My muse has been having the same nightmare for weeks now and it’s taking it’s toll. Send me “You look exhausted.” for my muse’s response.
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Reblog this if your muse is not afraid to wear anything pink.
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Reblog this if you're having fun playing your character.
Because it needs more of this. I want to see that people are having fun playing the muse that they’ve chosen. Not feeling obligated/pressured to play their muse the way they “should”; ie, the way others might try to pressure them into doing and trying to control them.
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Send O///O to put a collar and leash around my muses neck.
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So I have a little bit of a problem since a convention is around the corner and I can’t decide what cosplay to wear…  I love all of them whatr makes it extra difficult.  If you have a moment I would be very thankful if you just leave a comment with your sugesstion.  I tried to ask on Twitter and Instagram as well but every time it was a draw x’D Here is what I could wear: 
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Elf (Nanbaka) 
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Jyugo (Nanbaka) 
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Mitsuru- Shirt version (Nanbaka) 
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Ernest (Dream Daddy) 
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Robert (Dream Daddy) 
Thanks to everyone who will try to help me xD
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Update for my blog(s)
If some of you may have noticed, I’m a little inactive the last few days/ last week. It’s because I’ll start my work apprenticeship next tuesday and it might be the last chance I get in my store as more than a simple part-timer.  That means, I have like a 42 hour week, I’m almost every day in the store from 9 am to 8 pm, saturday till 6 pm and 4 times in a year I’m for 2 weeks straight in school with little to no internet connection. 
It’ll be a hard time and I hope you won’t get mad at me for not being able to be active a lot here, on my artblog @frustrated-little-puppydog and on my rp- blog @nanbas-noise-problem
I hope you’ll understand.  Love all of my followers and have a good night/Day ♥
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“Alright, well, if you need a minute then take all the time you need. It’s fine. I can even come hangout after I clock out later after next shift change. So you have someone to talk to.” Kotonoe was set in what she said, but her voice was soft as she looked at the broadcaster “Really, I don’t mind hanging around, I worry about the people I care about regardless, So long answer short, yeah, I think I still would like to have you as a boyfriend,” her tone was light and teasing before it faltered and she went to address the next topic. “Now if it was Kat who they were talking about, why would they be waiting so long after she had gone to say it?” She made some kind of effort to comfort her friend as she squeezed his hand tighter. She had noticed of course when he kissed her hand, and while her mind darted to that, she brushed it off given the current situation. “Let’s just think it over for a moment, try to calm down. If it was then maybe someone will explain it a bit better later?” Kotonoe looked around at the surrounding people, ignoring a few eyes that were on the duo, before finally she looked back to Mitsuru.
Kotonoe drank some more of her milkshake as she looked back at the broadcaster. “So, I’ll say it again. Yes, I would still like to have you as a boyfriend.” In some sense, while she did have a light tone of voice, there was an honest undertone to it before she shrugged. “But hey, maybe that’s just me.”
She sat quietly again, stomach settled now that there was food inside of it, and despite it all, a small smile had worked onto her face. Though, when she cast her gaze back to their hands she looked up at him to see if he wanted her to stop. She would if she was asked to of course. Her thoughts were cut only a moment later when she found something blocking her vision. His hat had fallen over her eyes, and she flicked her head up so that it would sit better again and she could see.
It was indeed weird to think that the others start talking about Kat after so much time again and Mitsuru couldn’t imagine why they should. It was not like there was something special today, or was it? No, he would remember that.  “You’re right, maybe I just overreacted. I mean, why should they”, he laughed slightly and let go of her hand for a moment to eat some more.  I moment passed untill the Broadcaster said another word.  “It might be maybe the best just to forget about all of that as soon as possible.”, he mumbled with a little smile before he took her hand again. Screw all the others who were watching them. He just wanted to feel comfy with Kotonoe. Actually, she managed it to calm him down like no other what also was kinda weird, but in a funny way~
Mitsuru blushed slightly when he heard her saying this and smiles widely at her. “That makes me really happy, and I can’t clearly explain why, but thank you~”, he said in a soft joyful voice and leaned back a little. “It really means a lot to me”, the man tried to hide it but he was blushing, enough to see it under the sunglasses. 
