nammyfanficsblog ยท 8 days
When I draw Diamant of FE: Engage, I draw him similar to Sena of Eyeshield 21 like Diamant is just having shorter hair style than Sena's.
and then, I came out with weird idea that what if Diamant come to ES21 world and Sena to Engage?
I imagine that the Devil bat team think Diamant as Beefy Sena (with somehow Shin's personality) since Diamant is exactly older than all of them (he's 25 and minus their coach) He sees them as younger friend and of course, act like their mother hen. also he said some of the team like even look like his retainers.
and The Brodia think of Sena as Tiny Diamant and Alcryst (and Citrinne) is overly protective of him. also Sena said that Lapis looks like his Mamori nee-san.
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 7 months
I have little headcanon for FE: Engage,
Do you ever wonder if unit equip emblem ring so long that they start to transform into those emblem a little bit even without engaging? Not in the bad way but because their bonds are really high that they are like becoming one.
I think it would be cool if the Max Lv. Of engage let us see that.
But the change isn't permenent just when they equip the ring / bracelets long enough. ( and if they unequip it, the effect will be gone)
I give Diamant the Tiki's emblem and imagine that he starts to have dragon's feature like having a tail even he wasn't engaging and he is fine with it ( Amber is amused by this and Jade said he looks cute with tail and want to write about it) , also he has the dragon eyes , fangs and claws when angry.
Alfred's hair having blue strip when equip with Sigurd's ring. Celine's hair is having red / orange strip when equip with Celica's ring.
Since Alcryst has Roy's ring, He also has red strip on his hair and think it's cool cause he is match with Alear's.
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 1 year
I could imagine that when any unit change into their "engage forms" they do something like magical girl transformation. But when it's comes to emblem tiki, their transformation is like those of monster / were creature's like they grow tail, fangs , claws etc. ( but they still the same person inside)
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 1 year
I'm currently play FE: Engage right now and I'm enjoying it very much! (Chapter 14 is my current play)
- The characters are somehow looks a little bit similar with 3H designs (such as Alfred and Diamant are Dimitri and Silvain for me lol. oh, and that black mage of 4 hounds who look like Hubert too)
- My fave so far (chapter 14) Alfred, Boucheron and Diamant (also the strongest of all) Solm's royal sibling are my fav too but they're underlevel for now since I just got them.
- To be honest, I wasn't into the DLC at the first trailer dropped but now, I LOVE the way that they FINALLY ALLOW every units to BE A DRAGON UNIT!!! (with Emblem Tiki) which I gave it to Boucheron at first (He was underlevel compare to most unit at that time and Alfred used to have Sigurd and Diamant have Roy before the Chapter 11). you know I have a dream of using my fave units as a dragon units since Sacred stone! (my first GBA fire emblem game) so this is like the dream came true!! thanks, IS!!! but I kinda wish for 3H's DLC to have playable dragon units too or at least some item that could change units into a dragon units (for a few turns or something, I don't care if they have individual dragon form or not , just let them be a dragon) and the wave 4 is having like playable dragon units! I'm so excited to use them <3 <3 <3
what are your thought of Engage? who is/are your fave?
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 1 year
Wow! The new banner video came out later than we expect! ( you know the tempest trials units reveal video never late!)
But here I go again!
What, more Camilla?? Well, is she competing with Lyn? Cause they have too many alts and if Lyn has, Camilla seems to have too. Anyway, Seal Res 4??? Wait the seal skill is having upgrade now?? NICE!!!
Cherche finally got alts??? Nice!!! ( she is my fave Rokkr slaying unit <3<3<3) Also I knew from the sihouettes and that she will be the axe unit lol but why she got like few premium skills again ; w ;
Heath got alts too!!! Wow! This is beyond my expectation! And he is our 4* unit , well Nice I guess!
