nakabayashi · 2 years
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Connor + swearing
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nakabayashi · 2 years
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This man is straight up sin it should be illegal
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nakabayashi · 2 years
Fem V x Viktor Vektor (Cyberpunk 2077) smut
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You’ve got yourself beaten up pretty badly. You need someone you can trust to fix you. Vik, that’s the one. You try to navigate with your systems. You are not so far away, but it is doubtful you could walk there. You’ve called Jackie’s Arch. The next 6 mins were just a hazy dream of you driving through all the traffic trying not to lose balance. 
Finally you are here, Misty sees you from her shop while you are still on the streets and hurries to help you to get to Vik’s.
– Viktor, V-Vik! – she calls while escorting you inside the shop. Your vision is blurred, but you see familiar siluet before falling into the darkness. Vik.
You open your eyes, feeling pretty well rested. Huh… Where are you exactly?
That is definitely an apartment, not a clinic. Did you actually visit the clinic? Was it a bad dream? You get up on your elbows. Ah, a dropper near the bed. That wasn’t a dream. The place doesn’t look familiar. It’s very clean, a bit old-fashioned, several posters on the walls. You get up carefully, your head is a bit dizzy. You get closer to examine posters: these are boxing posters. Could that be…? Vik’s apartments?
Your vision is getting a bit blurry again. There must be a reason I’m here.
You go back to the bed sitting down on it. The moment before you felt quite good, now you suddenly feel the need to lay down and close your eyes again. Just for a moment… Darkness.
You feel a hand on your cheek. You put your palm right on top of it, it’s moving slow, it’s heavy and warm. You don’t want to open your eyes, just to feel this warm and heavy palm on your face. Darkness.
You open your eyes. Again. This time it’s different. No dropper near the bed. It’s dark outside the window. You need to go to the shower. You get up, no dizziness, good sign. The apartment looks very standard, so you find a way to the shower easily. 
Warm water feels so nice on your skin. The skin seems quite pale. You rub your body carefully with the shower gel. You remember the feeling of someone’s palm on your face. The water runs down your body. Was it Viktor’s? This thought sends a wave of warmth through your belly. You close your eyes and rub it with your fingers. All of it feels like a dream. The apartment, the hand, this shower.
You turn off the water and slightly squeeze your hair. You take a look around in search of the towel. Ah, here it is. You notice that everything around is very neat. Nothing extra is present here.
That is for sure Vik’s aparts.
You sigh and look into the mirror. You look tired, but otherwise no signs of severe biting.
You put the towel around your body and open the bathroom door to step out. You run into someone in the darkness of the room, gasping in surprise.
– It’s me, V. – You hear his voice and your heart skips a beat. It was his hand.
– Viktor, hey. – you answer quitely.
– Looks like you are finally getting much better. – You see his smile in the dim light coming from the open bathroom door. He offers you a hand to help you get back to the room. 
You take his palm while he is leading you to the dresser. He turns on the floor lamp and you notice his sleepy and tired face.
– I prepared a clean t-shirt and shorts for you. – He hands you folded fabric and turns away hinting you to change.
You put towel on top of the dresser and put on the clothes.
– Hey, Vik, how long have I been out?
Viktor turns back. 
– For four days, I had to bring you home to monitor you closely. 
You look at him and smile nervously. He looks so tired and… attractive.
– Vik… I do remember some things from those days.
– Mmm?
– I guess, like your hand on my face. – You swallow nervously and look him straight in the eyes.
– Yes, I allowed myself too much-, – he started, but you interrupted him with a gesture and took his hand into yours to put it to your cheek again.
– It was the only nice memory for these days of darkness. – You smile at him and feel he grabs your cheek stronger and his second hand lays on your waist pulling you closer.
– Mmm, V.. – he whispers in a tired voice.
Vik’s palm slides from your cheek to your neck, softly touching its back. He pushes your head closer leaning his forehead against yours.
– I wanted to touch you and kiss you so much. – He says hoarsely. You feel a wave of heat going through your body. You touch his strong hands, his torso in a blue partly unbuttoned shirt. His ex-boxer’s body is still so strong… You raise your glance to meet his eyes. He looks at you and moves his head for a deep kiss. Vik inhales and gives you this strong sweet moan of fulfilling what he wanted to do.
You unbutton his shirt impatiently, and help him to remove it. Oh, this body. You always wanted to see him shirtless, to touch him. 
