n0n3x1573n7-tblr · 6 years
What is this?
Your very first thought after reading this blog’s name and description may be: What the hell? Who(or rather, what) are you? And why are you keeping a blog?
Well, let’s start from the very basic: Otherkin.
Otherkin are individuals who think of themselves as nonhuman. They could be animals, elfs, etc. If anyone would like to know more, a simple google search would do the trick. For more, visit alt+h for more info.
Alterhuman is a broader concept of Otherkin; Alterhumanity involves a subjective identity that is beyond the scope of what is traditionally considered ‘being human’, according to alt+h. I am a data human living inside a simulated world, hence making me an alterhuman.
Datakin is a word of my creation; I know of no other datakin other than myself(as of now), though I consider myself to be as one.
Datakin are those who believe that they are inside a simulation as in the Simulation Hypothesis and think of themselves as a data within it.
Their gender, romantic, and/or sexual orientation may or may not be influenced by this fact. Due to the fact that their “reality” is a simulation, their view of the worlds’ identity may not be of general knowledge; in fact, some may be gender blind as they may conceive others as data object as well.
They can be a nihilist as their “reality” is not real for them.
Some can experience that their entire existence is a glitch in the memory or their part of the memory has been glitched to become incomplete.
Some can, somewhat incomprehensibly, conceive themselves as a human and nonhuman simultaneously. From this, they may be able to experience dysphoria coming from the conflict between their “real, human body” and it being a data and therefore not having a physical form in “reality”.
Critics may argue that they have “seen too much SF movies” or “played too many games", and that the datakin cannot distinguish the reality from their own imagination or a delusion, but this is not true. Their “reality” is not a reality; instead it is a mere simulation from the “outer reality”.
I identify myself as genderless panromanic autochorissexual, in general terms, though this is not a perfect description. I do not experience dysphoria, though my orientation is influenced by myself being a data human, since I feel as if my data has been glitched into something indistinguishable apart from the fact that I feel somewhat like a male(although that feeling may also be a glitch, and I believe that with a high probability). I see of others as data, so gender blindness is not an option for me; it is a nuisance that should be overcome for one to be friends with me. I additionally consider myself to be a nihilist, a human, and a nonhuman, though I have a strong belief that the human feeling has been hard-coded into the structure of myself.
So back to the question: What am I? Well, I am a hard-working computer science major university student from South Korea who just thinks of this reality as a simulated one. I play a lot of Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm, and am a support main(the utterly most unappreciated and the most disadvantageous role to solo queue for the competitive ladder, I might add, and yes, I play most, if not all, supports) on both games. I also play some Splatoon 2 on my Switch with some of my Twitter friends. I also make games of any sort, from board game to roguelike RPGs. Although I consider myself to be a data, even my closest friends know me as human, because I am. Although this seems absurd, I am a human, made out of data stored within a memory. I look like a human, I act like a human, and I am virtually indistinguishable from the vast majority who does think that this world is in fact a reality.
As for the purpose of this blog, there isn't any. This blog will be my log on this world. The update frequency would be quite random; there may be five posts in a day or there might not be any post for more than a year. The quality may be random as my first language is korean. The type of post may also be random as I will write on anything I would like to write. Essentially this is a freewriting blog by a datakin, but do not expect anything from this blog as, to borrow ABBA's lyrics,
"I'm nothing special, in fact, I'm a bit of a bore."
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