And Fjorm and Laegjarn finally a duo unit??? ( Feh has giving too many hint that they ship them, so I didn't surprise) look at the premium skills + new skill of seal, I think I would like to have some of them ( but my orb will say no ; w ; )
And our T.T unit is Harr??? Wow! Another fave Rokkr slaying unit of mine again! Very nice!!
That's all guys, Hope you got whom you want, I would like some of them to comehome. I don't care if I got whom, just 1 of them is nice enough.
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 1 year
ok, let's do this!
Arval is our newest mythic hero??? Wow! I mean I knew that they would be here soon but never thought that it's this soon! ( I'm kinda expect anankos or brammimond's sage friend ( forget his name again) but well,) and wow! What's that?!?! WTA AGAINST 3 MAJOR COLORES??? What the?!?! ( coloress still have no effect with this..., guess brave! Byleth or Fallen Edelgard and Legend Claude's turn to KO them lol)
Despite how OP arval is, I'm still want to skip this banner again. ( well, no Claude or the byleths here, so I'm leaving)
That's all guys! Hope you get what you wanted! As for me, I already skip this banner ( since no one interested me at all)
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
ASDGGAAAAAA!!! i forget to write the reaction of "Ascend Eir" banner. So here I am!
Rearmed Grima....can't believed Feh has forgotten the existence of Female Robin as they are keeping give Grima new alts...but her skill is so good and most importantly she is another "Rearmed"!!!
Phila is now a 4* with good skill for SI? Good!
Gregor, wow! One of my fave man of Awakening is here!!! And his skills is so good!!! ( I ship him with Nowi once so I will do it again, here lol, if I got him)
And Ascend Eir, ASDFGHAAAAAA! is she a goddess now or something?? ( Well, she's already is in her Og alt) cause her skills is too good and mystic boosts 4!!!! ( very nice to fodder)
I really glad that Ricken is here but why the character that I liked always got demoted with poorly skills? ; w ; ( except for Summer! Claude and Halloween! Zane though)
That's all guys! Hope you get who you want! For me, I want Ascend! Eir and Gregor ( and yeah, I got them both, I mean I got all of them one by one but Gregor is coming with 40th summon, not bad I guess?)
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
I'm excited for the new banner today!! But it's kinda got bored this time since Halloween banner is turned into new dragon alt banner...alongside with X'mas banner these days...ah well..( but if Halloween is dragon banner now , pleasd give us Dragon roy that we deserved...I beg you)
Female Corrin got too many OP skills but I'm glad that she and her male self got alts..not just another lyn or Camilla
Male Corrin got less love than his female self but still the art is so amazing!
WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY NAGA?!?!?! even fallen grima both got more powerful skills than these!!!! I know she is a demote of this banner but can't they just make her like Halloween! Xane or summer! Claude??? They got a prf or thier OP skills in that!!!!
Oh my Duma and his sister in duo alts??? Wow! What a rare sight! ( I thought they hate each other??? Lol) Duma sounds like he got new V.A( but no he doesn't) their arts , their skills are perfectly...; w ;
Last but no least, They give us Free Nills!!! ( ah, I have been wanting him for so long!!! Since I didn't even got his og yet) he came with less useful skill again...but nevermind. Since his art is so cute! ( Nills must really want to come with his sister that he is in this banner lol)
That's all guys! I wish you got who you want but as for me, I will skip this banner since Ninian legend banner eat all of my orbs and I need sometime to collect again....
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
OMG!!!! NEW LEGENDS VIDEO IS COMING OUT THIS MORNING AND ASDFGHJAAAAAAAAAA!!! IT'S Ninian!!! I'm so happy since I ship her with Eliwood and now they're together in legends alts...; w ;
Just look at her, her beautiful art , animation ( it's look she is using laser beam surround her instead of breathing lol) and she can dance and move at the same turn?!?!?!? Wow! Nice!
