nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
Sebun and how to write a proper depression reveal
Chapter 100 of “Beastars” is my favorite in the series. After all, the star of the chapter is Sebun the sheep who is a my favorite character. “Beastars” is so dang awesome for several reasons. One of these reasons being how it takes us with our guards down. Like when we get what we think is a success-despite-background story… that turns out to be the tale about a woman who realizes that her hard work has led her nowhere AND that she is suicidal.
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So, this is Sebun the Merino sheep. We see her as a well-dressed short sheep who has an expensive apartment and a job in a sport equipment company. Unusual, since the company’s employees are almost nothing but male carnivores and Sebun is both female AND a small herbivore.
Apparently, she got the job since she has a high education.
Another unusual thing about Sebun is that she rides a train to work that is stuffed with carnivores who pushes and shoves each other. I’s a miracle Sebun haven’t been mashed like a hot potato riding the train. And she even has a choice of just taking another train specially made for small animals like herself.
Or maybe it is not so strange…
See, Sebun’s life is not as perfect as it seems.
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One of Sebun’s co-workers asks her if she would like to to go out for a drink… Calling her lamb-chan. And he is smiling.
Way back when we got Haru’s backstory, we were told about how aware she is of her small stature. She was constantly reminded of how tiny she was since everyone smiled at her. As if she were a little child.
That’s essentially what happens to Sebun.
We get to learn that everyone calls her this at first cute-sounding nickname that is actually rather degrading. Even worse since it is big animals who could eat her.
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And then we get to learn that she was NOT given her dream job because of her education. It was because it was an experiment to change the pace of the company. So she loses her position in the company in the blink of an eye and instead she… does…
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Her boss calls her new job “therapy animal.” Basically, she is there for meetings so her wool can be touched.
That’s practically sexual harassment.
So there it is. No matter how hard Sebun worked, no matter how smart or well-dressed she is, she will always be a sheep first in the eyes of big carnivores who belittles her and casually bully her.
And just to hammer in the point…
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We get to see that her fancy apartment is WAY to big.
She probably only lived in it as partly a way to remind herself that she was successful and to compensate for being a small animal.
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She even quits wearing lipstick and high-heeled shoes. My mom says that the day you stop trying to look as good as you can is the day you should be worried about your mental health. Sure, it sounds shallow, but not caring how the rest of the world sees you is dangerous.
And with Sebun, we realize the true reason for her taking the big-animal train; she is suicidal. In fact, she has been suicidal for years, she just lied to herself, making up reasons to justify her unhealthy way of transportation. Kinda like a person who buys a gun for “protection” but actually gets it since they consider ending their life.
And then we get a well-played call-back to the start of the chapter where one of Sebun’s female colleagues told her about a rather… disturbing way some animals take their own life.
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That’s right, some animals in this world slap their cheeks in front of carnivores in order to tell them that they can eat them.
It was rather obvious in retrospective that it was leading up to this. We got tricked into thinking that this was a success story since we kept seeing Sebun in close-up shots so to say, meaning we did not realize at first how damn SMALL she is.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
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They’re a 100% father and son
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
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so, who else is a furry now?
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
A closer look at Juno’s love life.
I recently made a blog about why it was a good thing that Legosi x Juno never became a thing. But as I wrote it, it got me thinking about how different they really are. They are more or less polar opposites.
Especially when it comes to their love life.
Legosi is a creature of guilt. When we first meet him, he is horribly awkward and self-conscious about his monster-like appearance. Even though he changed a lot throughout the story, he is still awkward as hell, and it affects his love life since he constantly worry about if he is doing something wrong, if he is worthy of Haru’s affection, if they have a future together, how Haru’s life would be affected by being with him…
… And Haru just wants him to take a damn chill pill and fucking KISS HER ALREADY!!!
Juno is on the other hand not self-conscious at all. Like Legosi, she is a product of living in a society that fears her for being a wolf, but she has no intention of feeling guilty about it. She has decided to stick it to society and become the Beastar so she can spread her message of carnivore pride.
Heck, the first thing she does when she is in a room alone with Louis, the supposed bringer of peace and the object of admiration of all the girls, is calling bull on him. Unlike 99% of the girls in the school who fawns over the handsome deer, Juno sees right through him as the faker and carnivore hater he is.
