naivedesla · 28 days
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AZOA has been released!!
Azoa is a demon, whose young and brotherly voice can sound as soft or as powerful as you want! With a folder full of extra voice samples that include breaths, laughs, throat clears and more, you will be able to add an extra layer of expression to your songs!
A list of DEMO songs, Voicebank details, Download Links, Frequently Asked Questions and Credits can be found below.
DEMO songs
UTAU demo+Release (MACARON)
OpenUTAU demo (Pandemic)
Early Demo UTAU (Pane dhiria)
All Covers & Demo Material
Voicebank Details:
Japanese language
CV format
Romaji encoding, Hiragana aliasing
Duplicate Hiragana aliases
English L phonemes
Normal vocals and "Blending" vocals
20 Extra sounds (7 breaths, 8 laughs, 12 misc. sounds)
Classic UTAU compatibility
An official OpenUTAU port
Further Details about phonemes and SFX here.
Download Links & FAQ:
Download from the Website
Download from the Wiki
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
NaiveDesla (configuration, character design, artwork, logos)
JunieMSB (voice provider)
Aalacer (Fullbody Artwork)
UpTown-P (Fullbody Artwork)
A detailed list of credits.
Please read the Terms of Service before using this Voicebank.
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naivedesla · 28 days
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Bakira has been officially released!
After some time, the announcement for Bakira's re-release is here!
Bakira is a wolf-jellyfish hybrid of an innoccent nature. Her mature voice is capable of singing in Japanese.
A list of details:
Romaji encoding.
Hiragana aliases.
A few extra phonemes.
CV style.
Official OpenUTAU port.
Classic UTAU compatible.
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naivedesla · 2 months
The issue has been fixed. As well, the same fix will be applied to any other voicebank just in case.
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Error in Bakira's voicebank (Classic UTAU)
There was an error located in Bakira's re-released voicebank.
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The intended japanese name does not show correctly. A fix was tried to be implemented, however it does not work. Any other japanese name works well, so it is unknown why this one does not.
A solution has been thought of:
As Bakira's voice does not sound just like intended, we planned to re-record her. This could mean a different voice can be applied to her. In this case, you could use the old release or the updated voicebank.
It is yet undecided if we will be doing this.
We are unaware if the same error happens in the OpenUTAU release. As far as we know, it shouldn't be an issue there.
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naivedesla · 2 months
Error in Bakira's voicebank (Classic UTAU)
There was an error located in Bakira's re-released voicebank.
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The intended japanese name does not show correctly. A fix was tried to be implemented, however it does not work. Any other japanese name works well, so it is unknown why this one does not.
A solution has been thought of:
As Bakira's voice does not sound just like intended, we planned to re-record her. This could mean a different voice can be applied to her. In this case, you could use the old release or the updated voicebank.
It is yet undecided if we will be doing this.
We are unaware if the same error happens in the OpenUTAU release. As far as we know, it shouldn't be an issue there.
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naivedesla · 3 months
New Releases, Voicebanks and Updates!
Hello everyone! We have updated our website with some news you might like. All of them are detailed under the Read More cut.
However, the following is a summary (relevant updates to users marked in bold):
Home page edits
Voices page(s) updated
Glucagon's voicebanks updated
New released voicebanks
Fixed website URLs
Credits page updated
Other news about "coming soon" voices
First of all, the front page was cleaned up and there's a new release! Yay!
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Second, the Voices menu!
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As you probably have noticed, there are two new Voices: Bakira and SC-122-Sonia.
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Bakira will have her own release post. Her voicebanks are already up for distribution again, however the sound samples in the website do not work yet, and display Glucagon's samples instead.
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SC-122-Sonia was not updated yet for re-release, so the DL links and the play samples do not work. You might notice the preview shows the display a bit broken... I'm unsure why it shows like that, however the website should look good.
Third, Updated voicebanks!
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Glucagon's page was updated with new links as well as his voicebanks!
Both releases (UTAU / OpenUTAU) updated the readme links and made some adjustments to the oto.ini, specifically the hiragana aliases that behaved like duplicates. Some Artwork was included as well.
