posts. This internship has reassured me that this is the field I want to be in and that I will hopefully enjoy my job after college, wherever that may be!
This has been one of the fastest summers I’ve ever had, and I’d like to blame WORX for that in the most positive way. Working on posts and projects makes the summer move faster when you are always planning for the day ahead of you. Besides planning, the internship flew by quickly because I also have truly enjoyed spending my days in the orange walls at WORX! For lack of a less cheesy phrase, time flies when you’re having fun!
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I have one more week left until I have to leave the digital den and go back to Towson University to complete my senior year. My biggest takeaway from summer is that there is a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes into social media and advertisements. For example, our computers know everything about us, and it’s almost creepy. I can create posts and advertisements to reach a particular demographic of people. I can choose the type of person I want to pay to reach and tailor the ad to the way that person would want to see it. The end goal is different for each company, and it all depends on the product they offer. 
I also learned this summer that there are even websites that allow you to create posts for different social media and will automatically send them out each month. That way you don’t have to take time out of every day, sometimes multiple times a day, to post for a client…mind-blown. Those of you who aren’t new to the digital marketing world, probably think I sound too excited about a small tool like this, but for those of us that didn’t know these types of things existed, it’s pretty cool. 
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Additionally, companies look at analytics behind each of their previous social media posts and can watch post likes, impression rates, engagement rates, type of image used, what type of people were targeted, the time the post went out and more. After looking at all of this information, companies can see which types of posts worked and which failed. You can look at these analytics by week, month, and year, and decide if the company is benefiting from its time and money spent on social media. If they aren’t, they ask the question of what can we do to be more successful?
What I am trying to say here is that there is a lot more to creating content for social and ads than I thought. So those of you who questioned the legitimacy of a social media job, know it’s not as #basic as you may think. I want to thank everyone at WORX for an awesome summer internship experience and for exposing me to real-life work! I’ll stay in touch!
Michaela :) 
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myworxweek · 5 years
Farewell WORXers!
Hello blog readers…. It’s hard to believe I am writing my last blog post. This summer flew by way too fast, not sure where the time went! Well, actually I do. Now that today is my last day I have had some time to reflect on all that I have learned. It feels like yesterday that it was my first day here as I passed by the entrance to the parking lot twice and walked through that orange door having no clue where to go or who I was looking for. With this being my first internship ever, I had no clue what to expect and was super nervous. Now about 2 ½ months later, I am glad to say that I am sad to leave the comfort of the Digital Marketing Den. 
I was very lucky to work with such amazing people! Everyone was so friendly, nice, and always willing to teach me something new! I always felt welcomed, comfortable, and ready to learn what was coming next. I can happily say that I got to experience a real work environment with real projects to do instead of coffee runs, copying, or filing. I worked on keyword research, content documents, sitemaps, pages in C5, and so much more! I have gained so much valuable insight into the vast world of marketing and can’t wait to see what I learn next.
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What’s next for me you ask? Time to head back to school for my junior year and stay busy hitting the books and working for the semester! Then, off to a semester abroad in Spain for me (even though I don’t speak a hint of spanish). 
I am signing off for now, I am so grateful to have been apart of the amazing WORX team! Thank you to everyone who made my summer here so great. Can’t wait to see what adventure comes next, stay in touch! 
Farewell WORXers,
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myworxweek · 5 years
A Summer of Growth
As this summer sails by at an incredible speed , I continue to enhance my knowledge and grow in the world of technology. Some recent progress includes installing Drupal to get familiar with and developed a simple site of my own , more Google Analytics Certifications (currently working on #4), QA testing on the PC , my first photo shoot and navigating the many software tools needed for team collaboration (slack, box etc..). 
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Of course there are the awesome “Free Food Friday” lunches, a couple of road trips with the whole Worx team(one for lunch for some crazy reason LOL)  and the many other social aspects that make being here so enjoyable and exciting.
Besides being at Worx , I continue to keep busy with my other jobs and of course the many journeys to either New York or Massachusetts to visit the family for Birthdays or just for fun. I am so grateful for the opportunity to tweak my schedule so I can be a part of the Birthday Celebrations that fall into the Worx week(thanks). Additionally, dealing with a major house renovation, keeping up on the many flower gardens( and vegetable garden), enjoying a day or two on the motorcycle and just keeping up with everyday”stuff” fills in all the time between the jobs . Not too exciting , but fulfilling. So for now we’ll just have to wait and see where this journey takes me next!