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She then pulls one heck of a power move by not only demonstrating her physical strength by pining him to the floor, but also commenting on the fact that she could eat him if she wanted. She is one of the few carnivores who shows Louis her fangs unashamed. And she even declares that she has the intention of being the next Beastar instead of him.
Juno is essentially what Louis thinks a carnivore should be; strong and unashamed of their nature. Louis generally hates all the animals he meets since he mistakes their attempts of being civilized as dishonestly, that they are ashamed of themselves. ESPECIALLY carnivores. But he realizes here that Juno is telling him exactly what the hell she wants and the LAST thing she is is ashamed of being a wolf.
(… He even looks a bit turned on by it.)
Already there, there is something between them. Uncompromising honesty. Juno sees right through Louis’ model student bullshit and Louis sees Juno as the ambitious young lady she is and respects her for it.
After Louis leaves school and joins the mafia, Juno tracks him down. And once again, she sees right through him. Louis claims that he has thrown away his fakeness by removing himself from the sentimental part of society and living a life of crime in the black marked, but Juno again points out that he has just replaced one pretty boy act with another one(granted, one more shady).
So, Juno can see Louis for what he truly is. A very flawed animal. But that also means that she can truly see his good qualities as well, even recognize that he has a weird mix of maturity and childlike behavior. Her clear perspective of him and their bond of honestly leads to THIS:
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Her very first kiss.
And it is a really long and passionate one on top of that. Juno does nothing half :P
Legosi beats around the bush only gives Haru the kiss they both wanted after a year or so, JUNO says “this guy is cute!” and kisses him without being worried about their different species.
We get to see that this is not just a fling by the way they react.
Louis who is two years older(and therefor more mature) realizes that this is a BAD idea. That he doesn’t want to be the one who makes Juno become a social outcast by dating a deer. So not only does he push her away, he does it in a way that shows how much he understands her.
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Besides being a REALLY insensitive thing to say to a girl who just kissed you, it is also an attack on Juno’s pride. Louis is essentially saying: “You are a dumb dog, but I forgive you”. And Juno is a VERY proud wolf, so that stings.
And Juno is hurt by this. She is not angry or petty like she were when her attempt at romance with Legosi went nowhere, this is actually breaking her heart.
It shows even more after Louis tells her about his fiance. She is VERY tearful and she even looks for Legosi for comfort and advice.
Again, she is WAY more outward than Legosi who at that point hadn’t even kissed Haru yet. Juno just accepts that she is cross-species sexual and then finds an “expert” while Legosi wasted god knows how long feeling guilty and conflicted.
But spending time together for the first time after school as just friends, Legosi and Juno realizes that people on the street acts… politer toward them. This is when they realize a whole new problem with dating someone from another species. Society will treat you nicely, give you free dessert in restaurants and even give you economical support if you are married with someone from your own species, meaning you will be well-off.
The two wolves’ reaction to this revelation is interesting:
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Legosi does what he always does; worries about everyone else but himself. Juno consider that she is giving up a lot by trying to be with Louis. She is more worried about herself than Legosi is, which I consider healthy.
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But she is proud, and as soon as someone implies that what she does and how she feels is a bad thing, she reacts, declaring her love to the deer ON TELEVISION, showing she is not ashamed of anything and that she gives less than two shits about what society thinks of her, a very Juno thing to do :)
She is not even trying to hide her fangs XD
Anyways, Juno is not as worried as Legosi is when it comes to how the rest of the world sees her. So that is probably why she will get in a relationship with Louis much faster than Legosi did with Haru. Chances are their relationship will be less bumpy as well.
… If Louis will stop trying to “save” her.
Males, am I right?
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
Juno uses fur products of some sort.
Noticed that Juno’s ears are different from the other wolves?
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They don’t really look like wolf ears. More like dog ears.
And then I noticed this when Legosi and Gouhin were about to attack the Lion Mafia:
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Legosi’s ears looked kinda like Juno’s since he was wet.
