namjoon-ia · 3 months
The darkness was something that he'd come to accept, beyond just what Suga was and where he'd come from--his fear of the dark had not been tested in a while, but the dimly-lit home they had in the catacombs no longer felt foreign, and he even found it odd to go into his office of sorts and had a brighter light on so he could do his school work and tend to the plants. Ironic, in a way, that'd he'd fallen for darkness so quickly.
The tendrils were both Suga and something else. He knew they were Suga, but they seemed to have a mind of their own, which made even stranger questions cross his mind...but, not the time for that right now. The cool touches felt nice against his warmer skin, and it kept him aware of where they were, for the most part. Not that he really cared where they ended up, he just felt a bit more focused on following their movements while also keeping most of his attention on the Suga part of...Suga. Tendrils, apparently, were a near-separate entity, which amused him absently.
The deep chuckle into the kiss made him shiver, aiming to deepen the kiss, but--his question finally caught the man's attention, and his expression was quite funny, but also flustered the human a little. With everything that Suga had done sexually, he'd just figured he may have...explored those options. Ah well. "Just curious."
Kissing his lips gently when he noted the frown, he knew it was more of a thoughtful expression than anything. Namjoon liked watching his lover's expressions, finding himself zoning out while watching the other work on origami, or while watching a documentary that seemed to strike up curiosity in the boogey. Even in the dim light he could figure out, for the most part, that he hadn't made the other upset or actually frown. If that even made sense.
Now he kissed the corner of the other's mouth, the gasp distracting the puppeteer from the odd question that had sent Suga into a near-completely different area of thought. Was it that odd to think about? Maybe Namjoon had ended up passing by too many tentacle manga and pictures online...he'd learned not to google certain...things if he wasn't prepared for it.
Not expecting the buzzing sensation from the tendrils, he shifted beneath his lover, his skin sensitive and it wasn't as if they'd really played with vibrators and whatnot--so it was rather new, even if it wasn't inside of him. Tipping his head a little at the touch to his hair, he pressed his finger in a little deeper, beginning to slowly thrust the digit inside of him, albeit much slower than their usual pace. Curiosity (and being distracted by numerous stimulus at that moment) got the better of him and he followed the tendrils down to where they met Suga's soft skin, resting his palm against his side while his fingers settled at the darkness, wondering if it would feel different or still just Suga--but with tendrils coming from his skin.
He was too much of a nerd, always wanting to figure things out.
soft, smooth & cold } Namgi
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namjoon-ia · 11 months
soft, smooth & cold } Namgi
Namjoon, if he thought about it, wouldn't be too surprised with how tedious Suga was being about the wedding...he thought out hunts, their dates, how his own office space would be before he moved in...Suga was good at planning things out. But a wedding just was a little odd, even though it was for them and they both took that pretty seriously. Maybe sometime he could talk his fiance into showing him some of his plans?
Hm, that was interesting..the tendrils and the dream-like world that Suga had always fascinated him. To bring them in sexually was..possibly an odd request, but curiosity got the better of him. How long they'd be around to 'play' with them was uncertain, but his focus was mostly on Suga in the end, anyway. Namjoon watched as his lover's lips parted for his fingers and the tendrils that had twined around and in-between the digits, heat rushing over himself as well, the sight never getting old...but the new aspect adding that much more excitement. Did he have a tentacle fetish? Could be.
Shivering at the heat of his mouth, and the feeling of his soft tongue, the puppeteer kissed his forehead, then his cheek, teasing his tongue while looking down along his back when the tendrils did as he requested, only to wrap around his waist, feeling some slip beneath his shirt. He gave a soft breath at the cool feeling of their..skin? against his warm skin, growing hotter by the moment. They'd already undone his belt, so they were free to do as they pleased with the younger human.
Slipping his fingers free of his lover's mouth, he replaced them with his lips, kissing the boogey lovingly as one hand palmed the man's rear, spreading his cheeks slightly so he could tease his entrance with his slick fingers (and tendrils, if they remained around his fingers). Adding some pressure, he barely pressed his middle finger inside of the other, only to pull his hand back, teasing tight muscles once more. "You've ruined me," Namjoon teased, though his flushed cheeks failed him, not showing nervousness, but still a side of him that found moments to muffle laughs and giggles over.
Such as now--as he finally built up enough courage to ask, "Have you used them to..pleasure yourself?" Really, Namjoon? He sounded like they were back to week one. To hide the darkening blush on his cheeks, he slowly pressed his middle finger further inside of Suga, looking to the side table for a moment to make sure the bottle of lube was close by.. he didn't want to have to go digging for it. It was there on the nightstand, not knocked off like it had been at times. Back to Suga. His free hand squeezed the older man's ass and he took a moment to go for the boogey's neck (conveniently), lightly biting down where his shoulder and neck met. Not forgetting about his current topic of curiosity, his hand moved from the other's rear up to where the tendrils seemed to be coming from his lover's back, not touching exactly where they were coming from, but taking a moment to touch over a few of him once they were fully visible in the dim lighting.
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namjoon-ia · 11 months
tangled red strings } namgi au
Suga did not like to do anything like how society taught him how to do it. He wanted to do it the normal way, like how it was for non-omega’s. He glared at Namjoon when he mentioned the suppressants. What the fuck was this alpha even talking about, what did he know about the medication anyway? Suga glared some extra at the taller man and huffed. The knowledge that the other was in possession of a car was good though, made life easier. Well, if he ever dared to ask for help. Suga did not think asking for help was a good thing, it would only confirm the bias that omega’s were helpless.
Clearing his throat at the I would love to see some of your art and not really commenting on it for now. “Oh, a new pepper spray?” That was interesting and he would enjoy that a lot. “Okay, that’s cool.” Finally, Namjoon had said something that pleased the grumpy younger man. Poor Namjoon trying so hard and yet Suga was so angry about everything- not even at Namjoon but just the world.
