nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
With her comment, Crawford looked down at himself, hands held out slightly on either side. He didn’t understand the vision but, fuck, clearly he wasn’t the authority to ask on the situation. “Eh, well,” Crawford sighed with a shrug, tossing his jacket onto the bar to be forgotten. He went to lean against the bar top, getting comfortable again now that he had company he could relate to. Well, for the most part. “Thanks, Nance, I tried. Don’t think you need me to tell you that you look great but just in case, you do. Really.” He smiled at her, the smile looser than before after the drinks he’d had. And his eyes had flickered down, his teeth biting down against each other as he realized he’d eyed her chest before he’d quickly looked away to grab the bartender’s attention. “Uh, yea, they really went for it. Kinda figured it’d just be spiderwebs and cool lights but this is… yeah.”
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The tension that seemed to settle between Nancy and Crawford since their kissing only confirmed for her that the two of them should’ve never fallen victim to their desire in the first place. After all, he was someone that she’d only ever seen as a friend until that very moment. But, she found herself thinking about him more often than not. They came from two very different worlds and she knew that nothing between them would work. She craved something more than the physical, and if she was going to impress her grandparents back in Paris, she needed to ensure that the man she’d chosen was up tot heir standards. Taking a sip of her cocktail, something she’d never even attempted trying before tonight, she placed it on the counter top and looked away from Crawford immediately. A hint of rose was now coloring her cheeks and it upset her because she could feel the heat rising to her face. “I do appreciate the compliment. Thank you, Crawford.” she stated plainly, a loud clearing of her throat to follow as she turned in her set to avoid any direct eye contact with him. “I’ve only ever been here once before... but I do believe I’m accurate in stating that they’ve outdone themselves.”
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑 : @nancyartemisvon​ .
“I absolutely love your costume choice! Scooby Doo was one of my favorite shows growin’ up,” Mercy began as she took in the other’s red jumpsuit, “Now I’m curious .. How long did it take you to actually get in there? I ain’t ever wore an entire leather get up before, but I’ve heard it’s a struggle.”
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“My heavens, you are genuinely far too kind. I appreciate it.” Every day there was someone she’d encountered either for the first time, or simply the first time she could remember. Mercy was in fact a familiar face, but the two of them hadn’t spoken much until now. “Well, my assistant had to lather me up with some oil like substance and then it slipped right on.”
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
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Gabby only stared at Nancy for a moment, her eyebrows furrowed as she took in the body language before she gently reached over and grabbed her friend’s arms to tug them down. “You think I’ll ever let you go anywhere in public if you look like shit?” She asked, a smile starting to form on her lips. “I got you, Nance. Always. You know that, and I’m telling you right now, babe, that you look fucking fantastic. You’re literally so smoking hot right now, I want to open mouth kiss you in front of all these people and you bet your ass I’m not kidding,” Gabby said, shooting Nancy a pointed look before gently cupping her cheeks. “You’re fucking beautiful. You know I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t mean it, right? Now, do you need me to slap your ass too or are we good going in?” 
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Everyone absolutely needed a friend like Gabby. She kept it real, maybe even too real at times but Nancy appreciated it to much. The boost of confidence caused her to smile wide, clearing her throat as she peeked around to see who may have been looking in her direction. Not a single soul had ever seen her in something this revealing and now everyone in town was getting to gawk at her. She wasn’t sure if she enjoyed the new attention, or if she was completely grossed out because she knew she would never give most of these people the time of day in a normal setting. “I do truly appreciate you, Gabby. You are a divine confidant indeed.” she then motioned for them to move further inside, clearing her throat loudly. “We shall commence to the festivities of the night.”
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
closed starter for @nancyartemisvon​ 
Brandon was exploring the club, genuinely very surprised at how fucking big it was because it did not seem this big when he walked through the door with Lu a few hours ago. Every time he turned he felt like there were more weird and wonderful things happening. Everyone, or most people, at this point were pretty drunk or high and Bran was certainly the latter having not realised what was actually in those bowls until it was too late. He didn’t really care now though. Wandering around, it wasn’t long until he saw someone he knew that he hadn’t spoken to tonight. “Nance!” He called out with a wave as he crossed through a bunch of people until he was in front of her. “Hey, it’s me, Brandon,” he explained as if his pumpkin costume obscured his true identity or something.
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Nancy was carefully pacing herself with drinks throughout the night and hadn’t partaken in any of the edibles just to save herself the paranoia. Drugs were an issue in her family and the last thing she needed was to start her own unbreakable habit. There was a certain image attached to her, a class that people expected when hearing the name Nancy Artemis Von, and she planned to keep it that way. Hearing her name nearly caused her to drop her phone, eyes going wide ad she looked over at Brandon with a smile. “I am aware of who you are...” it dawning on her that the man appeared to be high the moment she looked him in the eyes. “Oh Heavens. Brandon, did you eat the candy?”
