nalusfire · 2 years
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Art by jmbad_art
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nalusfire · 2 years
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The end of ep 11 except Joe doesn’t stop Adam and Langa is.. less polite
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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nalusfire · 2 years
zuko’s redemption arc was a three season long painstaking heart wrenching soul searching philosophical and spiritual journey examining the effects of imperialism and abuse
shadow was a villain in one episode and in the next the gays decided to adopt him as their chauffeur and forcibly big brother-ify him
both are very beautiful to me 🖤
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nalusfire · 2 years
sk8 announcement moodboard
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177 notes · View notes
nalusfire · 2 years
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nalusfire · 2 years
sk8 is honestly really funny when you think about the setup because you just have four gay idiots in love, with their shared bastard child and token straight himbo who love skating and havimg fun and are just out there doing gay things and all is well and then there's just. adam. a creepy homicidal maniac and it's incredible
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nalusfire · 2 years
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so... matchablossom, amirite? 🍵🌸
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nalusfire · 2 years
Joe and Cherry in JPN: Mutual pining with antagonism as a love language
Joe and Cherry in ENG: These men FUCK. they fuck VORACIOUSLY. They are going to fuck the MOMENT they are left alone. They are fucking RIGHT NOW.
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nalusfire · 2 years
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nalusfire · 2 years
Bro I was reading through Renga tags on Ao3 and I saw some tags asking for StrawberrySnow to be the other ship name for Reki and Langa and I COMPLETELY agree, I mean, it’s so cute?? Hello? STRAWBERRYSNOW?? ARE YOU SEEING THIS?? Omfg, can we pls pls pls pls make this the other ship name-
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nalusfire · 2 years
you're the most jealous man I know but make it ✨anime✨
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nalusfire · 2 years
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so it was recently brought to my attention that in this tiny renga still, after the infamous jump hug, langa and reki’s faces are turned towards each other…… SMOOSHED TOGETHER one might even say……
therefore, in conclusion:
renga kiss canon.
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nalusfire · 3 years
Hi. I said I had to write that last scene. I just couldn't get it out of my head. So have a thing that was written in an hour with a very tired brain
“Tikki, spots off.”
Reki slumps against the wall, sighing as the suit falls. The kwami spins around him, searching for a cookie to replenish her strength, and with a slight smile, he gives it to her. He smiles as she chomps it down, but his smile is painful. Something so natural to him feels awful, his cheek throbbing as he brings his hand to it. Another bruise. Another bruise he’ll have to find an excuse for.
“Gonna have fun hiding this one…”
“I’m sorry the lucky charm couldn’t make it go away.”
The boy shakes his head as Tikki nuzzles his cheek, her little magic tingling against his skin. It already feels less painful, but he knows the mark is still there. He knows the deep color will appear shortly if it isn’t already evident. But as he pulls out his buzzing phone from his pocket, he realizes that he doesn’t have time to think about that. He doesn’t have time to worry about the pain against his jaw.
“Tikki, we have to go. We don’t have much time before they make it back to the restaurant.”
As she’s done a million times before, Tikki dives into the hood of Reki’s sweater, getting comfortable against his neck as he runs. He’s winded rather quickly, his energy still depleted from the battle, but he can’t stop. He has to get back to Sia La Luce before anyone else. He has to be there when all his friends get there to question him. He has to be there before they start questioning him as to why he isn’t where he promised he would stay. Because he can’t tell them that he has a duty to fulfill. He can’t tell his friends that he’s the hero everyone waits on whenever anything goes wrong.
He's panting by the time he’s slipping in the back door of the small Italian restaurant. He’s panting and his lungs are burning, but as he crashes against a chair, he feels better already. Each breath hurts, but at least he isn’t running anymore. His whole body is in pain, his energy truly being burnt to the very last of it, but at least he’s where he promised he would be. He doesn’t have to stall for time as Langa texts him that he’ll be over in two minutes. He doesn’t have to come up with a lie as Joe tells him that he’s almost there with Cherry and Miya. He doesn’t have to pretend to be busy in the bathroom when Shadow calls to tell him he’s out front.