The store had Suga excited though, a smile forming on his lips as they stepped in (ignoring the hand on his back actively and how it spread a warmth through his body- a body that constantly betrayed him). Though his smile fell off his lips quickly again when the storeowner spoke to them and while the omega wasn’t hiding his expressions near Namjoon right now he kept a straight fave. “I am safe sir, he is helping me settle in on the campus.” Suga walked over and handed the store owner the brand-new student card. “They assigned me him, all is well, thank you for your concern.” he bowed before returning his gaze to Namjoon and with his back to the storeowner his annoyance was back on his face. “Disgusting that omega’s have to be so careful.” he muttered as he walked through the store and halted at the pencils and picked up a small pack of pencils in different hardnesses. “I like pencil and fineliners.” A pause as he didn’t want to say it too loud and considered trusting Namjoon.
He decided to not trust the weird tall one and left it at that. Picking a few fineliners that were on sale and walking over to the counter to pay for the items and after Namjoon had paid for something if he wanted something too they went outside again.
He did not want to talk about feeling or get closer to Namjoon. This was dumb and the scent that came off the Alpha was even more annoying- even on his medicine he could smell it. “So, how about parties?” he asked “Who throws them? Do you go to parties?”
Safety was important to the university--even if it wasn't needed as often here, they really really wanted everyone to feel safe and make sure that no one felt as if they were being left behind, or something. Namjoon had seen Omegas just pack up and leave in the middle of the night due to a sudden scare over a rumor, even. It didn't look good for that to happen with a dozen omegas overnight because one alpha decided to be a douchebag and make something up..or worse, carry through with something.
"His daughter is an omega," he murmured once the other came close again, standing near the other, but not hovering around him like some sort of alpha-helicopter. He could be protective and mindful without somehow suffocating the poor omega. Nodding at the mention of fineliners, he offered a smile, "I like using them every so often, but I don't like super-clean lines in my own work," they just didn't look organic, but sometimes he found uses for them.
But Suga was off quite quickly, and the alpha watched him curiously. He didn't blame him for being...suspicious? And possibly grumpy at alphas, but it was weird seeing an omega so..aggressive, but not. Maybe he was just used to docile, though that just made him even more curious. He himself had grabbed a few new tubes of paint, and they were outside and on their way soon after.
Sadly for Suga, Namjoon was almost too good at his assignments of being buddied up with new students, omega or otherwise. It'd be hard to get rid of him for a while. The alpha either didn't catch on to dislike very quickly, or he did and just ignored it--the world may never know. It wasn't as if he was easily offended, especially by a grumpy omega.
Onward to coffee, then...the older glanced down to him once he'd tucked the paints into his bag, now somewhat curious. "Parties?" Well this would be an interesting topic. "Second and third years are usually the ones to throw them, almost every weekend...You'll probably hear about them in the dorms," he nodded and offered a smile, "I'm not a big...partier," if that wasn't obvious. He was kind of a nerd.
--- --- ---
The rest of the afternoon went well. Namjoon was able to give Suga the new pepper spray, which not only temporarily blinded both the attacker's smell and sight, but also blasted them with color so they couldn't just run off and pretend like it wasn't them if they washed off their face and got rid of the peppery aftershock from their eyes and nose...and mouth, probably. The color couldn't be removed without a special type of soap, so. Made it easier to catch culprits (though had a possibility for abuse, they dealt with it on a case-to-case basis.)
Coffee, food, some rules laid out..such as no Alphas or betas in the omega dorm (unless they were assigned to them, like Namjoon, but even so, he had to sign in and sign out so if something happened they knew when he was there, and if he wasn't signed in, then they knew shenanigans were afoot.) Classes started at this time, omegas could show up at this time, and leave at that time...safety, blahblah. Suga had probably read through a lot of it, but still, he'd been told to make sure the other understood, so...he tried his best.
With that all worked out, he checked again with the omega to make sure he didn't need any further help, then told him goodbye and headed to his own apartment for the evening. And Namjoon had been correct, there were indeed parties within days of everyone moving into their doorms. Classes would be starting in a few days, so of course there were be huge parties to 'get to know' one another, and to break rules before school even started. Namjoon had heard of them, and half wondered of Suga would be going...since he saw that Jungkook was also going to the biggest one that evening, happily bragging about scoring an omega as a date...but wanting more.
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namjoon-ia · 11 months
you’re in my veins || namgi
Namjoon may be powerful, but he wasn't powerful enough to go against the baby vampire. The queen they had spoken to was definitely correct in saying that Suga was special; powerful, and could probably overthrow fleets of vampires without even lifting a finger.
He was strong enough to make Namjoon crave fresh blood, after all. Even if the man was a hunter, he was still human...something Namjoon would normally find quite nauseating, going against his decades of 'vegan' vampirism, his morals and wants and beliefs for so very long. But the master wanted to change for Suga. That was the thing...now he wanted to feed with him, to hunt with him, to share the adrenaline of the chase, or even just going to the depths of the undergrounds to purchase fresh meals straight from the streets. To get those highs from the drugs pumped into the humans, used to enhance the vampires' experiences, but to make the humans compliant with giving their lives up to one of the only apex predators that could easily take the humans down.
Cruelty was still new to Namjoon. Still a nurse, still wanting to save lives, to spare humans and other living, breathing creatures the cold embrace of death as long as possible. But, he had his exceptions, and, apparently, this would carry on from here on out. His promise wasn't empty, the master didn't lie often, and he definitely didn't want to lie to his lover, his baby vampire...Taehyung would be overjoyed. Namjoon just hoped this wouldn't somehow impact his behavior around humans, somehow.
