nadichat · 1 year
Just to let y'all know... I have to make a part 2 for this. Baldmoth has infuriated me to the max level.
No sympathy for Hawk Moth
I do not have any sympathy for Gabriel Agreste at all. He preys on people that have negative emotions and akumatizes them. That won’t make them feel better afterwards because they feel bad for the damage they could have caused. For instance, we all know that Alya didnt like when she turned into Lady WiFi. Ms. Bustier thought that she was a terrible person after being akumatized. Mr. Ramier is very sensitive when it comes to his pigeons and he got akumatized at least 20 times. Not only that he puts other people in danger all the time, including his own son. Adrien could’ve fallen to his death off a building and he let Riposte still be one of his villains when he knew that Adrien was her main target. He also put Ladybug and Chatnoir in danger too. The most disturbing moment was in Dark Owl when they were about to be suffocated with whipped cream. If they didn’t give anything they would have eventually been drowning. He put them in a life or death situation which is so disturbing because he was willing to let two teenagers die over some miraculouses. Thank God that ladybug had fake ones because I don’t believe that they would have given up their real miraculouses. His reasoning for wanting the miraculous is to get his wife back. I’m guessing that Gabriel and Emilie used the butterfly and peacock miraculous in the past. I’m sure they saw how the peacock miraculous was effecting Emilies health so why did they continue to use it. What could be so important that they had to use miraculouses? She could have prevented getting so sick if they weren’t doing something they had no business doing. Also if he cared about her so much back then he would have told her to stop using the miraculous because it was making her ill. He could also just take her to a real doctor instead of keeping her in a glass tube under his house like a creep. His obsession with getting Emilie back has caused Adrien to feel neglected by his father. He claims to want to make Adrien happy again by bringing her back. He fails to realize that he is making him unhappy by not communicating with him and telling him things. How happy does he expect Adrien to be once he knows how he brought Emilie back. If he uncovers his secret of being Hawkmoth that will definitely make Adrien disappointed because his father was his enemy. He would also have to tell him how he kept her under the house and she didn’t go away forever. Adrien will know that he was living a lie and probably cause him to go crazy or into a deep depression. ( we saw what one of the outcomes could be in cat blanc) Speaking of chat blanc, I hated how Gabriel handled things. I would’ve never guessed that he would akumatize Adrien but after he found out he was chat noir he did. He put him in a situation where he would have to destroy his partner to get the miraculouses. I can go on about it all day but it’s just so horrible. I don’t like Gabriel or Nathalie. She might show caring emotions to Adrien but she still told on him because she is more loyal to Gabriel. She is crazy for loving somebody like him :/. but hayyy to each its own.... I guess 🎉
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nadichat · 1 year
Hi everyone! It's been two years since I've posted but highschool was.... hard to say the least. However, I'm back since I recently graduated and I have nothing to do this summer! I watched all of season 4 of miraculous (who hasn’t?) and I just want to say I’m so happy with the development of lady noir like omgggg. I am currently watching some season 5 episodes and its so exciting to finally see some different things being executed in this season. I will dig a little deeper and break down some of the episodes soon. It's great to be back :)
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nadichat · 3 years
OMG LOL. I didn’t  see it! and based off your reaction, I am scared to see it now... Where can I find a picture? I had high hopes for Nath’s costume but your reaction lol. I know he has good taste but maybe not when it comes to rooster costumes.
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nadichat · 3 years
!!!Wishmaker spoilers do not read if you did not watch !!!!!
Okay so we ( people who have watched wish maker) all know that Adrien’s childhood dream was to be what his parents always wanted him to be. That’s seriously messed up but from previous episodes you could tell that he wants to be “perfect” in everyone’s eyes. Ever since origins you could tell he doesn’t want to be pinned as a bad person or be a disappointment. He was raised to believe that he has to be what his parents want him to be or he will be punished. For example, when his friends came over to his house to surprise him ( Party Crasher) and the first thing he said was, “…but my father”. I’m sure y’all remember how that went but anyways he didn’t want his dad to know that he was just having fun. He doesn’t want anyone to view him negatively, not even his parents which is super unhealthy. I wish he had supportive parents that actually cared about his feelings. He wanted to be what his parents want him to be but is that actually true? Was that his childhood dream because his parents brainwashed him to believe that if he doesn’t end up they way they expect him to be, he will be a disappointment? I believe so. But I’m pretty sure that’s not his wish now because he obviously doesn’t want his father to pick out his future for him. He’s starting to realize that he needs to care for himself before trying to please others.
