n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
Jack looked over at the door and noticed the last lock, “It looks like a series of letters. 4 letters,” he corrected, looking along the desk. “Are there stand alone letters anywhere we could string together?”
Blinking, the titles came back into focus and he realized some of them weren’t titles but just letters, “Hey!” he pointed and looked over his shoulder at the pumpkin king, “Try these! I think these might work!”
Escape Room
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
The cowboy shrugged. “Alright, you’re on.” The cowboy stood up straight, held his bandanna out of the way and sent the seed flying. It went decently far, but not as far as the ones others were spitting. “How do they do that?” he breathed looking at the others who’s seeds seemed to fly down the hall.
“Not bad, not bad....” he nodded, looking intently down the hall. He scrunched his face when the cowboy asked his question and he shook his head, “I wish I knew, par’dner... my turn!” he took the seed, took a deep breath and spit it as far as he could. It ended up in the same place as his previous one and he shook his head looking at the cowboy with a grin, “Well, you won! So you get a kiss!”
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
Jack sucked his mouth off the cock, making sure it was clean of cum before coming back up on to the couch. The pumpkin king looked around with a hum, “Well, give yourself a minute and we can move on to finding something,” he said, standing up himself and looking through a desk of items for a possible code.
He tucked himself back into his pants and sighed heavily, not moving for a solid minute. “Okay....” he hummed, mostly to himself, as he pushed off the couch and stretched his arms over his head, “Oh man... I don’t even know what to look for...” he grumbled as he went to the bookcase, eyes glossing over as the titles all ran together causing him to groan quietly. 
Escape Room
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
“I haven’t quite decided.” She mused, her sly smirk widening. The unease in his expression delighted her and she took half a step forward. “The possibilities are endless. Perhaps I’ll use that sarcastic mouth for my own pleasure, or perhaps I’ll find out exactly how easily spooked you really are. Part of me just wants to take you over my knee, just to see what happens.”
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More and more he was feeling like a mouse being toyed with by a cat, it was unnerving and yet somehow also exciting. He laughed nervously when she stepped forward only just managing to stop himself from stepping back. “Jeez...” he wasn’t sure how much he would like being used for pleasure but being over her knee didn’t sound completely terrible, “Uhmm... okay, then.” he gave a nod sounding very unsure of himself, “You help me get out, I’ll... you know... do something...... for you.”
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Zombie Apocalypse Maze
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
Jack hummed over the cock and he continued with his hand and his mouth, bobbing just as fast so he could milk the seed from the other boy, let it shoot down his mouth and throat.
His orgasm finally stopped and he was left panting, feeling boneless and spent, “Oh my god...” he repeated for the thousandth time, looking at the bone man with a tired grin, “How’re we s’posed to get out of here now? I can barely move let alone figure out some secret code.”
Escape Room
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
The pumpkin king continued, using the boy’s moans as a gage and sucked and slurped over his rod. His brought one hand up to massage and tug at the other man’s sack, working the two sensations together.
Whoever the pumpkin king was, he was damn good at giving head. The male tipped his head back, “Oh god!” he could feel his orgasm building quickly with the added attention to his balls and he looked down, worry in his tone, “I’m.. I’m gonna... I’m close, don’t stop, oh god, don’t stop!”
Escape Room
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
You would have thought the boy had never gotten head before. Though, perhaps he hadn’t. Either way, the noises from his mouth spurred Jack on, sucking inch after inch into his mouth, moaning around the cock as he slurped and sucked on it, moaning as he felt the hips start to lift up into him.
His face was about as red as his shirt and he was grateful it was at least partially covered by his mask. The bone man’s mouth felt so good, he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d gotten head. He groaned as he watched the stranger work over his cock. At this rate, he wasn’t going to last long at all. 
Escape Room
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
“Sorry,” he said softly, though felt that clearly this man was the same way, so why should he change if the red man wasn’t going to? He did give a wicked smile as other options were admitted, “Well we can certainly do something with that,” he agreed, settling himself up over the other’s lap, pulling his length from his pants and starting to stroke him until the skeleton was able to wrap his lips around the sensitive head.
He was about to ask what the other preferred but suddenly he was right. there. taking out his cock and stroking him. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Cr-... Oh my god...” he sucked in a breath and huffed it out sharply as he watched his dick disappear into the bone man’s mouth, “Oh my god...” his hands were grabbing onto the couch cushion as he struggled to keep his hips from trusting up into the other’s warm, wet mouth. 