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
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Kamile glances towards the spider treat then over towards Nancy who is in a skin tight leather outfit. “I mean… I don’t see why not. I don’t think I’ve magically ripped a single thing I’ve worn because I ate something.” She furrows her brows in confusion, wondering if something like that actually happened. She reaches for the spider treat and breaks it in half, holding it out towards her. “Would it make you feel better if we shared?”
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Nancy just knows that if she partakes in the rather tempting treat in front of her, she’ll be thinking about how she looks in this damn outfit for the entire night. But, she also knows that she wants to enjoy herself, so she contemplates it in silence for a while. She even takes a sip of her own water while she thinks about it, fully aware that the sudden silence being muffled by loud music is probably awkward for Kamile as well. “Yeah.. sure..” she says, looking down at the treat once more.
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
CLUB ENVY HALLOWEEN PARTY w/ @nancyartemisvon​
Dilara leans against the bar, waiting for her drink when she notices Nancy walk towards her. She raises her fingers up towards her mouth, placing her index finger in one side and her thumb in the other as she lets out a loud whistle. “Damnnnn,” she laughs. “If you aren’t one of the top three winners I’m going to demand a recount, bestie.” She winks at her as she raises her hand up to the bartender to get their attention. “Take a shot with me?”
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Nancy places her phone down the moment she hears Dilara’s voice, the widest smile she’d been able to muster all night now permanently stuck on her face now. She covers her face with the laugh that follows her friends antics, but with a shake of her head she looks over at the larger than normal shot glasses. “I think there are many costumes that could win without a doubt... mine isn’t all that..” though she isn’t humble in many aspects, her looks are definitely one of them. “Okay okay... but just one..”
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
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It was a good thing Nancy had approached him at the beginning of the night, when he’d still been on his first drink, guard kept up amongst the chaotic nature of the party. Nancy’s way of speaking had begun to feel natural to him over the years, not a hint of hesitation in his reply as he spoke with a smile. “Thanks, Nancy, you look nice too.” Of course, he was still sober saying these words, still under the impression that the party wouldn’t be anything too out of the ordinary. “Yeah, it’s fun, don’t you think? There’s not very many nights where everyone gets to dress up like this.”
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Nancy was trying the whole being social thing. It’d dawned on her that she was a woman in her late twenties with maybe one or two friends around her age that she could relate to. In order to make herself forget about all of the absolutely morbid news she had to report, she would often watch mindless series to experience mental freedom. One of those shows was Sex and the City. Those women were all different, but they’d somehow built such a solid friendship. That was all she wanted. “I ought to have a word with Carmen for requesting that I wear something this ridiculous, but given the compliments... I believe that maybe she knew what she was doing..”
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
WITH: Nancy Von @nancyartemisvon​
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“Hi, sorry. Is this seat taken?“ Draven didn’t mean to interrupt the other, but the place was so crowded with people he was having a hard time finding a place to stand. He knew it was a party, and while most parties required constant standing, Draven wanted a break. So somehow he’d found a spot to sit and was sitting next to someone he didn’t quite recognize; however, that wasn’t a surprise considering he hadn’t been in town long. “Are parties around here always like this? Or do you guys just really go all out for Halloween?”
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Nancy’s eyes slowly moved their way over to the man who was speaking to her, a gentle smile playing on her lips out of general politeness. “Oh absolutely not. I believe my friend may have gone off to partake in one of her various.. rendezvous.” she joked, pushing a bottle of water toward the man in case he was looking to hydrate himself. “I am not one for loud gatherings usually, but I do hear that Hidehill absolutely knows how to throw a soiree.” Nancy was a little tipsy at this point, far more friendly than her normal self. She’d always had good manners, but outright keeping conversation with someone she’d only just met? That was new. “Nancy Von, and you are?” she asked with a tilt of her head, holding her hand out. 
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
LOCATION: club envy, at the bar CLOSED: @nancyartemisvon​
“Feel free to correct me but, you know, kind of expected more people to know what I am,” Crawford said, currently stripping himself of his jacket. That had been a poor choice in hindsight, considering the amount of bodies that were packed into the room. Now, with his button up half done, it might’ve been more clear. The tattoos he’d Sharpied on with Gabby’s help were holding up well, dusted over with some powder Crawford knew nothing about. “Have people not seen Memento?” It was a realization he hadn’t expected to come to. He’d seen the film at least twice before he’d even finished middle school. That and the Prestige. When football wasn’t on tv, his dad was usually watching something out of Nolan’s filmography.