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myworxweek · 5 years
My WORX Design Experience (so far!)
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It is almost August and it is so crazy that I’ve been interning for about 3 months here at WORX. I have been so blessed to be among such talented coworkers, and to have learned and experienced all that I have.
Lately I’ve been given tasks that I know will provide me with useful experience for my future career. Things like:
Social Media Posts: The social media posts I have worked on are posts that will be uploaded on sites such as Instagram or Facebook. These posts are designed to enhance the brand’s appearance and to reach a larger audience through the usage of social media. Learning how to design within a certain template through the guidelines of size and keeping with the company’s branding, I have gained more knowledge in how using social media has become so important for marketing and business in this day and age. Now that I have the skills to do it, I feel more confident in being able to help market on social media for anyone.
Photo Editing/Resizing: I have worked on a lot of photo editing recently and this has been a process that has tested my focus and attention to detail. I have learned when you have a large task to edit many photos in a very specific way, it requires full attention or else you’ll have to start over if you make any mistakes. This is something that has taught me how important focus is when it comes to dealing with large projects and its many components.
Editing Print Design: Examples of some forms of print design I’ve been editing are brochures and annual reports. I’ve learned while working on these projects (once again) how important it is to have attention to detail. In addition to detail, paying close attention to the branding that is involved and being consistent with those themes and colors is important for the appearance of the brand.
In ways some of the projects I have worked on have disciplined me and has taught me more patience that I know is required to succeed in nearly any career. For all of that I am grateful and it is nice to be able to reflect back on what I’ve experienced through writing this blog post.
I am excited to learn and work on more projects here, my creative mind is yearning for more!
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myworxweek · 5 years
Time is moving too fast!
Hi everyone! I’m super honored to be writing my second blog post for the WORX Intern Blog. It has already been a little over a month since I’ve started working here. Time is moving too fast! It feels like yesterday I had just walked through the WORX orange front door, aimlessly walked to Jackie’s desk, and said, “I’m one of the new interns, and I think I am looking for Alyssa?” 
Since my first day sitting in the Digital Marketing Den, I’ve learned so many new things! I’ve helped set up pages on C5, worked with new social ideas, done keyword research, audited content on different platforms, and so much more! Every day I am given a new task to tackle. I feel myself growing and feeling more comfortable taking on new responsibilities.
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Over the past few weeks, I’ve gained valuable insights on how to be successful at work. A few things that have stuck out to me so far is not to be scared of new tasks. Every time the result never ends up being difficult after all, and the feedback you get afterward will improve how you handle a job next time. Most of the time, you will look back on your work with a smile and say confidently, “Yeah, I did that.” Additionally, I’ve seen that asking questions is super important! No questions are stupid, especially when this is your first time learning new digital skills. I’ve learned asking questions is essential to the learning process and only makes your assignments easier!
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On a less serious note, I recently have been roped in by The Handmaid’s Tale followers at WORX. I have totally been preoccupied with this twisted Nick romance and wondering how June has survived this long doing all the dumb things she’s attempted. I’ve also added Friday’s to my schedule, and I only wished that I did it early! Free lunches and 4 pm wine...count me in. 
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I couldn’t be happier to have an internship at WORX to teach me how to do what they do! Now I have to do some more keyword research, site auditing, and automating social posts! Until next time! :)
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myworxweek · 5 years
Time For An Update!
Hi blog readers!
My name is Caitlin and I am a digital marketing intern here at WORX! I can’t believe it has already been 6 weeks since I started in May, you know what they say time flies when you’re having fun.
I have learned so much already in these short weeks, summer needs to slow down. This being my first internship, I was super nervous and didn’t know what to expect at the start of all this. Now, I can happily say those nerves are gone and I am focused on gathering as much knowledge as I possibly can from everyone here. Everyone has been so welcoming and willing to teach me. Through all the fun projects I have worked on, I have been able to add to my marketing vocabulary and have learned a lot about working in the industry. I have learned about writing meta content, working in concrete5, site maps, alt tags, and lots of excel sheets/audits. Google Ads Academy and I are also slowly becoming friends. I can’t wait to see what else I can add to my list of new knowledge by the end of the summer. 