– Vik… – He grabs you by your hips and pulls you up bringing you to his bed like this. Viktor puts you on the sheets, keeping himself above you. He removes your (well, his) T-shirt in one move and you gasp in surprise. He looks at you with a question, and you just nod. You didn’t know Vik is so passionate. 
He bends to kiss your breasts, softly licking your nipples. His hand removing your shorts, leaving you completely naked. Vik’s palm covers your sweet parts, his fingers making circles on your clit. You moan and move your hips towards his hand.
He raises his head to watch your reaction. You look at him and touch his head pulling him for a kiss. With your second hand you are clicking his belt and putting your hand inside his trousers to find his hard cock ready. You squeeze it to get a gasp out of Vik and start to slide your hand up and down. He slightly pushes into your hand. 
Vik’s fingers move lower, he puts one finger inside you.
You slide your thumb around his cock’s tip.
– I want you so hard. – He says hoarsely, freeing himself out of pants. He removes your hand from his cock and gets it to his lips to kiss.
He guides his cock with his hand inside you, moving slowly. You feel a sweet sensation when his tip enters you and move your body towards Vik.
He moves slowly, feeling every inch of this sensation. He puts his hands around your hips, pressing you towards his movements to go deeper inside you. You moan feeling him fully filling you inside, hitting the very sweet spot. He watches you, every reaction to his every movement. You take his hand, kissing his palm, his forearm slightly biting it. When you bite, Vik reacts with a deep exhale closing his eyes. So, he is into it.
Vik moves faster, making his thrusts deeper. You are kissing your way back to his palm and put his finger into your mouth sucking it. He answers your actions with faster pace and hoarse breath. He bends to your shoulder, biting it slightly causing you to moan. He is getting faster and you grab his back and snuggle all over him. Your fingers pressing his skin, probably too hard, but you feel you are near your climax. With next several thrusts you clench your fingers and finish with a loud moan calling his name.
– Oh, Vik!
He gives you time to feel your climax keeping his pace the same.
His thrust getting deeper and harder, you feel he is very close to his climax too. You keep holding him in your arms. He pushes especially deep inside you and with his groan you can feel him coming into you hard.
Vik’s body relaxed above you, but he is keeping himself on his elbows. His hips are still moving slightly while he is finishing his ride at full. He breathes loudly. When he stops, with a slow careful move he gets out of you and lays down next to you, putting his arm around you snuggling.
You turn your back to him snuggling closer.
Viktor pulls a blanket with one hand and puts it above both of you. You feel relaxed and protected here like this, falling asleep. Again. Darkness.
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nakabayashi · 2 years
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The next story is coming starring Viktor Vektor :D
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nakabayashi · 2 years
Last chance part 3
Adam Jensen x Reader (fem) smut
I’m finally back with Part 3 of the Last chance. Same, not English native. Enjoy:)
Part 2: https://nakabayashi.tumblr.com/post/671687697089396737/last-chance-part-2-adam-jensen-x-reader-fem
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You are back at your office. Oh my, what the hell had just happened. You get yourself a glass of water from a bottle on your table and sit in front of the computer.
– “That is something”, you say to yourself.
You drink the whole glass at once and put it away breathing deeply. Your gaze falls to the box of your tech to trace code. “Well you did me a big favor today, who could think”. You unlock your computer to see if there is anything important or you can leave right now. You obviously need this walk.
Seems like nothing urgent is keeping you at the office today any longer. You take your belongings and leave TF29 HQ as fast as you can.
Fresh air helps. You can see the situation more clear now. 
– Well, firstly, he obviously has feelings for me. Which is a good thing. The only thought of this makes the sensation of happiness jump up from your belly. However, he chooses to keep it to himself. Will he even REALLY come back? Oh God. You walk past two people discussing how repelling augmented persons are. He told you he will. Adam won’t lie that easily. 
You fight the feeling to run straight to your home and try to live your casual routine by visiting the grocery store on your way home.
– Should I buy some cereal for Adam? You are giggling to yourself. Yeah, you have noticed all these cereal boxes at his desk. Why is he so into it really?
While walking towards apartment building from the store, you are imagining the pictures of your touch and sex, of Adam being so unusually passionate and even soft. You liked him without his total self-control.
– Fuck.
You open the door to your apartment, put a bag of groceries at the kitchen table and go straight to the shower. 
You close your eyes watching the pictures of his mechanical arms holding your body, his eyes desperate to meet yours. Exhale. You stand into the shower cabin and open the water. The feeling helps you to relax. Exhale again. It’s better now, stop thinking about it. All. The Time. You rub your body with soap carefully. 