The last of the blood (from this position, at least) was taken, and he tossed the body to the ground, his hand easily slipping from the vampire hunter's chest cavity as their meal hit the ground with a thud. Just in time, as his baby was twisting around to push him around, making him grunt as his back met the floor, but he didn't mind. Not at all. Bloodied hands slid over the man's thighs as he was straddled, curving around to palm his ass, though he brought one hand up to rest against the back of Suga's neck when his lover hid against his own neck, feeling the sting of his still-sharp teeth against his now-warm skin.
"Hmm?" The mess, at this point, was inevitable, and the older was finding it enjoyable, even. The smell of blood mixed with his baby vampire's scent was intoxicating, no longer smelling the human as much. The clean-up crew would have fun with this mess, now wouldn't they? His breath hitched when the brave fledgling went straight for his arousal--already slightly hard from everything, finding Suga irresistible even while he fed, apparently. "My Master is going to be jealous," he teased, brushing the younger's hand aside as Suga sat up so he could take hold of his hips, positioning him to where he could shamelessly rock up against his ass, the master's hands sliding down to the insides of the baby vampire's thighs, touching over them slowly while making his way towards Suga's groin. They were both blood-stained and a mess, but it was oddly alluring in the moment. "We can take a while, just us," he all but purred, thinking over his words before speaking, "I can teach you to hunt properly, take you as mine properly. Bond like we should have when I first turned you," Namjoon hadn't really...done things correctly, but he also didn't vampire well, now did he?
But they'd still have to go searching for answers...decisions for later. Rather suddenly, Namjoon was getting up, bringing Suga with him as he sat himself onto the bed, leaning against the headboard so he could settle Suga back onto his lap, enjoying the feeling of being straddled, but now he could kiss him properly while he unclasped his pants, keeping from going full-feral on him--for now.
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namjoon-ia · 1 year
tangled red strings } namgi au
Life would be easier if he just stayed at home for his first two years instead of… being here. though it would go against what he believed if he did such a thing so here he was. Being harassed by bitch-ass alpha’s and saved by other, less bitchy alpha’s. Suga wasn’t very fond of that thought but he was deciding to let it go and be. Next time he would have pepper spray on him, even when he was just doing laundry.,
“You are? Okay, good to know.” he murmured but would forget immediately again since he was always running late to his own dismay- it gave him anxiety when he ran late and he tried to be on time but… life just didn’t do what he wanted it to do. It had been a mess ever since he had come out as an omega. He had always hoped to be an Alpha or even a Beta…
“I can eat, yeah, haven’t eaten yet.” it was after lunch time so he should eat something probably. “Let’s get some food and you can give me the rundown of everything I have to know.” He gestured for the other to follow him out of the room as they walked and shrugged “I chose business and art classes, I want to start my own shop when I graduate.” he said and didn’t elaborate much more on it.
“It is okay just tell me what I have to know, oh you do art too?” he asked now interested as they were on their way and nodded. “I will just have some pepperspray if he comes close again.” Not a very promising statement perhaps but Suga wasn’t going to be in that situation again. They passed a small artstore and he paused in front. “Is it any good?” he asked and then peeked inside “What kind of art do you do?”
Namjoon was, admittedly, both stunned in a good and bad way that Suga would come here to do classes at this age. The first two years were just not safe. Even after two years it wasn't always safe... but at least by then most Alphas had their shit under control, and the medications had gathered enough in Omegas to not allow for many, uh...mess-ups. Betas did well either way, usually, except for some aggressive ones. Oh to be a middle-man with little to worry about.
"I'm not a huge stickler about time, though. My classes are pretty chill and I'm normally ahead, I've just naturally paranoid about being late--so I get to places too early," he sighed. Ah well. "So no worries about being late. Just...text me or something, so I don't worry," after this Jungkook thing he was already worried.
"Oh...you shouldn't do that, I've heard that those suppressants go wonky when you don't eat with them?" He paused and took in a quick breath, "I mean, that's just what I've been told, I'm sorry," he was a mess. He shouldn't be telling an Omega what to and not to do about an omega's suppressants. Stupid. Ugh. "Well--I'll show you places with good, cheap food...and if you need help shopping or carrying things, I have a car?" Was he getting too involved? Shoot him.
The 'rundown' wasn't going to be fun to give, admittedly. But it had to be done.
"Oh? That's great, I'd love to see some of your art," good subject change for now. "Ah..yes, actually, I brought some stuff with me that also might help. The campus was required to hand it out, I think it'll help...just a few things, and updated pepper spray," they thought of everything, really. "I'll show you after we eat," sigh.
Pausing when they passed the store, he took a few steps back before following Suga to the door, chuckling a little, "Let's go look," he absently nudged the small of Suga's back, but quickly pulled his hand back. Ugh. Why was he so fucking nervous? "I haven't been here in a while--good supplies and trinkets for nice prices, they give discounts to students." Once they stepped in, he bowed to the shop owner, an older gentleman who took a bit of a sniff, his expression hardening. He looked straight to Suga, "Are you safe, sir?" His eyes then looked to Namjoon, which made him even more nervous. The alpha showed him his student ID, which made the guy loosen up a little, "You can tell him," he murmured to Suga, stepping past him to wait down the aisle. Once that was figured out, he smiled a bit. "A lot of places dont like it when alphas follow omegas into places..but, I do photography, mostly. Natures, animals, sometimes people. The art I do is mostly painting, nature and...whatever I feel like, mostly." He paused, "What is your specialty?"
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namjoon-ia · 1 year
you’re in my veins || namgi
It wasn't that Namjoon was going to get bored of any specific lifestyle...oh no, far from it, especially if Suga was with him. If Suga liked the hunt, the thrill, this kind of thing...they could work something out. But that didn't mean that Namjoon had to go back to hunting as well. He could help his baby vampire, but he could get bloodbags and feed from his baby to survive as well. Or solely pick off the evil souls...but what would his own master think about them leaving that area? He couldn't travel far from Taehyung, not without the oldest getting rather pissed off at him.
