n-kacchan · 5 years
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n-kacchan · 5 years
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they throw you to the wolves and we’ll fucking tear you apart
{dont tag as kin unless you’re wolf/divine canine/werewolfkin}
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n-kacchan · 5 years
Bakugou knew what was coming. Punishment. Of course he’s going to be punished. He’s been here for so long—months—and hadn’t found his master yet? It’s deplorable. The scream that rips out of him as Deku stabs into his eye with his finger is soon stifled to whimpers and groans of pain. Long ago, he’d learned that screaming did him no good. Plus, he...
He deserved this.
There was nothing more he hated than having his eyes or hands messed with, and Deku—obviously—knew that. That was why he chose this sort of punishment, and as painful as it was... It was absolutely exhilarating. Comforting. This was everything he’s needed since arriving here. Even BEFORE arriving here. After his master had disappeared, he...he didn’t know what to do. Everyone had told him to be free, to do what he wanted, to RECOVER... But none of that was ever what he wanted.
When Deku rips his finger out, Bakugou slumps over, gripping at his eye by instinct. In addition to the pain of the violent action, he had to deal with the sheer burning of his regenerative quirk. It itched and felt as though his cells were all crawling in the bloody socket. Slowly, though, the blood trickled to a stop. He wouldn’t be seeing much out of that eye for a while though. That was certain.
“I’m sorry,” he finally rasps, once again pressing his head into Deku’s chest. He doesn’t dare look up at him now. “I tried to look for you. I didn’t know where you were. And then I appeared here, and everything was...different... I didn’t...” He shuddered. “You weren’t anywhere.”
Finally, he looks up again, eye(s) wide. “Master, please... Take me back there... with you...”
As the boy runs to him, Bakugou freezes, and he can’t help but feel immensely comforted by his scent as he hugs him with all his strength. This is…really him. It’s really him, huh? He’s here… He’s here after all.
‘You don’t need him, you know.’ The words of faceless people floats through his mind, and he forgets who even said the words. It doesn’t matter. It can’t matter. Because right in front of him is…
“Master,” he breathes as Deku holds his face and looks down at him. He can’t tell if Deku is crying, or if it’s just the rain, but it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. He’s crying too. Of course he is. “Master…”
Without his collar or his muzzle, Bakugou feels truly naked. He’s completely exposed as he looks up into his beloved master’s eyes, but… It’s okay.
Because he’s here.
Bakugou leans forward, whimpering, and presses his head into Deku’s neck, gripping at the front of his shirt with trembling hands. Despite everything, despite all the progress he’s made, the “friends” he’s made… This is all he’s ever wanted. Just to be in this boy’s arms. It doesn’t matter how scary it is, or that his freedom was gone once more. It doesn’t matter.
He holds him, like that- for a long time.
If this were a happy story, that would be the end of the reunion. They’d go home, hand in hand. 
Some other…sappy romantic shit. 
They’d both be. Normal. Stable.
But sadly, this isn’t a story like that.
…Hate to disappoint you, haha.
Please look away. 
“My love. 
M~y love. I’m so happy.
You know what I don’t understand, though?”
Please look away. 
“What are you doing….here? At the gates of UA?”
A hand comes up to stroke his face fondly. He has a calm, serene smile on his features. 
Please look away.
“You must have just gotten here, huh? Haha. But– it’s weird. It didn’t really look like you were looking for me. 
And…what’s even weirder, I heard word that you were wandering the UA campus. 
You know….inside the gates.”
This is your last chance to look away.
Were you…
And it snaps- within seconds the scene has turned from tender to GRUESOME. A slender finger pushes into the boy’s eyesocket, blood squishing from it, oozing down his face like a fountain. 
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“Do you need to be RETRAINED? 
It’s okay. 
It’s okay now, don’t worry. 
I’m here.
 I can reteach you everything, because I’m nice like that.”
He does not take his finger out, instead letting the boy scream and squirm beneath him. 
“I can even show you some new tricks. You want that, right? I’m sure you’ve been blinded by whoever the fuck’s been wetting your asshole for you with fake promises and lies, but don’t worry. 
I’ll bring you back to the light.”
He rips his finger out of his socket.
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n-kacchan · 5 years
As the boy runs to him, Bakugou freezes, and he can’t help but feel immensely comforted by his scent as he hugs him with all his strength. This is...really him. It’s really him, huh? He’s here... He’s here after all.