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In the little free time I have had this summer, I have mostly spent it staying caught up on my tv shows (my favorites right now being Stranger Things and House of Cards), getting some sun at the beach or the pool, and attempting to make it to the gym at least a few times a week.
That’s all I have for now, see ya again soon!
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myworxweek · 5 years
A New Journey
My name is Carol and I am a technology intern for summer 2019. I am grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow in an exciting profession. I am blessed with a knowledgeable, kind and patient team of developers. I am a self taught (with a lot of help from my son and mentor), mostly front-end developer with an insatiable drive to learn all I can. Besides learning the vast world of technology I also work as an Occupational Therapist and Bartender/Server. I am quite busy with the many hats I wear including being a mother and grandmother to the greatest people on the planet and some awesome pets too( especially my grandpuppy Ringo who will be 13 this year, they don’t make them any better than him!)! 
So as far as what I do in the little free time that I have in-between learning programming, I love to cook and garden, but especially love a couple hours on my motorcycle to let all the stress of the world go away in the wind! But above all my family comes first, they are my reason to live and breathe and of course to succeed. Oh yes and Ice Cream is my food of choice!
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I am so excited to see where this new journey takes me. In the last few weeks I have already learned so much and look forward to learning and growing with the Worx team!
In the past few weeks at Worx I have learned to navigate in concrete5 to update various sites as well as collaborate with the many teams it takes to make an awesome user experience. Besides that I have had the opportunity to become certified in Google Analytics, review PHP code for issues, generate reports and get a glimpse of photoshop. 
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myworxweek · 5 years
A New Creative Adventure
Hey readers!
My name is Larissa and I am a creative intern at WORX! I am an incoming senior at the University of Hartford majoring in Visual Communication Design. Since starting my internship in May I have already learned so much more about the industry, composing clean design, and animating graphics. 
One project that I recently worked on at WORX was animating banner ads in Adobe Photoshop. I had never worked on a project like that before so it taught me a lot about arranging and organizing images and layers in specific ways. I am looking forward to everything I am going to be continuing to learn and experience here at WORX, it has already been worthwhile!
Outside of WORX on my free time one of my favorite things to do is draw. I’ve has a passion for drawing my entire life and when I entered the design world I have even incorporated some of my own hand drawings in my work. Besides creating, I also enjoy listening to a variety of music including artists/musicians such as: The Beatles, A Tribe Called Quest, Vampire Weekend, and Varsity. I also enjoy listening to podcasts and two of my favorites are: “The Ground Up Show” and “The Futur”. Both of these podcasts discuss topics that pertain to all types of creative people from designers to even filmmakers.  
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   I branded and designed a cold pressed juice called Refresh, in the image is one of the flavors called “Orange Fusion”. On the bottom half of the label includes some of my own hand drawings of the papaya, orange, and mango; they are the main ingredients that make up the drink.
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myworxweek · 5 years
Digital Marketing Intern or Hand Model?
Hi Blog Readers!
My name is Michaela and I am another new digital marketing intern here at WORX! I’m a Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing and a rising senior at Towson University. I am SUPER excited to have the opportunity to work with the WORX team and to already be a part of a lot interesting projects!
So a little about me… I love to be outdoors and to keep active! I also enjoy yoga, rock climbing and walking my dog on hiking trails whenever I find time. My black lab Emma is my pride and joy, and I wish I could take her to work with me every day! She is the cutest!! (not to be like every dog owner ever). Another interest of mine is music. I try to be very open to all types of music and get to know all genres because I can’t decide which one I like best. My Apple Music playlists are all over the place consisting of old Dad 70’s rock, Amy Winehouse/Etta James type jazz, Slightly Stoopid and Rebelution reggae, electronic sounds of Odesza, nonsense rap and everything in between. If anyone has song/artist suggestions please let me know. I love knowing what everyone is listening to!