An issue for another day.
Holding the human steady, he only let him go when Suga got hold of him, hearing his neck crack and his collar snap. His baby was much stronger than he realized, and the master vampire loved it in this case. Namjoon watched his eyes going red as he watched Suga feed, absently licking his lower lip. A mixture of arousal and hunger, honestly. It was when the baby vampire pulled back that he moved to crouch down beside him, the human gasping and wheezing, still alive but now in shock from things breaking and blood being pulled from him so quickly. Really, he wanted to jump Suga, blood from him making him feel high and oh-so good..but he would prove to Suga that they could do this together, as he promised.
Gripping their prey at the front of his shirt, he took the human by the hair and pulled his head back, tipping his head so he could bite down right across the hunter's throat, getting at the main arteries and also biting down hard enough to smash his trachea and vocal cords, his attempted screams falling into airy gurgles and wet, dribbling exhales. The blood flooded his mouth quickly, not exactly his favorite tasting blood.. evidently drugged and also slightly tasting of alcohol, probably from when they found him. Pressing his fingers over the wounds to stop the bleeding for now, he'd swallowed everything though, though some had escaped past his lips to drip down to his chin and neck. Almost instantly his eyes had gone a bright red, glowly slightly, not like how his eyes used to with the bagged blood. Warmth spread through him quickly and he felt good. A bit of a headrush from the drugs, but oh-so good. Licking his lips again, not minding the mess, he looked back to his lover and leaned closer, kissing his lips before slipping his tongue over them, cleaning off some blood but also smearing a bit at the corner of his mouth. "Mm, you taste better," he murmured, stealing another quick lick under his chin to get the dripping blood.
Not wanting to waste blood, Namjoon shifted to sit up in his knees, pulling Suga closer to him, the baby vampire's back against his chest. He himself spread his thighs so his baby could sit between them, the human now giving the all-too familiar death-rattle, meaning he'd be dead soon enough. With his free hand, he tipped Suga's head back and nudged him to open his mouth, positioning their prey to where the human was not only looking down at the vampire, a look of horror still on his face, but also that wound he'd been holding was right over the man's mouth--just elevated slightly.
Was this a sick game? Yes. He'd tipped the human's head down enough to be able to see the last of his life draining away--the master vampire moved his hand and blood immediately began to pump from the artery and the wound, pouring down into Suga's mouth with every beat of the human's heart. "Feed, baby. I know you're hungry," he all but purred, gripping the human by the back of his neck with his nails dug into him to keep him steady. But as blood started to slow, he growled, the human dying faster than he wanted.
So, Namjoon used his free hand to force his fingers and nails into the hunter's ribcage, snapping through the fragile bones far too easily. Once he'd made space for his hand, the master vampire found his heart, and squeezed it himself, pushing through more blood that could reach that high up. The rest they'd have to suck out themselves, but god seeing Suga like this--blood dripping into his mouth, on his lips, chin, his eyes changing and that feral aggression from before...
It might be enough to turn Namjoon away from being a 'vegan vampire'.
"So hot, Suga..." He murmured, leaning down just enough to kiss his hair--also had some blood in it, but eh. Smelling blood and Suga, not that disgusting human, was preferred. "I love you, I'll find you all the blood you need until you're satisfied. I wont make you feed from the blood bank anymore. I'm a horrible master for making you do that.."
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namjoon-ia · 1 year
soft, smooth & cold } Namgi
Oh, Namjoon definitely knew they were there. He had offered to help a few times, and he got vague answers mostly--'maybe later' or something like that. Usually he got some ideas in through Kat, but Suga was quite picky, so he didn't want to disturb his work flow. His lover would ask for help if he needed it.
Namjoon had put the little origami pieces in a line along the coffee table as Suga finished them, but then had been the cause of the distraction to begin with. The puppeteer just felt they'd been so busy, and though they had a pretty healthy sex life, spicing things up here and there was fun and not something they could do as often. He was hoping they could go on a vacation soon...one before the wedding and honeymoon. He was doing his own research with the honeymoon, surprisingly.
Namjoon wouldn't steal the hoodie back, Suga, no worries. Only to wear it for a few hours to get his scent all over it again, the other seemed to like that. But honestly, he couldn't have melted into Suga right then and there, kissing him lazily and touching and holding him...it would have contented him, but at the same time, well.. When he saw that glint he couldn't help but laugh softly, moving one hand up to caress his lover's cheek, just below the eye that had changed after he'd been attacked. Brushing his thumb under it, Namjoon leaned up closer to kiss beside it, then moved to kiss beside the other eye. They were entrancing and beautiful, though the one that had healed still reminded him of that terrifying day.
Leaning back, he felt the tendrils come out from the boogie's back, relaxing against his pillow and the mattress. His eyes had already adjusted to the dim light, so he was able to see them against his lover's skin as well. At first they looked like dark ink spreading over him, but then they started to touch Namjoon, around his fingers and finding the hem of his shirt and pants. Pressing a soft kiss to Suga's lips as he spoke, the puppeteer smiled against him, though he shivered a little and goosebumps rose as the cooler tendrils moved up his shirt at warmer, bare skin. He didn't mind it, it had just surprised him, apparently. "Can you feel what they feel?" He asked quietly, as if a raised tone would disturb them. His breath hitched when they moved over sensitive areas, amused slightly at the ones tugging at his belt and pants. They definitely belonged to Suga.
