nadanadanada123 · 6 years
The 6 principles of persuasion in my world
I feel reciprocity every time I go to Forever 21 store and see the “Buy one get one free” poster next to different shirts. Since reciprocity means when a person feels the obligation to give back when they receive, I feel that when I see that poster because now I feel the obligation to buy two shirts to get two for free. I don’t if it’s just me being a shopaholic
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Every time I visit any store and notice that there are a few products in a rack it may be a dress, jacket or jeans and always tend to look for my size even if I don’t like that much because if gives me the feeling of scarcity, I feel the need to have if because there are less of them. And if my size is sold out I literally get sad and because I can’t have it even though I don’t need it.
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I also feel consistency when I’m at any department store and ask for a size in a pair of shoes and the person taking care of it is extremely nice, since the person is that nice I feel the commitment of buying the product he or she is trying to sell me. Also, this is a clear example of the principle of liking because since I like this person I want to buy from him or her, and these people often compliment you which makes me like them even more.
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When I enter Sephora I feel a sense of Authority (another principle) by the girls working inside, I feel that they know so much more than me of all the makeup products that every time I walk in I ask for their help and when they suggest any product I buy them because I feel they are credible. And also the principle of consensus takes place in Sephora because more than one it has happened to me that the girls working there tell me they use the product they are suggesting me to buy and that it has worked wonderfully for them so that ends up determining my decision and buy the product. 
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
The Science of Persuasion
The video by influence at work discusses the actual science of persuasion. It describes and talks about the 6 universal principles of persuasion which he calls “shortcuts” and says that by understanding them and employing in a persuasion, the person being persuaded will be easily convinced. The 6 shortcuts are reciprocity which is the obligation to give when you receive, then. Scarcity, which is when people want more of those things there is less. Authority, which argues that people will follow credible knowledgeable experts. Consistency is looking for and asking for commitments that can be made, often like voluntary active and public commitments.  Liking is another principle, that simply argues that people will say yes to people they live, but this principle consists in three factors of why we like people, we like people who are similar to us, people who pay is compliments and people who cooperate with us. And the last principle is a consensus that argues that people will to the actions of others to determine their own. So if an ad follows these 6 principles it is very likely for it to be successful and the consumer to become persuaded. 
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
Target is everything except targeted
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Since I was little I have memories of Target being my all time favorite store, I could get all sorts of things inside, from my favorites candies and toys to all my cool and colorful school supplies while still buying my the sweaters I needed for school. Don’t get me wrong, Target is still one of my all-time favorite stores but as I grew I realized how much unnecessary things I bought every time I went. And now being a 20-year old student with a college budget I purposely avoid going into target. Every time I go to buy something small like wipes or batteries, tide pods or febreeze, I end up with a new mascara, a bunch of candies, new face masks, and washes (that I will obviously won’t use since I already have the only face wash I use since forever). So yes, target is everything except targeted, so I have to say the name and the logo is a lie, at least for me.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
The History of Target’s Logo
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The website “Famous Logos” give the design elements, history, and evolution of every brand logos. In this article, the logo that is discussed is the Target store logo. Target is described itself as an upscale discount retailer that provides high-quality, on-trend merchandise at attractive prices in clean, spacious and guest-friendly stores. The logo is described by this website as “a prime example of a simple idea executed extremely well”. It was obviously a tricky job for the designer of the logo to create it since the name of the store gave out the whole idea. But the designer did an outstanding job in representing it by creating a “homocentric circle-within-a-circle rendition of a target”. This was easy to understand since it really defined the company’s needs, goals, and objectives. Everything about the logo was carefully thought, including the thickness of the negative space. The colors that the logo uses is a red and white color scheme. Since red symbolizes passion, purity, and responsibility we must conclude that this store has all of these factors. As consumers, people may get the idea that since the store is named “Target” they will everything they need, everything they target. For example, many people make a list before going into these kinds of stores in order to just buy the things they need and want to cross everything on the list without buying unnecessary things, and with that name the store gives the idea to the consumer that it’s the right place to go shopping the necessary things.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