Juno probably uses some sort of shampoo or fur-gel or something.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
Sebun and how to write a proper depression reveal
Chapter 100 of “Beastars” is my favorite in the series. After all, the star of the chapter is Sebun the sheep who is a my favorite character. “Beastars” is so dang awesome for several reasons. One of these reasons being how it takes us with our guards down. Like when we get what we think is a success-despite-background story… that turns out to be the tale about a woman who realizes that her hard work has led her nowhere AND that she is suicidal.
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So, this is Sebun the Merino sheep. We see her as a well-dressed short sheep who has an expensive apartment and a job in a sport equipment company. Unusual, since the company’s employees are almost nothing but male carnivores and Sebun is both female AND a small herbivore.
Apparently, she got the job since she has a high education.
Another unusual thing about Sebun is that she rides a train to work that is stuffed with carnivores who pushes and shoves each other. I’s a miracle Sebun haven’t been mashed like a hot potato riding the train. And she even has a choice of just taking another train specially made for small animals like herself.
Or maybe it is not so strange…
See, Sebun’s life is not as perfect looking as it seems.
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One of Sebun’s co-workers asks her if she would like to to go out for a drink… Calling her lamb-chan. And he is smiling.
Way back when we got Haru’s backstory, we were told about how aware she is of her small stature. She was constantly reminded of how tiny she was since everyone smiled at her. As if she were a little child.
That’s essentially what happens to Sebun.
We get to learn that everyone calls her this at first cute-sounding nickname that is actually rather degrading. Even worse since it is big animals who could eat her.
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And then we get to learn that she was NOT given her dream job because of her education. It was because it was an experiment to change the pace of the company. So she loses her position in the company in the blink of an eye and instead she… does…
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That. Her boss calls her new job “therapy animal.” Basically, she is there for meetings so her wool can be touched.
That’s practically sexual harassment.
So there it is. No matter how hard Sebun worked, no matter how smart or well-dressed she is, she will always be a sheep first in the eyes of big carnivores who belittles her and casually bully her.
And just to hammer in the point…
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We get to see that her fancy apartment is WAY to big.
She probably only lived in it as partly a way to remind herself that she was successful and to compensate for being a small animal.
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She even quits wearing lipstick and high-heeled shoes. My mom says that the day you stop trying to look as good as you can is the day you should be worried about your mental health. Sure, it sounds shallow, but not caring how the rest of the world sees you is dangerous.
And with Sebun, we realize the true reason for her taking the big-animal train; she is suicidal. In fact, she has been suicidal for years, she just lied to herself, making up reasons to justify her unhealthy way of transportation. Kinda like a person who buys a gun for “protection” but actually gets it since they consider ending their life.
And then we get a well-played call-back to the start of the chapter where one of Sebun’s female colleagues told her about a rather… disturbing way some animals take their own life.
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That’s right, some animals in this world slap their cheeks in front of carnivores in order to tell them that they can eat them.
It was rather obvious in retrospective that it was leading up to this. We got tricked into thinking that this was a success story since we kept seeing Sebun in close-up shots so to say, meaning we did not realize at first how damn SMALL she is.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
Can you write about the relationship between Riz and Pina?
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
Louis and Oguma: Numberless love
Oguma is extremely important in Louis life. Louis would have been someone’s appetizer if the sterile stag had not adopted him and shaped him into Sublime Beastar material.
But Oguma is socially awkward and is much better with numbers than he is with feelings. He made sure that Louis would study hard and learn to be well spoken despite being without a language till the age of five, but they never spent much time together. In fact, they only share a meal once a month since Oguma is a work-o-holic. Because of Oguma’s lifestyle, Louis felt unloved and isolated even though he admired his adopted father and wanted to be like him.
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When Louis decided to drop out of school, he tried to make Oguma sign the leave form, first by claiming there was no actual relationship between them, then through force with a gun. Both times, Oguma calls his bluff. Because even though Oguma is not an emotional guy, he is a very smart one. Heck, he is basically a calculator made of flesh and fur. So he looks at his gangster son as a math problem to solve and crush the numbers to figure out what would happen if Louis against expectations would pull the trigger as well as what would be best for his son who needed to grow. Oguma challenge Louis threat by deciding he would be okay with the world assuming he had shot himself and not that Louis had murdered him and therefor calls Louis bluff by making a compromise. I see this as Oguma’s way of being concerned that Louis might be suspected of murdering his own father, which is actually touching that Oguma is more concerned about Louis’ fate than his own life. Anyways, Oguma refuses to sign the leave form before rewriting it so that it says that it is a temporary leave. Louis is annoyed by Oguma not taking him serious, but he doesn’t mind since all he has to do it NOT return to school.
