nakedrainbow · 3 years
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
This page is dedicated to seductive poetic wordscapes for my peach.
Love is universal and multiple but the Beloved is one. Every expression of desire and beauty is a reflection of the one Beloved, in every hand, in every face.
May my words hit their mark, delight your soul and win your heart.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
I am in the shower. You have a moment to yourself. You lie back and close your eyes. Your breath is deep and full and slow but your heart is racing, anticipating. You touch your right nipple. Soon I will be kissing you with passionate kisses. You open your eyes wide. Soon I will be inside you, your whole body helplessly coming in my arms.
The feeling is too intense. You sit up and turn around to face the wall, reaching for your right ankle. Before I make love to you I will kiss that too. No part of your body is forgotten by my love. It gives you shivers of pleasure just thinking about it. You imagine my warm body at your back. Your love is near. How much I long for you. You open your eyes wide and sense my presence. I come nearer, my good girl. I stand naked behind you sending you waves of love with my gaze. You glance over your shoulder and return my affection, then slowly take off all your clothes teasing me with your naked beauty. You watch as my arousal grows.
“My good girl! My heartʼs longing
Take my throbbing cock inside you
I can bear it no longer.”
“Oh, let me taste your hot passion with my tongue and cool your burning desire between my lips.”
“Oh my good girl, just like this”
Iʼm reduced to wordlessness
Iʼm lost in bliss.
This is what we long for
Nights like this.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
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We hugged upon the loversʼ bench
And talked of love, desire and meaning.
Then we walked on, rewound
And made a new beginning.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
Sometimes she does not like him,
The rough way he uses her,
Feeling naked and worthless,
Her body ƒucked for pleasure.
Moaning, she comes hard for him,
Orgasms sweeping through her.
She loves him and she hates him,
She comes back to him again
Coming — again and again.
He needs to ƒuck her senseless
And she satisfies his needs.
But she also needs something more
Than just to be his little whore.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
My hands at your breasts
Is a form of prayer
A higher goodness,
My whole body aroused
In a divine passion
Powerful and serene
A profound "just-rightness"
A focused "just-being".
At your round altar
I come with devotion
Professing desire
And feel it affirmed
That all my wishes
I know will come true
That all that I am
I pledge to you.
* * *
Later, after I pray,
I kiss your uncupped breasts
And suck the buttons
Of your pleasure
Stoking the fire of my loins
That only your ℘ussy can quench.
I slide over your wetness
Pressing for an opening, I push through
And all that I am
I sink into you.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
Women have two breasts
As men have two hands
To clasp and cup them
Her greatest treasure
More precious than gold
His greatest pleasure
He drops all to hold
Her intimate gift
His infinite lift.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
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Do I call you by your true names?
My baobei, are you a baby?
You are my baby!
My peach, are you a peach?
You are my peach!
My good girl, are you good?
You are my good girl!
But babies cry, peaches rot
Good girls swallow, you do not.
While each name is a calling out of what is true
Truth itself lies waiting eternally in you.
True names must be broken for truths they hold inside
And in your true names all your secrets you confide
I want to be the one who breaks you
Like naked Venus from the foam
To taste your trembling flesh and take you
And in your nameless form find home.
The names I call you weave a magic thread
My baby, my peach, my good girl in bed,
You gave your heart to me, the love you chose
And I give mine to you, my darling rose.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
The little miss, she flirted,
She begged to be inserted
As a student on the course
To study Language & Force.
But she had missed the first class
So if she wanted to pass,
She had to come after dark
To get her up to the mark.
The prof taught the little miss
In his classroom and office
Showing what had to be done
And it turned out to be fun.
She kept coming after dark
And hitting a better mark
Till she was best in her year
By the time exams were near.
She took the extra yard to please
Getting down on dusty knees
To satisfy the demands
Of her professor's commands.
The night of her final test
She knew she would get no rest
She rid the proƒ like a horse
And got an A on the course.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
“I look forward to when you untie me and make love to me.”
“I’m hard just thinking about it”
“But does it always have to wait till morning?”
“You know I don’t want to but you sleepwalk. It’s too dangerous.”
“Tied up all night is uncomfortable.”
“You look beautiful though.” And I lifted her into bed.
Her eyes were pleading though.
“Can’t I sleep in your bed?”
“So I can hold you in my arms?
“And press your strong body against mine.”