On the other hand, I’m kinda glad Adrien doesn’t remember his old childhood dream because it was hurtful to us. Imagine how he will feel knowing that he was forced into thinking he needs to be “ perfect” as a child.
I also believe that Adrien doesn’t remember his dream because his parents started treating him as such from a very young age. So by the time he was old enough to remember things, he was already trained to believe he needs to be the way his parents want him to be. That’s why he couldn’t think of a childhood dream because it has always been that way so he thinks it is just the everyday norm.
Oh and one more thing, I feel like the reason Adrien is finally starting to change his path is because he is no longer homeschooled, his father barely talks to him, and his mother is “gone”. If he was still homeschooled and living with both parents the manipulation and brainwashing would continue and he would be isolated from the real world. Now that he is in school and hanging around people his age he is starting to notice that his everyday life is way different and abnormal than theirs. He did get the flyer for the Paris career expo from school after all.
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nadichat · 3 years
season 4 so far…
spoilers ahead guysss ♡
okay I just watched all of the released episodes ( truth-optigami) & honestly I’m really nervous for this season finale. i think something really big is going to happen. all of these episodes are pretty surprising.
i also hope that ladybug starts liking chat noir and adrien starts liking marinette. i believe this will happen in this season but there won’t be a reveal yet. honestly i’m super confused. i don’t know if i want ladynoir or adrienette 😔💔. i used to be a marichat shopper until this season because there is literally none of that. my number 1 ship is ladynoir now mostly because i think they are making the most progress. i just need some type of special relationship between marinette and adrien because it’s torture watching them just be friends.
however, i do love their friendship. marinette seems to be a little more confident around him and im proud of her.
i felt really bad for marinette until she told alya her secret identity. im glad that she has some support from her bestie now because she would’ve been so stressed out! she still has to worry about shadowmoth tho 🙄
adrien is just getting too sad too watch tbh. especially when he has absolutely no one to tell his secrets too. sometimes i can tell that chat noir feels like he is being left out but i hope he knows that he is super important. the more i think about shadowmoth , the more I feel for adrien. he already has strict rules with his father and once he finds out that his father was lying to him to do evil, he will be so hurt. i don’t want him to find out but at the same time… it’s beneficial to the story. that’s a secret that can’t be kept.
gabriel… i hope you fail! and you too Nathalie. especially her. she knows she almost died from the peacock miraculous and she still continues to do evil. they even made a sentimonster to spy on children! that’s weird im sorry. i can’t wait for them to get caught. they are too old for these acts. i really don’t care what their motives are anymore. if he really wants emily back then take her to the doctor instead of leaving her in a glass box surrounded by butterflies. and nathalie if you loved gabriel so much you would talk him out of this outlandish behavior. they are just jeopardizing their relationship with the person that should matter the most, Adrien. nobody cares about his feelings in that house.
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nadichat · 3 years
things Marinette has done for her classmates/friends
She “convinced” Adriens father to let him go to New York ( even though we all know why he actually went, but she was still nice enough to go for him)
She purposely got herself sent to the principals office so that she could get Markov back for Max.
She helped Sabrina stand up to Chloe ( even though she still went back to Chloe afterwards)
Threw a party for Chloe/ Queen Bee.
Tried to get Mylene to perform her part in the movie from Horrificator
Set up a photo shoot so Juleka could be in the class picture.
Offered to help Alix fix her watch ( even though it was a miraculous so it couldn’t be fixed)
Encouraged Kim to ask out his valentine.
Helped Ivan to ask out Mylene by suggesting that he wrote her a song.
Matched up Marc with Nathaniel so they could make comic books
Helped Nino win the arm wrestling challenge against Nora so they could be at the firework show together
Set up a ladybug interview for Alya
Helped Luka and the rest of the band with their costumes
She tried to cover up for Kagami when her mother answered the phone while they were playing the treasure hunt together
With all this being said I still can’t believe people take Lilas side over Marinettes because I don’t remember Lila doing anything for anybody. I was thinking about in that chameleon episode when everyone was so mad at Marinette. Also this is a Marinette appreciation post because a lot of people think she’s awful. She’s nice but just crazy yk XD.
