nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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     Samar met Nabeeha when he was 16 years old. He went to the ER due to his father having a outburst which landed him with a fractured collarbone and sprained wrist, she was part of her school’s clinical program. She got to go to an ER for two periods every other day of the week, as she wrapped his wrist she kept going on and on about how she was going to be a brain surgeon and change the world. He was immediately her lap dog after their meeting, even Henry said he was pretty pathetic pining after a girl as stunning as her. Of course not all beautiful things last, after Avi was born their dynamic changed. Samar wanted forever and Nabeeha…Nabeeha wanted to live her life, she didn’t want forever and especially didn’t want forever with Samar. He blocked her leaving, coming back, leaving again, coming back again, and leaving for good out of his mind and wouldn’t let Avi dwell on it. The man chuckled a bit looking down at his sleeping child then at Nadine, “I usually read him Robin Hood or a chapter from Harry Potter. Whatever he’s feeling that night.” he told Nadine with a small nod. When she throws the idea of her walking home in pitch black darkness he scoffs a bit, “I can’t let you go out there by yourself. It’s pitch black and ten o’clock. You’ve got to be mad.” He teased looking around the apartment then back at the girl, “You can make yourself comfortable. I’m just going to put him down.”
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      Nadine didn’t know much about Samar, she really only knew about his career as her art teacher, and that he had a son and a brother. She reluctantly waved goodnight to the sleepy Avi and sat back down on the couch, sitting with her feet together as she leaned forward on her knees, kicking herself for being so fucking awkward. She shook her head at herself and tapped her fingers nervously on her forehead, her right foot tapping for a moment before she took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Samar was so calm about the blackout that Nadine felt guilty for feeling slightly panicked. She was going to have to stay at a teacher’s house... in a black out. This was definitely something out of a nightmare she’s had. She wasn’t scared of Samar, he’s been nice to her since she arrived at SOAP, so she had no reason not to trust him, but she felt like she was intruding. She almost wanted to walk home alone in the dark, so that no one could see her if she broke down in a panic.
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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     It’s been a very long time since Samar had dared to enter the dating world. The last time had a girl over was Nabeeha, she came over to discuss custody agreements which she never actually committed to, she wore a coral top and her hair was slightly frizzy but she still looked stunning. That was about two years ago. The only other person who had been in his apartment was his brother, which was pretty sad, so he decided to try going on a blind date. At first it was great then slowly it turned to shit when they ran out of things to talk about. He thinks the blackout was a sign from god for him to get the hell out, which he did, to check on his son. “Hey,” He mumbled, slightly out of breath due to how fast he ran up the stairs, “Um..We ran out of stuff to say, I spilt wine on her when the power went out, and then I ran so..” he let out a dry chuckle looking at little Avi. Samar smiled softly leaning down to pick the little boy up, who quickly attached onto his father like a little monkey, “Was he okay? Sometimes he gets a little off the walls.”
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   Nadine has never been on a date. She’s been out with groups of friends, some of which she had some ‘almosts’ with, she’s kissed boys before, but she’s never been on an actual date, despite the little black number burning a hole in the back of her closet. She bought it for a date, actually, but it fell through when she caught the boy making out with her best friend. Nadine doesn’t blame her, though, she barely even blames him. She shook off the thought process and returned her attention to Samar, looking up at him as he picked up his son from his slumber on top of her. “Huh. Not too bad, all things considered,” she shrugged, nodding at the explanation of the date, looking confused and impressed, “Wait, the power went out there too? Is the whole city out?” she asks a bit more frantically, pulling herself up off the couch and stretching her limbs. “Yeah, he was really good. He saw my book on the coffee table-” she gestures to her copy of Slaughterhouse Five, “- and insisted that I read it to him. So we spent most of the night ‘reading’ Kurt Vonnegut. Don’t worry, I just told kid stories and pretended I was reading from the book.” She shrugs, taking the embarrassment she feels after rambling on as an excuse to spin around and look out the window at the street, lit only by the moon and a few slow-driving cars. “So.... should I... walk home?”
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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“I think I have wifi on my floor.. If you want to use it, you can come to my room.”
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“That sounds shady as hell. Never mind that, even, you don’t even know my name,” she laughs lightly, extending a hand, “I’m Nadine.” 
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
“No! I have! It’s on my like top five lists of favorite things to watch!” 
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“Oh thank god. I was about to have an intervention.” 
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
“Really? I got it for Christmas or my Birthday, I can’t really remember. My dad never know what to get me. You can borrow it for as long as you’d like.”
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“Holy shit. I would so appreciate that. You’re the best. I’m Nadine, by the way.” 
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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    “drinking alone is so boring !! also dangerous, what if you get so drunk you fall and hit your head on a table? no one will be there to help you. being alone is boring, nadine.”
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“i know, adele. i just.... hate drinking around people. i’m....” she looks down and shrugs, “i’m like, super paranoid of how annoying i am when i’m drunk.”