‘You don’t need him, you know.’ The words of faceless people floats through his mind, and he forgets who even said the words. It doesn’t matter. It can’t matter. Because right in front of him is...
“Master,” he breathes as Deku holds his face and looks down at him. He can’t tell if Deku is crying, or if it’s just the rain, but it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. He’s crying too. Of course he is. “Master...”
Without his collar or his muzzle, Bakugou feels truly naked. He’s completely exposed as he looks up into his beloved master’s eyes, but... It’s okay.
Because he’s here.
Bakugou leans forward, whimpering, and presses his head into Deku’s neck, gripping at the front of his shirt with trembling hands. Despite everything, despite all the progress he’s made, the “friends” he’s made... This is all he’s ever wanted. Just to be in this boy’s arms. It doesn’t matter how scary it is, or that his freedom was gone once more. It doesn’t matter.
It’s time.
It’s t ~ime!  
Deku doesn’t waste any time. He’s out the door in seconds. He doesn’t even bring anything with him. Not even a weapon.
He’s fast, practically sprinting down roads.
It’s storming so hard the GODS could probably hear. He’s waited so long.
So…….soooooo long. 
As he ran towards the towering gates of UA, he came to a halting stop.
Part of him didn’t believe it- was half expecting to wring that henchmen’s STUPID FUCKING NECK for lying to him. 
But …! 
Oh my god!!!
Something akin to an explosion happens inside of him. He stands a little ways away, it being so dark he is unable to be seen.
However, with a loud CRACK of lightning the sky is illuminated and he is visible.
The look of him….is terrifying. He stands motionless, a giant grin on his face. 
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n-kacchan · 5 years
At first, Bakugou thought he was hallucinating. He saw the figure running towards him in the rain, and thought nothing of it, but there was something about his presence... And then he comes to a standstill, and lightning illuminates his face. The noumu’s entire soul shudders.
It’s him.
It’s him...right?
Bakugou drops down from the wall, and lands on all fours. A magnificent, ferocious beast stands before Deku, lips drawn back in a snarl. His muzzle splashes to the ground, landing forgotten among the tatters of his clothes. With fur as black as night and body as large as a horse, the only hint that this was the same boy as before is the spiked collar around his neck. Only one thing could remove it, and it was standing before him in the storm.
The explosive growl that emanates from his throat shakes the ground, and he steps closer, the ground steaming as his paws came in contact with the water.
It’s time.
It’s t ~ime!  
Deku doesn’t waste any time. He’s out the door in seconds. He doesn’t even bring anything with him. Not even a weapon.
He’s fast, practically sprinting down roads.
It’s storming so hard the GODS could probably hear. He’s waited so long.
So…….soooooo long. 
As he ran towards the towering gates of UA, he came to a halting stop.
Part of him didn’t believe it- was half expecting to wring that henchmen’s STUPID FUCKING NECK for lying to him. 
But …! 
Oh my god!!!
Something akin to an explosion happens inside of him. He stands a little ways away, it being so dark he is unable to be seen.
However, with a loud CRACK of lightning the sky is illuminated and he is visible.
The look of him….is terrifying. He stands motionless, a giant grin on his face. 
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n-kacchan · 5 years
It reminds me of you.
It’s storming.
It’s really… Nice. It drowns out everything else.
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n-kacchan · 5 years
It's storming.
It's really... Nice. It drowns out everything else.
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n-kacchan · 5 years
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n-kacchan · 5 years
You're back
I used your bed while you were gone
Glad to be back!
Hi everyone!
I uh– know you’ve all been wondering where I’ve been. For my – safety, I had to leave the country for a little while. There was… a lot of stuff that happened, hah.
But it was fun! All Might and I stayed in America. I had never been before…it was awesome!
I learned a lot of new things- even got to meet some American Pro Heroes! 
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Anyways- I’m back now! So feel free to ask me any questions or just stop by and say hello!
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n-kacchan · 5 years
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n-kacchan · 5 years
it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok it's ok
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n-kacchan · 5 years
ican’t control
stay away
Something’s wrong.
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n-kacchan · 5 years
If you see a dog 
stay away
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n-kacchan · 5 years
Something’s wrong.
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n-kacchan · 5 years
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Cats, by Rozenn Grosjean.
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n-kacchan · 5 years
    I’m the ghost of a boy that I 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕.                I’m the 𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 of a boy that I used to know well.
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n-kacchan · 6 years
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