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It is my fourth day interning and today I learned I could potentially have a successful career as a hand model!… I’m kidding, but I did get to test my skills today in a stop motion video project for a client partner. Let me tell you it is not as easy as it sounds. Staying completely still in between takes is not my forte. Despite the stress to be totally motionless at certain points, I learned a great deal about making social media content and the amount of behind-the-scenes teamwork it takes to create one awesome post. I appreciate how hands-on (no pun intended) this internship is and how lucky I am to be learning so much. I can’t wait to see the final result!
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On top of all the cool projects I have been assigned to help with, the WORX team is super welcoming and I feel like a real part of the team at my desk in the Digital Marketing Den. Special shoutout to Kristen, Elyse, Jess, Robin and Alyssa for making me feel at home and always including me on stimulating projects! I can already tell I am going to learn a lot this summer and probably drink too much coffee...I can’t resist, my desk is too close to the cafe. 
Okay well that’s all I have for now folks! Don’t worry I’ll be back with more WORX intern stories soon. 
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myworxweek · 5 years
New intern warning!!
My name is Caitlin Taddeo and I am the new digital marketing intern for the summer!! I am very excited to be here and already can tell that I am going to learn a whole lot. I am a sophomore at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut where I am majoring in marketing and minoring in business analytics (a decision that didn’t come too easy). Even though it’s only been two years I have been a little indecisive on what exactly I wanted to do as I came into school undecided and changed around my major and minor about three times so far just because I am interested in so many things; but I think this one is going to stick! 
While I am living on campus during the school year I keep myself pretty busy being an officer in my sorority, having had multiple jobs, staying involved in many school events, being studious of course, and not to forget having fun and relaxing! In my free time I am definitely a Netflix binge watcher and shopaholic. Such a busy schedule may have also caused my addiction to coffee.
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I have always made myself a busy schedule and this summer that is not going to change! You will see me here every Tuesday and Thursday but I will also be a marketing intern at Aetna in Hartford on Mondays and Fridays and in NYC every Wednesday. So no relaxing vacations or fun adventures for me this summer but I am sure it is still going to be an exciting one.
Only being a sophomore, I have never had any kind of internship or “adult job” so now having two in one summer definitely is nerve-wracking.
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My first day here has already made me feel so comfortable as everyone is so friendly and I can tell Worx is an awesome place to spend my summer. I’m sure you will be hearing more from me soon, see ya then!
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myworxweek · 6 years
Farewell Everyone...wait!
There’s a new sheriff intern full-time WORXer in town, and his name is… ALEC!
Yes, the rumors are true: I’ve accepted a position as a Digital Production Assistant, which I just started this Monday.  Things have been pretty hectic around the office over these last few months (but a good kind of hectic, the growing-too-big-for-your-current-shoes kind of feeling), and they needed some extra bandwidth that I was happy to provide.
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With all of this new responsibility, I had to make a little change of scenery and migrate my desk to the tech room, which meant the dissolution of the “Intern Igloo” (the space upstairs that I called home for the last four months).  I parted Robin, my office buddy and desk neighbor who moved downstairs to the Digital Marketing Den, but with an office as tight-knit as WORX it wasn’t so much a “goodbye” as it was a “see you soon”.
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So what’s next, you might ask?  More of the same, actually.  Even though my position has changed, I still come to work every day ready to give it my best shot, still try to be the most help to anyone and everyone I meet, and still always try to stay as calm and collected as possible in the face of crises.  It’s so incredible to look back and see how far I’ve come over the past few months, but what’s even more exciting is looking ahead toward the future of WORX and my role in it; that, my friends, is truly something to smile about.
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myworxweek · 6 years
You Can’t Make Me Leave
Just as I predicted the summer went by WAY too fast. During my hour long commute to WORX today I was thinking about how nervous I was for my first day. I have never heard of Prospect, CT and had little to no memory on how to get here. I woke up extra early, missed an exit and hit traffic. Now today is my last day and I am not ready to leave. Yes of course I’m excited to go back to school and everything but I enjoyed being apart of the WORX team.
