nancypants7 · 10 years
The first time you tell them your biggest, darkest secret and they listen and kiss you on the cheek and say thank you for telling them and you’re all, wait, why was I so worried about telling them ...
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nancypants7 · 10 years
Every once in a while – on very rare occasions – we meet the woman of our dreams.
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nancypants7 · 10 years
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How to scare your wife by Ellen DeGeneres
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nancypants7 · 10 years
My wish for you is a wonderful life, a life of gratitude, and unceasing hope.
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nancypants7 · 10 years
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nancypants7 · 10 years
You have to believe that you can because it is possible. It is possible to find another right person and to find him or her at the right point in your life. It’s happened to many and will happen to many more. I have to believe that it will happen for me just as you have to believe it will happen for you.
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nancypants7 · 10 years
This part is probably the worst. Knowing you aren’t that girl. Knowing you tried so, so hard to be that girl. You thought you could change him. You thought there was something in you that was enough for him to date you, even if you had to wait it out. And you were wrong. About him, about yourself. Every time, I would lose more and more confidence in myself. There has to be something wrong with me if they all kept leaving? There has to be something I’m doing backwards, something I messed up. I thought it was a puzzle I could solve if I only had all the pieces. If you have ever been this girl, you know what it’s like. The heart crushing feeling of knowing you’re not enough. The drop of your stomach seeing them together. The water in your eyes, or the unsteadiness of your voice when you tried to tell him how happy you were. You put on a show because there’s nothing else you know to do. It will be your turn, one day it’ll be your turn to be that girl. Well I’m still waiting. I don’t know if it’ll ever be my turn. But the difference now is I don’t mind. I have been crushed, mostly by my own thoughts and heart, and I have come back around time and time again. And if being the girl no one wants has taught me one thing…it’s okay. Being yourself, being able to be by yourself, is a better love story than any man who doesn’t want to be with you. I’m sure he’ll come, and if he doesn’t I’m fine with that too. I know who I am, and I know what I want, and I refuse to settle for something less than that. The “almost” girl is a tough role, one I hope you never have to play. But if you do, know someone has made it out alive, and you will too. It’s okay.
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nancypants7 · 10 years
Girls have a tendency to imagine a future with men they are interested in. All of this imagining builds someone up way more than what the realistic situation turns out to be. Dreaming about someone is fun, but unless he is showing up in real life, it’s time to let it go
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nancypants7 · 10 years
With the right man he’ll find things about you that you’ve never noticed before; like the way you scrunch your face when you look in the mirror or the way you sound when you’re about to eat after a...
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nancypants7 · 10 years
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nancypants7 · 10 years
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nancypants7 · 10 years
Meet him young, at a time when you’re not old enough to realize how precious he is.
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nancypants7 · 11 years
9. A woman takes the time to reflect on the type of human she wants to be, the example she wants to leave and the vision for her life. She has put thought into her values and what she stands for. A girl has not established her moral compass or values and consequently, is often inconsistent. “After spending time with a girl, you feel exhausted because she takes more than she gives. After spending time with a woman, you feel invigorated, because she empowers you with possibility, and a passion for life.” – N. Mah
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nancypants7 · 11 years
Real, authentic beauty radiates from the inside – it’s a mixture of confidence, self-respect, values, intelligence, heart and spirit.
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nancypants7 · 11 years
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nancypants7 · 11 years
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nancypants7 · 11 years
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Columbia Contemplation by John Williams
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