n00bpunk · 1 year
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forbidden neil the rat photos
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n00bpunk · 2 years
Lol there’s this YouTube video of some guy confesing why he loves his girlfriend and he’s like I’ll love you even in the next life when I’m the wife and you’re the husband, and men are in the comments like “he was killin it until the sex change part”, “yeah that was hella sus”, “bruh theres sugar in his tank I’m sure of it”, like non stop all having the same reaction some women too. Which is crazy to me bc that’s like not a radical statement at all. To say I’ll love you in the next life whatever form we take is like basic India arie lyrics like if he said that 20 years ago I think people would understand he’s thinking cosmically it’s typical twin flame spiritual black hippy shit, but nowadays everyone’s devolved into Neanderthals and they want to drag us back into caves with them. We r going backwards
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n00bpunk · 2 years
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n00bpunk · 2 years
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n00bpunk · 2 years
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n00bpunk · 2 years
Just an important reminder, both to myself and for others:
Social media can be a very large echo chamber. In this case, I mean it can make it seem like autism is very similar. That we are mainly level 1's, a dash of level 2's and the rare level 3.
Approximately 30-40% of Autistics are non-speaking.
Approximately 30% of Autistics have an intellectual disability.
Yes, online is very much an echo chamber where you're unlikely to come across many others not like you. But it's important not to spread misinformation, to not assume and to try to teach the wide ways that autism can show.
This is a strong reminder to myself as to why I run this page, why I open myself up to nasty comments, rude behaviour, and (rare) hate. And why I am always trying to learn. It's uncomfortable to run this blog sometimes, but I hope that people are learning that they are not alone.
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n00bpunk · 2 years
by the way autism *is* a developmental disability
not “can be considered” a developmental disability. it *is* a developmental disability.
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n00bpunk · 2 years
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He’s back and he’s posting
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n00bpunk · 2 years
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n00bpunk · 2 years
I've had this blog for a couple of years now, and here's some very important things I've learnt. Y'all listen to your Autistic Auntie, now.
This is one big echo chamber. If you don't step out of that bubble, you can start to think all Autistics are in the same boat.
People will have different opinions to you on basically everything within autism.
Gatekeeping terms is a bad idea. Some people like functioning labels. Some people are older and new to Tumblr and know nothing of why Aspie is a bad term. Some people live in countries where that is still a diagnosis. Step back, breathe, and assess before concluding anything.
ABA is bad. But some people benefited from it. Just sit and live with that. It's okay for something to be bad and still have helped others. Many factors go into therapy.
Support needs are how much help you need with your social and language skills, not in help with ADLs such as showering or brushing your teeth.
Intercepting autistic traits is not always a bad thing. As @five-thousand-loaves-of-bread said, not all therapy is ABA, and not every single ABA therapist is harming children. We need to sit with that.
A lot of Autistics are traumatised.
Autism is not a superpower or a jump in the evolutionary chain. This is a dangerous thought pattern.
Autism can both suck and have benefits to the individual. They are not mutually exclusive.
Autistics can lie. Autistics can manipulate. We're not genetic saints.
There are a lot of differences in an autistic brain. And a lot of social and environmental factors that can make or break someone.
Some Autistics do not have good days or bad days. Some are high support needs all the time.
None of us speak for all of us.
There is going to be research on autism no matter how much we hate it. And some people want a cure.
Some Autistics will never have children because they do not want to risk an autistic child. I am one of these people. Support these people.
Some Autistics have several children with and without autism. Support these people.
Listen to all levels of support needs. Sometimes irks you? Discuss why. Open dialogue. Remember, Autistics can struggle with theory of mind, or black and white thinking. None of this is easy.
Listen to parents and caregivers of Autistics.
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n00bpunk · 2 years
Neglected children will sometimes go ‘okay time to dangerously deteriorate to see if anyone cares about me’ and then if nobody does, they don’t know how to stop deteriorating on their own, they’ll need help to pick themselves back up.
 And if that help doesn’t arrive, they’ll conclude ‘I was right to destroy myself in a world where nobody cares for me anyway, why should I live at all’ and it sets them on a miserable life path where all they see is chances for self destruction and proof of nobody caring, and from the very start it’s not their fault at all.
Because someone should notice when a kid starts losing themselves and step up and help. Children are not meant to know how to take care of themselves in an environment where they’re neglected, ignored and uncared for. Putting them in such an environment then blaming them for deteriorating is absolutely ridiculous. It takes paying attention and realizing when something is wrong and pulling a kid out of the black hole they’re falling into, before they can no longer crawl their way out on their own. 
It’s not acceptable to let children deal with abandonment and neglect all on their own, and expect them to not grow up miserable, resentful, struggling, and doing harm to themselves. It’s the same harm we never stopped them from doing when they were kids, when they needed to know that someone would care if they’re hurt. If we want functional and healthy adults in the society, we have to notice what is going on with the kids and make sure they’re helped in time. 
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n00bpunk · 2 years
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n00bpunk · 2 years
Tips on dental hygiene with autism (from my dentist)!!
I went to the dentist a few weeks ago and I told her I'm autistic and that causes me sensory issues that make brushing my teeth regularly harder, and she was great about it and gave me some tips!
Use disclosing tablets - you can get these on Amazon and at pharmacies. They colour your plaque so you can see where you need to brush.
Brush your teeth at night and use mouthwash in the morning - it’s better to brush your teeth at night because it’s after you’ve eaten food so your teeth are easier to get properly clean then. Obviously, if you can, brush your teeth both times, but if you can only handle brushing your teeth once a day, do it at night.
Use an electric toothbrush, if you can afford it. If you can’t brush your teeth that frequently, it’s better to use an electric toothbrush because it’ll clean your teeth better than a regular toothbrush. It’s better to get ab electric toothbrush either way, but especially if you don’t brush your teeth that often.
Get a toothbrush with super soft bristles, this will make brushing your teeth less harsh on your mouth.
If you struggle with mint toothpaste, it's ok to get a different flavour of toothpaste or just brush dry
These have helped me with my dental hygiene since, and I hope they'll help some of you guys
Note: don't be afraid to try out stuff that's different to what I recommended! Everyone's sensory needs are different and what works for me may not work for everyone else, e.g. some people can't use electric toothbrushes for sensory reasons, some people might need hard bristles, some people can't handle mouthwash, etc
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n00bpunk · 2 years
being a person is so weird bc i’ll be like “i wish my brain was kinder to me esp when i’m already having a hard time,” and then i remember that i’m my brain and i have to be kinder to me and that nobody else will do it for me
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n00bpunk · 2 years
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n00bpunk · 2 years
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n00bpunk · 2 years
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