nandinikatariasara · 2 months
What Do I and my Family in Gaza Matter Anyway?!
The heartwarming solidarity we Gazans get in such difficult times is medicine for our sick broken hearts. Do NOT underestimate the positive influence of your gestures of kindness and hearty good wishes that you offer Gazans during this genocidal war.
In pursuing our inherent rights to freedom, dignity, self-determination, and sovereignty, we need every gesture of support from the free world. Please, choose to be on the right side of history. Choose to stand with the helpless victimized people living in the harshest conditions imaginable in the biggest open-air prison in the world: Gaza.
Now, more than 9 months have passed since the frenzied war, and we are living with the worst types of torture and genocide. I do not know what to do for my sick mother. The doctor told me that she must have a heart operation as quickly as possible, which cannot be performed in the Gaza Strip because of the current crisis. I do not know what to do for my children who They cry all night and day from their fear and hunger, why?? We are humans, for how long??
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@ibtisams-blog @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @7amaspayrollmanager @fairuzfan @fallahifag @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-lindigo @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @ghost-and-a-half @7amaspayrollmanager @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnota @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies @the-stray-liger @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl
Please help me achieve my goal by sharing my story, donating, and reblogging.
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nandinikatariasara · 1 year
Gofundme since my mom stole all my grandpa’s money instead of paying our bills for like a year & a half! Me, my 3 little siblings, & my grandpa will be homeless if we cannot raise this money!
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^ me when I was very young, thumbsucking in the living room and my brother when he was even younger, gamecubing in the same living room surrounded by our toys
Short story for those who have not seen the liveblogging as this has unfolded: my grandma died November 2021, responsibility for handling my grandpa’s & disabled uncle’s finances was handed over to my mom. She developed a serious gambling addiction and stole all of their money. My grandpa’s retirement check & my uncle’s disability payments, loans in their names, maxing out their credit cards. She has not paid a single one of our bills in several months, and didn’t tell us until recently when the house people called her & threatened foreclosure. The house is over $6000 past due. Mom swore to help catch up the payments but so far has fallen through on every promise, and threatened to kill herself sooo. Not expecting much.
I can’t post a lot of pics for my family’s privacy but this is thee only real home we have ever had. My grandma is buried in the backyard. My dog is buried in the yard. Not to be dramatically Native American but the gigantic tree my great x3 grandmother planted, which every generation has gathered & played under since, is in this yard. We NEVER imagined this house would ever leave our family. Ma nanka nei- I belong here, and I’m so afraid to leave.
Pila’huk (THANK U) - if you dislike gfm I am heartemojie on cashapp + venmo and @13thead on paypal, please include a note that it is for the house if you can. ANYTHING helps
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nandinikatariasara · 1 year
Please Help A Black Lesbian pay her bills!
My last post didn’t get notice much so I’m redoing this.I’m crowdfunding for $500 dollars. I owe my roommate 450 dollars for rent and need to afford my own food. They keep cutting my hours down to 25 hours a week. I hate to say this but I think they are going to let me go. I’m in the process of looking for another job that can give me 40 hrs a week. Please help a black girl out. I’m praying that this is the last time I have to ask for help.
cashapp - $pinkskyxoxo
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nandinikatariasara · 1 year
yo im supposed to be getting out of the hospital tomorrow and i need $ for groceries, my storage bill, and some additional dresses to wear since i cant wear pants w my catheter
longer post explaining my situation here, or u can check my blog
pp, vnmo, and $app are all "asteronauts" w a bunny icon! thanks 💜
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
As soon as the doors of the city’s art exhibition opened, the people began to swarm in. They were buzzing with excitement, eager to see the latest works of art from the best artists in the world. Among the paintings on display was a particularly captivating piece that seemed to draw people towards it like a magnet.
The painting was called "The Storm," and it depicted a wild, tumultuous sea with waves crashing against rocks in the distance. The painter, a young and talented artist named Emily, had spent months creating it, pouring all of her passion and creativity into every brushstroke. Each stroke was meticulous, purposeful and contributing to the beauty of the piece.