Suddenly, you remember the pain in his eyes.
– “Oh, Adam. I actually like you having all these augs. It is very, well, you, Adamish”. You say it out loud like he could hear you.
The shower calms you down a bit and at once you feel very tired of all the emotions you experienced today. You get out of the shower and put on a soft T-shirt. 
– I will just take a nap for an hour or so, – you think to yourself walking in the direction of the bedroom.
Bed feels so soft and calming, that you fall asleep instantly.
– What? W-what is that? – you are being pulled right from your dream. Pretty loud banging at the door. W-what time is it? You glance at the clock. 3:43 am?! Who are you people? Banging continues. You are forced to get up from your warm and soft bed to stop this nonsense.
You look into the peephole and freeze. Adam? He doesn’t knock anymore, he knows you are at the door. Thanks augs.
You are opening the door still feeling sleepy. Your hairs are tousled and you are standing only in a T-shirt and panties. Oh. Well. It is what it is now. You are way too occupied with other thoughts right now. You close the door carefully and turn to Adam. He stands there looking at you. You can see he is breathing heavily. Is something wrong?
You put your palm on his mechanical arm, touching it softly.
– “Are you alright? What are you doing here back in Prague so early?”
He removes his shades and looks at you seriously.
– “I thought. I thought I could make a mistake. And I don’t want to”, he covers your hand on his arm with his palm.
You can see it is hard for him to say something like this, to be so vulnerable. You stand on your toes and carefully give him a kiss. His face is dirty and you can see traces of blood.
– “There is no need to hurry now. We have time, so you can enjoy a shower and after we will talk”, you smile at him and he nods.
If you were not sleeping five minutes ago, you would never believe what happened. You get a towel for Adam and lead him to the shower leaving him to his privacy.
He must be very tired.
You sit on your bed trying to process the last ten minutes. Looking from Adam’s state, he has just come back from his mission. Why didn’t he wait till the morning though? Water stops running in the shower. Your body reacts with a slight feeling of pleasure coming from your belly.
Adam comes out of the shower with the towel around his hips. Well, he looks extremely sexy with his strong body mixed with all his augs.
He walks up to you and carefully pushes you to the bed. Now he is above you leaning on his hands. His towel slipped on the floor and you swallowed thinking about it. He spreads your legs with his knee. You closed your eyes tilting your head back with a quiet moan. Adam reacted, reaching your neck with his lips. His kisses were careful at first, but you could feel his teeth leaving marks on your skin after. In impatience you moved your hips towards him, touching his hard cock with your belly. Adam leted out a groan. Mmmmm he likes it. This thought provoked an intense warm feeling at the bottom of your belly. You keeped moving your hips to rub his cock with your skin. He started to push back breathing heavily.
He looks straight into your eyes with silent question. You put your palms on his cheeks and give him a slight reassuring smile. He kisses you in response.
— ”Adam, please, I want you so hard” – you murmur to him.
He keeps looking at you while carefully guiding his cock inside you, giving you the feeling of instant pleasure of finally having him inside you. – “Oh, Adam” – you breathe out. 
– “Mmmhhhmmm” – He closes his eyes in enjoyment.
You get your hands sliding on his back, touching it softly letting Adam feel your tenderness towards him. He kisses your neck moving back to your lips to give you a deep kiss. His hips are moving at a slow pace. He remembers that it makes your sensations much brighter. His deep breath gives away how hard it is for him not to get faster right now. He groans deeply and looks into your eyes to see what his movements do to you. You look back trying to keep the contact lost in the pleasure, trying to move your hips to get him deeper inside you.
– “Adam, please” – you want him to go faster desperately, but he is still keeping it at the same pace watching your reaction.
You swallow and lick your lips. Adam follows the movement and catches you with a kiss. He finally starts moving faster inside you. You give him a deep moan and he groans in pleasure in return. 
– “Adam…” – he groans at your words and slows his pace a bit again.
He is too close to his climax and he wants you to come first. Adam clothes his eyes, breathing deeply, keeping this slow pace to calm down. His hand touches your breast, softly squeezing it, his fingers sliding between your bodies touching your belly slightly. Your body moves toward his touch. Adam reaches your clit pressing it, moving in circles. His pace starts to increase. You give a sweet moan to his actions and he is pressing your clit harder, thrusting inside you more intense and deeper. Adam’s eyes are still on you, watching.