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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          Nadine never thought she’d ever do something so iffy. But when Mr. Kapoor asked her to watch his son just one mile off campus on a Friday─ she was reluctant, but agreed. She did ask why his brother. the other Mr. Kapoor, couldn’t watch him, but it was just explained away, so Nadine just let it go. It was about two hours into the babysitting gig when the power went out. Luckily, Avi was asleep on Nadine’s chest as she laid on the couch, so she wasn’t worried about the power outage scaring him, but she was terrified. She didn’t know exactly what to do, so she just kept her phone close and drifted off to sleep on the couch. That is, until she heard the front door opening, and she peaked an eye open, looking over to make sure it was Mr. Kapoor─ Samar, she thinks, it’s Samar. “Hey,” she says sleepily, poking at her phone to see what time it was, “How come you’re home early?” she asks, unaware that the power of the whole city is out.
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
“Wait.. the wifi is down? Well that’s shitty..”
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“Yeah it fucking sucks.”
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
“How I met your mother?” 
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“Wait, don’t tell me you’ve never seen this show...”
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
“If you have a DVD player I can totally help you out. I have that show on DVD.”
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“Wow, really? I don’t think I’ve ever met a person with like, an entire box set of a show. Fascinating, honestly.”
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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    “oh precious little bean nadine, you know i like my lungs black and crispy.” She joked pinching her cheek lovingly. “okay, one day i’m going to get you to try some marijuana and you’ll see how banging it is.” 
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“Oh come on. We’ve had this conversation. I wouldn’t trust myself inibriated, that’s why I only drink when I’m alone. Duh.” 
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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    Samar laughed softly putting the dirty paintbrush in a murky cup of water, “Bob was the one who taught me how to paint a perfect bush and a perfect bush’s friend because everyone needs a friend.” He joked laughing at himself. He turned towards Nadine shaking his head a bit, “Just Samar. Mister Samar just sounds worse.”
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   “Everyone needs a friend. Even bushes,” she said quietly, unable to contain the fit of giggles that followed. She lifted her brush and continued to further place tiny off-white stars in the dark blue sky that she’d painted. It was basic, but she wasn’t capable of much more. “Okay- uh, Samar.” Nadine couldn’t help how pink her cheeks went. The poor thing hadn’t really ever been asked to call a teacher by their first name.”
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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“ ouch. ” xavier grimaced as he heard the girls troubles. “ that sucks- but, i don’t know, sitting around watching tv and eating ice cream or whatever seems like a bit of a.. mundane reward for doing a chemistry paper? like i don’t know, the wifi’s down and we’re in paris; that sounds more like a blessing than a curse to me anyway. go out and do something funner- yes i know that’s not a real word but bare with me- do something funner to celebrate. like.. rob a bank! actually no, never mind not that- bad idea, xavier. but you get what i’m trying to say? treat yourself with something better than netflix and junk food! ”
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   nadine smirked and raised her brows, listening to the boys suggestion that─ albeit rambled and borderline coherent─ made a lot of sense. “ah, you’re probably right. i’ve been here since grade nine and i still haven’t properly explored the city,” she confesses, shrugging, “i don’t even know where to start, honestly.” 
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
“Oh…” Mai bit her lip, not knowing exactly what to say. “Well…maybe you can do something else until it gets back” she said sweetly. “Like…go for a walk or bake cupcakes…cupcakes are always good”
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“I wish I could do both of those things but it’s raining and it’s a bit hard to make cupcakes in the kitchinette’s microwave. Trust me. I have tried.” 
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
Addison pulled out her planner and wrote down that she changed Nadine’s due date of her essay, before butting out away in her bag. “Of course. I think all teacher here remember what’s like to be over worked with school and life, being a teenage. If you need help with that paper, you know where to find me.”
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Nadine smiled gratefully, she wished she knew that words how much she appreciated the extension. “This seriously means a lot. It’s... really hard to keep my grades up lately, with my graduation coming up. My scholarship is really... fragile.” 
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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   When Bob Ross was mentioned the man turned around pointing a paint brush at her, “Don’t disrespect my man Bob, Miss Nadine.” he teased chuckling a bit. “Also please call me Samar. I’m an art teacher. Hardly a teacher.”
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Nadine looked at the paint brush and pursed her lips to keep from laughing at it. “Oh, no disrespect, I am an avid member of hte happy tree family.” She laughed, mindlessly using her brush to mix some paint on her palette, “Okay...uh.. Mr... Samar.”
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nadinepng-blog · 8 years
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Nadine smirked and shook her head at her teacher’s comment. “Yeah, yeah. I’m a writer, not a painter. My knowledge of painting ends with Bob Ross, Mr. Kapoor.” 
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   “I don’t mean to come off as a jerk but painting isn’t all that hard. You’re making it more complicated than it really is.”
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