Tracing the pads over his fingers over the boogie's lower lip, he then pressed two fingers further into his mouth, brushing over his soft, heated tongue, biting his lower lip as they were sucked on. Still just as hot as the first time he did it. A low moan left him as their hips rocked together, his free hand lowering to palm the smaller man's ass, squeezing playfully before rocking his own hips up against his lover's. The cold of the tendrils compared to his skin beginning to heat up felt quite good, and he hummed in curiosity.
"Would they do something for me?" Namjoon laughed a little, his own cheeks heated now as he pressed his fingers a little further into his lover's mouth, pressing against his tongue softly, "Or do you control them..if they get your pants off for me, I'll let them take something off of me," they seemed excited and gung-ho, so why not? "My hand is pre-occupied, so.." Trailing off, he pulled his fingers back a little, toying with Suga's soft tongue, while the hand on his ass pushed slightly at the other's boxers, though removing them with one hand was kind of hard in this position. He also wondered how long they could get..
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namjoon-ia · 1 year
soft, smooth & cold } Namgi
Namjoon had taken to finishing all of his work the day before Suga had work off the next day--he’d also try to get out of class early, or try to skip the morning class the next day so he could stay up and spend the night awake with his lover. Since he was a good student it wasn’t too difficult to work ahead and the professors give him a pass (except for Key of course) and the puppeteer looked forward to it every week that it was possible. Not that he didn’t steal Suga’s attention away as much as he could on weekends, but those tended to be outings and whatnot.
Today was one such day, he’d managed to get off pretty early so they could make dinner and watch some documentaries for a while, catching up on some new ones they hadn’t had the opportunity to watch yet. Things had been pretty quiet lately, or at least he'd thought so. Not a ton of excitement or drama or anything...which was almost unsettling, since Namjoon hadn't heard from the foundation for a little while, but he'd also requested an extended time off for finals and extra studying (even if it had mostly been for more time with Suga and Kat, plus wedding planning...and other things that they would be rather displeased with.)
But, that wasn't on his mind currently. After getting distracted from their last documentary, the puppeteer had wrapped his arms around the boogie and brought him into the bedroom, plopping himself down onto his back with Suga resting on top of him. Fingers trailed from the older's thighs up and over his rear, palming his ass for a moment before pushing at his oversized hoodie (probably Namjoon's) to touch over his hips and waist. He loved the feeling of Suga's weight on top of him, feeling how he moved with every touch and kiss and how he reacted to touches that Namjoon knew would rile him up a little. But this time curiosity got the better of him, pushing the boogie's hoodie up and off of him so he could rub his palms and fingers over his lover's back and sides, kissing him lazily, though he broke away from the kiss for a moment, hesitating before nudging their noses, "Can you...the tendrils--tentacles?" A soft laugh escaped him (some things still brought this habit to the surface at times), "I want to feel them again, can I?" They had been interesting before, albeit a little startling since he'd been in a rather vulnerable situation, Namjoon wasn't sure if he'd appreciated them as much as he could have.
It seemed like his lover didn't mind, since he felt the cool, smooth appendages against his hands and wrists soon after the request, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly as even a few of them brushed over what was exposed of his hips and waist as well. Unsure of how fragile they were, or even how he could interact with them, he let them slip through his fingers and touch what they wanted of him, moving one of his hands up to trace his index finger over his lover's lower lip, pressing a few soft kisses to his lips before he nudged his fingers between them gently. "I like them," he murmured, his free hand touching over a few, tracing them up towards Suga's back.
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namjoon-ia · 2 years
you’re in my veins || namgi
In a world where cruelty was the norm, Namjoon stood out like a sore thumb and Suga noticed it. Now even more than before- sure papa had voiced and shown his distaste for Namjoon’s way of thinking and handling but he had never seen other vampires like this. The baby vampire wasn’t entirely sure what to think of it all at this moment.
The kisses made it all better though, softening the thoughts that Suga had as he sat there on Namjoon pondering the meaning of everything. It was when the man slid his arms around Suga that he allowed himself to relax into the man’s arms and rest his head against Namjoon’s chest as he closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh. He had braced himself to feel the, by now familiar, sting of the older vampire’s fangs but instead he was held and Namjoon pulled away again.
Watching intently and listening in as he playfully ‘bit’ at Namjoon’s fingers and sucked on the tips of the digits as he waited for the man to do what he wanted to do. Actually what Suga had proposed; a compromise. Though the baby had a feeling that usually babies did not get compromises… Ah well, that was besides the point right now.
“Oh, that is definitely a bad person.” the vampire said with a nogd and smiled as the other mentioned playing with their food. Which brought back the memories of them killing Suga’s attackers… A good memory in hindsight even if it had been overwhelming at the time. Something that had completely surprised him about himself when it had happened.
“You’re so good to me.” he purred as he nuzzled against Namjoon’s cheek and smiled at the man. “It is so nice, thank you. I promise I’ll do well and I’ll make sure you’ll be proud of me, okay? No matter what papa says I have to do, we will do it together.” he took the other’s hand in his own and squeezed it slightly. “Together, you and me, okay?”
Namjoon had thought about giving it up. The whole ‘vegan’ vampire thing. But he didn’t know what he’d turn into if he did. At this point, his diet probably had a lot to do with how his personality worked. Even feeding earlier had made him want to vomit, which was definitely an odd response for a vampire. If the queen had not dismissed them so quickly, he would have asked her more questions, but maybe he could visit her another time to see what was going on with himself. Suga was the most important one right now, he wanted his baby safe before dealing with anything else.
No, he wouldn’t feed from him just yet, maybe once they’d both had their fill of the hunter that was being brought to them. If Namjoon had the choice, he’d probably just feed from Suga rather than directly from the source, but that wouldn’t be fair to the young vampire, now would it? And being practically intoxicated by Suga every time he fed would definitely not be appropriate. 
