nakamotos-blog 5 months
I thought I would never be able to excess this tumblr ever again...
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nakamotos-blog 2 years
Part Two - (Part one)
Yuta (Performing Arts Major, Football captain) x Reader (Fashion Design Major), College Au, Strangers to lovers
Genre; Fluff
Warnings for this chapter; Non
Word count; 840
Weeks have passed since you and Yuta began exchanging e-mails. It had become a habit for both of you to begin the day with good morning e-mails and to go to bed after discussing the day. It seemed like it was straight out of an old romance novella, and you loved it.
With every email exchanged, you felt more and more comfortable with Yuta, and that made you grow more eager to meet him. You just needed the right time to come, and you wished for it to be soon. You were a little concerned, but it made you happy that, regardless of the busy schedules, neither of you missed the opportunity to write.
Dear Yuta,
I'm currently sitting by the stands, watching you play. You are so cool???
Love, (Y/I)
As you type and send the email, you giggle to yourself. Your eyes were following Yuta as he practiced. It was a common thing for you to stop by to watch him play. Sometimes you worked on your homework while you were there. A few people do the same, so you wouldn鈥檛 stand out for him to notice, but you knew he wouldn鈥檛 be that stupid to not notice you if you went there every single day. You just didn鈥檛 want to seem creepy like that.
It was getting late and everyone was leaving by now. The football team had stopped their practice too, and that was the queue for you to leave as well.
You were going down the stairs to go back as you heard your name being called out. You turned around as you recognized the familiar voice. Seeing Jungwoo wave at you from a distance with his signature smile on his lips made you go aww. Even though he was sweaty from the practice, he still looked good. You returned his smile as you walked towards him. Your eyes scanned the male figure by Jungwoo's side, looking as good as always. Yuta's dark, messy hair and sweaty self-made you feel butterflies in your tummy for the hundredth time. You gulped, looking away from Yuta and focusing on Jungwoo as you got closer to him.
"Hey Woo".
Jungwoo and you were best friends since orientation. It was a little sad that you weren't in the same major as him. Regardless of everything, you both did hang out. Just like always, it seemed like Jungwoo had plans for your introverted self.
"Hey Jungwoo." You heard that familiar voice, sending electric waves down your spine. Both of your eyes met. You were screaming from inside. Your heart was beating so fast as you and Yuta made eye contact. It was the first time you were this close to Yuta in person. "Hyung" Jungwoo replied, bringing you back to the world.
"Oh, who is this?" Yuta asked Jungwoo as he ran his hand through his own hair.
"It's Y/n, my best friend since day one." Jungwoo said it so proudly, trying to wrap his arm around your shoulder just for you to playfully hit him. "You are sweaty," you said, earning an eyeroll from him.
You felt warm as the sound of Yuta's laugh hit your ears. You smiled from ear to ear.
"Nice to meet you, Y/n! I'm Yuta."
"Nice to meet you as well, Yuta."
The way he said your name gave you butterflies. Nervousness really did take over your whole body, but the fact that both of you had shared spoken words other than e-mails made you very happy.
The meeting was cut short just as they met as he came for Jungwoo. You wished it could have lasted longer, but you said your goodbye, promising him to text him later.
You lay on your bed as you checked your G-mail app. Since you spent dinner time with the girls, you were pretty occupied, but now you were back in your bed all refreshed and ready to write to him.
Dear (Y/I),
I am the coolest ever, right? So, did you enjoy watching me play?
By the way, you looked very pretty.
Love, Yuta
You felt your heart beat so fast as you read the last sentence of his reply. Eyes wide open, you threw your phone as you screamed a little.
He knows? He figured it out? There is no way Jungwoo would have told him since you never told him. Maybe you gave it away today. You grabbed your phone back, with thousands of thoughts in your head, you sent him questions after questions.
Dear Yuta,
You know? How? Did Jungwoo say something? I don鈥檛 think he knows? Or am I that obvious? I'm sorry.
Love, Y/n
Dear Y/n
Hahaha, I figured it out a while ago and there isn't anything to apologize for.
So, Y/n, do you want to go grab a drink sometime tomorrow?
Love, Yuta
Your cheeks felt warm; you wanted to scream. It seemed like a dream come true. You pinched yourself just to make sure you weren't dreaming.
"Dear Yuta,
I would love to, I can't wait!
Love, Y/n"
(A little short, suffered with confidence writing this, but I hope you guys like it!)
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nakamotos-blog 2 years
When I miss you I sit down and write you letters that never gets sent
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nakamotos-blog 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Yuta (Performing Arts Major, Football captain) x Reader (Fashion Design Major), College Au, Strangers to lovers (Part two)
Genre; Fluff
Warnings for this chapter; Non
Word count; 1291
Dear Yuta,
聽You probably think I'm weird by now, and I wouldn't blame you. It has been a month since I have been sending these emails to you, and I have decided that it is time that I stopped. I don't know if you ever read these stupid emails. Either way, I just hope it wasn't a bother.
聽I just wanted you to know that it helped me in many ways. It sounds stupid, but it did, and I guess this will be my last email!
聽P.S Eat healthily and stay safe.
Love, (your initials)
聽You hit send as you sigh loudly. You closed your laptop and leaned on your chair as you felt hopelessness. Looking around the library filled with students, your eyes hungrily looked for someone specific. Defeated, you started to pack as you teared up. You were hating yourself right now, and you were wishing that you could do many things. Among those, what you wished for most was confidence to at least say hi to him, but no, you had to be so cowardly.
