nadiadewif · 2 years
Akal Sehat!!
Coba tolong dipertimbangkan lagi kalau misalnya emang mau keluar dan partying pada saat pandemie ini. Emang bener sih situasinya udah membaik tapi kan ini masih pandemie. Setidaknya pikirin orang lain juga yang masih ingin menjaga kesehatan dan menghindari virus ini. Karena aku yakin, semua orang juga memiliki keinginan yang sama, tidak terpapar dengan virus yang dangerous ini! 
I don’t care what you believe, tapi aku masih percaya kalo misalnya orang berperilaku sesuai dengan aturan yang sudah ditentukan pada masa pandemie ini, setiap orang juga masih bisa menghindari virusnya. Jangan didoain dong kalo semua bakalan kena. Tugas kita sebagai orang yang sudah dites positif dan sudah terpapar dengan corona yaa berarti sebisa mungkin menjaga agar orang lain tidak kena juga. 
And please.. If someone had a positive result from the Antigen Test, do not congratulate them!! Because inside, they’re frustrated.
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nadiadewif · 2 years
Being Smart!
At this time of year, we can say that the situation with the pandemic is getting better and better. And it’s almost seen as a normal infection than it used to be. But please don’t be dumb! If you are infected, please have a rational thinking and stay safe, that means, rest yourself at home and avoid contact with others. I know, staying at home can’t do anything is really boring. But you still need to consider other people. So.. BE SMART!
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nadiadewif · 3 years
Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. - Mark Twain
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nadiadewif · 3 years
Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It’s OK to fail. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing. - H. Stanley Judd
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nadiadewif · 3 years
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nadiadewif · 3 years
Acting is like flour, for no particular reason
Yoon Jaehyuk
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nadiadewif · 3 years
Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none.
William Shakespeare 
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nadiadewif · 3 years
Loneliness does not come from having no people around, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible. - Carl Jung
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nadiadewif · 3 years
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nadiadewif · 3 years
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Welcome spring!!
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nadiadewif · 3 years
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircle the world
Albert Einstein
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nadiadewif · 3 years
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nadiadewif · 3 years
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True #motivation
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nadiadewif · 3 years
Just take a few seconds
Just take a few seconds of your life, looking outside the window and appreciate the beauty of the view 
Just take a few seconds, realizing that everything you’ve, even though it’s just a small deed like listening to your friends’ problem, is helpful for other people and also to yourself
Just take a few seconds, to take a positive impact from all the regrets you’ve done in the past
Just take a few seconds, to thank other people for their love, their sacrifices, and their effort to help you
It’s just a simple actions but it has a great impact to your well-being
You might say “Hey, they have better life than me?” or you might question yourself “Why can’t I be like them?” -- that’s not worth, should I say “Bullshit”!?
Everyone’s mistake is to always compare themselves with other people -- friends, family, colleagues, neighbors and lalala
But hey!! Don’t torture yourself and always do, what you think is worth it for you, and for everyone important for you
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nadiadewif · 4 years
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Want to live a life like this? Check out my list of top 5 self-improvement books and start making progress towards your goals! https://ift.tt/2Cfr8ak
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nadiadewif · 4 years
This song really describes how we adults still feel like a kid. It’s okay if there’s still a child inside you. What matter is to show the world the real you. No matter how hard you try to only show your good side and hide yourself from the world, it always comes out in an unexpected way. You are not alone, other people also feel the same way as you do
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nadiadewif · 4 years
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