nanamigatari · 3 years
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WWD Delivery!
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nanamigatari · 3 years
Farewell For Now...
OOC: I put in my drop a little while ago. I apologize to all who I was threading with and was planning any upcoming threads with, but I felt this was for the best. As much as I loved my time in isola, my drive to write for Nanami was beginning to slowly weaken, to the point where I was just staring at month-old drafts and wondering what to really say to make them interesting. I know people have told me otherwise, but I always felt sort of guilty in making people wait up on me for my replies. I think I need to sort of practice her voice in my head some more to get her down.
I’ve also had to deal a lot with college graduation things and fretting about what sort of work to even do in this current age. One of our dogs is also up in the years and I’ve basically had to watch him every week due to my family always being busy in the early day. It’s hard for me to really focus on my fun stuff when I have all these worries on my plate (I’ve also just been distracted by playing games on my Switch like Ni no Kuni, I Am Setsuna, and now Monster Hunter Rise, ha ha).
So yeah, I’m going to be bowing out of here. I won’t be disappearing for good... I might try indie roleplay down the road if possible. You can all still keep track of me on my twitter (locoryoko) or message me on discord if you want to. I’m always up for a chat. I didn’t get to really do all the things I wanted to do with Nanami here, but if I ever bring her back again, I plan to do so with a stronger drive.
I hope all of you enjoy the event and have a good day. Take it easy!
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nanamigatari · 3 years
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nanamigatari · 3 years
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Keep reading
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nanamigatari · 3 years
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“Diamond… of course it has to be something stupid like this.” Vaati let out an irritated huff, crossing his arms. Those damned stars just loved to play stupid games, didn’t they? He wished he could teach them a lesson, but they always stayed hidden. Cowards.
“Are you telling me this is the only entrance? Or do I need to make a new one by busting open a window.”
Not a preferred way of entry, but he figured he could at least magic the window back into one piece after he’d gotten in and out- assuming there was at least one window that hadn’t been covered yet.
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“This city always seems to be full of surprises,“ she used, more to herself than to the other. She would worry about serving him once they managed to get inside. If they were able to get inside.
The stranger’s words earned him a brief, analytical glance from Nanami. Tempted as she was to misbehave, the resulting mess would have to be cleaned up by her, if only for the fact that she was the only employee around so far. She moved closer, almost to bar his path. 
“You could, but I’d rather you didn’t. It’s my workplace, so I have to try and minimize any damages to it, as per my employer’s orders. Can’t have someone getting hurt either...“
Nanami turned back to the crystallized mass before them that had congealed over much of the entrance. Blankly, she lifted a single hand into the air and gave a quick flick of her wrist. In the blink of an eye, the air itself seemed to warp suddenly, and then a sound like steel on steel rang out against the diamond mound. A tiny fragment or two skidded away, but the structure remained unchanged.  
“Hmph. It’s hardier than it seems... Annoying.“
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nanamigatari · 3 years
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"Do the surprises ever cease? How generous. It’s wonderful to have these both back... even if they were never mine to begin with.”
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nanamigatari · 3 years
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「鑢七実」/「ゆうり」のイラスト [pixiv]
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nanamigatari · 3 years
nanamigatari said: ✏️
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nanamigatari · 3 years
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          ❝ I see. If that is the case, then I will do my best to finish it. There was no such thing where I came from. But if that is the case, I take it there are other uncommon brands many have not heard of? ❞
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“Oh, thank you then. Wasting tea would be unbecoming... Ah, I work at two cafes, but my former home didn’t have any of those at all. Unless you count tea-houses. I’m familiar with both green and black tea, though I now know how to brew white tea, too. It’s supposed to help your heart in the long run.“
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nanamigatari · 3 years
     Luckily for Atom, he’s stared down some chilling visages in his short time. He’s able to keep his discomfort towards that suppressed, especially under the weight of his discomfort towards the entire situation; Nanami’s nonchalant way of referring to it almost freaks him out more than anything else.
     The boy pulls in a ragged breath.
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     “Just… earlier today, I-I think.” Rubbing his face, Atom lifts his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you like this.”
Nanami chuckled, somewhat amused by the boy’s discomfort. He was a small thing, with hair that seemed as glossy as an oil-slick. Smoothing out the pages of her book again, she gave the spot next to her pat. She never minded in sharing a bench when offered company. 
“Oh, it’s fine. To be honest, I sometimes get sick of my own voice. I was often by myself a lot back home, so I didn’t have the opportunity to make friends.“
Satisfied with how the parchment had settled, Nanami finally began the final step of the process. The flower securely in place, she brought up the page opposite of it, snapping the book firmly shut. Keeping it on her lap, she gave the boy a more charming smile. 
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“...Unless you had somewhere you needed to be. I don’t mind helping you along on your way if that’s the case.“
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nanamigatari · 3 years
甘雨 “I’m not one to take a lackadaisical point of view on most things, but there are things that are beyond our control. We would ruin ourselves if we fixated too much on them, and so I believe letting those worries go is beneficial. Both for my health, and for my work.”
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“I do not necessarily think it’s a point of view worth praising however. I’m one that desires answers and works hard, it can be hard to let go of something you want to wonder about. I still don’t know my place here either, but I’m sure with time I will find it.”