“So you cannot sleepwalk away!”
“And if I sit up you can quickly take me down.”
“And cover you with kisses?”
“And make love to me in my sleep.”
“I can do that!”
I smiled to myself. It was exactly what I wanted.
So I released her from her nights in bondage and led her into my bedroom, into a deeper bondage that would last a lifetime.
It was what she had always wanted too. Such a good girl!
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
Taking You Down
I stayed up the night watching you sleep, so relaxed, so helpless and mindless, your body bound and beautiful.
And I watched you sleep.
I watched you dream.
I fell in love with my bound sleepwalking girl.
As dawn broke, I cast a spell of enchantment upon you,
My words filled with a secret power
A power based in love:
“Sometimes, you feel you can’t do what you really want.
Sometimes you doubt you can be the person you really want to be.
But there is something you need to know.
Something I am going to tell you.
Listen carefully to my words and go deeper for me.
Let that part of you go to sleep.
The part that gets in your own way
The part that keeps you from feeling so good
You are so perfect just as you are
So aroused at the sound of my words
Capable of doing what you want
Capable of following your dreams
But right now, you just need to let go
Right now, there is nothing to control
Just enjoy my words washing over you
Filling you with such deep pleasure
Feel my kisses from head to toe
Washing away all your worries
Your whole body is held in love
Your whole body folded inside me
You are safe my little one
You can trust me to look after you
You are free in this state of bliss
You are mine and nothing is expected of you
And it feels so good
Your whole body held in love
Your whole mind filled with love
Your whole spirit pure love
When I untie you, your body will be free
Free to surrender to my love
Free to feel me deep inside you always
As I make love to you
As I will make love to you always.”
“I love you always.” you said in your sleep.
“Can you forgive me doing whatever I like to you?”
“You can do whatever you like to me” you said
You stirred half-asleep and began to tug at the ropes that bound you.
I began to slowly untie you
Casting aside the ropes from your body
But I did not stop at the ropes,
I took off your nightdress too
And made passionate love to you.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
The Sleepwalker
I made sure she was safely back in bed. Her eyes looked at me as if in a daze. I whispered in her ear:
“Sleep now.
Close your eyes.
You’re safe with me.
Talk in the morning.”
And with a kiss on the forehead I let myself out of the room, returned the file to its secure location and went back to bed myself.
It all seemed like a strange dream when I woke in the morning to the chorus of morning birds and light streaming through my windows.
After having washed and changed I came down to see breakfast laid: a glass of orange juice & a steaming teapot beside a chocolate croissant and a bowl of grapes. But the girl was gone. I didn’t eat a morsel. I downed the glass, the taste bitter on my lips and headed straight out. I soon regretted it. My stomach ached on my way to work. I was famished.
Stepping into my office, she was there in her usual place, tapping away at the typewriter.
“For a second I thought I’d lost you”, I said.
“I’m here,” she smiled sweetly.
“You wouldn’t leave me without warning would you?”
“Maybe”, she teased.
“Do you remember anything of last night?”
“Oh I was just taking some air when you startled me.”
“With my file under your arm?”
“I must have picked it up in my sleep. But look it’s here now!” and she pointed towards my desk.
“You took it again without asking?”
“I knew you would need it.”
She was probably right. “I did need it today.” I admitted. I had forgotten I had a briefing meeting. “It’s a good thing you brought it this time, but in future don’t. It’s too much of a risk.”
“I won’t lose your stuff.”
“I trust you. But anything could happen. I need to take responsibility for this.”
“What if I were kidnapped with your documents? Would you care more for me or for your files.”
“Yesterday I would have said the files without question. You know how important they are to me, to all of us. But not today. I’m sorry for how I treated you. I would miss you terribly.”
“So if you could save one from a burning building, me or the files, you would save me?”
“Without question. You mean a lot to me.”
She smiled half-convinced.
“But let’s not lose either”, I added. “I depend on you. So can I rely on you?”
“You can, sir. This is why I signed up. I believe in this. I will not let you down.”
I gave her hand a squeeze, a warm feeling in my heart.
But the following night, it happened again. I caught her sooner. She was at the bottom of the stairs, barefoot and clutching my file in her arms. She was earnest about something that had to be done, her eyes open as she looked at me, but I could not make out the words. Again she did not resist as I guided her gently back up the stairs and into her bed.
“What happened?” she asked when safely back in her bedroom.