So Oguma allows Louis to go join the Lion mobsters, hoping that Louis can work out whatever issues he has. And he is PARTLY right as living in the BAM was an educational experience and Louis did grow the hell up.
But Louis also lost a leg by letting Legosi eat it. How does Papa Stag react?
He lets Louis recover in a luxury hospital room and even tells him he has ordered a high quality prosthetic leg.
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Interesting thing about how Oguma raised Louis is that he spends money on him no matter if he is pleased or displeased. Like when Louis was a child and failed getting a perfect score on his test, Oguma bought him an expensive bicycle, something that confused Louis.
There could be a couple of reasons to why Oguma did that. For example: Maybe he did it to comfort Louis who might feel down about not getting a perfect A+ as usual. Or perhaps it was to show him that Louis doesn’t have anything to prove, Oguma will still cherish and spoil him in his own way. Mayhaps he just did it to confuse him and keep him on his toes.
Or perhaps there is a reason so complex and well-calculated that we can’t figure it out.
First thing Oguma does once Louis is awake and somewhat recovered after the massive blood loss that was a result of getting his leg eaten is telling him that he made sure that everything is prepared for when Louis will take his test at Cherryton and then go to Galdona University.
And then he does something unexpected…
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Oguma asks Louis if it was painful to lose his leg to a carnivore as he lovingly places a hand oh Louis head… while still having the same stone face that is impossible to read. Louis is dumbfounded(and kinda weirded out). Having had a pseudo father in Ibuki the Lion and experienced what it means to be cared for, Louis can finally see that his adopted father loves him, even if his way of showing this love is quirky as fuck.
Heck, Oguma even says that it is his fault for letting Louis go and live like a mobster at the BAM.
He does discipline him in a manner as he declares that Louis will not be allowed to go anywhere without a bodyguard, limiting his freedom. Something that actually makes Louis relived as he is now sure that his father is genuinely mad at him.
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Louis and Oguma’s relationship becomes a bit more relaxed after that. Oguma becomes better at showing concern and his feelings for Louis, like when he buys a stun gun large enough to pacify an elephant and storms his room whenever Louis sounds like he is in trouble(most cases he just tripped because he has yet to get used to his new artificial foot). He even tries harder at understanding his adopted son and asked him if he is gay and assure him that it is not a problem if that’s the case.
When Oguma is about to die as a result of being hit by a car, Louis arrives and is told that the old stag is delirious and keeps mumbling numbers. But poor Oguma is not delirious at all. He is trying to figure out the value of his relationship with Louis. Being a businessman who gained his success though math, Oguma has always run the numbers on every single relationship he has to see if it was one that could somehow benefit him or his company.
But he can’t do the math on Louis. It is simply impossible for the calculator with antlers to put a number on it. And even though it is one of the stranger things Louis has heard his father say, he still appreciate the statement of affection from Oguma, that he makes it clear that he loves him so much that logic is not a factor.
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After hugging Louis for the last and probably first time, Oguma dies. And Louis now knows for sure that he will run his father’s company and make the world a better place, just like Oguma predicted he would.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
Waezi2′s thoughts on “Beast Complex” chapter 16.
I have to say that this chapter is just good compared to the rest of Beast Complex. I mean, it’s good. But it is only good.
Maybe because it feels like I already read it.
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Zaguan and Legosi meets an octopus when they are on their way home from the bathhouse. The octopus asks Zaguan for help since spotted seals are seen as an authority and as sea creatures of great wisdom. Some land creature apparently kidnapped her daughter and she asks Zaguan to look for her. The good natured seal naturally agrees to do so and Legosi offers to help as well.
They manage to find the octopus’ daughter…
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But it’s too late.
