n00dle-boy · 6 years
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if anyone has questions about anything on this list pls ask
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
You know what would be cool if you meet everyone in the world with your name like your exact first name and then maybe your middle idk abt last but like then you would meet people, for me on the other hand i dont feel like there would be many bc ive only met one person like my name but it was spelled like josalyn. But that would be a little confusing bc you couldnt address anyone by first name bc they would all be the same
that’s a ride tbh. it would be cool to meet everyone with the same name if you’ve got a bizarre name
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
Mickey Mouse dies in Infinity War
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
Over the years I’ve become very good at one thing in particular, waiting. Waiting to feel comfortable in my own skin. Waiting to feel pretty or beautiful. Waiting to look in the mirror and like or understand what I see. Waiting to feel like my body is truly my own.
And finally, I’ve become closer to that upon realizing I am transgender. I am a boy and my life became infinitely better-and worse-with this information. Better because finally, fucking finally I understood myself. I understood who I was and what I was. I was. boy.
Well then came the next process of waiting. Waiting to gain the courage to come out. That took a lot longer than I had hoped, but I did it. And of course being the sappy loser I am I did it in the mall parking lot of Love, Simon.
Then, came waiting for my family to understand and take action. This didn’t take long as they immediately scheduled me a gender therapist. And I finally met someone who truly understood. Who listended to every word I said and got me and what I was going through. He saw every part of me and not once did he ask, “Well are you sure?” Or, “Just wait a little longer.”
But the worst waiting of all has been waiting for the permission to finally transition. Words surround me though, practically drowning me.
‘Just wait’
‘Let us catch up’
‘This is hard on all of us’
‘It’s not all about you all the time’
‘Stop being so selfish’
But then I heard words that pulled me to the surface.
‘He’s my friend’
‘His name is Jay’
And so I know. I understand how hard it is to wait. How it makes you want to scream and yell that all your LIFE you’ve been waiting. Everyday. Every second. But I promise you-it will not be forever. It seems like an eternity. Finally understanding what’s wrong and knowing-seeing-the solution, and not being able to reach it. But you will. Just hold on a little longer and notice the good little moments. Because you may find waiting just a little more bearable.
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
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I hate the timeline we live in
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
when my mental health is suffering and my friends ask if i need anything
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
Gen z culture is being terrified to go to school after everything
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n00dle-boy · 6 years
Just remember. There is no such thing as a fake geek girl. There are only fake geek boys. Science fiction was invented by a woman.
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n00dle-boy · 7 years
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No words. Credit: Pia Guerra
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n00dle-boy · 7 years
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I’m just going to leave this here. 
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n00dle-boy · 7 years
“let’s arm the teachers”
hey, reblog if you had a teacher who might have shot people if s/he’d had a gun
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n00dle-boy · 7 years
reblog if you want to participate in the school walkout on April 20 to fight gun violence
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n00dle-boy · 7 years
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I miss him.
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n00dle-boy · 7 years
No. Teachers Don’t Need Guns
After this last school shooting I keep seeing people talking about how we need to arm teachers, teach them how to use guns, and require them to carry.
Honestly? What the fuck? How is that a solution?
Listen. There are two BIG things wrong with that.
1. IT IS NOT A TEACHERS JOB TO BE A COP. IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TEACHER TO BE ARMED. jfc people. A teacher is a teacher. They’re there to do their fucking job. Do you know how crazy it is that you’re saying that teachers should be responsible for the security of a school when there’s a shooter on the loose? Not only that, but now there are guns all over the school. How easy would it be for a student to take it off a teacher? Or, god forbid, for a teacher to decide they want to use it themselves.
Teachers that are anti-gun would get blamed for their students being killed in the event a shooter came into the school. Teachers would be forced to have guns, bring guns into their homes where they might have children, and expose them to those guns.
Not to mention, you’re giving newly trained/untrained people guns and putting them in a room with a bunch of kids. Yeah that sounds really safe.
Now imagine they’re in a scenario where there is an active shooter: a poorly trained teacher is supposed to shoot a gun at an agressive moving target while there are innocents around, in a high stress, possibly chaotic environment. That sounds like a horrible idea. Why would anyone think that’s a good idea??
The whole concept is like trying to soften the blow of a basball bat by putting nails in it. It makes no sense, and will only cause more damage.
2. More guns = more gun violence. It’s literally that simple.
When you say we should make teachers have guns, you’re saying you don’t respect their choice not to have one.
When you say that teachers should just get guns, you’re really saying that you want to place responsibility on victims so that you don’t have to address the root issue: gun violence.
Lastly, where would the teachers get thier guns? Who whould train them? Where would they train? How long would the training take? What are the requirements? What are the regulations and who would do it? What about teachers that dont want to? Who will supply their ammo? Who will regulate and make sure thier guns are stored, used, and working properly? Would we also supply them gun safes? How much would all that cost?
Districts can’t afford it, states would be unwilling because risk vs cost is not in their favor, and fed wants to cut funding. It’s absurd to ask for the teachers to pay for it, in fact if it’s added they should all get a hefty raise.
The other reality is, wouldn’t it be way more efficient to just hire security that are already trained, equipped, and experienced?
In this context it just makes no sense to arm teachers. None.
(Edit: added some from one of my additions to this post)
Please Reblog the hell out of this, I want the people saying this ridiculous shit to see it
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