nagytestver · 10 years
{ Moriko would be the one person that just kind of stands there for a second and then shouts. "Lets fucking gang up on our father. lets kill him." followed by silence. }
Plot twist: All togami’s siblings are alive.
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nagytestver · 10 years
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She almost felt like crying as they remembered her, allowing them to cradle her to their chest, pressing her face into them. She felt like just falling to the floor and dying, at least she'd be happy. "Wow.. I..Fuck.." A+ vocabulary. "Hah.." "I've been looking for at least one of you guys, jesus christ...I can't stop thinking of you all.."She smiled, patting her hands against their chubby body. She pulled back after a moment of silence, looking them up and down. "You are the cutest, fluffiest fucker I've seen around. God, I missed you." She repeated, wiping away the few tears that left her eyes.
She looked up at their face again, with a look of gentleness, something that she didn't show a lot anymore now that she had become a gang leader. "I can't believe this.."
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◜♕◝      [ It couldn’t be, it couldn’t be. The impostor had long since assumed Moriko was gone, unable to make her own way in the world— With a chubby finger, they tilted the girl’s face up towards their own.
     And yet, against all odds, it truly was Moriko. Her face, though older, was unmistakably the same. The impostor let out a strangled cry of surprise mixed with joy. ]
     [ They choked out, cradling their little sister to their chest. Oh, how they had longed to see her once more, how they had missed her. ]
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nagytestver · 10 years
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"I'm surprised nobody has pointed out the outfit I'm wearing. I'm a fucking sukeban. Please notice me."
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nagytestver · 10 years
{ best sister award goes to Moriko tbh. "you're cute, not as cute as you were when you with little. but cute" }
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nagytestver · 10 years
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".. Does literally everybody forget me? I made a pretty big scene when I left, how do you...Whatever, you were like seven when I left so it's understandable. I'm your sister, the one that didn't even take part in the fight to be heiress shit. Just not something I wanted to be. So I just stole some money and booked it." She said this all while still holding him in her arms, she is not letting him go anytime soon. "But holy fuck, I missed you, kid." She looked down at him, petting his head with one hand, which was all together kind of weird."You're cute, Not as cute as you were when you were seven but still, cute." "And I'm really proud of you."
♔ » The same couldn't be said for Togami. He had done a good job of repressing each memory involving his siblings to the point he couldn't even recall most of their names. She must have left when he was really young, because her face, her hair, her voice...nothing rang a bell with him.
Of course he would yelp and struggle in confusion and alarm when she decided to throw herself at him.
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❝What are you doing?!❞ he cried out, sounding angry and petrified all at once. ❝What even-- who are you?!❞
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nagytestver · 10 years
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".. Well, technically you're on territory of a certain gang, so I'm just going to take you over here so you don't die." She laughed, taking the girl by her arm and leading her a bit away from where they were standing.
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          ”I appear to              be lost. Could you tell me             where I am?”
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nagytestver · 10 years
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"You shouldn't chew ice cream, kid. The tooth fairy will be very angry."
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I said if you wanted some free ice cream. Kind of bought more than I can chew. 
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nagytestver · 10 years
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She knew his face as soon as she saw it. With all the news articles and since he was always on the news due to some amazing thing that made her so extremely proud. She knew it was her little brother, her favorite brother. "My baby boy!!" She yelled, running at him to hug him aa tight as she could.
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nagytestver · 10 years
horafel nxkomaru sonia-ojou partneriaeth snowyboarder
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nagytestver · 10 years
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"Why would I compete in something I'm destined to lose? Why would I compete in something when I can do what I want to do, I want to kick ass. Heiresses don't do that."
✧ always open for plotting.
✧ makes mobile ic posts common.
✧ all ic posts are open unless stated otherwise.
✧ character development often.
✧ has finished both games and dr0.
✧ will rp anything but smut + noncon or dubcon.
✧ skype always available
✧ will unfollow you if you put very very loud autoplay on your blog.
✧ same mun as prosperoux.
✧ Muse is in a female gang, so expect violence.
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nagytestver · 10 years
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"..Yeah. Yer shorter then me and I'm older then ya, I'm sure. So yer little girl. But still, that's not very good for ya. And talking to yerself ain't gonna help."
nagytestver replied to your post:     ”Avoiding s-sleep for days on end means…
That’s not very health—— I mean, I don’t care. Do what you want, little girl. :|
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     ”…Little g-girl…?! I figured m-most people wouldn’t care anyway, I was just… t-talking to myself.”
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nagytestver · 10 years
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"....Oh. Uh, I'm your sister..Moriko. I left before anything happened. I usually helped you take care of the kids sometimes." She still didn't let them ago, her hands now gripping at the pieces of clothing on their body. She won't let them go unless necessary. ".. I missed you.. Momoko."
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◜♕◝     ”Excuse me, I—"
     [ The impostor was entirely unprepared for the sudden leap onto their huge midsection, for the girl to bury her face into their chest. They had not so much as seen her face, and truly had no idea as to what was going on. ]
     ”Excuse me, are we acquaintances…?”
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nagytestver · 10 years
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".... I--..Jesus fucking shit!!" At that very moment, she literally jumped at them, wrapping her arms around them (as much as she could, that is).
"Holy shit..."
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nagytestver · 10 years
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"W...Wait what?.." She's been waiting so long for somebody to say that, anybody to say 'I know your brother personally'. She's been waiting so long. She leaned over against the wall in which she punched, the pain in her knuckles slowly fading the more she buried herself in the other girls words. Then she laughed at the last few words. "Only child? Ahah.. No, not at all. He had fourteen siblings.. I'm not surprised he hasn't talked about us."
Now she sees it. Blonde hair, and the same piercing blue eyes, she was quite surprised that she was much nicer than her classmate. But then again, it wasn’t like her sister had the same personality as her..
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"Yeah. He’s um.. my classmate. —But I didn’t really knew he had a sister.. Or any siblings. I thought he was an only-child, actually.."
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nagytestver · 10 years
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She sits there with her eyes gazing up at the cloud filled skies.  "Huh.."
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nagytestver · 10 years
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nagytestver · 10 years
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"Hello, Ikusaba. I'm Moriko Togami. Hear of the name, I bet? Ahah." She smiled, which was very unfitting for her attire. People that see her tend to be a bit afraid, since sukeban usually were, for their history in hurting people. She pulled an elastic band off of her wrist to pull her hair up and tie it into a tight pony, her blonde hair still coming down on her upper back.
Well that was expected. Other than being a nobody, she was also known as Enoshima Junko’s tail.
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"I’m Mukuro Ikusaba."
It was strange—this girl reminded her of someone, yet, she can’t put a finger on who.
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