It was her first major exhibition, and she was thrilled to see so many people admiring her work.
As the day went on, Emily watched as people from all walks of life came to see her painting. Some stood in front of it for minutes, silently taking it all in. Others were more vocal, murmuring compliments and admiring its vivid colors and striking composition. A few even took out their phones to snap pictures of it, sharing it with their friends on social media.
But not everyone was pleased with the painting. One older man shook his head disapprovingly as he looked at it. "This is not art," he said to his companion. "It's just a bunch of colors splattered on a canvas."
Emily overheard the man's comment and felt her heart sink. She had put so much effort into the painting, pouring her soul into it. How could someone dismiss it so easily?
But just as Emily was about to give up hope, she heard another voice. It was a little girl, no more than five or six years old, who was looking at "The Storm" with wide eyes. "Mommy, look!" she said. "The sea is so big! It looks like it's going to swallow us up!"
The mother smiled down at her daughter, then turned to Emily. "Your painting is amazing," she said. "It's like we're really there, in the middle of the storm."
Emily's spirits lifted as she watched the little girl stare at her painting in wonder. That's what art was all about, she realized: making people feel something, connecting with them on an emotional level. The man who had dismissed her painting didn't matter; he didn't understand what it was all about.
As the day wore on, Emily watched as more and more people came to admire her painting. Some were critical, but most were full of praise and admiration. And through it all, Emily stood back, a quiet observer, watching as her creation came to life and touched the hearts of those who saw it.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
The blonde sat on the bench, tightening her count around her self before nursing her steaming cup of coffee, watching the people passing by. She had always enjoyed people-watching, observing the strangers who walked by and trying to imagine their stories. It was a way for her to escape from her own life and enter into the lives of others, even if only for a few moments. It was calming, knowing how many lives were unfolding around her.
The first person to catch her attention was a young mother pushing a stroller. The woman's hair was in a messy bun, and she had dark circles under her eyes. The girl on the bench could sense the exhaustion in her body language, and she imagined that the baby must be keeping her up all night. But despite her fatigue, the mother had a look of contentment on her face as she smiled down at her child.
Next, a group of teenagers walked by, laughing and joking with each other. They were dressed in the latest fashion, with designer bags slung over their shoulders. The girl on the bench couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as she watched them, imagining a life where she had the confidence to dress like them and move through the world with such ease.
As the sun began to set, a couple walked by, hand in hand. They looked like they were on a first date, with nervous smiles and hesitant steps. The girl on the bench felt a sense of nostalgia as she remembered her own first dates, the excitement and the uncertainty.
Finally, an old man walked by, hunched over and moving slowly with the aid of a cane. He stopped in front of the bench, and the girl on the bench looked up at him. His eyes were filled with wisdom and experience, and she wondered what stories he had to tell. He caught her gaze and smiled, nodding his head in acknowledgement before continuing on his way.
The girl on the bench sat there for a few more moments, taking in the scene around her. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, as if the act of observing others had given her a new perspective on her own life. And as she got up to leave, she made a silent promise to herself to always take the time to appreciate the beauty in the world, even in the most unexpected places.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
Belladonna was known to the world as one of the most notorious serial killers of all time. Her name alone struck fear into the hearts of those who knew of her crimes. Belladonna was as poisonous as her name sake. She was a master of deception, charming and manipulative, luring her victims in with ease before mercilessly taking their lives.
No one knew her true identity or her motives for killing. Some speculated that she was motivated by revenge, while others believed she was simply insane. But one thing was certain - she was a master of disguises, blending in with her surroundings and never leaving a trace behind.
The police had been chasing Belladonna for years, but she always seemed to be one step ahead of them. She would strike in one city and then disappear, only to resurface in another location months later. Her victims were often found with a single white flower in their hand, a calling card that left investigators puzzled.
Despite their efforts, the police could never catch Belladonna. But one detective, John, was determined to bring her to justice. He had been tracking her movements for years, studying every detail of her crimes, and he knew that she was hiding in plain sight.