With just Shadow, it’s calm. The man doesn’t say anything as he takes a seat across from Reki. He doesn’t say anything besides ask him if there was trouble to which Reki tells him there wasn’t. He doesn’t ask what he did during the akuma attack, he doesn’t ask anything really. It’s one of the things Reki appreciates of Shadow: he doesn’t ask questions. But when the others come in… the storm is evident.
First, it’s Joe. He’s alone, which surprises Reki. It feels like Cherry is always right there, right next to him, never far away despite them insisting that they much rather spend as much time apart as possible. But Joe is alone, clapping Reki on the back as he steps in.
Reki stares at him, waiting for the overflow of questions. He sucks in a breath as he waits, waiting for the worse. He waits, rehearsing his answers over and over in his mind. He waits, but they don’t come which feels worse. He wants someone to question him, ask him if he’s alright, if there was trouble. He wants to answer the questions he’s expecting. He wants to prove that he didn’t move, even it’s a lie. Maybe that’s why he wants to answer the questions, to get rid of the guilt of having broken his promise to his friends, even if it was to save their city.
Reki’s eyes go wide as the restaurant door is opened, Miya rushing to him. He sees Cherry not far behind Miya, but he doesn’t have time to say anything to him. He doesn’t have time to do anything but catch the middle schooler crashing against him, clinging to his waist. He doesn’t have time to do anything but register the fingers that curl around his hoodie, the face burying itself in his chest. He doesn’t have time to do anything except return the hug.
“You—!” Miya gasps, clinging even tighter. “Tell me you didn’t go outside and be stupid.”
“I stayed inside like I promised you.”
“You’re not lying, are you?”
“Why would I lie to you?”
Miya’s eyes meet Reki’s. They’re red and puffy from the choked-up sobs, the one they’ve been trying but failing to hold. Out of habit, Reki wipes the tears away, smiling at his crying friend. It isn’t much, he knows that, but it’s enough to reassure Miya who’s burying their teary face once more.
“Because you’re stupid and, and you don’t want anyone worrying about you but you also think that-! You think that you can save the world all on your own.” Fingers dig into Reki’s skin as they cling to him like a lifeline, something to never be let go of. "You’re so stupid that if you could, you, you would put our literal superheroes out of a job to avoid them getting hurt. You just want to take everything in your hands and make everything better for everyone but you never think of yourself! You-! You have to think of yourself sometimes! You’re-!” They lift their head, distressed green eyes locking with Reki’s. “You’re allowed to be selfish sometimes! Goddamn it, Reki! You’re allowed to think of yourself for once!”
Reki hushes them, holding them tight in a hug as he tucks their head under his chin. He promises he’ll be careful in the future. He promises that nothing bad happened to him. He promises that he is well, that there’s nothing to worry about. He promises whatever Miya wants to hear because nothing is worse than seeing them cry. They’re usually so strong and mocking that seeing them like this, seeing the teary face of a child, it breaks Reki’s heart in two.
“It’s alright, Miya. Everything will be alright.”
It feels nice to have everyone gathered.
It feels nice to have Cherry smile at him. It isn’t a big smile, but it’s enough. A smile from Cherry is the same as a silent declaration of love and care. A silent “I’ll always be there.” And that’s enough to have Reki hiding his face in Miya’s hair.
It feels nice to have Joe’s hand on his shoulder. Reki knows it’s Joe; he recognizes the heat. And as the man gives his shoulder a squeeze, Reki can’t help but smile. He doesn’t lift his head, but he smiles nonetheless. He’s not ready to look at everyone; he might join Miya in their tears if he looks up.
It feels nice to have Shadow ruffle his hair. It pulls a giggle out of him, laughter muffled in Miya’s head. Reki laughs as he finally looks up, giving each adult a smile. They don’t have to be nice to him; they don’t even have to acknowledge him. But they chose to keep him around. They chose to be his friends. And for that, Reki is grateful. It’s been a while since the last time he’s had such amazing friends. And all that’s missing is—
“Is Reki here?”
Reki’s head snaps towards the door that has been slammed open. Langa stands there, disheveled hair and flushed cheeks. His eyes are huge, his chest is heaving, but he doesn’t seem to care. He doesn’t even seem to notice his apparent exhaustion as he runs to Reki, throwing his arms around his neck, barely giving time for Miya to jump out of the way. All he seems to have on his mind is Reki and his safety.