Watching Kotonoe flipping back the hat, he had to laugh. “It’s a little big for your small head I see”, he joked and watched it slipping down slightly down again. “Or it just doesn’t want to cooperate today, also an option. I think it slipped for me as well the whole morning but I can’t remember clearly.” He stretched a little and looked back at her, smiling.  
0 notes
nightmare starters
“Wake up! Wake up! It’s just a dream!” “What were you dreaming about…? You were shouting…” “I woke up because you were screaming so loudly.” “Shh– No, no, don’t panic, love. You’re safe now.” “It was so real! I swear! He/she was here!” “I don’t ever want to sleep again. What if– what if I dream about that again?” “If you tell me, it’ll go away. That’s what my mum/dad always told me and it’s never failed me.” “Do you want to go back to sleep, or shall I make you a cup of tea?” “I don’t want to go back to sleep…” “I’m so scared… I can’t stop seeing what I just saw. It was so vivid!” “There’s really nobody here, okay? Do you need me to show you around to prove that to you?” “How do I know I’m not still dreaming? You’re acting really strangely.” “Let’s get you to the shower, you’re covered in sweat.” “There’s really nobody else here.” “You’ve got a really bad fever. That must have caused those weird dreams.” “I don’t even know what a peaceful night’s sleep is like anymore.” “I can’t do this anymore. These nightmares have to stop…” “Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay? None of it was real.” “I can’t go back to sleep after that. I need coffee– no, I need a drink, a stiff one.” “How long have you been having these nightmares?” “I’ve had nightmares all my life, but they’ve been really bad recently.” “You get so worked up before you go to sleep, maybe you should try to relax a bit more. Maybe then you’ll get some rest?” “I’d kill for a peaceful night’s sleep.” “A dream catcher? Honestly? I’m not a child.” “Nothing’s ever helped this. I just need to learn to live with the fact that sleeping will always be a nightmare, literally.” “I’m so tired… but there’s no way I’m going back to sleep after that.”
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“You got me there”, Mitsuru was still smiling but his eyes couldn’t lie. Something was up with him, and it seemed like it wasn’t just the wounds he had. The broadcaster sighed and finally looked Jyugo in the eyes. “I really don’t want to bother you with my personal problems. But I can tell you that much: I met someone I really didn’t want to meet..” 
@nanbas-noise-problem continued from Here
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“Am I supposed to think that red stuff’s paint or something then?” Jyugo inquired, his voice laced with incredulity. “You sure, man? You don’t look fine to me, or sound it. Pretty sure you’re usually a lot louder.” Not that he knew the guard all that well or anything, but what he had seen was enough to tell him this guy was probably one hell of a loudmouth.
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“I’ll be fine...”, he asured her, trying his best smile but giving up fast. “Leaving wouldn’t change anything and I want to spend the time with you this afternoon. I just need a moment to calm down. That’s everything..”  He managed to stop himself from almost-crying and removes the sunglasses for a moment to rub over his eyes.  He breathes deeply, one time, two times, before the broadcaster felt confident enough to word his thoughts.  “The thing is just... if it really was Kat, what I believe, she had sex with someone. And I knew her well enough to know that she wouldn’t have a simple One-Night-Stand with someone. So either she found another boyfriend... Or she actually had something with Hajime... but I don’t get why she killed herself..”  His voice was shaking a little, but he managed to explain without starting to speed through the sentences or break out in tears again.  For a moment he looked down to his Sushi, quiet, then he took the milkshake to drink a little and then eating a bite or two to stop his stomach from its battlecry.  He felt bad for causing worries again and he carefully took Kotonoes hand and kissed it. Right now he really didn’t care if anyone would see them or wuld start to talk behind their backs.  Why should he even care. It was not like he was in a relationship with someone else and so he had no responsibilities.  “I am so sorry... I make you sad and worry again... Are you really sure you would ever have a boyfriend like me?” He laughed a little and this time, it sounded honest. 