– “Oh, gosh, Adam!” – with several more pushes you come hard, losing yourself to the climax sensation, your arms clinging to Adam’s back, your nails leaving marks on his skin there.
Adam removed his fingers and kept pushing at the same speed to let you ride your pleasure to the end. You breathed out deeply, touching his face and smiling at him. Still looking right into your eyes, he gave you several intense pushes and came hard inside you with a last deep thrust and harsh moan. He stopped and layed down carefully.
You were lying under Adam breathing deeply. That was fantastic. You put your palm on Adam's head to caress his hair. He gave you approving “mmmhhhhmm”. You smiled to yourself. He kept the promise. 
Adam moved to his back pulling you towards his chest. You put your head on his shoulder and your hand on his chest.
– “I thought” – he started speaking suddenly, – “I don’t want to lose what we have here”. He put his arm around you. Metal felt a bit cold, but his torso was very hot. You felt you had to stay silent right now and let him speak.
– “I keep my vision on the mission or my aim always”. He looked away somewhere in the space. – “But I need something to hold on too” He looked back at you. – “I was… I am afraid I could hurt you. And you could hurt me”. He swallowed and you could see his lips opened a bit. “But… I think keeping myself away from it makes me more… robotic”. He looks at you. “I want to try what you want us to try”.
– “You mean relationships?”
– “Yeah, that thing” – he moved his glance away into the empty space again. Is it pain in his eyes?
You put your palm on his cheek and carefully pull him to turn towards you. He smiles slightly.
– “I want it, Adam”, – you say smiling back.
He nods and grabs you with his second arm holding you tight in his embrace.
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nakabayashi · 2 years
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Happy new year my friends!
Stay strong and stay sane, never give up no matter what! Just like Adam Jensen, my ultimate muse for this year and for the years to come.
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nakabayashi · 2 years
Last chance. Part 2
Adam Jensen x Reader (fem) smut
Part 1: https://nakabayashi.tumblr.com/post/671228283437940736/last-chance-part-1
I’m back with Part 2 of Last chance. One shot again. One more part is in the plot. Same, not English native. Enjoy:)
You are trying to catch your breath with all the emotions you have experienced having sex while connected to Adam’s system.
Adam holds himself above you with his hands on the cabinet table. You reach your hand to remove the device behind Adam’s ear, but suddenly feel the need to stop your palm mid-way and put it on the Adam’s cheek. He snuggles to your hand for couple of seconds with his eyes closed. You feel the moment which is so not like the Adam you know. You kiss him tenderly.
Adam takes a deep breath, opens his eyes and speaks hoarsely:
— “That was not what I expected to happen. And how I expected it to happen. Or even happen”. You still can see a track of this soft glance of his, but he looks very serious again. You decide to remove the device finally.
— “That was… the possible side effect I was talking about. Our feelings and emotions”, you carefully take the device off Adam, “got mixed and entered a constant loop of the feedback”. You remove your own device too. “I was afraid to show you my feelings, but it looks like you have some yourself”.
He is back with total self control after you removed the device. His face is so serious, but still he fought the urge to hide his eyes behind the shades. He makes a step back, helping you to get of the cabinet. His movements are very careful, not like he just had you right here in the position he wished for.
He puts his clothes back on, while you adjust the dress.
— “Adam,” you finally try to say what you came for. He freezes in half a turn to you. —“Don’t you think we should… figure it out. What happened, I mean”. You look at him almost breathless.
His face, as you can see it in half turn, doesn’t change. But you see his eyes move to the floor while he thinks.
— “I can’t ignore the fact that you have feelings for me, cause I have feelings for you too”. You say it as fast as you can just to get it off your chest. He is silent still. — “I mean, don’t go,” you say in your usual tone finally, “I want you to stay”.
He turns to you and nodes.
What the hell it supposed to mean?! You are busy putting the devices and mini computer to the box to take it away.
You rise your glance back to Adam when finished. His posture says that he is still lost in his thoughts. You feel that you should wait for the reaction from him and you sit back at the chair.
He reacts surprised by this behavior. Looks like it works, he can’t ignore the fact that you care.
He sits near you.
— “Alright. I will stay in Prague for a while so we could… discuss it”. He looks at you with his calm and serious face showing nothing of the things you felt just minutes ago. “I still need to go for a mission now. I promise to visit you when I’m back tomorrow”.
Well, he does plan to come back, which makes you feel the ease of all the tension you had inside. You could even jump in full joy right now, but you have to keep your face.
— “Actually. I’m not very good at this”. He makes a gesture with his hand moving it from you to him.