“You’re alright. You’re not hurt and you’re here. Reki, I—” Silent tears stream down Langa’s face as he pulls away, just enough to get a good look at Reki’s face. “I was so scared.”
Reki can see everyone shuffling away. He can see Cherry and Joe exchanging looks, subtle smirks pulling at the corners of their mouths. He can see Shadow dragging Miya away who doesn’t seem too keen on leaving Reki’s side. He even catches Joe’s wink, barely noticeable as he disappears behind the kitchen door, ushering everyone in. Reki sees them all, but his attention is quickly drawn back to Langa, Langa who is holding his face, forcing him to look at him.
“You’re not hurt, are you?”
Reki shakes his head. “I’m fine, dude. Nothing happened. I stayed here like I said I would.”
“It wasn’t too long? You weren’t too bored?” Blue eyes flicker around before coming back to find Reki’s. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stay with you. I… I don’t even have an excuse. I should have.”
“Dude, it’s fine, really. We got separated, it happens. You don’t have to freak out about it. I’m fine.”
“Reki,” Langa’s fingers brush against his cheek before forcing him to tilt his head. Reki feels himself blush as Langa’s eyes fixate on his cheek, on the bruise that must have started to take color. Reki feels his embarrassment blossom under his skin as Langa examines him, seeming far too concerned over a small bruise. “Reki, what happened?”
“Oh, that?” He laughs as he straightens out. His eyes meet Langa’s, blue as the clearest of skies and more focused than Reki’s ever seen. “I… fell? Yeah, dude, it’s fine, I just fell. There was an explosion outside and it kinda startled me and my chair just,” Reki imitates the motion of a chair falling back with his hand, light laughter bubbling out of him to defuse the tension.
“You said nothing happened! An explosion? Reki, are you sure you didn’t get more hurt?”
“I’m fine! Really, nothing happened. Just that. Which was a stupid accident. Not even akuma related.”
Langa sighs as his hands drop from Reki’s face. “You have to be more careful, Reki. A chair has four legs to be on the ground, not for two of them to be up in the air.”
“I know, dude. I’ll try to be more careful next time. Anyway, not like I’m as reckless as that wild kitten running loose in the streets. Now he needs to be more careful.”
It’s always funny to see how Langa blushes at the mention of Chat Noir. Every time, a light rose color dusts his cheeks and ears as he glances away. Reki had once tried asking him if he had a crush on the guy but Langa straight out denied it. It was the first time Reki saw him snap, his blue eyes huge as he insisted that he couldn’t stand him. Something about how he would never be in the same room as him, never in a million years.
It’s a little sad to know that Langa, Reki’s best friend in the whole wide world, is so against anything involving Chat Noir, but Reki has come to accept it. He’s still convinced that there’s a bit of envy in there, a bit of hidden admiration that Langa isn’t ready to admit to. However, it does make it a tad bit harder to talk about, especially given that Reki would love nothing less than to gush about how awesome Chat Noir is and how much he likes him to his best friend. And it wouldn’t be weird to have a crush on one of the two big heroes of Okinawa; probably more than half the population has a crush on him.
“Reki,” Reki once more looks up at Langa. “Does it hurt?”
Reki winces as Langa reaches up again and applies pressure to his cheek. It’s instinctual despite the pain not being all that terrible. The pain is comparable to a pinch, but still, Reki clenches his jaw and squeezes his eyes shut.
The pressure is alleviated, the cold contact of Langa’s fingers leaving Reki’s cheek. The pain disappears, but the touch lingers, Langa’s hand simply tilting Reki’s head once more. And just like that, Reki’s eyes slowly flutter open. It’s slow, a readjustment to the light. It’s slow until his eyes are blown open, a light touch to his bruised cheek grabbing his attention.
Langa quickly pulls back, the palm of his hand covering his mouth and nose. His eyes are big as he steps back. He seems petrified as he backs away from Reki, Reki who can’t help but laugh.
“Dude!” His fingers find his bruised cheek, a spot that once hurt but now feels light and tingly. “Dude, did you just try to kiss my bruise better?”
“I— No! I didn’t—” Langa takes a few steps back again, hand falling from his face to reveal his burning cheeks. “I just… I’m going to go see if Joe needs help.”