One day, John received a tip-off about a woman matching Belladonna's description working at a flower shop. He knew it was a long shot, but he decided to investigate. He went undercover, posing as a customer and struck up a conversation with the woman, who introduced herself as Bella.
As they talked, John began to sense that something was off about Bella. Her mannerisms, her speech patterns, and even the way she held herself all seemed to match the profile of Belladonna. He kept his cool, continuing to chat with her while discreetly gathering evidence.
Finally, he had enough to make an arrest. He revealed his true identity to Bella, who tried to deny any involvement in the murders. But John was relentless, and he had the evidence to back up his claims.
Belladonna was sentenced to life in prison for her crimes. In court, she showed no remorse for her actions, simply staring blankly ahead as the judge read out her sentence. John felt a sense of relief knowing that she would never be able to harm anyone again.
But even as Belladonna was taken away, John couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that there were likely other serial killers out there, just as cunning and deadly as Belladonna. He vowed to continue his work, to bring justice to those who had been wronged, and to ensure that no one else fell victim to the likes of Belladonna.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
Once upon a time, there was a villain named Max. Max was a notorious criminal, feared and despised by all who knew him. He had a reputation for stealing priceless treasures, causing chaos, and generally being a thorn in the side of law enforcement.
One day, Max was on the run from the police. He had just completed a daring heist and was trying to make his escape when he saw a hero approaching him. This hero, who went by the name of Blaze, was a rookie in the superhero world and had been chasing Max for weeks.
Max was confident that he could outsmart Blaze, but as he turned to run, he tripped over a curb and fell headfirst into a nearby garbage bin. Before he knew it, Blaze had swooped in and scooped him up in his arms.
"What's going on here?" demanded Max. "Let me go, you idiot!"
Blaze, who was still new to the superhero game, had no idea what he was doing. He had just assumed that Max was a helpless victim and had grabbed him without thinking. Now that he had Max in his arms, he didn't know what to do next.
As he carried Max away, the villain realized that he might be able to use this situation to his advantage. He pretended to be scared and helpless, hoping that Blaze would let his guard down.
"Please, let me go," he whined, putting on a fearful face. "I don't want to be kidnapped!"
Blaze, feeling guilty for what he had done, set Max down on the ground. "I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to kidnap you. I thought you were in danger."
Max grinned to himself. This was going better than he had expected. He decided to play along and act like a victim, hoping that Blaze would take him to safety.
"Thank you," he said, pretending to be relieved. "I don't know what I would have done without you. Please, take me somewhere safe."
Blaze nodded and took Max to his hideout, where he gave him food and shelter. Max pretended to be grateful, but all the while he was plotting his next move. He knew that he could use Blaze's naivety to his advantage and perhaps even turn him to the dark side.
Days turned into weeks, and Max continued to stay with Blaze, pretending to be his friend. Blaze had no idea that Max was a criminal, and Max was careful to hide his true intentions. But little did Max know, Blaze was slowly starting to catch on. He began to suspect that Max was not who he claimed to be.
One day, as Max was about to make his escape, Blaze confronted him.
"I know who you really are," he said. "You're a criminal, aren't you?"
Max was caught off guard. He hadn't expected Blaze to figure it out so quickly.
"Yes," he admitted. "I'm a villain. But I can change, Blaze. Please, don't turn me in."
Blaze considered Max's words. He knew that Max had done some terrible things, but he also saw a glimmer of hope in him. He decided to give Max a chance to redeem himself.
"Okay," he said. "I won't turn you in. But you have to promise me that you'll change your ways and try to do some good in the world."
Max nodded, grateful for Blaze's mercy. From that day forward, he worked to turn his life around, using his skills to help people instead of hurting them. He had been kidnapped by a hero, but in the end, it was the hero who had shown him the way to redemption.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
Max had been crushing on his classmate, Jake, for months. They had grown close over the school year, bonding over their shared love of video games and sci-fi movies. Max had finally mustered the courage to ask Jake out on a date, and he was both excited and nervous about what would happen.
The day of the date arrived, and Max spent hours getting ready. He tried on multiple outfits, fussing with his hair, and practicing what he would say in the mirror. He wanted everything to be perfect, but he couldn't shake the feeling of butterflies in his stomach.