The hummingbird guard chuckled and have him a small smile of reassurance. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be careful, alright?” She reasoned as she looked up at him, her eyes darting around for only a brief moment in an assessment of the surrounding area– even if she had been here many times, with a prankster on the lose you could never be very sure. While they were in line she tore her eyes away from the selection of sweets (after all, she came here for a coffee flavors milkshake) and looked over to the broadcaster. “Mitsuru?” She questioned, not finishing her sentence as she cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow. Pulling the last bit of what she was going to ask she finished the sentence: “are you okay?” She had to turn her head away however when she realized they were next to order, though she still wanted an answer from him. “Coffee milkshake, please.” She requested from the man behind the counter.
She took the milkshake in one hand and dug around in her pocket for her wallet, stopping and looking back at him with a surprised expression. “Honestly​, Mitsuru, just go find us a place to sit and go ahead and eat. I’m paying anyways.” She chided as she waved him off to the sitting area and pulled out her wallet. Setting her things on the counter she easily got her debit card and moved to pay for their food. Looking down at what she has to eat she felt her own stomach ready to growl again and she hurried away from the line before it could, popping a piece of sushi into her mouth before she had even gotten 3ft away from the counter, hopefully so her stomach would be briefly appeased. “You’re right, I am very happy that I don’t have to give them back.” She confirmed as she shot a coy smile to him, shrugging her shoulders to move the headphones since her hands were too full to tap on them. Her coy smile turned to that of a sincere one in seconds though.
Mitsuru needed a moment to answer. He nodded carefully before he looked back at her.  “I’lm fine”, he answered with a small smile. “Just heard something that felt… kinda strange to hear. But I bet it was just something not work related…”  That must be it. There was no way the guys were talking about some story he knew. He almost convinced himself that he was right with it, but suddenly he heard one of the guards behind him something about suicide and he felt how his stomach began to cramp up.  There was no way they were talking about the story with Kat and Hajime… That just couldn’t be..  For a few seconds he was unable to say something, then he just tried to laugh it off, what ended with a horrible, suffering noise.  “I’ll… tell you when we sit…”, he just whispered, holding his Sushi and the Milkshake he ordered.  He just knew Kotonoe noticed his change of behaviour. 
The broadcaster nodded again. “I’ll wait at the table”, he said and walked over, avoiding another trip wire he just saw, nodding down to it to warn the hummingbird guard.  At the table, he sat down and started to eat his Sushi before his stomach could cry again in hunger.  That felt soooooo good to finally eat something. Maybe Kotonoe was right and she should take a look at him from time to time so he ate enough.  He was really glad that she was around him today and even more that she enjoyed having his hat and the headphones so much. He felt really good when he saw her smiling. 
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Send "Tell Me Why You Love Me" and my Muse will answer.
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In Celebration of Father’s Day, ask my muse (or the mun) anything about his/her father.
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Mitsuru took a sip on his milkshake as well, before he finally found words to beging what was on his mind.  “You... remember the female guard I told you about before, right? The one that commited suicide?” he asked, looking at his Sushi. His voice was unusual quiet and shaky, and he obviously didn’t want anyone to hear about that.  “The guards behind us were talking about someone who commited suicide who used to work here... That was such a strange coincidence... But that’s not all... they said there was a letter found from that guard and that guard must be female because... “ The broadcaster needed a moment to breath. He tried to calm down but he was almost talking too fast to follow.  “... because in the letter was written that she was pregnant...”  Now that he actually said it, Mitsuru finally realized what that meant. If it was really about Kat, there were only two posibilities; Either she gave up on Hajime and ended up with someone else who got her pregnant, or she actually did sleep with Hajime, what would mean that he cared for her... Hajime wouldn’t sleep with someone he doesn’t like, Mitsuru knew that for a fact.  The black haired felt like there was no hope left and he fought with the tears once again this day, but couldn’t help it and so his eyes started getting wet again.  He couldn’t cry now. He wouldn’t want to make Kotonoe sad again... and he didn’t want her to worry. She did enough today.  “So... yeah...”, he couldn’t say more words before his fake smile was fading and he started to bite his ower lip.