Fourth! URLs were fixed and Credits page was updated!
You might have noticed (or not), but all the URLs used to be kind of "copy-of-copy-of..." That's fixed now! The URLs now should be displaying the name of the page you are in.
As well, Credits page was updated. Glucagon's credits displayed the wrong name, now the credits mention Fractured Hope Co. as it should be.
Sadly, the Credits page is missing some details and the Projects page is still a work in progress (oops). We hope to fix that with the remaining credits for the front page and Bakira and SC-122-Sonia's credits.
Last, but not least important: Comming Soon (& other news)
Now, this is probably a wall of text divided in sections: new voices, wiki links, addition of affiliated websites, and other miscellaneous updates.
(1)- New voices
There are some voices that only have the wiki, are a wip or have their own website.
Those UTAUs are: Slice, Meast, Nayela Aakiri, Azoa, Captain Papers. (I might be missing a few)
Now, the UTAUs that will 100% be shoved inside the NaiveDesla official website are Meast and Nayela Aakiri. However, Slice could also be included. This has not been decided yet.
Azoa and Captain Papers have their own websites, however Azoa has not been granted a public release (yet) and Captain Papers has been shown mostly in the Wiki page. The idea is to make a "Misc. Voices" menu with similar display to the main Voices, that act as some kind of "backup" or "redirect".
The temptation of creating an UTAUloid group of a project wich we will codename NOTE is very high, as well as making an UTAUloid for a specific inkling-like character. If this last option is done, Slice could be moved to a different website for Splatoon UTAUs. This is not decided yet.
(2)- Wiki page links
One of the upcoming additions is the presence of links to each UTAU's Wiki. That should be an easy way to get detailed information about each one of them and their voicebanks.
(3)- Affiliated websites
Another upcoming addition is the presence of a page for Affiliated websites. This includes easy access to other UTAU's pages and our own. However, the possibility of moving these to Contact page instead is very high.
(4)- Misc. Updates
The Carrd page should be updated soon, and our Tumblr pages as well. We should be making a Wiki page and add Altericide in our website as our "sister project".
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naivedesla · 4 months
An important update regarding the future of Heccan.
We are considering the idea of moving Heccan from our base project (NaiveDesla) to another different project, in wich we collaborate, yet we are not part of directly. This different project (wich we call ID) is managed by a completely different team and it's not a subdivision of NaiveDesla, just another project of equal value that works by separate, yet we still support each other.
More updates will come, hopefully, in the near future. We apologize for the wait of the voicebank's re-release.
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Heccan will be redistributed very soon!
Heccan was the testing voicebank for an experimental multilanguage reclist. A female powerful voice that can sing in Japanese, English and Spanish, and even imitate Conlangs or Gibberish easily!
Due to certain external problems, her voicebank had to be taken down for some time.
But she's back! And so is her OpenUTAU port!
Here is a list of details:
As of 10/12/2023, the voice has not yet been updated for redistribution. An announcement will be made when Heccan is ready for download.
The voicebank info (character.txt, readme.txt) will be updated.
The configuration (oto.ini) will remain untouched.
The voice files will remain untouched. (Details below)
The Terms of Use will be updated as well.
The OpenUTAU port will be re-made from the updated UTAU voicebank.
The UTAU wiki page will be re-made from scratch.
The voice will be added to the Website.
The custom reclist of this voice will be updated and made public under a final new name.
A successor voicebank is being worked on, since Heccan has no plans of being updated in some time. (Details below.)
Now, as you may have read above, some questions may rise.
Heccan not being updated in some time does NOT mean she will be discontinued. She had to be put on hold for some time thanks to external issues.
As I can't keep working on new updates for her due to mental health issues, I will give a new chance to other characters and voices that never had the opportunity to have their own voicebanks in the past.
This DOES NOT MEAN you can't keep using Heccan. It only means I won't be able to properly updated her in some time. People are free to keep using Heccan for free as much as they want.
Thank you for your understanding. I hope you give a good usage to her, and if there's any problem with her, please use the website contact form.