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Nancy found herself sitting at the bar since she’d arrived. Not because she was throwing back drinks, absolutely not. But if she were sitting here, she didn’t have to be so deeply in the mix that she would make a run for it as soon as humanly possible. Crawford’s voice broke her attention from her cellphone, clearly checking on meetings she had the following Monday, sending email responses to those who were in other countries and had been speaking to her. Her phone was now placed face down on the bar top as she looked up at Crawford. “To be upfront with you, Crawford, I simply thought you were a Greaser. But not everyone has such a vast knowledge of cinema. I tend to enjoy the fine arts of Broadway and those alike. However, you do look quite dashing if that is of any meaning to you.” she then realized her cleavage was on full display while speaking to him, so she picked her drink up and strategically placed it in front of the exposed skin as if she was about to take a sip, but never did. “The decor in here is absolutely glorious. I would love to hire the team who did this for my seasonal holiday soirees.”
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
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𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐆𝐍𝐈𝐙𝐄𝐃 the brunette across the room, it was the fuckin’ lady from the news. Perhaps a bit general of a recognition, but it was enough for Luna to make some attempt at conversation. Adjusting the coat dangling over her shoulders, she made her way over to lean on the bar counter – a short distance away from the other woman. “Hey! Sick costume!” She called out as the party continued to heat up. There really were a lot of people in this town. “Velma, right?”
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Nancy was all around insecure in this whole getup, with each compliment directed her way she just wanted to shrivel up into a ball and run away at the nearest opportunity. Her hand resting on the bar, she looked over at Luna with a nervous grin and looked down at her latex-clad body. A few slow nods followed. “Why, thank you. You look rather ravishing yourself, darling.” bouncing the compliment back to hopefully take the focus off of herself. “Yes yes.. my assistant is somewhere around here dressed as Daphne. “I’m not quite sure the representation you’ve chosen to dawn for the night... but I do trust that you will inform me?”
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
w/ @gabbysantos​
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Nancy held her arms around her body in a slight bout of insecurity. It was wavering, the thoughts coming in and out of her mind about how terrible she may have looked in something so revealing. She rarely shoved her figure off and though she was aware how much she’d worked to have a nice body, there would always be the insecurities of being that nerdy girl in high school everyone made fun of. Even as she’d grown older, far removed from high school and coming up on her ten year reunion, she couldn’t help but feel awkward seeing a lot of those people. 
“If I looked dreadful you would inform me, right?” she asked her friend with her arms hugging around herself even more, letting out the gentlest of frustrated sighs. “I mean, you wouldn’t allow me to look completely foolish, right?”
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
w/ @jaelees​
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Someone she could always count on to be likely in the same mood as her when it came to large crowds was Jaehyun Lee. Though probably far more social than she would ever be, his generally relaxed energy helped her ease herself into these situations far easier. Making her way over to him with a smile, she tilted her head up and let out a gentle chuckle, pointing at him with a nod of approval. “You look rather neat if I must say so myself, Jae. Are you enjoying the evening’s festivities?” 
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
w/ @kamileozarslan​
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Looking at all of the options of Halloween themed food sitting in front of them, Nancy was at a loss for words. With a fear of bursting out of her outfit, she looked over at Kamile with a frown and let out the gentlest of sighs. She was naturally very soft spoke, so it was hard for her to be heard over all of the loud music. “Think I can eat the spider looking think without tearing this latex?” she turned to the other, inquiring with her lips poked out in the form of a pout. 
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
w/ @carmtos​
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This outfit was incredibly tight. Nancy was almost completely sure with one false move, she would bust out of it entirely. Her breasts were so tightly squeezed into it, she just knew that they would fuse into one altogether by the end of the night. When she had the idea of being Velma for Halloween, she did not at all think of the Leather version. She thought of the cute turtleneck and skirt. But Carmen had other plans for her and returned to the office with this.
“Carmen I don’t think I can quite consume anything in this outfit. It’s incredibly tight in areas I hadn’t even known fabric could go inside of. I might just release my dinner if I try to put anything in my mouth. Why did you think this was at all an acceptable idea?” she asked while adjusting the thick-rimmed glasses on her face and adjusting her hair’s pins slightly. 
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
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nancyavon story updates for Halloween Party!!
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
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nancyartemisvon ¡ 2 years
Nancy 📲 Carmen
Nancy: Please remove that meeting for tomorrow.
Nancy: Thank you, Carmen! You're the best.
Nancy: Instead, let's get lunch in Nashville tomorrow? On me, of course.
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