Top 10 Campaigns of the Season According to :
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The Bof Team wrote a very detailed article on Business Of Fashion website on the top 10 fashion campaigns of the season. From Gucci’s surrealist illustrations to Loewe’s comment on consumption with Steve Meisel lensed campaign titled “Fruits” BoF rounds the best ads from 2018’s summer/spring season. He discusses that all brand were desperate for attention since social media has become extremely saturated, the brands have a higher demand to turn their ads into more creative and conceptual but most importantly “clickable” campaigns. He lists the different brands attempt to do this. First, he talks about Gucci by Ignasi Monreal and how if offered art rather than photography, that successfully turning their campaign different from others. He later one discusses Fenty X Puma and how Rihanna teamed up with Glen Luchford to shoot the 2018 campaign for Spring/Summer, and how it caught the attention with the bright colors and heavy logo collection. The Bof team discusses much more brands but in my opinion, the Balenciaga Campaign shot by Agence Bestimage really stand out from the rest since the photograph was shown in a paparazzi point of view, and that is something that has never been seen before, ads normally have only the product being shown not use the products to “stop” paparazzi from capturing their face.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
Bye bye Zara
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Yes, I now feel guilty, on a college budget I often give in to fast fashion, and after reading this I realized how harmful it is. I did a whole presentation on fast fashion and learned how it does not only impact the “anonymous’’ workers who often work in difficult conditions but also has an extremely negative impact on our planet. First of all, fast fashion is a contemporary term used by fashion retailers to express that designs move from catwalk quickly to capture current fashion trends, in other words, clothes that are inspired by recent style trends seen on celebrities and runway for an affordable price for the average consumer. But these brands often cut costs that increase their carbon footprint. So fast fashion uses cheap fabrics such as polyester that cause more than 70 billion barrels each year, this does not only negatively affect the environment but it this type of fabric isn't biodegradable meaning when it gets thrown out it ends up in landfills where it takes over 200 years to decompose. One of the stores that are responsible for this is Zara, the major store of fast fashion. So indirectly I am guilty of the 70 million barrels of oil contaminating our earth, I’m sorry. In a college budget, I still want to look good and that is the easiest way to afford the latest trends, but after reading and researching I have come to terms that my shopping sprees at Zara have come to an end since I consider myself a person who wants to preserve our earth (or often like to think that). But really I will try hard to save up and buy clothing from brands that although are more expensive, will last more and won’t have a negative impact on our poor planet. Here are some of the outfits I put together with some of my Zara purchases.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
Op-Ed | More Fashion Mileage Per Piece
Again, I read a Business of Fashion article written by Livia Firth about More fashion mileage per piece. Here she is arguing on how nowadays it totally ignored how brands, retailers and consumers forget the fact that fashion has been made by an “army of living, breathing, human beings”. Which is true, so I believe that Ali Hewson and her motto: “ We carry the story of the people who make our clothes around with us”. As I went scrolling down and reading this article it caught my attention as she discusses the story about the cows. How we carry huge leather handbags around don’t even know the background and rarely connect them to the cows from which the leather comes from. How China and Brazil are on the top exporters of tanned leather and they export them to Italy and again tanned, and become what we know as “Italian Leather” yet we don’t see “cows drinking from the Trevi fountain” (Seigle). But that’s not it, brands not only are not being sustainable but for the last 15 years, they have done to the opposite of it, selling clothes known as fast fashion for them to be discarded quickly after being bought.  Firth later one compared on how bad was this that we could buy an entire outfit at the same price we can buy a sandwich and a cup of coffee, and rarely think about the supply chain that is often done anonymous people in difficult conditions, sometimes even enslaved and that is the ugly truth, as Firth said, we rarely see that in the swing tag.
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Gucci bag that uses “Italian leather”
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
Fires continue?
