nameless-is-the-key · 11 months
Just killed a man
I transmogrified his head
Into a Carp and now he’s dead
life had just begun
But an Eagle came and carried him awaaay
(Oooh ooh oooooh)
Rereleased into the sky
If he’s not back again (this time tomorrow)
Carrion, carrion,
Viscera and red blood splatters
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So Tony got her to wear one by cutting it into the shape of a heart. When I saw this, I I just knew he would watch over her. He would keep her safe.
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we are good people and we’ve suffered enough.
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Okay, we’re about to get real deep here. Ready?
This immediately made me think of that Doctor Who quote, “Never trust a hug. It’s just a way to hide your face.” 
Jesper often gets used as the comic relief and uses humor to deflect quite a bit. Even here, he makes a joke about “of course you’ll miss me.” He wants to let Inej know that it’s okay she’s leaving, that she doesn’t have to worry about him or Kaz, he’ll take care of them. 
But the second she can’t see him, his face betrays him. And the second she leaves, he starts to sob. Quietly, so she won’t hear and turn back. Because he knows that this is something she needs to do, and he knows how much it will hurt her to see how much it’s hurting him. It so beautifully portrays their relationship because yes, he’s Inej’s family, but she’s his too. 
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i’m actually so annoyed that the two deleted scenes we’ve gotten so far add so much depth to Jesper’s character
him being nervous after giving the key to Wylan, being insecure about his Fabrikator abilities, rambling and spiralling
cracking jokes in front of Inej but breaking down immediately afterwards, knowing to look out for Kaz, practicing his abilities trying to remake his buttons
netflix i’m in your walls please why are most of Jesper’s scenes funny comedic relief man when these were RIGHT THERE
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they need to invent retractable boobs for nonbinary people (me)
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thomastairs is like "i don't deserve to be loved" and "let me love you for both our sakes"
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“Honestly, during that chemistry read, Kit was my rock. We got on so well and had a quick shorthand of things, and I could tell he was someone I’d get on with. He was a calming influence, he just knows what’s going on. He’s so aware and so good at being in control and understanding a situation to know how to help someone through it. I was always a deer in the headlights for this project and he was the first person who I would ask for help.” (x)
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cassandra clare really said no mourners no funerals with kit's death huh
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I’m just gonna say it…
Christopher Lightwood was the worst, the saddest, the hardest death to get through that Cassie has ever written.
More than Livvy or George Lovelace. Christopher was the closest to the main characters, if not a main character himself, part of a solid group and actually had a future laid out for him (his inventions, Grace) and it was stolen from him.
Christopher Lightwood deserved better. Ave Atque Vale, Kit.
(because no one in the book said it for you)
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goodbye, goodbye, goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky
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i knew...i knew and it still killed me
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Yeah this is basically just a filler drabble for the next one-
It's Alastair making breakfast with some thomastair toward the end
The only warning I can really think of is some suggestive comments, but it's thomastair based on canon, ofc there's suggestive comments
It was Saturday morning which meant Alastair and Thomas would make plantains, eggs, arepas, and black tea and have breakfast with Anna and Ari, the two of them often brought scones or muffins along with sausages or more often than not, ham.
Alastair decided to let Thomas sleep in and got started on everything himself. He set the water on to boil for the tea and got started on the dough for the arepas. Once the dough was made he placed it in the icebox to set for about 15 minutes. During those 15 minutes, he set up the dining room, making sure everything looked nice.
Sure it was a friendly meeting but his mother always stressed how important it is for the house to look presentable when you invite company over.
He finished setting up right about the time that the dough was set, so he took out the dough and floured the surface of the counter. Using a jar, he cut out equally sized circles, then put the cheese inside and rolled it into a ball before flattening it and stacking them on a plate. He put them aside to rest shortly while he got started on everything else.
The kettle whistled to signify that the water had boiled and Alastair took it off the heat. He took out the eggs and plantains from the icebox and turned the two front stove burners on.
Alastair cracked 10 eggs into a bowl and cut up 4 plantains into small pieces. He then put half the eggs into a separate bowl and started whisking it, after all this time he's learned exactly how everyone likes their eggs. Anna and himself like omelets. Ari prefers scrambled, and Thomas likes his fried over easy.
He put his hand down on the left pan to check the warmth and found it was at the perfect temperature. He put a small amount of oil in the pan about a minute before putting three of the unscrambled batch of eggs into it. Alastair then resumed whisking the omelet batch, adding salt, pepper, and chili powder to the mixture with a pinch of cheese.
Alastair poured the first half of the omelet batch into the second pan, then turned to the first pan and adding a pinch of salt and pepper on each egg. He finally scrambled the last two eggs before adding milk, salt, pepper, and some previously chopped basil. He flipped the omelet, and took the fried eggs off the stove and onto the first plate.
Before the pan could lose much heat, Alastair poured the scrambled egg mixture into it. He slid the omelet out of its pan as well and onto the second plate, pouring the other half of the mixture in right after. Alastair placed the first two plates on the top rack of the oven to keep it warm.