As he walked to the coffee shop where they had agreed to meet, Max's heart was pounding in his chest. He could see Jake standing outside, looking handsome as ever. Max's nerves got the best of him, and he almost turned back around, but he took a deep breath and walked over to him.
"Hey, Jake," Max said, trying to sound confident.
“Max, hey," Jake replied with a radiant smile. "You look great."
Max felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Thanks," he said, feeling a little more at ease.
The two boys entered the coffee shop and ordered their drinks. Max tried to keep the conversation flowing, but he was acutely aware of every move he made. He felt self-conscious, wondering if Jake could tell how nervous he was.
As they sat down at a table, Max's mind was racing with thoughts. What if Jake doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm boring? But as they started to chat, Max felt his worries fade away. Jake was engaging and kind, and Max found himself drawn into the conversation.
The date went by in a blur, and before Max knew it, it was time to say goodbye. He felt a pang of disappointment that it was over so soon, but he was grateful for the time he had spent with Jake.
"Thanks for coming out with me," Max said, smiling nervously.
"No, thank you," Jake replied, returning the smile. "I had a great time."
As they parted ways, Max's heart was full of hope. He knew that he had taken a big step by asking Jake out, and he was proud of himself for having the courage to go through with it. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew that he had given it his best shot.
And as he walked home, Max knew one thing for sure: he was falling for Jake more and more each day, and he wouldn't let his nerves stop him from pursuing what could be the greatest love of his life.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
Mark had always been a runner. From a young age, he had found solace in the rhythmic pounding of his feet on the pavement, the rush of air in his lungs, and the sense of freedom that came with every stride. Running was his escape, his therapy, his way of clearing his mind and finding peace in a chaotic world.
But one day, everything changed. Mark was out for his usual morning run when he stumbled on a loose rock and twisted his ankle. He fell to the ground, clutching his ankle. Blinding pain shot from his ankle, pulsing. He knew right away that it was bad.
Mark went to the hospital and was told that he had broken his ankle. The doctors said he would need surgery and would be unable to run for several months while he healed. Mark was devastated. Running was his lifeline, and now it was being taken away from him.
The first few days were the worst. Mark felt lost and aimless, unable to do the one thing that had always brought him joy. He tried to distract himself with other activities, but nothing felt quite the same. He missed the feeling of the wind in his hair, the burn in his muscles, and the sense of accomplishment that came with every mile.
As the weeks went by, Mark began to sink into a deep depression. He felt like he had lost a part of himself, and he couldn't shake the feeling of sadness that hung over him like a dark cloud. He missed his daily runs and the sense of purpose they gave him.
But one day, something shifted. Mark was sitting on his couch, feeling sorry for himself, when he had a sudden realization. Running wasn't just about the physical act of putting one foot in front of the other. It was about the mental and emotional benefits it provided him. It was about the sense of accomplishment, the release of stress, and the clarity of mind that came from pushing himself to his limits.
With this newfound understanding, Mark began to focus on the things he could still do. He started doing yoga to keep his body limber, and he spent time meditating to calm his mind. He began to realize that running was just one way to find solace, and that there were many other paths he could take to find the same sense of peace.
Over time, Mark's ankle healed, and he was able to start running again. But this time, he did it with a newfound appreciation for the mental and emotional benefits of the sport. He knew that even if he were to break his ankle again, he would find a way to continue finding solace in other activities. Because in the end, it wasn't about the running itself, but about the peace it brought him.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
Anna had always been an adventurous girl. She loved exploring new places and trying out different activities. So when her friends invited her for a trekking trip to a nearby mountain range, she eagerly accepted the invitation.
The trek started out well. The group followed a well-defined trail that led them through forests and over hills. Anna was having a great time, enjoying the fresh air and the breathtaking views. But as they reached a higher altitude, the trail became less defined. The group started to split up, each person going at their own pace.
Anna was walking alone, taking her time and enjoying the scenery, when she realized that she had lost track of the others. She tried calling out to them, but there was no response. Panic began to set in as she realized that she was lost.