And with that, Langa is turning on his heel, huffing as he stuffs his hands in his pockets. He makes a beeline for the kitchen where everyone has gathered. He disappears behind the swinging doors, leaving Reki all alone in the dining area.
“Hey, Tikki?” Reki feels a light nuzzle against his skin, a tingle that almost matches the one under his fingers still pressed to his cheek. “I didn’t just make that up, right? That wasn’t all in my imagination, was it?”
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nalusfire · 3 years
renga hcs ;) + miya
they both love asmr and they listen to it every night.
langa had this mcr kid phase.
reki is allergic to cats but he loves them.
langa would sneak into reki's room at night, but they didn't know that everyone could hear them laughing at three in the morning.
they would have a gc just to say good morning / night.
they would call each other spanish nicknames, like "querido" or "lindo".
miya has ptsd (family problems) and reki and langa try to parent him.
they bring miya to reki's house so he distracts his siblings so they can secretly kiss.
they'd spend weekend on each others house and watch megamind over and over again.
reki knows the entire bee movie script and langa just watches him as he recites it to his sisters.
langa proposed to reki with a ring pop in front of their whole class and he just started crying.
they both know how to crochet and they make sweaters for each other.
langa made reki a playlist and now reki only listen to those songs.
reki knows all twice choreos.
miya accidentally outed them on a dinner (reki's house) and everyone was just "we know".
reki listens to cupcakKe without knowing the lyrics and langa gets traumatized with them.
reki's first language is spanish but he barely can speak it.
kiyomi calls langa "gringo" as a joke.
reki kins richie tozier.
langas fav slasher is chucky and he's in love with young charles.
reki gifted langa a good guy doll for his bday and langa took care of him like a child until he smashed his head with his board.
they made everyone go to chucky's funeral.
they're aroace bros.
they drink 30 yakults every week.
adhd + autism duo (+ ocd miya)
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nalusfire · 3 years
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✨🍓🫐 I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby! Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me!!
.✨🖤 Art Commissions are open here
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nalusfire · 3 years
Whenever Natsu is sad, he tucks his face in Lucy's arms, neck, and chest to breathe in her scent. It's already canon that her scent relaxes him and gives him comfort. He also does this when the love he feels for her becomes too much to handle. He just has to show his affection somehow.
He has no shame. He will legit grab her in the middle of the guild and just start cuddling. Lucy thinks it's so embarrassing cuz come on! He literally just holds her and starts sniffing her hair. Who does that? Natsu of course doesn't care. When he needs her he can't help it. And he knows that she doesn't really mind his random hugs, if her fast heartbeat and red cheeks didn't mean anything, the way she'd pat his head and lean into him showed how much she cared.
Half the guild thinks its absolutely adorable and the other half... well... if you listen closely you can hear Gray and Gajeel's groans of disgust in the background.
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nalusfire · 3 years
NaLu analysis: Post-timeskip hightlights
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As promised, here’s the counterpart of my last analysis. However, since this one is not a response to some detractor or shallow shipper attacking NaLu, we’ll use previous showings to put the moments into context and better appreciate the development of Natsu and Lucy’s relationship…
Technically, there are 3 timeskips. One after the Tenrou arc, a 1-year period after the Tartaros arc, and the timeskip between the Alvarez arc and the 100-years quest.
Given that the 7-years statsis in the Tenrou island wasn’t percieved as such by the A-team of Fairy Tail, this analysis will focus on everything that happens after the Tartaros incident. Also, I should remind you that this analysis doesn’t factor anime-only material or filler unless we can prove it was Mashima’s doing instead of the anime staff’s interpretation. So without further ado, let’s get started:
First stop, it’s the reunion of the original Team Natsu. We should take a look at the context…
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…after the Tartaros arc, Natsu goes to train with Happy to become powerful enough to take on Zeref. Before starting this 1-year journey, he only lets one person know about his plans (Lucy) by leaving a letter to her. While she’s too late to catch him up, Lucy runs after him by stating she’ll feel lonely without him
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Shortly after Makarov disbands the guild. Instead of going with another Fairy Tail guildmate like she was doing with Natsu, Lucy moves to Crocus
It’s true that she kept track of most of her guildmates movements, while searching for Natsu. But, as one perceptive reader noted: Lucy only ran after Natsu instead of Gray, Laxus, or anyone else, why? Because he was the one she was the most attached to, and this isn’t a theory or a glorified fanfiction:
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Previous showings prove she already felt that way for him, just like this panel from an omake, that we previously analyzed, in which Lucy admits she wasn’t too thrilled about going on a mission without Natsu because she felt somewhat bount to him; and the next chapter, the narration gives us this little gem:
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Natsu was the person Lucy wanted to see the most, the one she missed the most. But, the moments are not only on Lucy’s side…
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…after getting a glimpse of all the work and effort Lucy put into finding the whereabouts of their guildmates, he got driven by her desire to get the guild back together.