“Hmmm. You have a very human way of thinking. I admire that... Maybe. I’m not exactly human myself or have ever experienced the feeling, so it’s not like I can give fair praise from my side. Forget what I said then.“
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“It’s my fate to have others decide my role for me. I may be free from my world, but it doesn’t change the fact that my family’s bloodline will eventually end with me.“
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nanamigatari · 3 years
@nanamigatari || starter
Just how many people was he meant to live with??
This new person hadn’t been at the house when Octavo had arrived, but he had noticed that there were signs of someone already living in the place when he’d done his own investigating, but he’d been a bit preoccupied with other worries to think much on it.
But now the other occupant was here, and Octavo was standing awkwardly in the foyer with an uncertain, not quite hostile expression. He’d come to realize that it was unlikely that the people living with him were going to be a threat, but he couldn’t help but keep his guard up.
“…Pardon me,” he eventually said. “I’m assuming you are the other occupant of this house?”
This was an unexpected surprise. Then again, Nanami was unable to predict most situations the city thrust upon her by the week. She had come home early from work and planned to spend the rest of her day reading in bed, then cooking a light meal. Nothing too complicated, and she supposed that she could still deal with any changes to her schedule, considering that there was now a complete stranger within her assigned home. 
Much like the young man staring at her, there was no aggression on her face, only mild curiosity. She had shared the apartment with that 2B woman for a while before she had suddenly departed, and Nanami was content enough to leave it at that. Having the place to herself hadn’t changed her routines or mood, just the silence throughout the day. 
“I am. I’ve served as the lone account for a month or two so far. It was awfully quiet for a while,“ she answered, sizing him up from her spot. 
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“I wasn’t expecting to suddenly have a new roommate thrust upon me so suddenly.“
He likely had as many questions for her as she did in return. 
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nanamigatari · 3 years
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nanamigatari · 3 years
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nanamigatari · 3 years
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“Is that so. I suppose it’s true some humans fail to age properly.”
Edna isn’t one to talk, but in her defense she’d just outright stopped aging. Not even the smallest adult humans alive have that luxury.
As the girl crouching below her mumbles about future plans, a wicked idea sprouts in Edna’s head. She senses a fun opportunity; a little revenge against those probably involved with her abduction never hurts…
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“If that’s your goal, sure you want to keep wasting ammo? Why don’t we wait for that machine girl, then pelt her once she pops up? I’m quite handy with rocks, myself.” 
Her plan had been to simply ignore the other and her barbs, the silent treatment being one of her old ploys to use on Shichika in her kinder moods. Of course, if she was going to be along in this desolate spot for the next few hours, it would be a chance of pace to hear someone’s voice other than her own for company. 
“A tempting idea. The result would be a good one... or a bad one.“
Imprisonment or execution? Nanami doubted whoever was in charge of Spirale could do any more to her that she already hadn’t endured on her former island. A new form of agony would almost be welcome... and she would at least be dragging down someone with her, so there was that consolation. 
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“Come over here, if you’d like. I don’t bite at all.“
She patted the dirt by herself, smiling as serenely as she could. The other’s dress might be a tad scuffed by the dirt and rocks, but that was up to her. 
“...How deep do you think this pit goes for?“ she suddenly mused out loud. 
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nanamigatari · 3 years
Kirika stays quiet a little longer. It was hard to find the words to say to a stranger turned enemy. She usually didn’t have to say much to people like that. They were usually just targets to hit, metaphorically and literally. She didn’t have to think about it either, because she just let her instincts do all the work.
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“I…” the assassin starts. “I’m sorry. About before. I wasn’t myself back then. Let me make it up to you…just give me a moment.” Putting her gun in her jacket pocket, she squats down and pulls out her hard earned diamond bullets, and her diamond knife. Before she starts, however, she pulls out her phone, and puts her playlist on shuffle. As a fairly recognizable song came on through the phone’s speaker, she took a picture of the frozen bullets, and began sculpting them to size.
The apparent remorse in the other woman’s voice was evident to Nanami, that much was certain. She continued with her task, not changing her movements, but her full attention was still present. Her sword chipped away at the diamond with meticulous care, her lack of strength making it easier. She knew that if she struck at the mass with the jewel-encrusted blade like a hammer, she would only succeed in ruining her tool itself. 
The music caught her attention right away. She stopped her work to briefly shoot the second a stare that was as cool as the diamonds themselves. The photo and subsequent carving made her briefly halt the sawing of her sword. Nanami’s claws, however, remained unsheathed. 
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“Why help me when I tried to kill you in turn? We barely even know each other, yet alone each other’s names.“
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nanamigatari · 3 years
甘雨 “Hm… It used to, once. Which world do I belong in? Is it right of me to walk among humans? Do I fit in among bother worlds, or neither? When you live a long time, I suppose thoughts like those are inevitable. I could live forever, or I could one day suddenly expire.”
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“But you know, the conclusion I came upon has helped. I should just whatever I want to do, wherever I want to do it. I could live forever, but what good would that be if I looked back and regretted spending all of my time worrying?”
“Ah. That’s one way of looking at it, I suppose. It’s meaningless to trouble yourself with stress over something that’s simply the way that it has to be. That’s something not very many people take to heart.“
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“I like to think that I abide by a similar creed for my own life, miss. Of course, I’m still trying to find my own place upon this island.“
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