Well, that makes you a bit mad now, cause you felt what he is feeling. You decide to push it a little bit.
— “Not good at what, Adam, I don’t understand”. You get heavy look from him.
— “What happened between you and me, and I don’t mean only sexual intercourse, I did want it to happen”. He looks straight at you. “I’m just not sure if it is really possible for people… like me”.
You are confused. — “Adam?”, is it a slight shade of pain in his eyes? — “Adam, what do you mean?”
He looks at his hands briefly.
— “Do you mean your augs?”. You ask finally understanding what he hints for.
— “That is what I mean exactly.”
His interlink is activated and he answers briefly:
— Yeah, I know, I’m coming, give me a couple more minutes”. He disconnects and looks at you. “I have to…”
You finish it for him. — “You have to go I’ve got that”. You stand from the chair, he stands too. You walk close to him. — “This augs of yours are part of you. And what I’m feeling are feelings for the whole you whatever you carry around and inside.” This is your turn to look serious.
— “Deal with it and remove this whole self pity”. Your are shocked from your boldness yourself, but you feel it to be the right words for him. You take his hand in yours and look him straight in the eyes. — “I will be waiting for you to come back, be sure”. You make one more step to be close to him and look up at his face. He bends over and kisses you pulling you towards his body with hoarse “Mmmm…”.
He releases you from his grip and you can see a slight smile? on his face.
“I will, Adam”. You take your box and turn to press the button to open closed lock, when you feel Adam is pulling you back and pressing against the wall. He kisses you deep and desperate, his hand is moving up your hip removing the dress and slides inside your panties touching your wet parts. He seems satisfied with the feeling on his mechanical hand. — “I will be back and we will move on with what I started right now”. He kisses you again, pressing you with his body. You feel his fingers moving inside you and breath out with moan, bringing your knees together.
Adam stops himself with an effort removing his hand and stepping back from you.
You put your hand on his chest, kiss him fast and leave the room without glancing at him. He waits looking at you walking away and when you are gone, takes his coat and leaves to meet Miller.
To be continued.
Part 3: https://nakabayashi.tumblr.com/post/678020309543157761/last-chance-part-3
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16 notes · View notes
nakabayashi · 2 years
Last chance. Part 1
Adam Jensen x Reader (fem) smut
It just hit me here at night, so I put the image into the text. Same, not English native :) Enjoy.
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You were walking around your room nervously. You had to visit your boss, and you were positive it’s your only chance to tell him the truth. He is leaving Prague this night. You just can’t let him go.
Your phone is beeping, you press the button and there is his voice:
— “J. I’m waiting for you. Come here with the technical details, I need to leave soon.”
You are making a deep breath, saying the most casual — “Sure”, you can make in the situation and pressing the button to end the connection.
J is your code name to cover the identity while you are working for the TF29 as a technical consultant. You’ve got used to ever changing codenames your Corpo makes up for the clients to protect you. But this one… is for him, his organization. It’s the first time you actually connected yourself to this letter. His last name also starts with it. Jensen. It makes you feel closer to him.
— Such a stupid thought, it’s just a letter. You are shaking your head to get rid of this thought.
You are taking the stairs to his office. He is located in McReady’s office, while his boss is on the special mission.
— At least we are going to be alone. You are thinking to yourself. How many times he has been at your office with all the comfort and privacy. Now you have to take the battle on the foreign territory.
— “Mr. Jensen”. You node entering the room. Door closes softly behind you.
He sits on the chair in front of the PC in his sexy body armor. As you enter, he stands up.
— “J”. He makes a gesture with his palm to make you come in.
This mechanical arms. May be you are too much into technologies? May be that’s the reason of this hormonal spikes you keep getting just glancing at him?
No, that’s something else.
He removes shutters from his eyes.
Oh no, you are getting this wave of heat again. Deep breath.
— “I believe we need to investigate if the chip you’ve got at the prison didn’t leave any trace code.
— “What is needed from me?
— “I just need to connect to you with this device”. You are showing a small pastil like device. “Just sit somewhere near me, it could be a bumpy ride for both of us”
You both sit around the table for guests.
— “I need to place it just behind your ear”.
You show the device again. Adam moves his eyes to the upper conner in slight irritation of his privacy being disturbed. He bends over the table to be closer, looking straight into your eyes. You carefully place the device behind his right ear and he moves back at his place still looking straight at you, not a glance away.