Escape Room
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
Jack shook his head, “Can’t help you with that, dear red,” he said, “I only bury my bone.”
“Oh...” he thought for a moment and then uncrossed his arms and shrugged as he moved his hips slightly to try and ease off some of the pressure against his cock. Desperate times... “Well, okay then...” he bit his bottom lip and stepped closer, head tilting a little, “You don’t hafta bury anything if you don’t wanna, I wouldn’t mind, but some other recommendations are a, uhm, hand job or a... a blow job?”
Escape Room
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
she hummed as she tried to decide. “Let’s go with orange. Red tends to die one’s mouth and teeth,” she chuckled, taking the cup once he’d poured it. “Cheers,” she said, clinking the plastic glass and drinking it’s contents.
“Orange it is!” he was careful as he poured out two glasses and he laughed at the toast, “Cheers!” 
At The Photobooth
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
“Nice one!” The cowboy tipped his hat at the other man. “Well, that depends on what exactly “all” is, there Partner.  Got something in mind?” The cowboy reached for another seed, carefully choosing one he thought might fly the farthest based on it’s shape. “I’m game for anything.”
“Hmmm...” What did he want? Fast internet wasn’t really something a cowboy could give but he grinned and tilted his head, “Winner gets a kiss?” It was a win-win, whoever won, the other would give them a kiss, but it was sort of the point.
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
She giggled at his excitment, “Goodness, you are very happy about these pictures.” She tucked hers into her bossom and nodded, “A drink sounds great,” she said, sneaking out of the photo booth and waiting for the other to follow.
His eyes went wide when he saw where she put her pictures while he just tucked his into the back pocket of his jeans. Granted, his costume was a lot easier to work with regarding picture storage. He snuck after her, chuckling, not sure why they were sneaking but sneaking all the same. As they approached the punch he leaned a little closer to her, “You want red punch or orange punch?”
At The Photobooth
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
“Fair is definitely fair,” he agreed. “Yeah, we got some time. So which hole you looking to have a bone buried in?” he smirked evily.
The male straightened a little and crossed his arms, “Who said I wanted something buried? Maybe I wanna bury something?”
Escape Room
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
“That they were, dear one. That they were.” Giving his arm back, she resumes her usual fanning of herself as he helps himself to licorice. “Punch would be refreshing, after that long walk we just took.” She teases, giggling under her breath. “Punch sounds wonderful, darling.”
The punch bowl was at the other end of the table, not far at all, so he half-skipped over to the punch bowl and got two glasses of punch. On the way back, he carried them carefully so he wouldn’t spill and, with his eyes locked on the liquid to make sure it was level, he smiled, “Here’s your punch!”
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
“I have no idea,” she said, looking over the controls, “Well, what if we press this button again,” she said, seeing a new strip of pictures get printed out. “Oh there we go! Here,” she said handing the other strip to the man.
He cheered when she figured it out, one hand punching towards the sky in excitement. “Nice!!” he laughed and looked over the pictures again his smile wide, “Oh these are the best! Hey, you wanna go get a drink or something?”
At The Photobooth
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
Jack was panting heavily after he came, watching the man drink up his release as he collapsed against the couch a moment. “Well that was amazing,” he smirked behind the mask. “So should we continue to try to get out of here? Or is there more that can be done, maybe for you this time.”
Standing and brushing himself off, the male grinned and tilted his head, “Fair’s fair, right?” he laughed nervously but he was hard himself and it would be much easier to concentrate once the distraction was gone, “We got lots of time, right?” he asked quietly, nibbling on his bottom lip. 
Escape Room
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n3tf1ix-n-chi11 · 6 years
As they walk, she gives a shake of her head. “Not offensive in the least.” Uses her fan to point out bits of her extravagant outfit. “I am but a court person in general, as this outfit takes from different things before it came together. Of course, the most notable is my outerskirt as it’s recognized of Marie Antoinette’s. Least to say, I wouldn’t be seen as anything but a lady of the night back in her day of course, as exposed legs was scandalous.” She giggles again, stopping at the refreshment table. “Do you fancy any particular bit to nibble on, darling?”
“Oh wow, Marie Antoinette!” he was suitably impressed with everything but his eyes went wide at the mention of being  a ‘lady of the night’, laughing along with her, “Things were sure weird back in those days, huh?” he asked as he looked over the table with a hum, “I think I’m just gonna have some liquorice...” he decided and grabbed a couple ropes of it and starting to chew, “Do you want anything to drink? I can get you some punch?” 
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