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This moment highlights an aspect of emotional chemistry many readers/shippers/wankers take for granted; chemistry is not measured by how much people flirt or engage in physical displays of affections, but by how both partners can affect and/or influence each other.
Here we can see how Lucy leaves such an impact on Natsu’s character, that it moved him to take action.
During their journey, they find Wendy and get her back after a little skirmish with a baddie and his forces. And when they find Juvia, we get the impression one of their friends and guildmates probably became evil; while Natsu and Lucy are on their way to find more about Gray’s whereabouts, he does something interesting…
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…we learn through this arc that Lucy had been struggling with the fear of the Fairy Tail guild not coming back. But, here Natsu reaffirms he’ll get Gray and the guild back, to effectively reassure Lucy everything will be fine because he’ll make sure of it.
This is another aspect of chemistry: emotional support. It means being capable of regulating your partner’s emotions, specially in times of distress, providing hope and comfort. That keeps them emotionally stable, and strengthen the bonds that bind partners together.
Some skeptical people may think I’m making this up, but it’s not the first time Natsu gives Lucy the emotional support she needed. If we go back to the GMG. he did something similar when Lucy “lost” to Flare…
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…offering relief and comfort when she needed it. This one of the strongest and most consistent points in their realtionship
Also, a wrongly overhyped scene as well as the conclusion of the Avatar arc confirms this is how their characterization goes:
After finding a seemingly evil Gray who scorns Fairy Tail and its values while claiming the guild is no more, Lucy reacts strongly to his statment…
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One chapter later he apologizes because that was all an act for he was a double-agent among the bad guys at that point. While shallow shippers love to sell this moment as the result of an “itch” between Lucy’s legs, Lucy’s actions has nothing to do with “sexual tension.”
As a perceptive readers once explained, Lucy slapped Gray because of what he said to Natsu about their family bonds, their friendship, and Fairy Tail. Her tearful response reveals a fear she’s been supressing during this new journey with Natsu…
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…the fear of Fairy Tail being really gone. However, she previously displayed confidence and determination, without showing fear or insecurity, why? Go back to Natsu and Lucy’s reunion. The simple fact Natsu returned was enough to reignite hope in her. 
Let us go back to Natsu reassuring Lucy before reaching Sabretooth, Natsu reassured her they’ll get Gray and the guild back. Recall the underrated headpat scene…
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…Natsu, both passively and actively, gave Lucy the hope and comfort she needed. In fact, Lucy’s words imply that Natsu’s declaring his intention of bring the guild back also had quite an impact on her. All of these moments are pretty important, because that’s how chemistry looks like!
Our next stop is the the 2nd Fairy Tail movie to make up for it. The fact that this movie was storyboarded by the author himself, and that one of its plot points became part of the manga sequel, means we can use it to analyze the bond between Natsu and Lucy too.
Instead of going over all their interactions throughout the movie, I’ll focus on the 3 of the most important moments:
I’ll break down one moment first to keep going with the theme of NaLu’s chemistry. After Natsu rescues Lucy, their team is led to believe that continuing their mission would mean the end to the land of the stars and its people.
That makes Lucy feel so conflicted and troubled about their actions that she couldn’t sleep that night. Natsu noticed how Lucy’s doubts and worries were eating away her resolve, so what does he do?
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Earlier, Lucy said she wanted to see Stella’s starry sky, so Natsu brings her above the trees so she can see the beautiful scenary while he cheers her up. Once again, the Dragon Slayer proves to be a source of strenght and comfort for Lucy
The other moments I’d like to highlight also needs context, but they prove these showings are not one-sided. At the beginning Natsu ask Lucy a question out of curiosity: What do I look like to you?