The hummingbird guard chuckled and have him a small smile of reassurance. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be careful, alright?” She reasoned as she looked up at him, her eyes darting around for only a brief moment in an assessment of the surrounding area– even if she had been here many times, with a prankster on the lose you could never be very sure. While they were in line she tore her eyes away from the selection of sweets (after all, she came here for a coffee flavors milkshake) and looked over to the broadcaster. “Mitsuru?” She questioned, not finishing her sentence as she cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow. Pulling the last bit of what she was going to ask she finished the sentence: “are you okay?” She had to turn her head away however when she realized they were next to order, though she still wanted an answer from him. “Coffee milkshake, please.” She requested from the man behind the counter.
She took the milkshake in one hand and dug around in her pocket for her wallet, stopping and looking back at him with a surprised expression. “Honestly​, Mitsuru, just go find us a place to sit and go ahead and eat. I’m paying anyways.” She chided as she waved him off to the sitting area and pulled out her wallet. Setting her things on the counter she easily got her debit card and moved to pay for their food. Looking down at what she has to eat she felt her own stomach ready to growl again and she hurried away from the line before it could, popping a piece of sushi into her mouth before she had even gotten 3ft away from the counter, hopefully so her stomach would be briefly appeased. “You’re right, I am very happy that I don’t have to give them back.” She confirmed as she shot a coy smile to him, shrugging her shoulders to move the headphones since her hands were too full to tap on them. Her coy smile turned to that of a sincere one in seconds though.
Mitsuru needed a moment to answer. He nodded carefully before he looked back at her.  “I’lm fine”, he answered with a small smile. “Just heard something that felt… kinda strange to hear. But I bet it was just something not work related…”  That must be it. There was no way the guys were talking about some story he knew. He almost convinced himself that he was right with it, but suddenly he heard one of the guards behind him something about suicide and he felt how his stomach began to cramp up.  There was no way they were talking about the story with Kat and Hajime… That just couldn’t be..  For a few seconds he was unable to say something, then he just tried to laugh it off, what ended with a horrible, suffering noise.  “I’ll… tell you when we sit…”, he just whispered, holding his Sushi and the Milkshake he ordered.  He just knew Kotonoe noticed his change of behaviour. 
The broadcaster nodded again. “I’ll wait at the table”, he said and walked over, avoiding another trip wire he just saw, nodding down to it to warn the hummingbird guard.  At the table, he sat down and started to eat his Sushi before his stomach could cry again in hunger.  That felt soooooo good to finally eat something. Maybe Kotonoe was right and she should take a look at him from time to time so he ate enough.  He was really glad that she was around him today and even more that she enjoyed having his hat and the headphones so much. He felt really good when he saw her smiling. 
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“Blood? Are you bleeding?” (Hello, I hope you don't mind me sending something in ^_^")
Mitsuru looked away for a moment, hiding both, a black eye and a few cuts on his face and arm. “No, I’m not bleeding”, he lied fast before turning back to the inmate. “I’m perfectly fine. You shouldn’t worry about me, boy.” His voice sounded everything but fine. Something was up with the broadcaster, but he didn’t want to talk about it. Or he couldn’t... (Not at all, I’m really excited to write with new people ♥ ) 
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RP starters: Concern.
“It’s midnight, where the hell were you?!”
“Stop keeping your phone in silent, you got me worried!”
“Blood? Are you bleeding?”