These things would be thought over later. When Suga wasn’t biting and sucking on his fingers while sitting on his lap. 
Compromising with Suga did not bother Namjoon--be it because of the baby vampire’s powers, or just because he was weak to the man because of his feelings for him, or because Namjoon was just kind-hearted either way. Possibly a mixture of all of the above. But if it made Suga happy, he’d do it...with some limitations, such as killing the man’s murderers or this supernatural hunter.
Smiling at the baby vampire, Namjoon lifted his hands up to touch over Suga’s cheeks, combing them back through the other’s hair while he listened to him. He knew the younger was sincere, he knew he wanted to do well and to listen to Namjoon when he could. But the master vampire also knew it wasn’t always easy to listen, especially with the master of a master there. Taehyung was powerful, and he had strong connections. While his master and himself differed, he knew that Taehyung meant well for both himself and Suga... “I’m already proud of you, don’t think otherwise,” his palms moved back to the younger’s cheeks, leaning close to kiss his nose, then his lips, wanting to bring him closer, greedy for his touch, but also reminding himself their meal would be there soon. “Of course, together, I won’t leave your side,” which was true. Taehyung was an asset to finding everything out when it came to the baby, and Namjoon wasn’t as..aware of everything vampire like the older was, but he wouldn’t be taken away from Suga, or vice versa. 
Another affectionate kiss was given to his baby, then the knock at the door came. Shifting his lover to sit on the mattress, Namjoon pulled the heavy door open, only to be welcomed by a...rather bruised human, in restraints behind his back, connected to a neck piece by a chain to his wrists. Seemed uncomfortable. He had a mask on, probably so he couldn’t spit or bite anyone he was given to, but other than that, basic servant clothing and no shoes. Well, they  certainly knew how to treat the lowest of the low to the supernatural society, huh? For you, sir. Just call us once you are finished. Nodding, the master vampire took the human by his wrists against the back of his neck and pushed him inside, the human holding both fear and pure hatred in his eyes, though it was obvious he had some sedatives in his system since he wasn’t fighting back...yet.
“Suga,” he motioned with his free hand for the baby vampire to come over to him, pushing the hunter down onto his knees with a sharp thud since he had to put some strength behind it, making him look down at the human with slight irritation, who was looking right back up at him with that lingering hatred. Much less intimidating with a black eye and scraped and bruised arms. “It’s time for our meal, baby.”
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namjoon-ia · 2 years
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namjoon-ia · 2 years
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55/100 days of kim namjoon 🐳
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namjoon-ia · 2 years
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NAMJOON’S BIRTHDAY COUNTDOWN: namjoon’s eyes 🤍 [cr. c_a_leaf]
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namjoon-ia · 2 years
more firsts } NamGi
“This thing is cursed.” he decided and threw the rubics cube at Namjoon- hoping he would catch it. “Oh okay-” nothing bad that was a relief since they usually ended up in bad situations whenever there was something wrong. He liked the quiet life they lived here underground. It was just nice. “Well, okay.” he said, easily swayed as he sighed and picked up one of the magazines that had come in and ripped out a paper, making a small origami frog out of it and offering it to Namjoon.
“I’ll go to the ball with you.”
“I’m ready.” Suga announced He wore a simple black turtle neck under a red blazer and matching dress pants with black polished shoes. For to occasion, he had added some eyeliner and a slight lip tint to accentuate the ever present pout that he wore as a fashion accessory. Of course there was also his dark round sunglasses- he looked a bit like a nutcase with them on but he wasn’t going to suffer from all the bright lights- no sir.
“You ready, Namu?”
Chuckling when the cube was thrown at him he did, indeed, catch it, setting it on the opposite side table. He could tell when Suga got nervous, but even he himself was a little nervous, since it was asking a lot of him. Lots of people, lights, hopefully not a lot of socializing, but he was sure they’d run into Key and Taemin. Or just Key, he felt like he’d seen somewhere that the principal was usually there to keep it PG for the most part.
Taking the frog, he also took hold of the boogie’s hand to help get him up and off the couch, kissing his cheek before moving into his study to add the frog to the little habitat he’d made up for the little origami creatures that his lover gave to him. Yes, he kept them all. They stayed in areas where they wouldn’t get wet when he watered the plants, and it was pretty cute with the different colors of plants and animals that were put all over the planter, along with the few little vials of souls that he had, poked into the dirt and glowing whenever he came closer to them.
But now it was time to get ready.
He’d gone somewhat opposite of Suga, wearing a black blazer with a red turtleneck, smirking once he’d realized the woman that had helped him with the suits had, in fact, made them match despite him being hesitant on that. It was cheesy, but amusing and cute. “Once the lady heard it was for the ball, she demanded we matched,” no wonder she put the suits into black bags. So sneaky.
It wasn’t often he saw Suga dress up--and definitely not a suit. This would be the first time before the wedding, which made some butterflies flutter through his stomach. And no, he didn’t think he looked like a nutcase. And who cared what others thought, anyway. “You’re very handsome,” he murmured once he stepped up closer, kissing his lips softly (hell if he knew if the tint came off easily or not, before nodding. “Ready,” the puppeteer reached down to take the other’s hand, lightly tugging, though he paused after a moment, “If it’s too bright, we can leave for a while, too. You’ll tell me, right?”
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namjoon-ia · 2 years
tangled red strings } namgi au
The air was thick in the room as he had met the Alpha- who wasn’t as bad as he had expected. He was on supressants for his scent and he knew exactly when his heat would start so he was fine, this was fine. Being part of a small group of omega’s that were done with being treated like second-rank citizens (or first-class porcelain) he had insisted to start at uni the first year- which he had done in a different city.
things had gone a little awry there so he transferred here and he had been given a buddy. Why the fuck they would give him an alpha was beyond him though, but he was just like anyone else. So it wasn’t a problem. The other was very set on helping him find his way though- which was annoying but he had not been able to convince Namjoon to leave him alone and figure it out on his own.