But to be honest, I'm not sure if I will able to beat her since she is dancer legend...and the most annoying type of legend / mythic is....dancer...ah well...there will be hellish battle..again since Plum and Trianda...; w ;
That's all guys, Hope you get what you want as for me, of course, I want Ninian myself ( so I could S-support her with Eliwood :3
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
DID YOU SEE THE FEH CHANNEL THIS MORNING?!?! I'm so hype for rearmed Lif!!! His movie is sad though...( so the book iii is showing him when he was alfonse all along, huh?)
Also the new heroes is from....fe3hopes?!??! What?!??! I didn't even finish any routes!! So I'm so-so with their coming. I wondering if fe3hopes is counting as fe3h pair series just like Radiant dawn + path of radiance and Genealogy of the holy war + Thracia 776? Hmm??
Mornica : or Mage Kronnya with Edelgard fangirling personality. I didn't like her at the first seen so I'm so-so with her. But her weapon seems great.
Ascend! Hilda : Hilda got too many fans and become ascend! Sooner than even F3H lords themselves?!?! Her skills are OP as well. ( but I kinda want Ascend! Dimitri or Claude than her..) also is this mean if Fe3h lords got ascend, they will be in fe3hopes alts???
Male! Shez : got Demote alongside his sister?? But it's nice! Since it giving us even more chance to get them!
Rearmed Lif : Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Rearmed heroes? With SI without losing unit???? Nice!!! I have been looking for something like this for a long time!!!
But I'm glad that Female! Shez is out for free..; w ; I thought I would have to put all the orbs for them at first, just like the byleths. Holst is also an interesting character to get!
I really wish they are all have a forging bounds like this :
Mornica - she meets Edelgards but Edelgards keeps saying like "what are you doing here, Kronnya?" or "Are you trying to Kill my teacher?!" Before all the Edelgard ( yes, including Fallen! And Flame empreor) are now guarding their profossor(s)
Ascend! Hilda & Holst - Holst keeps trying to tell all the Claudes to marry his sister but Ascend Hilda is like "meh, I want all the Marrianne instead!" ( of course, all Hildas aren't allow her ascend self to get near her gf)
Male Shez & Female Shez are confusing becuase of all Ashen Demon are politely greet them with warm smile ( some of them just giving dead face) but 3H lords are at their prof. back and glare the shezs to death ( lol )
That's all guys! ^ w ^ Hope you get who you want, I personally want Rearmed Lif myself but don't mind if I got the others.
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
Ascend Lif somehow give me the Sephiroth vibe...I mean his outfit is alike to him, don't you agree?
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
The newest banner of feh has been arrived and itโ€™s....what? Sumo (Fire tribe) banner???ย 
- Lyn got even more alts?!?! and new B skill? (I swear Iโ€™m so tired of her but...) looking great but could it be anyone like male units than just another lyn...please.
- Muspell, I donโ€™t like his story/character but damn! the design of this alt and the dragon design always got me! (but I thought he will be in the winter banner this year cause Nifil got in summer banner lol)
- Rinkah...she got demote with poor skills even her design is kinda just upgrade from her previous one.ย 
- Tana & Peony I thought they were Lilina and Peony XD my bad. Tana got more alts! nice but it would be cooler if itโ€™s Ephriam instead since you know, he used flame lance which is even more fit to this kind of banner.
- OMG!!! Mordercai as the T.T units???? so the leaked is about him! but to be honest, at the first seen...I thought he was wearing a wedding veil....and I was like awwww, you would look great as a bride, my mordecai! anyway, he look great! wonder if his skills are good too?
but seriously, I donโ€™t feel any interested in this banner which is great! cause Iโ€™m gonna save orbs for the new poower (brave cyl 4) banner and also the new story banner too (if they have interesting units) anyway, I wish for the luck and get whom you want!ย  for me, of course, Iโ€™m going to skip this once again (the brave cyl 6 drained all of my orbs...; w ; )
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
( sorry for late I'm just being too lazy to write but..) Did you see the lastest legendary?!?!? It's Deirdre!!! Her art is so majestic just like her husband!!! ; w ; I really really wanted her so much ( for Sigurd, of course!) Her weapon doesn't even have Naga in it anymore ( but still has the same effect + miracle) but still look deadly enough. But her banner include the one who I didn't want except Ash.