Anna looked around, trying to get her bearings. She couldn't see any familiar landmarks, and the terrain was rocky and unfamiliar. She knew she had to stay calm and think logically. She looked at her map and tried to determine where she was, but it was of little help. The landscape was different from what she had seen in the map.
Anna realized that she needed to find her way back to the trail. She retraced her steps and tried to find any signs that would lead her in the right direction. But the further she went, the more lost she felt. She started to feel scared and alone, and the mountain seemed to grow bigger and more ominous with each passing moment.
As the sun began to set, Anna knew that she had to find shelter for the night. She searched for a place to set up camp, finally finding a small cave that offered some protection from the elements. She made a fire, ate some food, and tried to keep warm. But she couldn't shake off the feeling of being lost and alone.
The night passed slowly, with Anna barely sleeping. She woke up early the next morning and continued her search. She walked for hours, feeling tired and hungry. Just when she thought she would never find her way back, she saw a faint trail in the distance. She followed it and finally reached the main trail, where she found her friends waiting for her.
Anna was exhausted, but she was also relieved and grateful. She had learned a valuable lesson about the importance of being prepared and staying calm in difficult situations. She knew that she would never forget the experience and that it would make her a stronger and more resilient person in the future.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
Sophia had always felt different from the other kids at her school. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she knew that something about her was not quite the same as everyone else. Maybe it was the colour of her skin, darker than that of her classmates, or it was her hair, a vibrant pink. Instead of black, blonde or brown, or maybe it was even the way she wore her uniform. She could never put her finger on it, at least, not until she developed her first crush. On a girl.
The other girl's name was Emily, and Sophia had admired her from afar for years. Emily was kind, funny, and smart, with a smile that could light up a room. Sophia had never told anyone about her feelings, not even her closest friends. She was afraid of what people might say, of the judgment and ridicule that she knew often came with being gay.
But as Sophia got older, she began to realize that she couldn't keep her feelings bottled up forever. She wanted to be true to herself, to express her love for Emily in the way that she knew she felt it.
One day, Sophia decided to take a chance. She invited Emily over to her house after school, under the pretense of studying for an upcoming test. As they sat at the kitchen table, Sophia took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to tell Emily how she felt.
"Emily, I know this might be weird, but I just wanted to tell you that I really like you. Like, more than just a friend," Sophia said, her voice shaking.
Emily looked surprised but not repulsed. "Sophia, I had no idea. I'm not sure what to say, except that I'm flattered. But I don't feel the same way."
Sophia felt a wave of disappointment wash over her, but she was also relieved that Emily hadn't reacted badly. They talked for a while longer, and Sophia realized that even though Emily couldn't return her feelings, it didn't change how much she valued their friendship.
As Sophia grew more comfortable in her own skin, she began to come out to more people in her life. Some were supportive, and some were not, but Sophia knew that she was doing what was right for her. She continued to admire Emily from afar, but she also began to see other girls in a different light. She realized that being gay was just one part of who she was, and that it didn't define her as a person.
Years later, Sophia looked back on that moment in her kitchen with Emily and smiled. She was proud of herself for taking the risk, for being true to her heart, and for learning to love and accept herself for who she was. And even though her crush on Emily had never turned into anything more, she knew that it had been a pivotal moment in her journey towards self-discovery and self-love.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
In the heart of the forest, there lived a witch named Aria. She spent her days communing with nature, gathering herbs and roots, and practicing her craft, weaving magic into all of her work. Aria was content with her solitary life, and she never expected to encounter anyone else in the woods.
One day, as she was walking along a path, Aria heard a faint voice calling out to her. She looked around but saw no one in sight. The voice persisted, and Aria realized that it was coming from a small bird perched on a nearby tree.
"Hello, little one," she said softly. "What brings you to me?"
To her amazement, the bird replied, "I have been sent to guide you, Aria. I have a message for you from the spirits of the forest."
Aria was stunned. She had never heard of a talking bird before, let alone one that could deliver messages from the spirits. She listened intently as the bird spoke.