— “Erm. There are safety measures.” With a fast usual gesture you are placing same device behind your own ear opening small computer to set a connection. — “I have to trace the possible code while connected to you with my shard. This connection can give us some kind of… feedback to say. We both will experience the traces of each other’s emotions”. You briefly looked at him. He raised his brows for several seconds, otherwise calm as always. Leaning on the chair with his hand resting on his chin.
— “Alright”. He agrees.
Connection is at minimum right now, but you move your leg nervously not knowing if he can feel your reaction to his voice with this heat between your legs.
If you don’t calm yourself down, you won’t need to discuss anything with him, that would be freaking obvious.
Concentrate yourself at work.
You start browsing through his system with your mind, looking for the trace of the code chip could leave. It helps, you are calming down and doing your job properly. Yes, it looks like something is there…
At this moment some intensive feeling hits you hard. Is it you, is it him? You glanced at Adam. Still so calm, still looking straight at you. Did he feel it? Shit. Concentrate on this trace.
— “It seems like there is a trace of code indeed. I have to get to it and remove it now.”
— “Mhm”. He muffles.
Got it! You started gradually to recover the code piece by piece, deleting it from his system.
— “I’m very close to it now”.
— “Me too”, he says suddenly.
You freeze. What does he mean? You look at him. No change on his face. You show him a short smile, getting back to work.
Strong wave of heat hits you again. Wow, that was even more intensive. I have to finish it faster or I’m risking to discredit myself completely. You are almost done, this one last line… Yes, finished. You are drawing your attention away from the code. Again, this wave of temptation hits you, your vision gets a bit blur. Concentrate. It’s not you. You look at Adam: it’s his feeling. How. How does he control it? You can’t even think this through fully while your hand moves to strengthen the devices connection.
And your feelings hit you, the feelings answering his emotions. You are lost, your mouth treacherously opens to slip this quite breath of pleasure out.
You look at him again, Adam doesn’t react. But he is reacting. This loop of your mutual reaction makes you almost loose yourself to it.
You make a move to lower the connection settings, but… finally Adam moves. He stops your hand with his. —“Don’t”.
He takes your hand in his in this moment, removing the computer away. He makes a gesture and closing the door lock remotely. You finally let yourself slip this loud moan.
— “Adam…”
He stands, pulling you after him, pressing you towards his body. — “That’s not the place… but I can’t resist the situation we are in”, he says looking at you.
You don’t even think when you start to remove snaps on his body armor. He helps you.
— “I’ve waited for this touch”. You said it. And he said it too. You can’t distinguish his feelings from yours. You look at him. His look, it’s softer now.
— “Adam “. Do you say it out loud? You don’t know, but he understands.
You touch his skin, you touch the places where skin turns into the chrome. You feel his skin, and you feel your touch.
He breaks the temptation and roughly grabs you to put you on the cabinet table, his lips are forced deep into your mouth. So soft and rough. You make this sweet moan, you know how he liked it. He groans back and it makes you to fall deeper in these emotions you are sharing.
— “Adam…”, you are saying it again.
He stops the kiss breathing deeply and looks at you again. He feels you let him, you allow it and you hear the click of his belt. This gives you a heat wave between your legs. And he reacts to the feeling with deep groan through his teeth. You can see he lost his balance for the second riding in the sensation.
You spread your legs. Did he just order you to? His eyes are partly closed, one palm on your back, holding you, the other one is guiding him into you. The first touch, he deepens his tip into you and stops. Both of you are exhaling with moans. You move your hips towards him, but he is holding you. He knows your anticipation, he also knows your feeling will be so much more vivid if he delays it a bit. Or is it his desire?
He looks straight at you and enters you slowly, not breaking the look. Too slow, but it makes you feel it so brightly. He starts pushing just a bit faster keeping eye contact, but both of you know that’s it’s way not as fast as both of you need.
— “Adam…” you are begging him. He is not ready to give it up so soon. He rides on the sensations of you both and it’s getting him away deeper.
— “Adam…”, you bite his skin slightly at his neck, and he reacts with fast deep push into you. The feeling of pleasure gets up from your bottom and you suck on his neck a bit rougher. He answers with a strong push again and a slight groan.
You bend your legs at his waist and move your hands on his back with a slight touch kissing his neck, whispering — “Adam…”. And it hits it, he completely looses control and starts pushing deeper and faster into you with deep breath to your ear. — “J, I wanted it so hard and so long”. He whispers deeply and it sends you to your climax. He keeps his pace letting you enjoy your feeling. And with several deep pushes he cums into you with deep moan.