聽It had been a month since you decided to e-mail him to interact with him. You thought it would be a great idea. Clearly, you thought wrong, because he never replied. You had been so hopeful, even after a week had passed, but to your dismay, there was no reply. You tried to be hopeful and you tried to make up every excuse you could for him. Rambles and complaints, everything you never said but wanted to say, you wrote it to him almost every night. Your bubble ended up bursting as it hit a month and so you decided to stop. To move on from all this, you knew you had to.
聽Yuta is a popular figure; everyone knows him. Everyone likes him and adores him. Like his healing smile is just enough to melt anyone's heart. He was everything, and you were just one of the girls who drooled over him. Due to the difference in their majors and years, it was hard to cross paths. Not even once, never close by, just from afar.
聽You were still lost in a pool of degradative thoughts, even though you were walking out of the library and towards the dorms. It was disheartening and disappointing as well, but you knew you would get over it. Somehow...
聽As soon as you reached your room, you slept. The unmotivated self of yours woke up at 11 pm. What a time to be awake, right? Frustrated, you dragged yourself out of bed, freshening up before sitting down at your desk. You opened your laptop as the unfinished homework wouldn't be finishing itself. It wouldn't take so long; you thought while you scribbled down in your notebook.
聽"Almost done," you talked to yourself as you stretched. You take a deep breath before you attend to the rest of your work, but before you could start writing, a familiar "beep" sound caught your attention. Clicking on the notification from desktop Gmail, your eyes widened as you realized there was a new email in your inbox. It wasn't just any inbox, though; it was the Gmail inbox that you used solely to send him those emails.
Dear (your initials),
聽Hi, I feel like you would hate me for replying to your goodbye and not the others. But I just want to be selfish and ask you to keep sending them. Except this time, I promise to write back. I'm sorry for not writing back earlier. I have read all of them and it has never bothered me.
聽Hopefully, some day we can meet up and hang out too. I don't think you are weird, by the way.
Love, Yuta
聽You didn鈥檛 expect a reply, so your first thought was that you were dreaming. Pinching yourself to clarify whether it was real, you shoved your face right at the display to re-read the mail from that familiar address you wrote to every day. He was right. You kind of hated him for not replying and you wanted to kick him for it.
聽Out of everything, though, what stood out to you most was his question. You still weren't ready to. Maybe you will never be However, happiness overtook any of your feelings. He will be writing back to you. You squealed as you stretched yourself before writing a reply.
Dear Yuta,
聽Your reply almost knocked me out of my chair, honestly. I really didn't think you would reply! I forgive you, so you better keep your promise!
聽I鈥檓 glad you don鈥檛 find me weird (or stupid, of course), and I was really worried that I might have gotten on your bad side. Now that I know that I didn鈥檛, I鈥檓 on cloud nine.
聽How was your day? You must be tired, with all the Football practice going on and everything. Tell me about it.
Love, (Y/I)
聽You hit send again, this time with stars in your eyes. I was not expecting a reply tonight as it was almost 12am and you got back to your homework. It didn鈥檛 take too long until you heard the same "beep" again. You smiled from ear to ear as you read the reply you had just received.
Dear (Y/I),
聽Well, I鈥檓 glad you are happy (and that you didn't fall off of your chair).
聽I鈥檓 actually pretty tired. Football practice is so tiresome, though it is fun. Classes were boring, as usual, you know. Those long lectures feel like hell. But it was better than yesterday because I had coffee to keep me company in class. Speaking of classes, what major are you? I promise I won't look into finding you until you are ready to meet me.
聽The boys had ordered pizza from outside of the campus, so I鈥檓 so full and lazy now. I've just got to lie on the bed. They always drag me out to join their fun. Oh, and I hope you have eaten by now since it is late.
聽What are you up to?
Love, Yuta
Dear Yuta,
聽Your day sounds fun compared to mine. I'm guilty of sleeping the whole day (basically). Maybe I could attach some of the rest that I got so you can have them.
聽Oh, I'm majoring in fashion design. I'm a first-year, so it's painful. You better keep that promise too, or else! And it's nice to know that the boys take care of you. It's really cute. I have met Jungwoo a few times by the way (a hint again, yes).
聽I should help myself to some ramen I think I could hear my stomach growling. I just finished my homework since it won't get done itself.
聽You should get some sleep, Yuta. Since the competition is soon, you must practice tomorrow too, right? Good night, sweetest dreams!
Love, (Y/I)
You thought of waiting for a few minutes to go through your notes and also for his reply to come. A few minutes passed, and there was that beep again. You hurried to read it before you headed to fix yourself a cup of instant ramen.
Dear (Y/I)
fashion designer? If you need a model, I'm available at any time, okay? I鈥檓 handsome, you know, fit to be a model!
It's good you had good rest today, and thank you for sending some of it my way! Take care of yourself, okay? And don鈥檛 help yourself with cups of instant ramen all the time; it's not healthy.
Oh yeah, the competition. You should come and cheer for me both at practice and at the competition too. Maybe I could spot you.
You should sleep soon too. Eat well! Good night and sleep well!
P.S. Jungwoo is so lucky then.
Love, Yuta
(I hope you like it! There will be a next chapter so stay tuned!!)
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