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nadichat · 3 years
Kagami is a great friend for Marinette!
People say Kagami was mean to Marinette in the frozer episode but I think she was just giving her some advice. The way she said it might have came off as mean but it was the truth. Marinette does hesitate. Kagami might be able to help her with that because she is so straight forward. I don’t know why people hate Kagami. She tries to be a good friend just like Adrien. I think Kagami acts the way she does because of the way her mother is. She talks with a stern tone just like her mom. However, at the end of Imari Gozen and in the episode love eater, you could tell her voice seemed to sound a lot friendlier. Also people said she is getting in the way of the ship. It’s not her fault. Kagami and Marinette both like Adrien but Kagami is the only one doing something about it. Marinette never told Adrien that she had feelings for him. Marinette also never told Kagami that she liked Adrien... but Kagami suspects that she likes him. Kagami made a good point in desperada telling Marinette that she needed to make a decision about who she wants. She knows that Luka likes her but doesn’t want to be with him because she wants Adrien.... but she isn’t doing anything about it. She really does need to make a decision before it’s too late. Kagami also said she didn’t want to hurt Marinette by being with Adrien but she loves him. I don’t know if she will try to be with Adrien for real but if they do you can’t really be mad at Kagami. Some might think she is being a bad friend to Marinette but um no. Marinette literally got the dragon miraculous in Love Eater to break her and Adrien up when she saw them about to kiss.... anyways they would be great friends !? I guess. I feel like Kagami would give Marinette that extra push she needs to express her feelings without being hesitant.
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nadichat · 3 years
ladybug replacing chat noir ( a story )
ladybug: chat noir give me your miraculous.
chat noir: what? why?!
ladybug: you are still not taking this job seriously with your puns and flirting. Hawkmoth has upped his game and it’s getting harder to defeat him. you are becoming a big distraction.
*chats expression saddens*
chat noir: is that all I am to you ?
ladybug: no chat that’s not what I mea-
*ladybug attempts to grab his hand*
chat noir: can you at least tell me who my replacement is?
ladybug: remember the boy I told you about? the one I’m in love with?
chat noir: yea. sure :/
ladybug: im giving it to him. I’m sorry chat noir but it really is getting out of hand.
chat noir: no I understand milady. you told me several times to stop but I apologize I can’t control my happiness when I’m with you. im the one who’s sorry. who is the boy that you’re in love with? since we won’t be.... partners anymore you no longer have to keep it a secret right?
*ladybug sighs*
ladybug: his name is ......Adrien Agreste.
chat noir: you prefer him over me?
ladybug: no it’s not like that. it’s complicated.
chat noir: *frowns* okay
*chat noir takes off his ring*
ladybug: *gasps* A- Adrien?
adrien: all this time you were in love with me. not the real me but the me everyone loves and adores. I was so stupid to believe that anyone would love the real me.
ladybug: but I love you adrien.
adrien : no you don’t ladybug. the part of me the you love is the part of me that I hate.
*ladybug starts to tear up*
adrien: sike let’s go get married
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nadichat · 3 years
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Adrien definitely loves Marinette. The New York special 100% made me believe that.