There are some variations depending on the translation, but it’s easy to understand what Natsu is asking. Keep that question in mind, we’ll get to that later.
We now jump right into the final act, Natsu takes a lot of damage and goes down. As Lucy and Happy cry over his seemingly dying body, one Lucy’s tears falls on Natsu and then we get a montage of Natsu remembering his guildmates, and the one who stood out the most was…
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…Lucy. In other analyses, I even compared this reminisce scene to Gray’s own during the Avatar arc, in which Juvia was the person who stood out the most. And as we all know, current developments confirm he’s hopelessly in love with the water mage.
So, what should we think of Natsu remembering Lucy in a similar manner? I’ll leave that to your imagination; needless to say, Natsu gets a second wind after this moment, which included a half-dragonoid superform.
After defeating the big bad, Natsu realizes his transformation made him look quite fearsome for a while. And, do you recall the question he asked Lucy at the beginning? Out of concern Natsu ask her: What do I look like to you?
When Lucy answers, with a warm smile, that he looks like “Natsu” to her, he allows himself to fall into her arms…
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…unbeknownst to many, Mashima’s storyboard included a little bit of this scene that didn’t make it to the final product:
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Before falling into Lucy’s embrace, Natsu smiles. What makes this moment as a whole so great is the fact it shows how much Natsu values Lucy’s perception of him, how much of an effect she has on him. Being capable of having such a profound impact on each other is an essential trait of emotional chemistry.
The next moment is not as great as the one we just went through, but at the very least it confirms what we previously saw in an OVA:
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That as soon as Lucy gets drunk, she gets “frisky” with Natsu, and only with him. Something that would later pop up in some Mashima’s NaLu twitter posts featuring a drunk Lucy in increasingly steamy scenarios.
I could talk about some minor interactions here and there, but this post is getting too long, so I’ll jump right into the fight against Jacob…
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…through NaLu’s dynamic we get such a solid teamwork that they not only catched their opponent by suprise, they also inspired something else. They gave Mavis the idea to defeat Zeref, something we get to know much later: use the Ankhseram curse to kill Zeref.
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The way the curse works is what makes this a lot more interesting. It’s pretty much a contradiction: the more you care or hold dear life, the more you steal it away. Mavis’ plan was to use her “love” (as in “romantic love”) for Zeref so the curse would end up killing him
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To put it in other words, the dynamic between Natsu and Lucy inspired a strategy based on romantic love. So, in-universe NaLu makes some characters think of “love” instead of just “friendship.”
Now we jump to one of the most notable NaLu moments in this arc: after giving a severe beatdowm to the woman who nearly maims Lucy, Natsu finally becomes END. But, what triggers his transformation?
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He thought Lucy died, and the sole idea of losing her drove him over the edge. And this isn’t the first time Natsu loses someone dear to him. But, the pain and sorrow Natsu felt because of this was enough to make him go into a rampage as END with the sole purpose of killing the leader of the enemies they’re fighting: Zeref
This moment is another example of both the profound effect Lucy has on Natsu, and how attached he became to her. Needless to say, she was alive and well, and Natsu later passed out after his reunion with both Lucy and Happy.
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The next moment I’ll highlight is how the only answer they came up to “treat” Natsu’s worsening condition was to give him a combination of both “human warmth” and “human emotion.” This scene got included not for the sake of the analysis, but to share something curious…
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…a perceptive manga reader, a guy who also analyzed story and characters, once made a commnet about regarding this moment: “I’d question the [intelligence] of those who think any of them would end up with different people after this scene.” After all, the one chosen to give Natsu the “warmth” and “affection” he needed was Lucy, something she agreed to.
Now, back to the analysis. Years after the guild pulled out their final victory over Acnologia, we get on last moment between Natsu and Lucy before jumping into the sequel…
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…after remembering all the moments she and Natsu shared, Lucy’s natural response was to throw herself into him for another hug, as she expressed gratitude for the people who changed her life so much. Once again showing how much of an effect their shared experiences had on her, and how Lucy’s answer to all of this is immediately offering “warmth” and “affection.”
The moment could’ve been much better, but fortunately, the sequel came out some time later. And with it, we got more NaLu material.