"The spirits have seen your good deeds and your reverence for nature," said the bird. "They have deemed you worthy of a gift, and they have sent me to show you the way."
Aria was skeptical but intrigued. She followed the bird as it led her deep into the woods. The journey was long and treacherous, but Aria kept her faith in the spirits and in the talking bird.
Finally, they arrived at a clearing in the forest. In the center of the clearing stood a majestic tree, its leaves shimmering in the sunlight. The bird flew to the tree and perched on one of its branches.
"This is your gift, Aria," said the bird. "The tree will grant you the power to heal the sick and the injured. Use it wisely, and always remember the spirits who have bestowed this gift upon you."
Aria was overwhelmed with gratitude. She thanked the bird and the spirits and made a vow to use her new gift for the greater good.
From that day on, Aria became known as the forest witch who could heal any ailment. People came from far and wide to seek her help, and Aria used her power to alleviate their pain and suffering.
And whenever she needed guidance or wisdom, Aria would seek out the talking bird, who had become her loyal companion and friend. Together, they roamed the woods, spreading kindness and magic wherever they went.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
The book on the table was cracked open, pages pinned to the chapter on the animagus form by magic paperweights.
One such Animagus was a young wizard named Timothy, who had always been fascinated by the animal world. As a child, he spent hours watching birds, squirrels, and other creatures in his backyard, and he dreamed of being able to experience their world firsthand.
When he received his letter to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Timothy was overjoyed. He knew that Hogwarts had a long history of producing skilled Animagi, and he was determined to become one of them.
Over the next few years, Timothy studied diligently, pouring over books on magical creatures and practicing his wandwork. It wasn't easy, and there were times when he felt like giving up, but he persevered, driven by his love for animals and his desire to master this rare form of magic.
Finally, after years of hard work, Timothy succeeded in transforming into his animal form for the first time. He was a sleek and nimble black panther, with sharp claws and piercing green eyes. As he roamed the Hogwarts grounds in his new form, he felt a sense of freedom and power that he had never experienced before.
From that day on, Timothy would often transform into his panther form, exploring the Forbidden Forest and observing the other creatures that called it home. He became known as one of the most skilled Animagi in Hogwarts history, and his knowledge of magical creatures was unmatched.
Years after he graduated, Timothy went on to become a respected scholar of magical creatures, using his knowledge and skills to protect and study the many creatures of the wizarding world. But he never forgot the thrill of transforming into his panther form, and he would often return to the Forbidden Forest to roam and hunt, feeling more alive and free than he ever had before.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
Jeremy was a successful businessman who had worked hard to get where he was. He had started from the bottom, working long hours and sacrificing his personal life to climb the corporate ladder. But all his hard work had paid off, and now he was the CEO of a large company.
Despite his success, Jeremy felt like something was missing from his life. He had become so focused on his career that he had neglected his family and friends. He realized that he had no real connection with anyone, and that his success had come at a great cost.
One day, Jeremy was walking through the city when he saw a homeless man sitting on the street corner. He was dirty, disheveled, and looked like he had not eaten in days. Jeremy felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He had never really given much thought to the homeless, seeing them only as a problem that needed to be solved.
But something about the man's eyes caught his attention. They were filled with a kind of wisdom and resilience that Jeremy had never seen before. He felt drawn to the man, as if he had something important to teach him.
Jeremy approached the man and asked him if he needed any help. The man looked up at him, and Jeremy saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "You're Jeremy, the businessman," the man said.
Jeremy was surprised. "How did you know my name?"
"I used to work in the same building as you," the man replied, somber. "But I lost my job, and everything else along with it."
Jeremy felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He had never really given much thought to the people who worked behind the scenes, seeing them only as a means to an end.
"I'm sorry," he said, voice subdued. "I had no idea."
The man looked at him kindly. "It's okay," he said. "You have a chance to make things right. Don't waste it."
Jeremy nodded, feeling a sense of humility that he had never felt before. He realized that his success had blinded him to the world around him, and that he needed to change his priorities. He took the man's words to heart, and from that day on, he made a commitment to himself to be more present in his personal life, and to give back to those who had helped him along the way.