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nadichat · 3 years
No sympathy for Hawk Moth
I do not have any sympathy for Gabriel Agreste at all. He preys on people that have negative emotions and akumatizes them. That won’t make them feel better afterwards because they feel bad for the damage they could have caused. For instance, we all know that Alya didnt like when she turned into Lady WiFi. Ms. Bustier thought that she was a terrible person after being akumatized. Mr. Ramier is very sensitive when it comes to his pigeons and he got akumatized at least 20 times. Not only that he puts other people in danger all the time, including his own son. Adrien could’ve fallen to his death off a building and he let Riposte still be one of his villains when he knew that Adrien was her main target. He also put Ladybug and Chatnoir in danger too. The most disturbing moment was in Dark Owl when they were about to be suffocated with whipped cream. If they didn’t give anything they would have eventually been drowning. He put them in a life or death situation which is so disturbing because he was willing to let two teenagers die over some miraculouses. Thank God that ladybug had fake ones because I don’t believe that they would have given up their real miraculouses. His reasoning for wanting the miraculous is to get his wife back. I’m guessing that Gabriel and Emilie used the butterfly and peacock miraculous in the past. I’m sure they saw how the peacock miraculous was effecting Emilies health so why did they continue to use it. What could be so important that they had to use miraculouses? She could have prevented getting so sick if they weren’t doing something they had no business doing. Also if he cared about her so much back then he would have told her to stop using the miraculous because it was making her ill. He could also just take her to a real doctor instead of keeping her in a glass tube under his house like a creep. His obsession with getting Emilie back has caused Adrien to feel neglected by his father. He claims to want to make Adrien happy again by bringing her back. He fails to realize that he is making him unhappy by not communicating with him and telling him things. How happy does he expect Adrien to be once he knows how he brought Emilie back. If he uncovers his secret of being Hawkmoth that will definitely make Adrien disappointed because his father was his enemy. He would also have to tell him how he kept her under the house and she didn’t go away forever. Adrien will know that he was living a lie and probably cause him to go crazy or into a deep depression. ( we saw what one of the outcomes could be in cat blanc) Speaking of chat blanc, I hated how Gabriel handled things. I would’ve never guessed that he would akumatize Adrien but after he found out he was chat noir he did. He put him in a situation where he would have to destroy his partner to get the miraculouses. I can go on about it all day but it’s just so horrible. I don’t like Gabriel or Nathalie. She might show caring emotions to Adrien but she still told on him because she is more loyal to Gabriel. She is crazy for loving somebody like him :/. but hayyy to each its own.... I guess 🎉
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nadichat · 3 years
Andre the Ice Cream Maker knowing Chat Noir is Adrien
In Heart Hunter when Adrien and Kagami were about to kiss we saw Andre looking over that them. Then in miracle queen he was still there ( i think) and Adrien literally transformed right there in front of him. He also knows that Adrien is in love with ladybug because of the ice cream he made for him.
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nadichat · 3 years
Why Adrien treats Marinette so special ...
I believe that Adrien treats Marinette a lot differently than his other friends. He seems to always want to impress her and doesn’t want her to not like him.
One of the reasons I believe he treats her this way is because of his first impression on her. When Marinette first met Adrien, she believed that he was trying to prank her by putting gum on her seat. She was visibly mad at him and we all know that Adrien was just trying to remove it. I think he pushes himself harder with Marinette because he feels bad for what happened and wants her to know that he is not that type of person to treat people badly.
Another reason is because Marinette reminds Adrien of Ladybug. He told her that she was “ our everyday ladybug” in heroes day part 2”. He is in love with ladybug and I’m sure he can tell that they look similar. They both have the dark hair and blue bell eyes. ( not to mention they are the same height, have the same voice, and the same hairstyle lol) They also share some of the same characteristics. I also believe that because she reminds him of Ladybug he feels the need to protect her. He protects Marinette a lot of time in civilian form and as chat noir a lot. For example in puppeteer when he was fighting the Hawkmoth wax figure and in “ Catalyst” when he covered Marinette because the scarlet akumas were coming over the school.
Marinette has helped Adrien alot. She helped him with relationship advice and helped him get away from his crazy fans so he could go to the movies. Adrien has also helped Marinette in the past too. For example, with her uncle in the Kung Food episode. He probably admires that about her because she is always willing to help anyone.
Marinette has given Adrien multiple gifts. She gave him her lucky charm, a Santa hat for Christmas, and a special macaroon. He obviously cares about the lucky charm she gave him. I think that the lucky charm also reminds him of the similarities between Ladybug and Marinette. If I’m not mistaken, the present Marinette gave him for Christmas was the only gift he got. He got gifts after he was “found” but I think Marinette was the only one who got him something before everything that happened. (: I believe gift giving is Marinettes love language :)
He has gotten a lot of compliments from Marinette. She called him handsome, awesome, amazing, etc. In Style Queen she also told him that he had his catwalk down. That particular compliment shocked him of course because he is chat noir 😂. The compliments give him a little head booster and cause him to be more comfortable around her.