To be continued.
Part 2: https://nakabayashi.tumblr.com/post/671687697089396737/last-chance-part-2-adam-jensen-x-reader-fem
Part 3: https://nakabayashi.tumblr.com/post/678020309543157761/last-chance-part-3
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16 notes · View notes
nakabayashi · 3 years
Connor x Reader (fem) smut
It’s my first smut and English is not my native language. Anyway I hope you will enjoy it.
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Connor was sitting at his desk talking to Hank. You were looking at him wondering. You started imagining things you could do together, touching his skin, lips, hearing his moan. And so desirable feeling of him filling you up. Your body reacted with heat to your thoughts, heart pounding, your lips opened. You closed your eyes and made a deep breath to calm yourself down. Connor looked at you distracted with suddenly loud sound of your exhalation.
“Are you alright, Detective?”
“Yeah…” You swallowed nervously trying to get rid of the feeling of being caught. “Yeah. I’m OK”. You smiled at him and turned your gaze to the working station.
Connor knitted his brows noticing you behaved strange right now, but still couldn’t quite understand why. You could see that he watched you for the couple more seconds, before engaging back to the conversation with Hank.
You started looking through your cases to distract your thoughts away from Connor. You didn’t notice that his LED started flashing yellow.
He has developed an interest in you for the past several months he was working in DPD. His social skills were still building, so Connor wasn’t sure what kind of social interaction he was facing. But he definitely wanted to know more about you and in his attempt to understand what was going on with you right now he decided to scan your vitals.
Heart rate elevated, hormonal surge, deep breathing. What was causing all of that? You were definitely not alright and lied about it. Connor felt heavy need to help you. That must be something very serious if you are hiding it.
Later that day, when you were leaving home, Connor caught you up near the door.
“As I understand you are living nearby? Do you mind if I walk you home? I’m trying to socialise here and I think you could use a helping hand near you today”.
Well, the thought of him being near you, walking you home made you imagine things again. With the feeling of pleasure arousing from your bottom you stuttered a bit.
“I-I.. Yes, Connor, why” THE HELL “not”. You smiled at him trying to mask your nervousness and noticed his LED flashing yellow. Is he analyzing you right now? Shit.
Connor noticed something wrong about your voice and detected hormonal splash and heart rate elevation again. He was learning to be social and part of the team, so he needed to choose tactics to be of help. You started to walk to the direction of your house. You have been watching Connor with the sight of your eyes, afraid to look directly at him. He was thinking of something, his eyes moving slowly in the process. He turned to you with very soft worried face:
“I’ve noticed that something is wrong with your vital signs twice today. Are you sure you are OK? Is something bothering you?”
You were not sure how to say it. Connor was not an usual person, he was very like... Connor. It’s not like he would be avoiding you after knowing what you had to say. You decided you should tell him the truth, but we’re hesitant on how to tell it.
“That thing you have noticed, Connor, is indeed something that has been happening to me for some time now. But I’m not really sure how to explain it”.
“If I can help you to deal with that I’m here to help”. His face expression was so warm and innocent.
“Actually, I think that you are the only one who can help me with this, to say, ‘problem’, Connor”.
Connor raised his brows in surprise. He turned his gaze down thinking. Right now he felt happy. Was he better than others to be the only one for you to help? He slightly smiled and looked at you.
Is he enjoying it actually? You thought to yourself and suddenly the thought of him holding you against the wall, kissing your neck, unbuttoning your shirt, hit you. You swallowed and tried to keep your thinking straight.
“Well, Connor, I am feeling some things... for you, which for us, humans, are very hard to control. That is what you are seeing on my.. erm.. vital signs”.
Connor mouth opened up a bit, he blinked several times gazing around. He had a hard time right now to understand his own vital signs. He did feel a reaction to your words and it was new for him. He turned his face to you again, his voice not as steady as usual:
“I think... I understand what you mean”.
“You do?”
“Yes, I had enough time to gather information about humans and their.. your interactions. And… I don’t know, I have a reaction to your words right now… To the thought you feel that way about me.”
Your heart jumped to your throat. That was not what you anticipated, but definitely something you wanted to hear. You felt the courage to touch him now and you took his palm gently.
“Connor, what feeling it is?”.
“I.. I don’t know”. He looked at you confused and so open. “But I think I like it”. His mouth opened slightly. “And now I want to understand it, to do things which I can imagine in my head”.