As I was watching the CBS News tribute to the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, I could not help but remember about the fire who killed more than 100 people in a clothes factory in Bangladesh. The fire took place in the multi-floor Tazreen Fashion factory in the Aushia district just outside of the capital Dhaka. I remembered the NYC fire because like the people who got locked inside the building, in this fire they were also trapped and couldn’t leave to save themselves. Although the cause of the other fire is clear, this fire suspected that was caused by an electrical circuit. I remember this fire because I learned about it in high school in my economic class. In these industries in Bangladesh, its common for fatal fires to happen since there economy wants only to gain money they barely pay attention to improving safety in these factories who produce lots of their clothing.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist fire
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The triangle shirtwaist factory fire in which 146 people died when a fire started in the factory based in New York City. The CBS news video really does a good job explaining what happened and how people now remember the fire. This video was published on March 20, 2011, which marked the 100th anniversary of this terrible fire. According to this Michelle Miller, the news reporter, this fire was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of NYC and the deadliest in the US history. Inside the factory, there were 123 woman and 23 men working, who died from the fire, smoke inhalation or falling/jumping to their deaths. Since the owners of the factory wanted to reduced theft and the workers to take breaks without permission they locked many doors that causing the people inside those doors to jump out the windows to avoid burning alive. This video does not fail to show us the papers and reactions of people at that time, and how that day caused all the New Yorkers to unite and pay respects to the people that died. Something extremely sad about this fire was that many family members didn’t know for sure if some family members were inside and their bodies couldn't be identified. Michael Hirsh, a researcher did his best to research and gather all the worker’s names because he believes that their names should be known and treated as heroines. This fire caused many positive things in the factories, new labor regulations and fire protectors and even child labor regulations.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
Yes, I wear activewear without being active
It’s true what they say if you wear activewear people tend to relate you with fitness, being healthy and active. In my case it has nothing to do with that, every year a buy a good amount of activewear and show up to the gym barely 7 times, but my activewear is always on my laundry basket. Why? Because I wear it to class, to go over a friends house, to run errands, to cook, to be just in my house and don’t feel bad about myself, just to take my PJs off, and occasionally, very very occasionally I wear it to the gym. One time I even wore activewear to my Fashion Marketing class presentation (Sorry Mrs. Warren but they were nice leggings). I just wore black activewear leggings and black, tight but plain activewear shirt, with a leather somewhat formal jacket and some high knee boots. I even liked that outfit and it looked very formal and fashionable. So that being said, activewear is actually the new denim, I personally love jeans but now I find it more comfortable to wear leggings, they are soft, stretchy and even dressy.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
Is active wear the new Denim?
In the website Business of Fashion, articles always discuss interesting things, trends and new ideas from important designers, influencers and even business owners. On the article written by Lauren Sherman on June 5, 2014, she discusses the future of active wear. Many apparels nowadays are betting that activewear will become the next big growth category and since this was written in 2014 they were right. Not only did they think this but they made it a reality. Gap, H&M, Uniqlo and Forever 21 are part of the long list that got into the activewear space. Now women tend to wear legging everywhere they go, it has been increasingly being integrated to daily wear, especially in the US, not only has it become acceptable, but it has become even chic to wear legging under a dress or out for dinner and even to work. Plus activewear represents an activity, if a person is wearing activewear they give out the image of them being active, therefore healthy, and as Kunde predicted: “ Being healthy is always going to be trendy”.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
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Rag and Bone goes green!
If you go in my closet and walk to the pants section, you can notice I have a thing for jeans and if you see a little more into the detail, you can also notice almost all of them are from Rag and Bone. What is this brand? It’s mostly a retailer of fashion-forward denim that is technically famous for their jeans. This brand has all sorts of jean type and fashion trends, including, skinny, cigarette, boy fit, crop, wide leg, and even maternity. But that’s not the point, about two weeks ago I was putting on my all time favorite high wasting black jeans which were perfect for the outfit I was planning on wearing, but about 3 years old, and as I was getting up my thighs and finally up bottoming them up, I sadly heard them slowly saying goodbye. They ripped all the way from my butt to my knees. Obviously, at first a freaked out and went directly to weigh myself but after accepting that their jeans were just old and already through enough, I decided to order them again through their website. As a browse the online store I notice they had a “denim recycling program” which consisted in bringing your old denim and receive 20% off you denim purchase that same day. This is a clear example of a sustainable fashion and since this has been a major discussion in the denim market, Rag and Bone needed to do something about it, so they became recycling friendly.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
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Sustainable Fashion, what? why? and who?