I also think that he just enjoys teasing her. He always does something that will get a goofy reaction from Marinette. He doesn’t do that with other people only with her and I think he just likes to see her act crazy.
AND in the origins episode during the umbrella scene. The first time I seen Adrien laugh uncontrollably was when Marinette accidentally closed the umbrella on her head. I don’t know if he was laughing at her or because he thought it was cute but I think that Marinette and plagg are the main two people that cheer him up. He also went to Marinette as chat noir so she could cheer him up after being stood up. ( even though he ended up cheering her up instead)
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nadichat · 3 years
some miraculous nyc phrases that caught my attention
if you already seen the nyc miraculous special then I am sure you have already heard these phrases and thought about them. However, I would like to share it on here!
1. When Night Owl confronted Ladybug and Chat Noir and told them to give up their miraculouses. Ladybug said “ It’s true that we made a mistake but I fixed everything.” As she said “we” she looked up at Chat Noir. It was like she didn’t want to put all the blame on him because she knew that he got distracted by what she said to him before the Uncanny Valley incident. She didn’t seem mad at him anymore after the incident. I think that she was more sad for him because she knows that Chat Noir would never purposely do something like that. She probably could sense that he felt really bad and if she were to continue being mad at him he would feel a lot worst. Even when they went down to the sewers to go back to Paris, she wasn’t mad at Chat Noir. She explained to him why they couldn’t save Paris. It was a sad moment for both of them but she decided to not lash out on him like she was doing during* the first fight.
2. In the scene where Chat Noir loses focus during the fight, Ladybug said to him, “ Well I can’t trust you anymore can I?” I remember that in the Collector episode Gabriel said something similar like that to Adrien when he “misplaced” the book. I think it was something like, “ How can I possibly trust you again Adrien?” I feel like when Ladybug said that to him he had a flashback to when his Father told him the same thing. As Chat Noir, he does everything to impress Ladybug and as Adrien he does everything to make his “father” proud. He definitely doesn’t want to let them down. I think that was a real stab in the heart when she said that to him because she is probably the most important person to him. ( I mean what am I saying? He sacrificed his life and revealed his identity to protect/save her. )
3. After Adrien renounced Plagg they showed the scene of them walking back towards the hotel ( in the rain) . When Plagg said, “ I should have stopped him from leaving”, Marinette replied to him saying, “ He made his choice. What were we supposed to do?” Then when Adrien got into the car to leave New York and Alya said “ Couldn’t you see he was just waiting for you to tell him to stay?” Marinette replied saying, “ He made his choice. What did you expect me to do?” After Marinette began to run after Adriens care she said “ I already lost Chat Noir. I can’t lose Adrien too.” Did she say that because she thought that she should’ve told Chat to stay? She was clearly very upset when Chat Noir left but didn’t tell him not to leave. When Adrien left she was going to be sad until Alya talked some sense into her. That means she was going to feel the same way about Adrien leaving too. I think that from this point on she might be more confident and express her thoughts and feelings more so she won’t be left alone to be sad.
Okay I’m done. I know I’m reaching but I just really wanted to say it. I have to try to put stuff together to convince myself that Ladybug loves Chatnoir and that Adrien loves Marinette all the time. All I can do is hope that season 4 gives us some kind of validation because I am too excited/nervous. From what we’ve seen in the season 3 finale and the New York special, I’m sure we are all pretty confused. Lol anyways.... I had a good time putting this together and now I feel like it makes 0 sense:) !
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nadichat · 3 years
Sabrina getting a Miraculous
I feel like she should get a miraculous because she has always been in Chloes shadow. I feel like she would genuinely want to help ladybug and chatnoir and not get upset if she doesn’t get the chance to get one again. Chloe on the other hand thought she was entitled to getting the Bee Miraculous again and we all saw what went down in Miracle Queen. Also in the episode miraculer, Chloe completely degraded Sabrina for no reason and said that she was a heroine and Sabrina was a nobody compared to her. Sabrina may follow up everything that Chloe does but you can tell that she is really sweet and she deserves some recognition instead of being Chloes “bestfriend” I think she likes to get validation from Chloe. I have no idea why but I would enjoy it if she got her chance to shine solo. Even if people don’t know it’s her she could possibly see herself as a great hero.