In the end, Jeremy found that true success was not measured by wealth or power, but by the connections he had with the people he loved. And he knew that he had the homeless man to thank for showing him the way.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
Melanie Pinks was a rising star in the music industry, known for her unique voice and captivating stage presence. She had always been passionate about singing, ever since she was a little girl, and she had worked tirelessly to make her dream a reality, even when it wasn’t easy.
Growing up in a small town, Melanie knew that making it as a singer would be a challenge. But never wore her down, no matter what teachers would say about her career choices, or any well meaning adults would try to advice her about. She wrote, and sang, and performed wherever she could, whenever she could. She would urge people to come to places she played and participated to each and every music related competition. Eventually, Melanie's hard work paid off. The girl was noticed by a famous producer, who noticed Melanie’s talent and unique voice, didn’t hesitate to offer her the opportunity of a lifetime : a signing with the record label.
Melanie found herself constantly in the public eye, with paparazzi following her every move. She struggled with the pressure to always look and act perfect, and she began to feel like she was losing touch with who she really was.One day, Melanie decided that she needed a break from the spotlight. She went back to her hometown and took some time to reflect on her life and her music.
She realized that she had been so focused on fame and success that she had forgotten why she had started singing in the first place.So, Melanie though long and hard, about the person she used to be, the person she had become, and the person she wanted to evolve into, and eventually made a hard decision. She would start over, this time on her own terms. She started writing music that was true to her heart, without worrying about what others might think. She took control of her image, choosing clothes and hairstyles that made her feel comfortable and confident. And she made a promise to herself to never forget why she had started singing in the first place.
Slowly but surely, Melanie began to regain her love for music. She started performing at local venues again, and her fans followed her wherever she went. She released a new album that was praised for its honesty and authenticity, and she won over even more fans with her down-to-earth personality and genuine love for her craft.
Today, Melanie Pinks is a respected singer and songwriter, known for her unique voice and her dedication to her art. She continues to inspire others with her music, proving that success is not just about fame and fortune, but about staying true to yourself and your dreams.
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nandinikatariasara · 2 years
Phoebe and Rachel had been best friends since they first met in Perenelle’s Place, the coffee shop where Rachel worked and Phoebe played her guitar. They had been through thick and thin together, supporting each other through breakups, job changes, and family drama. They were two peas in a pod, and they knew each other better than anyone else.
One day, Rachel was feeling down. She had just gone through a tough breakup and was struggling to find her footing again. Phoebe could tell that her friend needed a pick-me-up, so she suggested they go on a road trip.
"Where are we going?" asked Rachel, with a tilt of her head.
"I don't know yet," replied Phoebe with a mischievous grin. "We'll just drive until we find somewhere that feels right."
So, the two friends hopped in Phoebe's beat-up old car and set off on their adventure. They drove for hours, singing along to Phoebe's guitar and stopping at roadside diners for snacks. As they traveled further away from the city, Rachel began to relax and let go of her worries. She felt free and alive, and she knew that Phoebe was the perfect companion for this journey.
Finally, they arrived at a small town nestled in the mountains. It was a picturesque place, with wooden cabins, snow-capped peaks, and a clear blue lake. Phoebe parked the car and turned to Rachel.
"Well, what do you think?" she asked.
Rachel gazed around, taking in the beauty of the place. "It's perfect," she said with a smile.
The two friends spent the next few days exploring the town and enjoying its natural wonders. They hiked in the mountains, swam in the lake, and even went horseback riding. Rachel felt like she was living in a dream, and she knew that this trip was exactly what she needed to get her life back on track.
As they sat by the campfire one night, Phoebe turned to Rachel and said, "You know, Rach, I'm so glad we did this. You needed to get away and just be in the moment. I'm always here for you, no matter what."
Rachel smiled. "I know you are, Pheebs. You're my best friend in the whole world."
And with that, the two friends hugged each other tightly, knowing that their bond would only grow stronger with time. They had taken a leap of faith, and it had led them to a place of peace and happiness. And that, they knew, was the power of true friendship.
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