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My favorite thing about interning at WORX?? No doubt it’s the people who made it so amazing! Everyone made me feel so welcome and comfortable during my 12 weeks here. WORX lunches were always so fun because you actually had the chance to unwind, relax and converse about the most random, hilarious topics. I’m still regretting not working on Fridays thought for the outside barbecues and wine o'clock. Just the atmosphere here is young, lively and fun! 
Besides the amazing people I also really enjoyed the work I was doing here. I wasn’t getting anyone coffee or filing cabinets ever! I was treated as more than an intern and was given work that would contribute to the company. It’s a good thing I came to the office already being certified in Google Adwords, or now I should say “Google Ads” (its new & improved name). I did a lot of keyword research for clients, observed ad placement and implemented MANY negative keywords into ad groups and campaigns. I’ve also created ad copy, page descriptions, page titles, YouTube transcripts, video tags and so much more. All of this digital marketing work will look great on a resume and benefit my chances of landing a full time job after college, wherever that may be!
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So thank you WORX and everyone here for not only a summer internship but for exposing me to so many great people and real-life work. For anyone interested in an valuable internship and is ready to get into the workforce, come here! You wont regret it and you’ll end up like me, super sad to say goodbye!
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Farewell WORX xoxo,
“The Other Alyssa”
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myworxweek · 6 years
It’s your favorite (or only?) 22-year-old old lady, Katherine!
I had so much planned for this summer and didn’t really get to do much of it yet. But, hey, if I did everything I wanted to do this summer, what the heck would I do for the rest of the year or next summer? What I did do is listen to a ton of Dean Martin (what else is new?), and realized there is a song for every single mood you could possibly be in. So even though you don’t care, I’m going to give you my list of Dean Martin song recommendations. And I know this has nothing to do with interning here, but hey, maybe a future intern will be reading this and they’ll listen to these songs. That’d be cool! Or not. But here it goes.
Let’s start with the happiest song in the world. This is my alarm clock song because honestly, it doesn’t get much better than this. I actually first heard this song in a really weird animated video about logos in Typography class a couple years ago and freaked out because I knew it was Dino. Weird video, good song.
Remember the Lizzie McGuire movie? If you don’t, go watch it because it’s awesome. And if you do, listen to this song and you’ll basically feel like you’re on the back of Paolo’s moped, which you know you wanted to be. ALSO, fun fact: this song is the reason I started listening to Dean Martin. Second fun fact: The song Volare from the movie is actually a remix to Dean Martin’s original version. So now you know. Don’t you love useless information?
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If you’re feeling kinda weird or need a good laugh, listen to this Martin & Lewis song which nobody thinks is funny except me. Now, you probably have no idea who Jerry Lewis is, and that would take too long to explain. All you need to know is they performed together for ten years. FYI, Jerry Lewis was funniest before he broke up with Dean.... unless you count the Nutty Professor. But I guess that’s my opinion.
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Want to channel your inner Italian roots and/or experience the cutest accent ever? Listen to this.
Finally, just listen to this song. It’s upbeat, and it has one part where you can REALLY hear Dino’s Steubenville accent and makes me melt, but probably won’t make you melt, because you don’t get it, and that’s okay.
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Moral of the story, Dean Martin is the best. Try to convince me otherwise. I’ll wait.
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myworxweek · 6 years
Cheers To The Future
Today is August 6, 2018 which marks my 7th month here with the WORX family and one of my most important. I was sure that this was the team I wanted to join after my first interview, but today I am 100% certain this is the team I always wanted to be apart of. What a ride it has been working with this wonderful company, from taking steps to learning SEO and developing meta content, to exploring and assisting in the Creative/Production side of the marketing world. 
What more can I want? A full-time job, yes maybe. But, WORX’s internship program does much more than just credit school hours, and give you real-world experience on your field of focus during your time at a university. They have prepared me for almost any obstacle that I may face in the future of my career and I have learned that HARD-WORK and dedication can overcome talent any day of the week. If you’re willing to put in the time and invest in yourself, you can learn and accomplish almost anything. Not only do I know how to present myself through a letter electronically, but I now know how to present myself professionally in front of a Client, or a possible job opportunity in the future. 
So I just want to take the time to thank everyone here at WORX, for the investment they have made in me, and want to inform anyone thinking of joining this team in the future that it can possibly be the best investment you can make in yourself! 
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