namidasdrums · 11 months
A Sea Dragon’s Puddles
“where should we put her boss?”
the creek beneath the group of menacing men splashed against the rocks as the men held a woman with layered fluffy black hair with bleached highlights.
“don’t be stupid, just throw her into the river!”
she lied in their arms lifelessly with cement blocks tied around her legs and waist. her ears were pointy and the ends of her hair glowed a bioluminescent blue, she was certainly not human.
the subordinate hurriedly threw the woman into the creek and she sunk all the way to the bottom…
After a few moments, there was whispers that sounded like a woman’s voice:
“idiots.. idiots.. idiots..”
At first the men didn’t know what they had heard, they had thought it was from the wind
but something erupted
from the water,
something big,
something horrifying,
something ominous.
it was a gigantic sea dragon and it was hurling right at them.
choking them all to death within seconds
Once the violent display was over, the woman hauled herself out of the water and groaned out of annoyance. it was the same woman thrown into the creek but she looked completely fine and alive
“look at this mess, ugh the police are definitely going to catch me now!”
while the woman was complaining to her sea dragon about the mess they caused, there was a task force slowly creeping up on her with a tranquilizer dart.
they subdued the woman to sleep, causing the sea dragon to disperse into puddles of water
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namidasdrums · 1 year
Yuuhi Agency Report #01
Report subject: Evolution Background
Author: Aiko Kobayashi (intern)
Over a million years ago, humans lived in peace. Near the end of their untimely demise, a country stole various resources from another ultimately causing world wars for decades.
Until one day, a country decided to drop a nuclear bomb on another causing a massive rise in the tide levels making land scarce, increasing the fighting, and decreasing the human lives that were already at a decline due to the rising tides.
A human decided to play around in a military base that kept many dangerous weapons, they wanted to see if the weapon of their choice could decrease the tides. The weapon of their choice and their aim ended up destroying Antarctica which heavily increased the tides which flooded the remaining human population.
Due to the debris of the last human population, something ended up hitting a coral reef. The coral reef had a patch of “Ajisai Sango” which was heavily neglected in research during the last few years of human history. The Ajisai Sango broke off into pieces which were later eaten by fish that were then eaten by squids and other sea creatures. Some sea creatures found the broken coral dissolved and were able to still be impacted by evolution.
The coral ended up speeding up the evolution process for sea life and sea creatures who were affected by the coral were able to grow human like qualities. By the time the evolution was halfway through, the sea level receded making the sea creatures who were impacted walk on land.
The major population were the squids and octopi who dominated the available land, though every country during this time had wars about land possession, Japan had it the worst. The squids and octopi didn’t want to compromise so the war continued long after some major countries like Castella and Rana Pescatrice were developed.
During the years 2030-2035 two groups tried to put a stop to the war: The Kuro Neko Mob and High Color Baron
The Kuro Neko Mob was made up of four members
Akemi, Keigo, Irene, and Rhys
They tried to prevent conflicts between the two territories by diverting the attention away from the actual conflict but onto themselves but they disappeared after the Yamaguchi Palace fire where Octopi military set fire to Yamaguchi Village and the Palace.
High Color Baron, to the public was only Akane Yashiro who was the face of the group but in private a military officer Leon Mizure helped her too.
They both snuck people back to their own territory because people who were of the enemy territory got sent to prison.
Akane and Leon made a deal with both territories where if they turned themselves in that the territories would have to let the people out of the prisons.
They ended up getting executed after the territories agreed to the deal.
Present day, the war has simmered but there’s still two territories splitting Japan.
The Squid Territory is the larger due to the land they won during the war while the Octopi Territory is struggling with their small amount of land.
Will the two territories eventually come to an agreement? Or will more maritime disasters rock the tides?
A/N: I hope this helps to introduce the world of High Color Baron (´∀`)
(All the characters are made by me!)
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namidasdrums · 2 years
Spring Matsuri
Akai x gn!reader
Warnings: smoking, smoking as a dealbreaker for the reader
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"I didn't know we were dating," you finally said as Akai led you away from the matsuri, his heavy hand resting warm on your back. Now that his family was finally gone, his shoulders relaxed, fingers fishing for a cigarette and the lighter in his right pocket.
He hummed. "Think it was bound to happen anyways, right?"
You shrugged, a nervous laugh escaping your lips.
"I think you'll find me annoying though."
He huffed a laugh as he flicked open the lighter.
"I doubt it."
You giggled. "No, I'm serious." Then, you bit your lower lip, voice turning into a hushed whisper. "I think you'll find me annoying after a while."
"Try me."
"I'd tell you to quit smoking until you do."
Shuichi's hand froze mid air, fire flickering softly against the cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth. Then he snapped the lighter shut and took the cigarette from his mouth, blowing smoke into the air as he did so. He put the cigarette out on a nearby trashcan. The rest of the package followed suit.
His hand found purchase on your back again, tugging you closer to him. He laughed when he saw the look of surprise on your face.
"What? You think that's enough to keep me from you, sweetheart?"
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