Sustainable Fashion means many different things in the world fashion. Many designers and people have different meanings to this term. Amongst all their meanings the most important is that it is basically the growing design trends of sustainability with the goal to create a system that can be supported indefinitely by human impact to the environment. In the video from the website, Future Lean on Ethical Fashion Forum many different designers, business owners, and supply chain experts share their point of view on sustainable fashion and different ways in which companies are transforming their business and improving their supply chain to have a positive impact in the environment. Ada Zandition, a couture designer believes that this fashion is just taking what she does and improving it by inclusivity rather than exclusivity. For Deborah Campbell, a womenswear designer argues that it means ensuring that designers don't pollute the planet for future generations and Orsola de Castro, co-founder/director of Fashion Revolution thinks that sustainability provides a platform of curiosity which young designers and consumers questions the clothes they produce or wear. By being curious investigate and getting a hold of research which includes why being sustainable is important.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
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A simple detail changes EVERYTHING
When shopping, some people don’t like to go into too much detail and decide quickly between different garments, but obviously, I am do not belong to that group. When I go shopping I compare and contrast almost everything, with things I already own, with other things inside the store, or even with other designer’s products. As much as a product looks similar to another one they always have something that makes them differ. For example, one of my best friends has a thing for boots. She owns about 10 pairs of boots and continues to look for more and if you go in her closet you may see two pairs of boots and think they are exactly the same, but of course, they aren’t even though they differ because of only one little detail. So it’s actually a real thing, every garment is made with every detail planned and thought and people like me and my best friend really notice them. That’s why Miranda Priestly is always right.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
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Miranda is ALWAYS right
As much as this may sound “cliche”, one of my all time favorite movies is The Devil Wears Prada which premiered on June 30,2006. Not only did Meryl Streep appeared but she did an outstanding job on playing Miranda Priestly who was a powerful fashion magazine editor. This movie basically showed the audience that fashion is absolutely no joke and should be taken seriously. Throughout the movie, there were many scenes were “Andy” played by Anne Hathaway who was the new assistant to Miranda, disparaged fashion and couture. When she first started working with her she was not interested at all in fashion nor did she understand it. But the famous “lumpy, loose sweater” scene completely caught my attention. The scene shows when Andy literally giggles at Miranda when she was finding it very difficult to pick between two very similar-looking belts. When Miranda acknowledges it she starts giving Andy a very detailed yet aggressive explanation on how important fashion is even if she didn’t care about what she was wearing. In this case, Andy was wearing a “lumpy blue sweater” who Miranda said was not turquoise, nor lapis but actually cerulean blue, and then continued on telling her about different designers using the color cerulean in their collections, and how important the color blue was since it represented millions of dollars and countless jobs. With that explanation and statement, she made clear that fashion was no joke and that mocking the industry, what Andy was doing, is completely incorrect. After all, many people who work in this industry have a very hard time to give the customers something exhilarating for them, because, in the end, every article of clothing has a backstory.
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
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The Comeback of Denim on Denim
It's 2018 and literally having a denim jacket in your closet is a MUST. I personally love the denim on denim look and think that the 90s fashion is back and here to stay. Nowadays I can wear a jean jacket with a denim skirt and look absolutely fashionable, casual and sometimes even trendy. Designers are now producing statement denim jackets and jeans with things that you would never imagine matched. Now you see pearls, fringes, sparkles, sequins, patches, feathers and even paint. You can create a vintage look with a touch of modern very easily. Now the look has become so trendy that you can wear denim on denim on a night out, a casual lunch or even a party (with a statement object incorporated of course). 
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nadanadanada123 · 6 years
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Nudie Jeans- from cotton to a pair of jeans
After watching this Nudie Jeans video I actually feel pretty surprised since I had no idea how were jeans made and how much work it took to make them perfectly. This Swedish denim brand that is based in Gothenburg and was founded by Maria Erixon focuses on raw and prewashed denim jeans. The reason she started this ecologically friendly company was that she was tired of short-sighted views on fashion and clothing. What I think makes this brand special is the transparency they have with their consumer since we can literally see how the jeans are made in this video, what products and materials they use, and even the machines they use. Personally, I have never worn or even bought a pair of these jeans but after this video, I can say that I know they are good quality clothing. At first, when I started it I thought it would bore me and I would pause it, but I found it so interesting and somewhat refreshing that I watched the 4 minutes and 35 seconds of the video. I even looked up their website and I am currently ordering their “Breezy Britt” jeans.
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