day 3
Today was a pretty good day I guess. My daughters come to my moms today so I got to see them. They come every wendaay then I get them every other weekend. I use to have them half the week every week then my ex pulled some stunt on me and my lawyer lied to me and I lost that privilege. Which I didn't know was a privilege. I thought when u was a father your suppose to support and be there for your kids. Not that it is a privilege that the courts allow me to see them. Anyway and my dad went to Lexington for work. So when he left I started to put some shingles on the roof for him. Just a little token of my appreciation for what all him and my mother have did for me. Well I put my kids to bed. And started to paint my truck. The devil been messaging me allday but I've ignored them. Until around 11 I saw a text from her where I saw she was talking about her car broke down. And feeling guilty for what I did I get tools together and call her. She said she was at her daughters and just got out the shower. So I tell her I'm about to head that way. Then I call her back about 5 min later no answer. So I wait a min and call her again no answer. Well this went on for about 15 min. Finally I just started calling her sluts and whores and everything else. I feel bad about it but damn. Webster says that a whore is a female with many different sexual partners. She is a female with many sexual partners. And a dog at that. So should I feel bad? I know what your thinking. I need to just leave her alone and find someone else. I totally agree. But where? I've been trying. I don't know what to do I'm lost. Just can't seem to find my way. Sure could use some help. Any way thanks for your time
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Day 2
Ok Today was little crazy. Last night I was going through a recording I recorded of me and the devil just talking. Yea she didn't know I was recording. And I have a good reason. See she goes in other rooms of the house and I hear her talking to someone. So I ask her "Who you in there talking to?" As always her reply " I'm not talking to no one! You need to stop smoking dope.( I'm trying sobriety is all I want in life) It's got you hearing shit you dumb MF!" Now this has been going on for over a year. And at first she had me thinking I was going crazy. Then one day I just told myself that she is playing you. Do not believe what she tells you. She is a liar. So I started Recording stuff at random times. Anyway I was listening to the recording from the night before and I could hear myself snoring. Then you start hearing a woman moan. And I thinking this stupid slut! Then I be damned if I don't hear a man moan. So at this time I'm raging mad. I call her. I cuss her like a dog. And that was wrong of me. But I asked her. " What did you do last night when I went to bed?" " I went to sleep with you honey why?" And I just blew up. Still after this last night I went back to her house. Yea I know I'm a idiot. But like I said yesterday I have no friends. I've tried to find new friends but I guess I'm just not friend material. Anyway I woke up this morning to her raising hell waiting me to leave because she had stuff to do. And I apparently Christopher was not on her to do list. Get it? So she gets angry start saying how ugly I am. How I need to shower cause my ass stinks. How I got zits on my butt big as her fists. I'm a loser. I'm a POS. And while she is telling at me there is about 5 stacks of papers she had been organizing. I snap and just throw them papers everywhere. Then one piece of paper hits her arm. And she starts hollering at the top of her lungs. "Stop hitting me! stop hitting me! If you hit me again I'm going to call the law!" Then starts hollering out the window " Call the law he hit me!" Luckily the neighbors either know how she is or don't care cause the law didn't come. I go outside to leave and she picks up 2 handfuls of gravel and launches them at me and my truck. I get in my truck and she goes inside. While I'm about to put it in R I see a bottle of wrinkle releaser. And for some reason that lil dude that pops up on your shoulder popped up and said pour it in her gas tank. And since the lil angel never showed up that's what I did. Along with a fango and mt dew. Then I left. Since then I have got one text from her it's said " MF what did you do to my ride you stupid POS. So I guess it did something to it. I do feel terrible for doing it but I get so tired of her devilish ways. I love her but she will never change
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Hey I'm Christopher. I have no friends and my g/f is the devil. My life suxs and I have no one to vent to so I dicided to try to here. Hope you don't mind. If you do then congrats your a dick just like everyone else. Anyway let's start with today. My parents Father more or less is being a butt. This morning I asked to use his tractor because my home burnt to the ground about 2 months ago and I wanted to clean up my mess. And I lived right across the Rd from him. I could literally throw a rock and hit his house. He said No because supposedly everytime I use it it comes back with a flat tire and off the rim. Ok that is not true. Matter fact 2 days ago he suggested I use the tractor to load this log up that was in my yard onto my truck so I could take it to the saw mill. I mean damn dude I lost a vehicle and my home. I'm homeless now. What of my home has been cleaned up I did manually with a shovel. Would you please just let me use the tractor? I'm sorry someone pissed in your wheaties this morning. But you don't have to be mean to everyone just cause your in a bad mood. Again I'm homeless and don't know what to do but still seem to be happier than you. At the same time the Devil says she is going to go see her daughter in TN. But if I had to guess I'd say she is out slutting around. Let me describe her personality. Everyone thinks she is so sweet, kind, and caring. Really she is the type to be your best friend just so she can get close to your husband or wife. Screw them while smiling in your face like nothing is going on. Then let's say you even had kids. She would not show a bit of remorse for breaking up a family. Even if you caught her and your husband butt naked together she would deny sleeping with him. She would say a swarm of moths came in the bedroom and ate all the cotton out of there clothes and then left. And would argue with you till you was blue in the face she is telling the truth. Oh man my life sucks. Maybe one day it will be better. Anyway thinks for reading if you made it this far. And I wish you happiness and peace for the rest of your days. And don't be like me.
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