Remember when the whale told Yafya that land creatures could eat sea animals? I think it is a nice detail that this chapter of Beast Complex shows us that there comes a new problem with it being legal to eat sea creatures.
We COUDL assume this was a black marked thing, but the way this goat just walks around with the food wagon either means that what he does is completely legal or that it is socially accepted to eat fish so no one cares how he got the tasty octopus.
Legosi is horrified by this(and disturbed by how amazing the smell is), but Zaguan is calm and does what he thinks is the most appropriate thing to do.
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He buys all of the grilled octopus from the goat and eat the whole lot.
Eating another animal is not just a criminal offence in the world of Beastars, it is also seen as the lowest thing you could possibly do… unless you are a sea creature.
Marine animals are all about naturalism. they don’t use clothes and they eat each other if they are hungry. It’s not seen as something horrifying that a shark eats fish, it is what it is. Death is just an everyday thing in the sea world.
But there are still certain behaviors expected. Like when Legosi was about to get eaten by a shark. When he spoke sea language to the shark, the shark then decided that it would be impolite to let a land animal who knew his tongue suffer more than necessary, so he promised to eat him quickly. and here we see that Zaguan feels like that the right thing to do is to eat the octopus himself. His argument is that the mother will most likely feel better about a seal eating her than some random landlubber. It makes sense since that would mean that the dead octopus was eaten respectfully and not just half eaten and then thrown out. And Zaguan is a seal, so the octopus meat serves as nutrition for an important sage-like creature of the sea.
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The octopus mother is grateful, just like Zaguan assumed she would be, and she invites both the seal and the wolf to attend the funeral. We get some more world lore as we see that a funeral for sea animals is held with a lot of lanterns turned on. The funerals at sea are about celebrating the marine food cycle since the death of a marine animal means that it has served as food for someone else. The lanterns are suppose to produce light for planktons that is the start of said food cycle.
So it makes even more sense that the right thing to do was for Zaguan to eat the octopus so she would serve the sea food chain.
So, as I said, this was a good chapter. But my problem with it is that it doesn’t provide me with something new about this world of animals on two legs. But it was very enjoyable nonetheless.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
Waezi2′s thoughts on “Beast Complex” chapter 13.
Today’s chapter focuses on the burden of being one of the kings of the jungle… or rather, queen.
Meet Aisha the Tiger.
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Aisha works in a company where she is one of the few carnivores. And being a tiger makes it worse since she has to both be extremely friendly whether or not Aisha feels like it(she often doesn’t since her co-workers are not the brightest bunch) and she has to be a hard worker despite the stress taking it’s toll on her but physically and mentally.
This is a lot like the problems Bill the Tiger faces in “Beastars.” he feels like he has to be bigger than life and laid back because he is a “king” despite him being scared and nervous a lot of the time.
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Heck, we get a small background detail that reminds us how much physical appearance matters in the world of Beast Complex
Anyways, Aisha goes to a massage clinic once a week to try and get through her shitty life as a friendly tiger.
Her masseuse is an alpaca named Marilyn.
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Marilyn is quite talented and surprisingly strong despite her sheep-like cute appearance. Aisha enjoys coming once a week to get her body worked on by this alpaca female since it also means she gets to tell this herbivore what to do. A carnivore bossing a herbivore is controversial, part of why Aisha has to be so god damn fucking nice to her co-workers all the time and pack it in before telling them that they fucked up.
Just look at this:
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Aisha has to look ridiculously nice as she tells this sheep in the politest way possible that she wrote a draft more complicated than necessary… and the sheep still looks at her worried and almost accusing for being told that she fucked up. And to top it all, someone even comes and asks the sheep if she is okay just because she was told to do her dang job.
Aisha is well aware that if she is not super nice and smiles, people will think she is a mean bitch with fangs and claws.
But Aisha can tell and demand Marilyn to work on her body and free her from all her stress. She is in control of the situation.
… Or so she thinks…
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Marilyn asks Aisha to get on her back so she can work on the front side of her body. Aisha is quite shocked b this request since it is kind of a big no-go for carnivores to expose their stomach, something that is considered a sign of submission.
And that’s where their dynamic changes drastically.
