nabbing-bad-habits · 2 days
Confess something to my muse on anon.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 4 days
Ugh, it’s raining again. Why does it always have to rain when he starts getting stir crazy? He didn’t even get to take anything from anyone before it started coming down….oh well, at least he has his books.
The peace and quiet is nice, but still, boring is boring. Maybe something interesting will come of this weather.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 6 days
Just because you know my name
Doesn't mean you know my game
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nabbing-bad-habits · 7 days
Flirting ≠ Shipping
My muse flirting with your muse does not indicate that I am trying to ship with you. My muse is just a flirty little shit and I have no control over them. 
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nabbing-bad-habits · 14 days
Once you're stripped clean, what's at your core?
Resounding truth.
You have a goal in mind, and others brush it off right away... why does everyone always tell you to follow your dreams when it's actually their dreams that they want you to follow?
Your memory is weak, and your conviction is even weaker on days when you're reminded of how alone you really are. It's hard to go on without someone pushing you forward... is this what life is?
A cycle of monotony, fueled only by the desire not to trouble anyone too much with your passing? It would be nice to have something, or someone, to spur you on.
I hope you find them.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 15 days
What the dog doin?
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nabbing-bad-habits · 23 days
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Y'know, things have been awful quiet, not that the plant can complain...aside from the fact the he can't speak, of course. Oh well, that just means longer naps in the long run.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 25 days
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l'ultima goccia
eng : the last straw [ noun ] a fact, happening etc which, when added to all other facts or happenings, makes a situation finally impossible to bear
[ hc - driven // crossover + duplicate + oc - friendly // written by cast! ]
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nabbing-bad-habits · 26 days
Why you heckin purple?
“My outfit is purple to help me blend into the shadows, plus, it looks cool. Although, Ninji’s seem to do fine, despite black making you more obvious against moonlight…”
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nabbing-bad-habits · 26 days
What is your place in the royal court?
The king.
You hold yourself above the rest; a heavy crown on your head, you consider yourself a step above, the sole decision maker, the one in control. But, is your power only an illusion? Take heed, your majesty, the crowds would cheer your beheading fervently as they cheer your speeches.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 26 days
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    Indie Squirrel from Squirrel with a Gun. Shot by Zephyr.
    Viewer discretion may be advised. This muse is rated T for Teen.     (Because of gun violence mainly... obviously)
   𝐈. carrd 𝐈𝐈. .rules. 𝐈𝐈𝐈. .about.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 1 month
*does a little dance to taunt you before running away with your Power-Ups.*
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nabbing-bad-habits · 1 month
Send “🎵” and I’ll write a one liner starter using a lyric from the song I’m listening to!
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nabbing-bad-habits · 1 month
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Private, selective Brok from Brok the InvestiGator. Punched by Phantom. — ( 21+, cis-female, poc, Timezone: EST )
Rules can be found below here, they're mobile-friendly (at least they should be, if you have any trouble finding them, IM me and I'll link them to you). 🐊
  ● .carrd. .rules. .about. .verses. 
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nabbing-bad-habits · 1 month
so, is Nabbit your real name, or did you make it up when you became a thief?
Flip, up went a small sliver coin, the purple clad crook catching it before it could land on a side.
“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. As far as I know, I’ve been Nabbit my whole life. I nab things, and I’m a rabbit, makes sense to me.”
A laugh filled to the brim with a mischievous tone escaped his fabric covered mouth, before flipping the coin once again.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 2 months
Krillbert update under the cut.
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Little dude is thriving.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 2 months
Vary out of character post but, I thought I would share anyway. Bug tw? I mean, it’s a crawfish but, idk if there’s a trigger warning for that. Pic is under the cut just in case.
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This is Krillbert, I have no idea where he came from since my brother found him on the sidewalk.
He’s been put in an old bata fish tank we had and is just, there now. How tf does one care for a crawfish?????
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