We’ll jump right into the fight against an out-of-control Mercphobia. Team Natsu is not capable of beating the dragon, until Igneel’s biological son gives Natsu a power-up to beat Mercphobia. Only one problem: the power is too much for Natsu, and he start to act more vicious and ruthless.
The first one to notice something is not right with Natsu is Lucy. But, before Natsu could cross a line, the one who stops him this time…
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…is Lucy. It’s not just a cooldown hug that brings Natsu back, it’s also Lucy’s words as she, even through the pain of Natsu overheated body, reassures Natsu she’s there for him. Lucy is the one who successfully calmed down the Dragon Slayer in this moment.
Even thought, that was pretty rough experience, Lucy still shows the most concern for Natsu even after everything was calm…
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…the memory of his partner going berserk still lingered in her mind, showing how that change she saw in Natsu still affected her in a personal level. In fact, Lucy only dismissed her worries when Natsu proves to be the same mischievous trouble-maker she’s so familiar with.
The next chapter, we get to know another version of the Fairy Tail cast in Fairy Nail. To make things short, Nack (Natsu’s counterpart) is pretty rough with Lucia (Lucy’s counterpart), but turns out that…
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…Nack and Lucia are in an “intimate relationship.” Lucy’s reaction to their counterparts went from “stop bullying me Natsu,” to deep embarrassment at their “form of love.” But, that’s not all.
After this little event and Elsie’s trouble led them to talk about “romantic love,” we get a statement that allow us to properly contextualize NaLu’s development:
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Neither Natsu and Lucy have actual experience with “romantic love.” This explains why we don’t have a proper kiss or a confession, but also shows how they’re the best partner for each other, as they complement each other, and consistently bond in a organic way without having a clear understanding of “romantic love.”
For them, building a solid emotional chemistry, and a deep emotional attachment to one another, came out naturally.
Shortly after, we get something interesting:
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…we’re told that after some people were flirting with Lucy, Natsu’s response was pretty much burning the guys tried to woo his partner. In other words, he got jealous over Lucy and scared away those trying to win her affection.
Even if he doesn’t understand the concept of romantic love, he still displayed both jealousy and possesiveness, which shows his attachment to Lucy goes much deeper than some people may think.
Now, we didn’t get much NaLu during the battle against Aldoron. We maybe saw that Lucy still gets somewhat shy or embarrassed at people bring up the subject of how deep her relationship with Natsu could be, in contrast to her much more neutral response to the implication of her being with other guys
We also get a lovely reunion hug, after the battle is over
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Most of their guildmates display a knowing smile. As if they’re aware of something we’re not
But, we get the biggest surprise when we go back to Edolas once again. As you guys recall, half of the guild, remained 7-years in a magical stasis in wich time stopped for them. But, unlike their Earthland counterparts, time did pass for the entirety of the Fairy Tail guild.
What happened during those extra years?
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Meet Edolas’ Nasha, the daughter of this world’s Natsu and Lucy. While her embarrassment is both fun and cute, the meat and potatoes of this scene would be two scenes: After the shock of knowing her Edolas counterpart had kids with her Natsu, Edo-Lucy gives her the reassurance that just like she’s doing fine with Edo-Natsu, Lucy will be fine with his.The other one goes to show us that, while knowing Nasha is the daughter of both his and Lucy’s counterpart, his fatherly instincts kicked in and gets overprotective of her…
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Just like Gray, the guy who’s in love with Juvia, got overprotective of Greige, the Edo-Gruvia son. In fact, Natsu likes the idea of having Nasha so much, that he even suggested to bring her to Earthland with them.
Last moment, by the time this analysis was made, would be Natsu enjoying a little too much having Lucy strongly wrapped around him…
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…I’ll leave that one to your imagination
You probably realized there are a lot of moments, and interactions, I didn’t include in this post. But, the amount of NaLu material was so much that I found myself overwhelmed, and if I were to include everything, this post would be 10x times longer.
But, the point I’d like to make clear is that, despite their inexperience, and even their year apart, their bonding and their moments show this potent relationship can easily bloom into one memorable and well-developed canon relationship. The seeds are planted, all that’s left to see is how this tree ends up growing
Thank you for taking your time to read this huge thing as well as other LuNa/NaLu posts. This is the last analysis I’m going to upload here, I’ll give an announcement with more details about it
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