Hope you get who you wanted! ^ w ^ I went to her banner and got only Triandra which is enough for me.
PS. despite how majestic of her art and weapon...too bad, She didn't mention any Sigurd nor her children in her voice line..
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
ALL of them are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Their skills are so OP ( many people said the 2nd places once again got better skills than the 1st ones...I wonder if it's true)
- BRAVE SELEPH look just like his father, sigurd..( wish he was a magic user just like his mom but he did say in some convo that he can't use magic...)
- BRAVE BYLETH look so majectic like sothis herself ( again I wish she was wearing her dad clothes but then GHB is jeralt so I don't mind
- BRAVE TIKI look too similair with her younger self and now she using breath just like blue eye white dragon, Nice!
- BRAVE CHORM why took back his lance from his daugther and took his great-granpa shield with him? Wow, Chrom are you jelous of them? lol
- I can't believe that Jeralt is finally here with his child! Nice! My Byleth(s) are so happy to meet them <3<3<3 ( also the lords are eager to introduce themselves to their father-in-law) lololol
To be honestly, I want ALL of them! I can't even choose to get first! ( might go for either Seliph or Byleth) and wish you got that what you want ^ w ^
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
The feh channel is out but I don't even feel excited or anything...
Yeah, the rewards are sound nice enough but the new banner? A theif banner? Meh.., I think we finally got some good banner to skip, so it's good? Hmm? ( i thought it's going to be pirate or dancer banner but seeing how feh keep changing this before the cyl banner everytime so I don't even surprise)
There are also new mode call binding world? Which look like hero journey + alliegence battle?? I'm not so sure but we will learn about it soon.
Anyway, Hope you get what you wanted! But As for me, I'm going to skip to save my orbs for the CYL!!!
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
Fe3hopes confession :
- I like those house members to ship each other or Shez but not with the lords ( since I ship them so hard with Byleths)
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nammyfanficsblog ยท 2 years
The new banner is out so...
Wow! Never saw that it is the Valentia ( Alm) banner again ( with 1 heroes unit in the banner too) I'm still don't read all the weapon / skill but here my thought about it.
- Ascend Celica : I wasn't expected to see more Celica's alt I mean this Ascend alt of her. It's good design but is this mean the lords could be Ascend too? Hmm? I thought it was for another characters like the one who close to the lord or something like Joshua, Florina etc. Fjorm's is kinda weird case but many people said that she is the first legend so yeah, she might be the first to get it. Nevermind that, since I have a dream of Dragon! Roy so maybe he could be one with this ascend alt, right?
- Est : since her sisters are in this so this doesn't surpise me at all. She got cuter outfit once again, Nice!
- Kamui? I now know who is getting worse weapon ( cause it's doesn't like his prf so...) also too bad, since I kinda like his design but at least we are now have spd/def ideal and atk/def oath for the fodder.
- and the last Ymir : wow! SHE IS SO PEAK WITH THAT DESIGNS! The dragon form of her is sp beautiful too ; w ; and the surprise is SHE CAME OUT SO EARLY!!! that's nice! ( she kinda like my concept of dragon! Claude but more brillant!) Her skills is super COOL! drive miracle?!? Wow! I'm going to get her for sure! ( if I could....)
- Atlas : I don't even know him but glad that he also in the 3-4* pool and I wish his weapon is good ^ w ^ or at least, has good skills.
I heard that the GHB is going to be....WTF!?! BRIGAND BOSS?!?! Doesn't he like an NPC or something?!?! ( I know gatekeeper was also the NPC but at least he has more character than this...thing!) Nevermind if his skills are good or I will fodder him.
That's all guys! Hope you get what you wanted!
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