Is he imagining you right now? Place between your legs heated, you couldn’t walk straight looking in his eyes. This deep warm gaze he has…
“Could I come in”. The picture of him entering you flashed in front of you and you gasped. “to your house?” he asked.
Your vision blurred and his face was the only thing you could see around. You nodded to his question, not understanding you were right in front of the door to your house. He glanced to the door hinting you to get inside. The second you closed the door he pressed you to the wall, his lips near your ear:
“I feel like I am about to lose control and I don’t want to harm you in any way”. Yes, he is still Connor. And you loved it, it made you feel so heated thinking of how it is difficult for him to hold himself right now. You moaned thinking about this.
��Connor, I want it, I want it so badly”.
And he loosen himself, he pressed his lips against yours, his hands on your hips, he is pressing his erection against you.
“Oh… Connor!”
He moaned hearing you saying his name. His hands moved up to your breast, and next second he is unbuttoning your shirt, fast practically ripping it off. He kissed your neck slowly and deep, touching your bare skin with his hands. Softly puts his fingers on the zip of your skirt and it falls on the floor. You lusted for this so much. You want to touch him, to press your bare skin against his. You are reaching his tie trying to remove it, but you are so lost in your sensation. He gets a hint and quickly removes it, his jacket and shirt follow shortly. You can finally touch him. Connor shuddered from your fingers on his skin. You gave him a moment to ride that sensation, brushing him softly with your fingers, feeling his body respond. In a minute you kissed his neck, moving lower to his torso and reaching his belt, removing it with a short click. Your mouth wetting longing to take his length inside, while you are removing his jeans. You are glancing on his erection, his beautiful perfectly build cock. You take tip of his cock into your mouth licking it with tongue and quickly glancing to his face to see his reaction. His LED is flashing yellow, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open giving this sweet moan you want to hear so eagerly. You look down again and take his whole length inside your mouth.
Connor groans, he is feeling a lot of new pleasant things and he can’t quite define what is going on with his body. He gave up scanning his systems, lost in the sensations he experienced right now. Connor can’t even understand if he is the one who hustle his hips to your move again and again.
The only thing he knows is that he wants to make you his, to take you. You feel his palms on your shoulders and understand that he wants you to get up. He turns you around and presses you against the wall. You can feel his cock touching you between your legs. You press your ass against him hinting that you want him inside. He removes your panties and presses the tip of his cock against your entrance pushing it inside slowly. And then he suddenly stops. You move towards him, trying to put it deeper, but Connor holds your move. He kisses your neck and you feel his lips near your ear again:
“Do you want me?” - he asks. Oh God you want him so eagerly. “Do you want me to take you?”
“Yes, Connor, please, fuck me”. He moans deeply in respond to this words and loses himself completely. He starts pounding inside you desperately, stretching you in so desirable way. You don’t hold yourself moaning loudly.
“Connor! Fuck! That is so good! You are so good”. Your words drive him crazy, you can feel him moving faster and deeper.
Connor bit you by your shoulder, his palm slides to your belly, cuddling. He pressed his teeth against your skin with deep groan and his hips stuttered, you felt him coming inside you. His bite was slightly painful, but whole mix of feelings and the sensation of his cum inside you were so pleasant you just wanted more and more of him and he was ready to give it. His cock still erected started to move again inside you.
“Connor, don’t stop, please!”
He is moving faster hitting you deeper and deeper inside. You are moving towards his thrusts, begging for more, trying to keep yourself wider for him.
“Oh, Connor, I’m gonna come…” your words are lost in your moan, you are saying his name again and again while he is slowing down his pace letting you enjoy yourself. “You are mine” - he murmured, making your spine shiver.
When you finally caught your breath, he turned you around and held you carefully, kissing you gently and asking:
“Did I manage to make you feel better now?” - he smiled with the corner of his lips. He knew he did. He is a quick learner.
You took his hand and lead him to your bedroom, pulling him to the bed with you. You put your hand on his bare chest, sliding your fingers slowly up and down.
“Yes, Connor, you’ve made me feel fantastic”. You raised on your elbow and kissed him. “You liked what we did, didn’t you?”.
Connor looked at you with his soft eyes. “I couldn’t understand what was going on with me, I gave up to. I feel so...” he blinked, looked around as he was searching for the right word and returned his eyes to you “...satisfied”. Next moment he turned to place himself above you on the bed. It gave you goosebumps, you couldn’t look away from his eyes. “And I want more of this. I want to finally understand what it is all about”. You felt him spreading your legs with his knee.
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