Namjoon would visit today and Suga didn’t care that much, wearing a large sweater that was about 2 sizes too big over some tight black jeans and red converse as he wanted to do some laundry before the alpha would be here to play tourist guide.
It was on the way back that he had sensed someone behind him- then coming too close as Suga turned around and glared at an unknown alpha. “The fuck do you want?” he asked, immediately aggressive as he held his bag with clean laundry against his chest and was painfully aware of how small he was in comparison to the alpha. “My name is leave me the fuck alone.” he snapped at the alpha- smelling the dominant stink on the other and scrunching his nose in a feigned disgust.
The scent wasn’t appalling to him- he was an omega after all but he would rather die than admit such a thing. He tried to step away but the man blocked his way and insisted he wanted to know Suga’s name- irritated and feeling a tinge of fear he fumbled to get his phone to pretend to call someone.
Then Namjoon already was here, pushing away the invasive Alpha and ‘saving’ him. To Suga’s annoyance, but he did use the opportunity to escape the situation. Effectively hiding behind the, way taller and broader, Namjoon. It seemed the buddy system wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Jungkook hissed some more and muttered insults under his breath at Namjoon before staring at Suga some more and then walking off.
Suga let out a deep sigh as the man left with his, figurative, tail between his legs. “I had that under control.” he lied but then scrunched his nose “thanks.” Rolling his eyes at the situation and walking to his dormroom to put away the laundry- he had not been given a roommate yet so the whole room was for him for the time being. It smelled like an omega obviously though Suga didn’t think much of it as he gestured Namjoon to come in as he put his clothes away and grabbed his stuff. “You’re early.” he commented as he grabbed his bag and eyed the Alpha. “What’s on the schedule for today?”
Namjoon was somewhat thankful for the suppressants honestly, but he’d been around enough omegas in his life to build self control. Jungkook, on the other hand, just didn’t bother to control himself, and tended to play up on instincts, which worked for some but apparently not for Suga. That hint of fear hit Namjoon much differently than the younger alpha, apparently, and that just made the older angry. “Watch that attitude,” he snapped, voice raising a little, but the bastard just tried to keep staring past him at Suga. Still having a loose hold on his arm (just in case) he let his fingers slip free at the final insult spat his way and watched the other stomp off. “Immature prick,” he huffed, though turned a bit to look down at the smaller omega when he spoke up. “I know you did,” he offered, smiling some, knowing very well that Suga could probably take care of himself in many ways...but in cases like that, it was hard to tell.
“No need for thanks,” he’d have to report that behavior later. Jungkook seemed more aggressive than before. Hesitating a little to go into the omega’s dorms again (besides the time he helped him move in), he nodded and stepped in after the grumpy omega, pulling the door closed behind him in case their newly-found troublemaker followed them inside. No need to show him where Suga lived exactly. 
The smell of both past omegas that barely held on, as well as much more familiar scent of Suga, admittedly, was somewhat tantalizing. It wasn’t as if he’d pushed all his instincts aside, okay? But it wasn’t as bad as he thought it may be, what with those suppressants and whatnot. Fixing his own bag over his shoulder, Namjoon looked back to Suga, curious. “I tend to be,” a warning, maybe? Poor Suga got stuck with the studious, always-early 4th year. But Namjoon found his grumpiness endearing, honestly. Maybe he should have asked if he was a morning person or not, oops.
“Oh--uh, are you hungry? There’s a nice cafe not too far away, your advisor wants me to go over some regulations and safety, also they want me to show you to the buildings where your classes will be. They’re still locked but it’ll save time to not be lost on Monday,” he shrugged a little, “Do you have everything picked out? Or is this more of a seeing what you may like to do semester?”  They hadn’t spoken too much of classes and focuses, he himself had been trying to make it an easy transition for Suga since he’d very vaguely been told he’d transferred from another uni and that tended to mean trouble for omegas.
Once the other had his bag, Namjoon turned to pull the door back open for him, motioning a little with his head, “Ready? If you don’t like coffee they have other things, too. And if you think of anything else you might want to find I can show you where there might be something? There’s a lot of food places close by if you don’t want the dining hall stuff, it’s not always great..”
Was he nervous-rambling? Maybe a little. But then again, Namjoon could be awkward with new people, anyway. It wasn’t necessarily because Suga was an omega..and cute, but god he’d not say that. The omega may seem small and possibly delicate, but he had a feeling Suga could do some damage if he wanted to. “Oh..and, if he bothers you anymore, I always have my phone on me. I’m in art and photography classes mostly, so they don’t mind me picking up my phone. He has a...reputation for being a bully and picking fights with other alphas.”
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namjoon-ia · 2 years
you’re in my veins || namgi
The baby vampire did not think much of being left alone by papa- it was better to be alone with Namjoon right now anyway (especially since there did not seem to be a threesome in the near future, the two older vampires were too tense around one another and Suga realised he wasn’t really that experienced yet either- yet). The room made up for a lot though and with still the blood of a living victim in his system he felt great.
It was one thing to know that the other did not drink from humans up there but here it was a different story wasn’t it? He wondered why Namjoon was so set on not being like the other vampires. Hurting humans. Though he had been one not too long ago but he could feel the kindness for humans slipping away from his mind, they were vampires after all and it was their natural food source… He did not voice any of this to Namjoon. He did not want the other to be even more repulsed- if he was feeling something like that.
The other did not think badly of him- which was good. Suga almost felt guilty for everything. “You don’t regret turning me? Even if it is such a mess right now?” he asked softly, studying his master with an equally adoring gaze. He loved the other so deeply and so intensely. He wanted so much more from the other and then some. His hands,after being kissed, rested on the other’s chest. Watching Namjoon as they spoke.