Using his spatula, he scrambled the eggs as they finally started to solidify. He sprinkled a small amount of cheese on top of them before allowing them to sit for a moment. Alastair then pulled out previously chopped chives, tomatoes, bell peppers, and the rest of the basil and placed them evenly spread across the top of the omelet, along with placing some cheese as well.
He took the scrambled eggs off the stove and onto the third place, then quickly folded the omelet in half and placed it on the fourth plate. Alastair put them both in the oven and then started placing the chopped plantain slices on the first pan, successfully getting all of the slices onto it.
Alastair then put some oil onto the second pan and placed two of the arepas down onto it after letting the oil heat up slightly. While those were frying, he sliced 8 pieces of bread and placed four of them into the toaster that Christopher had invented a few years back.
As he stood there flipping the plantains over to make sure they were getting evenly cooked, he felt two strong arms wrap around his waist.
"How long have you been awake?" His fiancè asked, his voice still raspy and low from waking up.
"About a quarter to an hour." Alastair felt himself leaning into Thomas, closing his eyes slowly as he feels kisses being placed on his neck and shoulders. "I didn't want to wake you. You've been so busy this week."
"No more than you."
"I've been planning the wedding, that's not tiring."
"So your mother and sister, along with my mother and sister, haven't been stressing you out?"
"I'm not stressed out!" Alastair protested, about to turn around before remembering the arepas. "Merde!" He said, which made Thomas laugh. "Are you going to help or are you just going to distract me?"
Thomas was still laughing to himself as he took the plantains off the heat and onto their plate, which he then placed in the oven with the eggs. The toaster went off shortly after Thomas has placed two more arepas onto the now free pan. Alastair took the toast out and stacked them onto a plate before putting the other four slices into the toaster. Thomas then turned the oven on to the lowest it could go to keep the food warm.
It didn't take them too long to finish up the arepas and the toast finished just a few moments before.
Alastair took off his apron and started washing his hands when his fiancè came up behind him again. "Tom." He said, warning.
"What?" Thomas asked, innocently, "I'm just washing my hands."
"Do not even start, Ari and Anna are going to be here in less than ten minutes and it was already embarrassing enough the first time they walked in on us distracted."
"Mi amor, you need to get your head out of the sewer. I'm just washing my hands." Alastair could hear his smirk.
He scoffed, "uh huh."
Thomas quickly proved him correct by kissing his neck and shoulder not even a minute later.
"I thought you were just washing your hands?" Alastair teased, turning off the water.
"No es culpa mía que tú seas el cielo en la tierra y yo no sea más que un hombre débil." Thomas murmured into the skin of Alastair's neck.
Alastair felt his cheeks warm at his fiancè’s words. "Tom."
"Yes, mi cielo?"
"We need to set the table and pour the tea." Thomas groaned and Alastair could feel his eyes roll which made him burst into giggles as he grabbed the kettle and the tea leaves and moved to the table.
"Tease." Thomas hissed playfully.
"I told you to knock it off."
"Am I just supposed to not kiss my lover when he's looking absolutely gorgeous on an early Saturday morning?"
"Yes." Alastair came back into the kitchen where Thomas was setting up all the plates and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down for a sweet kiss. "I'm going to get dressed while the tea sets."
As he walked into their bedroom he heard Thomas say loudly, "can we just cancel breakfast?"
@littlx-songbxrd @lifewouldbebetteronmars @beyondlifebeyonddeath @wagner-fell @tessherongraystairs @thechangeling @melanielocke
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Thomas and Alastair ⚘ The Last Hours
It's been forever since I last posted here, but reading Chain of Thorns is making me love thomastair even more than I already do (if that's even possible lol), so here is a new fanart of them! I hope you like it! ❤ @cassandraclare
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look at the sneak peek of the illumicrate dust jackets for the last hours!
they look so pretty!✨
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Thomastair is Chot's great highlight aren't they?
Alastair stole my heart on this book, and even their drama is hilarious
Alastair self sabotaging: Oh no Thomas we can't, your friends will never accept us, especially Matthew
Matthew: Im actually fine with it bruh. My life is a dumpster fire and I've seen weirder shit happen
James: I'm your brother in law, ding dong
Kit: my crush is currently in jail, I really don't have the moral high ground to judge anyone.And I wouldn't anyway
Alastair: Oh... well, Thomas you couldn't possibly want me, wretched being that I am
Thomas: *being the embodiment of the homer simpson-going-down-a-staircase-on-a- wedding gown meme when it comes to alastair since day fucking one* I want you baby
Alastair: are you sure? Like sure, sure? I'm bad for you
Thomas: I AM SURE, I LIKE BAD (and no, you're not)
Alastair: gay panicking and sweating cause the excuses ran out
Thomas: all ready and willing to spend the rest of his days with alastair and have his persian babies
Sophiedeon: We love you, but BITCH CALM THE FUCK DOWN
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eugenia willing to fight her whole family for her gay brother was the single best part of chain of thorns
they truly don't make allies like that anymore
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