naijdr · 1 month
boys boys boys 💋💋
Edit for BEST MEN in Amour Sucré
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naijdr · 1 month
ELDARYA; "Could you hug me?"
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Basically asking for a hug from the routes! Comfort and fluff mainly. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: This was a request from the blog I used to have time ago and I found it absolutely adorable! So I decided I will rewrite it. If everything goes well, the ML & MCL version will be posted on sunday or monday! Enjoy the reading <3.
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
❖ LEIFTAN ;;  would be a little surprised, you can even see his cheeks red with embarrassment, but it wouldn't take him long to wrap his arms around you, one hand in your hair to provide gentle caresses and the other on your back for support. He is delicate with his touches, plus his scent of berries is soothing enough to make you forget your troubles for a moment. He would rest his head on your shoulder, appreciating your presence without being able to avoid the smile. Depending on how he has seen your face, he would maintain silence, but if he sees that it is opportune he would say "Do you want to talk?".
  ❖ LANCE ;; looks clearly confused, raising an eyebrow at this. He grabs your shoulders and pulls you closer to his body, at first a little uncomfortable, but the moment he feels your arms around his torso, he feels some warmth in his chest. Maybe he even feels a burn in his cheeks. Anyway, he doesn't complain, he just keeps silent and caresses your back from time to time in a comforting way. Once you separate he would still be a little confused, but grateful because even he needed that hug. 
❖ VALKYON ;; "Oh, sure" No doubt your act will have made his day better, welcoming you into his arms in a bear hug that would take you a while to separate from. Valkyon is fascinated by hugs even though he's embarrassed to ask or initiate them, but when given the opportunity, he doesn't hesitate for a second. He loves the feeling of being able to feel how he protects you, how he shows you his love. The feeling of his hugs is unique and irreplaceable, it is warm, like an angel is welcoming you in the best way to heaven. If the hug lasts long, he would plant a small kiss on your forehead before separating, and ask if everything is ok. He is such a sweethear <3.
❖ EZAREL ;; will find it tempting whether to tease you or reciprocate your request, so he would first refuse to see your reaction, but immediately laugh and hug you tightly. Just because it's you. Usually Ezarel's hugs are very uncomfortable, but considering it's you, he wouldn't mind at all. He would squeeze you to the point of leaving you breathless, to which you would try to pull away and he would mockingly say "didn't you want a hug? Then have it until I get tired". But he only does it to tease you, stroking your back and resting his chin on your head protectively. Even if he doesn't know how to show it, he loves you. Very much. 
❖  MATHIEU ;; If he were a puppy you could see how he wouldn't stop wagging his tail in excitement. He would turn to you with open arms and a big smile, inviting you into one of his big hugs. He loves hugs, and whenever he gets into one, he always seeks the comfort and warmth of the other person, enjoying those seconds with the other person. His arms don't exert much force but you can't get free easily either. No doubt, after a tiring day, a hug from Mathieu is the best thing you can ask for. From time to time his teasing streak would come into action and he would start tickling you or carry you a little bit in his arms and spin you around.
❖ NEVRA ;; you've never seen such a smug smile from him. He'd cross his arms and look at you with amusement, wanting you to beg for his embrace. Either way, whether you do or not, he would. He can't resist you. Nevra's hugs are a strange feeling, not quite warm but very comfortable. Maybe he tickles or squeezes you, but only to tease you. If he sees that it's been a hard day for you, he'll rock from side to side to cheer you up a bit while giving you words of support, asking how you're doing and if he can do anything to help. Whenever you are sad, he definitely wants to distract you from the negative thoughts. He would start humming a song or ranting about his random thoughts to keep you busy, and even offer stuff to do to cheer you up. Usually just before you break away from the hug, he will spank you (with your consent and if the timing is right, ofc).
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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naijdr · 1 month
I am adding this as a meme template.
You are free to use it as long as it's not for commercial purposes ( ᐛ )✨✨✨
‼️However‼️Do not erase my name !
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naijdr · 9 months
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naijdr · 9 months
BEST MEN. argue with the wall💋
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naijdr · 2 years
⚜️🗡️📜𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓮𝓫𝓮𝓵 𝓛𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼📜🗡️⚜️
✨🎼There will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
He will tear your city down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
There will come a poet
Whose weapon is His word
He will slay you with His tongue
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
He will slay you with His tongue
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
There will come a ruler
Whose brow is laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
Smeared with oil like David's boy
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
In my AU, Ezarel becomes Lord of Lund'Mulhingar with Gardiene 🥺
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naijdr · 2 years
headcanons of nevra and gardi's relationship? thank you <3
Sorry it took so long, I had do many requests to catch up to, but here I am!
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Fandom: Eldarya
Pairing: Nevra x Erika
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Relationship Headcanons
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First and foremost, Nevra is the most romantic guy ever. He enjoys being romantic.
Expect sweet details out of nowhere, for no reason at all.
Sometimes he'll buy you flowers, sometimes he'll buy you a dress that made him think of you when he saw it.
He's also canonically a good dancer who enjoys dancing randomly. I imagine he'd totally reach his hand out to you whenever he notices that you are having a bad day.
It doesn't matter where you are, you'll dance with him.
His attention is always directed to you. He likes to observe people in general, he likes to be able to understand people.
This means he always knows when something's wrong, or not, or anything that has to do with you and how you are feeling.
He knows you as well as he knows himself.
Will take you on a date at least once a week, it doesn't matter how busy he is, he'll do it. His worst fear is neglecting you.