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Marilyn has not shared Aisha’s perspective on their relationship at all. The alpaca is the one who has the tiger at her mercy since she is the one working on her body, having a physical position of power. That’s pretty unique for a sheep to have that over a giant cat.
And Aisha doesn’t seem to mind. She is puzzled, but she keeps coming to the clinic once a week and let Marilyn tell her to “surrender” so she can do her job.
As time goes and Aisha returns to get her weekly massages, Marilyn starts to lecture Aisha since she can read her lifestyle on her body and can therefor see that the way she works is downright unhealthy, that she is taking more work than she should and apologizes too much.
But then, Aisha finally snaps.
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Aisha reveals how frustrated she really is. That the crown that follows with being queen of the jungle is so heavy that it almost makes her back snap. Even when she is getting a massage, she refuses to lower her guards and expose her tummy since that would be a not-very-tiger-like thing to do. She is tiger 24/7.
Marilyn knows that since she works a lot with carnivores. In fact, she is trying to make a point to Aisha.
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In this clinic, on this massage table, Aisha is not a big and powerful tiger. Once a week, she is a kitten, completely dominated by the alpaca who is the queen of the castle that is the clinic. She is completely unimpressed by Aisha’s social status and physical strength and tells this misbehaving kitten who ruined her own body to surrender and let the Marilyn do her fricking job.
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THAT is what Aisha really needed. Even in her free time when she spoiled herself with getting massages, she kept being a “tiger”, kept trying to be strong. But Marilyn made Aisha lower her parades through force so she could relax and allow Marilyn to cuddle her and remove the stress from her over-worked body.
It is healthy to lower your parades once in a while. To allow yourself to be helpless and let someone take care of you, even berate you.
It did wonders on Aisha who ended up stopping her weekly massages that was just temporarily fixes and became more relaxed and less stiff, both physically and mentally.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
There are no humans in Beastars
There is a misconception that there are in fact humans in the world of Beastars because of a comic Paru made.
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This comic does not take place in Beastars. The chicken is Paru since she wears a chicken mask when people take pictures of her.
So just to be clear: There are no humans in the Beastverse.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
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Two main differences when Legoshi advise Juno about being in love with a herbivore. The fan translation is more fun with Legoshi saying “philosophy” in a super epic way and Juno looks disappointed to which Legoshi responds that she should take it seriously. And when he tells her how he reacts to the negative aspects of being in love with Haru, he talks more about his body being in poor shape in the fan translation. In the official he talks about his mental state. Again, point to fan translation.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
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This is the fan translation. In the official, she says: “I love all beasts. Carnivore and herbivore. But I cant say that with a naïve smile like I used to. I cant help frowning when I say I love all beasts now. That’s the best I can do. But that’s okay… for now.”
Honestly, the fan translation is better written. Same message, better formulated. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to talk shit about the official manga books, I just like the fan translation better XD
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
About Beastars and dating apps
Chapter 21 AKA The Zebra and the White Tiger made me think of how online dating works.
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Mika was looking for her dream zebra by looking for males registered as the same species as her. For one thing it limits dating options even more so than compared to a human one.
But what about those who look for other species because they have… special taste… like Legosi and Louis?
I don’t think anyone would admit on social media app that they are a hyena looking for a gazelle or something like that. Not to mention that if you are a crocodile asking a bunny if they would like to date then you would in most cases get reported and banned from the app or something.
Suppose dating apps in the Beastverse is a way to try keep society as clean species as possible along with financial perks if you marry someone of your species and have kids with them.
One thing is for sure. A dating app for cross-species dating would never work. It would be too easy for someone hungry for flesh to abuse the app.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
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The Lion And The Rabbit
Fan trans VS official trans
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
Bonus stuff from the third Beast Complex book
Please buy the manga.
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So Luke did get sent to jail for predator crimes and Rosé actually visits him in the slammer.
And nice to see Abu and Kiyosumi still hang out.
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nagisa-n3ko · 7 days
i wonder if orel later had this realisation like at 3 a.m. about alll the danielle's shenanigans around his family. bc like mf was fucking around figuratively AND literally and orel was there to see. so later orel is laying in bed like 👁️👄👁️ hold on a sec.
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I would never recover from that I think
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