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nadichat · 3 years
Ladybug and Chat Noirs miraculous compared to “ The Monkeys Paw”
(If you have never read this book I suggest u read it or look up some info about it because it makes you look at makings wishes differently. It is a very good book and I recommend it. )
In my highschool English class I read this book called the monkeys paw. Some people may already know about this book but basically in the book a family was offered 3 wishes from the monkeys paw. They got their wishes but they had a great price to pay. For example in the story, they asked for a certain number of pounds( i don’t remember the exact price/number) they got the money but they lost their son in return. Turns out the got paid because a machine at his job killed him. They got the money they wanted but it took the life of their child.
I’m comparing this specific story to the miraculouses because people may think making a wish is good and won’t end up making a mess, but interfering with fate will not end out great. Making a wish to do a certain thing may sound fun but it will mess with the worlds balance as heard in the episode, “ the collector”.
People may believe that Hawkmoths wish to bring back his wife may be a understandable reason but if he brings her back someone else may have to pay the price to keep the world balanced. If he ever got the miraculous and made his wish, he might end up happy for Emilie coming back but it’s not fair because he has something to lose. He puts his sons life in risk and even his own life by making a wish to bring someone back to regular life. Even if Gabriel or Adrien don’t end up paying the piece in return of Emilie coming back someone else may have to and I believe that is very selfish to know that you could possibly put someone else in great pain just so u can feel good.
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Anyways, I just remembered that I read that book and it matched the miraculous wish thingy so well I had to share it ! I really hope nobody will ever use the ladybug and cat miraculous to make a wish because you just never know about the price u or someone else will have to pay in return. It is never good to interfere with the past or future. If it was okay to alter to past or the future, I’m sure it wouldn’t be impossible to do so.
With all I have written, I still think that Gabriel is a bad person with kind of good intentions. He akumatizes people and makes them do bad to bring his wife back to make himself and his son happy but, he is doing it in a evil & weird way. I feel like he wouldn’t want anyone else to feel the pain he is feeling after losing a loved one but obviously he doesn’t care and is desperate to do anything to get her back. Very sad if u ask me but I do not like him at all. I will talk about that another time lol.
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nadichat · 3 years
I wonder if tikki and plagg heard Marinette say she loved Adrien. Well, tikki already knows but I wonder if Plagg will tell Adrien that she likes him. I don’t think he will but imagine how funny it will be for Plagg to know that Ladybug/Marinette does actually like him lol. Tikki and Plagg might even come up with a plan to get them together XD. We will just have to wait !
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nadichat · 3 years
Adrien in the miraculous NYC special
In the special I could kinda tell something was off about Adrien throughout the whole episode. He was already sad because he couldn’t go with his class but kagami made him happier after saying they could practice fencing together. Plus he would have Paris all to himself as chat noir after ladybug told him that she would be gone. But after his father told him that he was going to New York after Marinette “convinced” him he got sad again. He felt that he would let ladybug down because he was leaving. But when he was on the plane he looked stressed and on edge then when he saw marinette his whole face lit up and he got out of his seat to help her. He was also very grateful that she “convinced” his father to let him go and even though he knew he would let ladybug down for not telling her he left , he was very thankful for marinette sticking up for him. When she kept falling at the doors when they go to New York he kept catching her everytime she fell. He didn’t mind when she was touching him on his tummy when they were hiding from the teacher. He also immediately asked her to dance with him when he heard the song that was played at chloes party when they were floating (eek). He also threw a genuine smile at her every chance he could even after the whole uncanny valley/ ladybug not trusting him/ not going back to Paris incident. And when he said:
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he definitely wanted Marinette to tell him to stay. He probably wanted to stay with her but maybe he felt like she didn’t want him to stay either. He just got done renouncing plagg so maybe he felt like a big disappointment to everybody and decided to leave. I do feel like he definitely caught some romantic feelings for Marinette after watching this special. I hope we can see a continuation of this in the best season. Anyways y’all! I just feel bad for Adrien because his life is so messed up. I really hope the series will end with Adrien finding out the truth and getting some closure. Then he could be his real self because I hate to see him putting on a front for his father he is such a positive person but goes through a lot.
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