He'll randomly kiss your forehead all the time.
It's honestly ridiculous, but you won't complain.
The man ain't shy at all. He'll tell you what he thinks with no problem. You look beautiful today? He'll tell you that you look beautiful today. You'd look better with no clothes on? He'll tell you you'd look better with no clothes on.
He LOVES making you blush. He's constantly trying to get you flustered.
You are what makes him be extra careful whenever he's on a mission. He's always thinking about how much he wants to go back to you.
The man is overprotective, by the way; but that's due to the fear of losing you again.
I like to think that he isn't a fan of drinking your blood at all, mostly because he doesn't want to harm you in any way. He used to do it when he was young and impulsive, I imagine he would hold back now.
He's veeery jealous. Years have given him perspective, though. He'd never direct his jealousy to you. He trusts and loved you.
But God have mercy of whoever tried to make a move on you, because Nevra won't.
He loves to hear stories about your life. In fact, when he can't sleep, he'll ask you to tell him some of those stories.
Oh, and he's an amazing listener. He truly makes you feel better whenever you have a problem.
Overall, he's handsome, romantic, dangerous, smart, and loves you with his whole heart. What else could you ask for?
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naijdr · 2 years
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They are getting older, they cute 😢❤
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naijdr · 2 years
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Mu and Coco on Instagram / Etsy
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naijdr · 2 years
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happy jeongin day ♡ + to many more
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naijdr · 2 years
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tbh what was jisung thinking??
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naijdr · 2 years
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Daddy Kentin 6.6 ♥
Hey there! I have a few days of vacations and really wanted to edit again. Here’s Kentin with his son Keith, if you don’t remember him you can take a look at this old edit I made with Liz, Kentin and their baby son.
I miss the old times in Tumblr… the fandom seems to be kinda dead but so is my blog… sadly ^^u being an adult keeps me very busy these days between work and trying to have a social life, sooo I’m really satisfied with this edit because I haven’t took my tablet for God knows how long and after hours of not allowing myself to even pee, here’s the result :)
#MyOwnHappyEnding  ♥  #StillInLoveWithKentin
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naijdr · 2 years
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To all the Ezreal fans, don‘t worry, he‘s looking at the sunset daily while hoping that you will come back one day (,:
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naijdr · 2 years
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naijdr · 2 years
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 Happy Bday! ♥ 12. O4 ♥
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naijdr · 2 years
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naijdr · 3 years
In French and in English./En français et en anglais.
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Okay so Leiftan's first answer for Halloween 2021 Event is "Straight? Neither the crying nor the ringing could have been good signs..."/"Tout droit ? Ni les pleurs, ni les bourdonnements ne me disent rien qui vaille..."
Leiftan's second right answer should sound like "Running with all your might sounds/seems like a good idea, right?"/"Courir à toute vitesse me semble être une bonne idée, non?" so just run bih
Leiftan's third (and last) right answer should sound like "You hid in the tunnel you came from (while waiting for it to be over)?"/"Tu t'es caché dans le tunnel d'où tu venais en attendant que ça passe?", so don't choose running again or the thing with Gashadokuro saving your life! just HIDE
> Leiftan's answers in Spanish by @eldaryamaps
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For Nevra I don't have it in English but his first right answer should sound like "Same thing as Leiftan... The thing with the long neck."/"Je vais dire comme Leiftan... Le truc au long cou là."
Nevra's second right answer should be like "You calmly came out of your hideout so that it'd spot you/see you"/"Tu es sorti calmement de ta cachette pour qu'elle te repère.", so DON'T agree with Leiftan or Mathieu.
Nevra's third (and last) right answer should sound like "And you lied to her, telling her that you saw the Alicanto"/"Et tu lui as menti, en disant que tu avais vu l'Alicanto.". :p
> Nevra's answers in Spanish by @eldaryamaps
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Lance's first right answer should sound like "I would've went towards the Pyramid of Doom. It must be doomed to protect something..."/"J'aurais été voir du côté de la pyramide piégée. Elle doit bien être piégée pour protéger quelque chose..."
Lance's second right answer is "You knew how to keep a cool head!"/"Tu as su garder la tête froide !"
Lance's third (and last) right answer is "As a principle I tend to beware of/be cautious with orders/commands given by Purral."/"J'ai pour principe de me méfier des ordres donnés par Purral."
> Lance's answers in Spanish by @eldaryamaps
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Mathieu(Matthew??)'s first right answer should sound like "The arcane pits are big nuts (?) marked by runes..."/"Les noyaux arcaniques sont de grosses noix marquées d'une rune..."
OOPS limited photos already.
But Mathieu's second right answer is "Vanhoé could deliver the prisoner while Gerod and you attacked the Gerufe, right?"/"Vanhoé pouvait libérer la prisonnière pendant que Gerod et toi attaquiez le Gerufe, non?"
Mathieu's third (and last) right answer is "Vanhoé saved the damsel in distress, Gerrod brought down the monster... You're jealous!"/"Vanhoé à secouru la demoiselle en détresse, Gerrod à terrassé le monstre... Tu es jaloux !"
> Mathieu's answers in Spanish by @eldaryamaps
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And the last right answer of this event is: "I... I can't do it. Listen, the story was fake. It didn't happen to me."/"Je... Je ne m'en sors pas. Ecoutez, l'histoire est fausse. Ca ne m'est pas arrivé."
Now you'll have the illustration and all the outfit elements, have fuuun!
(SPOIL: Illustration below!)
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