“I would like that.” The baby whispered, he loved it when the other fed- he was the most beautiful then. “Can we find a bad human, will you feel better about it then?” a compromise? Something that was better than the humans they had seen around who had been hypnotized and obviously put under some kind of spell so they didn’t run away screaming.
It was definitely an odd situation for Namjoon to still hold sympathy for humans. His place of work was even stranger, but then again, Taehyung owned the hospital and for whatever reason that wasn’t weird. But Namjoon was also the one keeping the humans alive, for the most part. But he also knew the fate of some, be it blood-banking or even brought down here if they will be too weak to recover, or they have no one to visit them or care that they disappear. It was all intertwined, somehow.
But no, he did not think badly of Suga. It was Namjoon that was the odd one, the one that went against the norms. Not his baby. He knew what he did was strange, but that instinct just never fully sunk in for whatever reason. “No, I don’t regret it at all,” finally he wrapped an arm around the other’s waist, bringing him closer once he felt hands against his chest. Leaning closer to kiss his forehead, then the bridge of his nose, the master vampire’s free hand caressed the man’s cheek as he pressed a few soft kisses to his lips, leaning back after the small affections. Smiling at his baby vampire, both arms wrapped around him and he hugged the smaller close against his chest, listening to him as he whispered and asked about a compromise. 
Even if Suga was losing sympathy for humans, he still had it for those he cared about, and that’s all that mattered. Smiling, he nuzzled down into the crook of his neck, feeling the slight warmth that was still left from the meal a while back, pressing his lips against soft skin and all but feeling it as it ran through the baby vampire. Automatically his fangs grew sharper, ready to feed from his baby, but he wouldn’t do that. He’d offered to share a meal with just Suga, and he would do it.
Leaning back from his neck and shoulder, the master smiled and kept an arm around him, leaning over to the bedside table to pick up the phone that was there. It rang only once before someone picked up, and he listened for a moment, his hand sliding away from Suga’s waist to lift up and playfully trace the tips of his fingers over his lover’s lower lip, nudging his mouth open just enough to mindfully brush his finger over one of the man’s own sharp fangs, then teased his tongue a little, grinning before finally getting to answer. “Fugitive,” he paused, “Hunter is fine, no, cost isn’t an issue. Thank you,” setting the phone back down, Namjoon focused back on Suga, retrieving his fingers before the baby decided to bite at him, too. If he hadn’t already.
“They sometimes have ‘bad humans’ around,” it was a fancy hotel, so of course, they catered to their guests. “This one is a hunter of the supernatural. They kill our kind and others. Their humans slaves brought him back, probably. This time you can play with your food,” amazing how much influence Suga could have on him, even when not telling him what to do directly. The lengths of which Namjoon would go to make his baby vampire happy were endless, truly. “This kind of human...I don’t mind killing.”
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namjoon-ia · 2 years
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you so damn beautiful, I swear you make me sick
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namjoon-ia · 2 years
tangled red strings } namgi au
Namjoon was relieved when going into his final year of university. Or, well, final year for his first degree. Who knew if he’d go further (he knew) but his final year had an easy schedule, which meant that he could put that spare time to good use. While he’d been part of extracurriculars on and off for his time at the university so far, he had been thinking of picking up being a ‘mentor’ for a freshman or sophomore, but his third year had ended up way too busy to fit in caring for another student as well as himself. So he’d gone in blind when it came to actually accepting the volunteer work.
He’d met the other student on a zoom call first, since the other hadn’t moved into the dorms just yet. Namjoon had been told to try to ‘get to know’ the student he’d be working with for the year before school actually started so, of course, the alpha was on top of that--or, well, was attempting to be on top of that. Mostly, so far, it had been texting and offering virtual or verbal calls to help him figure out transport and whatnot to get to the dorms. In the end, Namjoon offered to pick him and his bags up to actually help move him in, which...hadn’t gone badly, but lord he had not been warned that he’d be mentoring an omega.
Not that this was bad, it was just odd. Normally Alphas were paired with other alphas or even betas, while betas were with omegas or omegas with omegas, even so, the school’s population didn’t see a lot of omegas come through the first two years, since they were required to dorm there and that often wasn’t look at as very ‘safe’ a lot of the time. Upon asking, he’d just been told that he’d never caused a fuss when it came to those sorts of situations, so he was trustworthy enough to work with the younger man.
Flattering, but he could feel the rumors spreading before classes even started.
The alpha wouldn’t complain, though. The younger man seemed a little..uh, standoffish? but, he could understand why. And now that he was on campus, it was easier to somewhat ‘bully’ him into meeting up more, since classes started monday. He himself didn’t live on campus so he just drove there early, planning to go get coffee, maybe some food, and go over the rules and regulations that the advisor had given Namjoon the opportunity to show the young omega--including going over times of heat and the ‘omega safe spaces’ and whatnot. Thanks, lazy ass. 
He’d almost reached the other’s dorm when he paused, spotting two figures not too far off, but the smaller--oh lord. “Hey,” he sighed as he stepped up, recognizing Jungkook, a rowdy sophomore alpha that had more than enough rumors and stories about him from his first year that just about everyone knew who he was at this point...and the poor omega, who the alpha had all but trapped between himself and the brick wall, space between them but Namjoon had a feeling Jungkook was a little quicker than his young...friend, assumed friend, he’d go with that. “Back off, you know better,” the older alpha snipped, purposely pressing one hand against the younger alpha’s shoulder while his free hand reached down to take a loose hold of the omega’s forearm, trying to tug him free of the situation the horny alpha was putting him into. Jungkook, on the other hand, looked rather pissy, hissing out his excuse of I wasn’t hurting him, I just asked what his name was.
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