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[Image Description: A picture of the ocean with text on it that reads “nonbinary pansexual pride”]
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[Image Description: A black color block and pink color block in a vertical row with text that reads “protect queer jewish people / don’t allow antisemitism to exist in queer spaces”]
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Do u ever not realize how starved for affection u are till someone hugs u a bit tighter than normal and you find that you really don’t want to let go
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support nblw
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Hi there, I’m Rachel! Everyone keeps messaging me and asking me “what was your secret to losing weight?” so I decided to make this post. This is how I was able to lose 40 pounds in 2 months with almost no exercise or change in diet.
A few months ago, my friend who’s studying to becoming a dietician told me about a fruit from Southeast Asia called Garcinia Cambogia. The fruit increases your metabolism & helps slightly suppress your appetite so you don’t overeat. Despite feeling skeptical I decided to try it. I ordered a pure extract of the fruit online. Now I’m able to eat the same food, and burn more fat at the same time. This is what I do every morning: mix the supplement with lemon water + honey to jumpstart my metabolism for the day, then drink it once more before dinner. That’s it. I ate the same way as before, worked out once a week & my fat melted away like butter. The way I see it, if it worked for me.. it can work for anybody.
EDIT: people keep asking me where you can get the supplement. I got mine here, because you can get a free month supply for only $5 shipping with the coupon at the bottom!! I’ve spent more than that on a salad before 🤦🤦
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demonic possession is just hacking someones irl account 
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i romantically stand outside your window and hold up my iPhone to blast our song. a 30 second ad plays first
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& they were roommates
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I just discovered foodtimeline.org, which is exactly what it sounds like: centuries worth of information about FOOD.  If you are writing something historical and you want a starting point for figuring out what people should be eating, this might be a good place?
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Industrial designer Andrew Kim has created a new Coke bottle concept that could significantly change the sodamaker’s footprint. For every 4 bottles currently shipped, the square bottle design could ship 6. This means every shipping container could hold 4,000 more bottles of Coke. Kim also considered that Americans use 2 million plastic bottles every 5 minutes, so he made the bottle itself green. It is  100% plant based, made entirely from sugar cane byproducts. Which is amusing since Coke hasn’t been made from sugar since 1985 (via Jerry James Stone)
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The gay icon we deserve
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yo bro is it safe down there in the woods? yeah man it’s cool by Tomislav Jagnjic
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Constantly torn between “it’s important to be aware and critical of the flaws in even your favorite series” and nearly going into a nervous breakdown and being immediately ready to do physical combat any time anyone points out even the smallest flaw in any series I love
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