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naivedesla · 5 months
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A new singer approaches!
Azoa is a demon, whose young and brotherly voice can sound as soft or as powerful as you want! With a folder full of extra voice samples that include breaths, laughs, throat clears and more, you will be able to add an extra layer of expression to your songs!
Demo songs and more promotional artwork will arrive soon!
Below, you will find a list of details of the voicebank.
An UTAU wiki (Fandom) page will be made. If you want to avoid spoilers, be careful when browsing the page.
This voice has been on the works since September 29, 2023. It's in closed beta testing phase, wich means that the product will be released publicly in the near future.
The voice will be available for both vanilla UTAU and OpenUTAU, though the original UTAU is recommended.
It's a Japanese language in CV format.
A list of phonemes (including extra sounds) will be released as well, to make the user's life easier when making songs.
The voice has different usage terms than our average voicebanks. These could change in the final release, but please follow them carefully.
Official Release will include extra artworks and detailed usage documentation.
If you have this voice before the official release by someone that is not NaiveDesla / Nexys4t, please contact us as soon as possible.
Voice Provider is JunieMsb
Fullbody Artwork by Aalacer
Logos, Character Design, Icons, Concept Art, Voice Configuration, Promotional Artwork by NaiveDesla
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naivedesla · 6 months
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Heccan will be redistributed very soon!
Heccan was the testing voicebank for an experimental multilanguage reclist. A female powerful voice that can sing in Japanese, English and Spanish, and even imitate Conlangs or Gibberish easily!
Due to certain external problems, her voicebank had to be taken down for some time.
But she's back! And so is her OpenUTAU port!
Here is a list of details:
As of 10/12/2023, the voice has not yet been updated for redistribution. An announcement will be made when Heccan is ready for download.
The voicebank info (character.txt, readme.txt) will be updated.
The configuration (oto.ini) will remain untouched.
The voice files will remain untouched. (Details below)
The Terms of Use will be updated as well.
The OpenUTAU port will be re-made from the updated UTAU voicebank.
The UTAU wiki page will be re-made from scratch.
The voice will be added to the Website.
The custom reclist of this voice will be updated and made public under a final new name.
A successor voicebank is being worked on, since Heccan has no plans of being updated in some time. (Details below.)
Now, as you may have read above, some questions may rise.
Heccan not being updated in some time does NOT mean she will be discontinued. She had to be put on hold for some time thanks to external issues.
As I can't keep working on new updates for her due to mental health issues, I will give a new chance to other characters and voices that never had the opportunity to have their own voicebanks in the past.
This DOES NOT MEAN you can't keep using Heccan. It only means I won't be able to properly updated her in some time. People are free to keep using Heccan for free as much as they want.
Thank you for your understanding. I hope you give a good usage to her, and if there's any problem with her, please use the website contact form.
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naivedesla · 6 months
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Glucagon is now released officially!
Finally, this demonic fox makes an appearence instead of being only in the UTAU wiki for so long, being the first official voice of ours!
Gluca has a femenine-like voicetype, and a growlish append known as VENT, that makes life easier for screamo effects or metal-like growls.
His OpenUTAU port was updated too, and now our pastel-colored fox can use the COLOR feature!
You can listen to the DEMO songs in the website, as well as download his voicebank.
The original design was made by us, however, most of the assets from today (as well as the redesign) were made by Fractured Hope Co. Thank you so much!
Please read carefully the Readme.txt files that are included with each release! They contain useful data about Glucagon's usage. As well, please make sure to follow the Terms of Use detailed in our webpage.
You can, as well, download assets from the UTAU wiki. However, doing so from the official website is preffered, even with pictures.
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naivedesla · 6 months
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Great news, everyone! Our website is now live!
It may look a bit empty right now, but it's only the first step of something bigger!
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As some of the resources we have were made by external people, we included a CREDITS page! It's easy-access thanks to the + (extras) button.
You can access the website easily by scrolling down in our Tumblr and clicking the Website link in the Navigation box! (NOTE: this might not work in mobile phone devices)
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