“I don’t like the idea of you walking down the streets all alone.”
“I thought I would never see you again…”
“We should get you to hospital.”
“Where did all those bruises came from?”
“I have the right to be worried!”
“Have you been drinking? You look terrible.”
“Sleep at my place tonight.”
“I don’t feel safe letting you be alone when you’re in that shape.”
“Please talk to me about it.”
“Let me take care of you.”
“You need to rest now. Don’t move.”
“How many times have I told you to not go there?”
“You could’ve died, you know…”
“I don’t care if you don’t want my help, I’ll do it anyways.”
“You really need to stop drinking. I’m serious.”
“This time you got yourself into a hospital. I think that’s a sign.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“You need to stop doing stupid shit like that or you will get yourself killed.”
“I’m your friend, of course I care!”
“You know I’m always here for you, right?”
“You’re not okay.”
“I’m just trying to help you.”
“Let me clean your wounds…”
“Why did you do it? Tell me.”
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Hello hello everyone~ I’m Star. A couple friends have successfully dragged me into Nanbaka so here I am with a new RP/ask Blog for Jyugo. The blog’s still a bit of a wip, but if you’d be at all interested in interacting, a like or reblog to this post would be very much appreciated!
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The hummingbird guard chuckled and have him a small smile of reassurance. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be careful, alright?” She reasoned as she looked up at him, her eyes darting around for only a brief moment in an assessment of the surrounding area– even if she had been here many times, with a prankster on the lose you could never be very sure. While they were in line she tore her eyes away from the selection of sweets (after all, she came here for a coffee flavors milkshake) and looked over to the broadcaster. “Mitsuru?” She questioned, not finishing her sentence as she cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow. Pulling the last bit of what she was going to ask she finished the sentence: “are you okay?” She had to turn her head away however when she realized they were next to order, though she still wanted an answer from him. “Coffee milkshake, please.” She requested from the man behind the counter.
She took the milkshake in one hand and dug around in her pocket for her wallet, stopping and looking back at him with a surprised expression. “Honestly​, Mitsuru, just go find us a place to sit and go ahead and eat. I’m paying anyways.” She chided as she waved him off to the sitting area and pulled out her wallet. Setting her things on the counter she easily got her debit card and moved to pay for their food. Looking down at what she has to eat she felt her own stomach ready to growl again and she hurried away from the line before it could, popping a piece of sushi into her mouth before she had even gotten 3ft away from the counter, hopefully so her stomach would be briefly appeased. “You’re right, I am very happy that I don’t have to give them back.” She confirmed as she shot a coy smile to him, shrugging her shoulders to move the headphones since her hands were too full to tap on them. Her coy smile turned to that of a sincere one in seconds though.
Mitsuru needed a moment to answer. He nodded carefully before he looked back at her.  “I’lm fine”, he answered with a small smile. “Just heard something that felt... kinda strange to hear. But I bet it was just something not work related...”  That must be it. There was no way the guys were talking about some story he knew. He almost convinced himself that he was right with it, but suddenly he heard one of the guards behind him something about suicide and he felt how his stomach began to cramp up.  There was no way they were talking about the story with Kat and Hajime... That just couldn’t be..  For a few seconds he was unable to say something, then he just tried to laugh it off, what ended with a horrible, suffering noise.  “I’ll... tell you when we sit...”, he just whispered, holding his Sushi and the Milkshake he ordered.  He just knew Kotonoe noticed his change of behaviour. 
The broadcaster nodded again. “I’ll wait at the table”, he said and walked over, avoiding another trip wire he just saw, nodding down to it to warn the hummingbird guard.  At the table, he sat down and started to eat his Sushi before his stomach could cry again in hunger.  That felt soooooo good to finally eat something. Maybe Kotonoe was right and she should take a look at him from time to time so he ate enough.  He was really glad that she was around him today and even more that she enjoyed having his hat and the headphones so much. He felt really good when he saw her smiling. 
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