“You were sleepwalking again.”
“Oh” she murmured and turned back into her warm blankets to sleep.
“Either that or a spy waiting for a rendez-vous to give away all our secrets?” I muttered.
But she did not hear me, already fast asleep. It seemed unlikely in the extreme, but I could take no chances of her or the documents falling into the wrong hands. She knew too much. The girl would have to be tied to the bed at night to stop this happening again for her good as well as mine. She would not like it but it had to be done.
“Sleep now.” I whispered although I knew she was already asleep, her breath deep and slow. And I sat by her side preparing the ropes to bind her for the rest of the night. I couldn’t help notice how beautiful she looked in her sleep. It was from that moment, seeing her all tied up in her sleep, that I fell in love with my sleepwalking girl. I kissed her gently on the lips.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
The New Girl
She was meticulous, organised, thoughtful, caring, in short perfect for the job as my secretary and I was delighted in my good fortune to have found her, a chance meeting on a train journey back from the country.
Her every movement was full of intention. She knew what she wanted and with grace and patience she set about getting it. Although it was I who struck up a conversation on the train, I later discovered that it was her design to attract my attention, her wish to draw me in, her subtle body language to flirt and please. It wasn’t love, not yet, not till much later. She simply showed how useful she could be to me, her desire to serve a good cause, something bigger than herself, her need to be needed.
It was fate that she chose me to need her.
Soon after that first meeting, she moved into my apartment and became much more than a secretary, helping me in innumerable little ways that I would be too ashamed to mention. I became like a spoiled child and she did everything I asked of her, and more. I trusted her completely, even with my most sensitive documents that should they fall into the wrong hands would have been the ruin of not only me but everything the agency had worked on for months.
I was blind to her passion however, and she was a passionate soul. I cannot remember the reason even but something I said or did hurt her. She felt unappreciated, disrespected, dishonoured. She told me it had not been the first time but she had kept quiet before. Her tears flooded the room and flooded my heart with sorrow. I apologised for how insensitive I had been to her feelings. I had always appreciated and respected her deeply but I had taken her for granted. I did all I could to soothe her and to apologise. Upset with myself that I had upset her, I retired to bed hoping the night would mend our wounds.
But I woke in the early hours to the sound of my door clicking shut and getting up I found she was gone. Not only that, but she had taken what was invaluable to me: the black lever arch file with codes and names that if leaked could disrupt our whole operation. What could she want with it except revenge? In that moment, I cared much more for those documents than for her well-being knowing my own life and career and the security of many others was on the line and I flew outside in a rage determined to catch her.
I was lucky. She had not gone far. I managed to catch her at the end of the street, still in her night dress with the file under her arm. What did she think she was doing? I took her by the arm and led her home. She did not resist.
The girl was a sleepwalker!
“You must never run away from me again.
I don’t care about what you took.
That doesn’t matter.
I could never bear to lose you.
A good girl is hard to find.”
But she did run away again. And I was forced to take stronger measures.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
His First Love Letter
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For My Peach
You have lit a flame in my heart
I know that I should not reveal my heart’s secret
And to do so risks everything
That you might never want to see me again
Or else you will think me naive
So be it, I love you.
Since first drawn to your voice
I am entranced
By your slightest touch
Like a moth to the flame
I want only you
And to tear to pieces
Anything and anyone
That might dare to come between us.
I am an officer serving the empire
And you are a girl of the night
We are not so different.
We both embrace our darkness
And we make our living
Satisfying man’s lust
For me, the lust for power,
For you, the lust for pleasure.
But since we first came together
We found something greater
More valuable
I need you
I know I cannot have you in the way I want
It only makes me want you more
See me tonight
Usual place
I will be waiting
Your soldier
P.S. Enclosed is a necklace
It would give me great pleasure if you wear it always
As a charm to keep you safe
And as a token of my affection.
Image: Hu Jundi, Girl without a Name: His Peach
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
“We’ve waited long enough…”
“Yes we have.”
“Hm. Now shut up and make love to me!”
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
The Wait is Almost Over
How much of love is waiting
For him anticipating?
When the time is right he comes —
By his touch I am undone —
His tongue tends my naked fire,
Our bodies meet and quench desire.
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nakedrainbow · 4 years
Lockdown Fantasy
Hands bound over your head
While I make love to you,
But you still can’t help from
Showing you love me too.
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