naniseo · 2 years
The Benefits of Cloud Computing You Didn't Know You Needed
Cloud computing has been around for several years now, but it’s still new to many people. As technology continues to advance, the way in which we store information becomes more and more important, and cloud computing makes that process simple and easy to do on a day-to-day basis. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of cloud computing that you may not have known about yet, or that you simply hadn’t taken the time to consider yet.
5 Advantages of Cloud Computing
1. Affordable- On the off chance that you are starting a business and need to buy hardware, the cost is likely to be prohibitive. In the event that you utilize a cloud service, they will offer you equipment and software licenses, so your costs will be considerably lower. 
 2. Scalability- The best advantage of utilizing the cloud is scalability--you can start with a small server and without much exertion increase it as your business develops. 
 3. Agility- With cloud computing, you don’t have to purchase new hardware when new innovation arrives on the market; instead, you can just switch from one supplier's gear to another's as per your requirements. 
 4. Flexibility- A world-class IT provider may not have a data center in your area or nearby office, however having them for back up assurance would enable every one of your most important assets and data in case anything happens at your facility.
Ease Of Use
One of the best features of cloud computing is how easy it is to use. There's no need to worry about installation or programming, as everything is done through a browser-based interface. It doesn't matter what device you're using, either - the information will always be synced up and available on all your devices with just a few clicks. And if you're ever not sure what to do next, there are plenty of tutorials available online. Plus, if anything goes wrong in the middle of any process, then the system will usually automatically resume where it left off once things have been fixed. Not only does this keep your data safe from corruption but also saves time spent troubleshooting problems that could happen. Cloud services don't require lengthy set up times or other barriers to entry, so they can be used by anyone at any time.
Cloud data centers are guarded by security measures that include video monitoring, motion detection and biometric authentication. This means that your data is safeguarded from theft, fire or natural disasters. Moreover, the infrastructure for cloud computing is often located in a remote location away from major population centers and this reduces the chances of outages during an emergency. There are also built-in redundancy features to ensure continued service should a facility suffer damage. Should you ever need to use any stored files remotely, you can use any computer with internet access as long as it has a compatible browser. With some companies, if you have lost your password or forgot it then they will reset it so that you can continue using their services. Your documents don’t require constant maintenance because file versions are automatically saved every few seconds. If there’s no network connection available then you can still view your files offline on their devices until connectivity is restored.
Cloud computing has been around for a few years now and is quickly becoming the preferred technology for businesses. In this guide, we will discuss the benefits of cloud computing that you may not know about. The first benefit is sustainability. Cloud computing servers use less power than on-premises servers to operate as they are connected to local utilities or have a backup generator on site. They also require no cooling which saves energy. According to Cisco Systems, 40% of data centers run at 20% capacity while 80% of servers in these data centers are used only 10% of the time! However, by migrating to cloud computing, you can significantly reduce your IT costs. The second reason why you should migrate to the cloud is performance. Many companies don’t want to rely on bandwidth because it can be unreliable. But with cloud hosting, a business can easily increase its bandwidth by adding more resources and paying only when they need it! Lastly, security is one of the most important reasons why people choose to migrate to the cloud because it does not require them installing any additional software or hardware for protecting their data.
When you use a cloud-based service, your data is always stored in the cloud on someone else's servers. There are two major concerns with this scenario: security and privacy. The data on your computer is encrypted, but once it goes onto the server, there are no locks to prevent unauthorized access. That means that anyone who has the right permissions (including employees) can have full access to your data and read or share it with others. If they get hacked by another company like Equifax or Yahoo!, then everyone's information will be compromised. Finally, if something happens to the cloud storage provider, like if Amazon Web Services had an outage and went offline for four hours, then every single customer lost their data for four hours. So whether your concern is about cybersecurity or privacy, storing data on someone else's servers leaves you vulnerable.
Cloud computing offers scalability, which is the ability to increase or decrease resources without any downtime. Scalability means that you can start with less and grow your resources as necessary. It also helps save money on startup costs because you only need to purchase what you need at the moment and pay for only what you use as opposed to purchasing a fixed number of resources upfront. This flexibility helps small businesses grow their capacity and adapt to changing needs much easier than they would if they had a traditional IT environment in place. It also allows users to access more powerful hardware such as GPU (graphics processing units) and FPGA (field programmable gate arrays) for processing data faster. Cloud computing provides a way for smaller companies to scale up their operations easily without having to invest heavily in IT infrastructure such as servers, storage systems and networking equipment. Moreover, it gives these enterprises access to advanced capabilities such as artificial intelligence through machine learning technologies.
If you are willing to learn a python course, Join Us:  Cloud Computing Training in Chennai
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naniseo · 2 years
5 Crucial Questions You Must Ask Before Deciding to Outsource Software Testing
If you’re an in-house tester or someone who’s responsible for testing outsourced work, you’re probably aware that there are both pros and cons to outsourcing software testing. One of the best ways to approach the outsourcing discussion with your developers and business owners is to have all your questions answered before you get on the phone or schedule any meetings. This blog post answers five crucial questions you need to ask before deciding whether or not to outsource software testing.
1) What should be tested?
The most important question is what should be tested. It should be determined how much time and money you want to spend on testing, as well as what type of bugs you would like the testers to find. The number of tests will depend on the size and complexity of your app, the quality assurance standards that are applicable in your industry, and your budget. There are five types of testing: unit, integration, system (or acceptance), performance and regression. Unit testing involves checking that individual components of the code function correctly; integration tests make sure all components work together; system or acceptance testing is performed before each new release; performance testing checks for speed and memory usage; regression testing makes sure nothing has been broken by changes in other parts of the software. A common misconception about outsourcing is that it's more expensive than doing things in-house. In fact, many companies have found that outsourcing saves them from hiring experts who often need weeks to get up-to-speed with a company's processes and systems. Outsourcing also helps startups build their own processes around testing needs more quickly than they might otherwise have done.
2) Who Should Test?
The first question you must ask is who will be performing the testing? Outsourcing software testing may be your best option if you have a small budget and want the best quality. If you have a larger budget, then it might be better for your company to hire a full-time in-house QA tester. If your company has an internal team with at least one person that specializes in software testing, then you should only outsource when necessary. You should also consider outsourcing when you need a specialist that is not available internally or when you need short-term help. It's important to think about the project timeline as well when considering whether or not to outsource. For example, let's say you're launching a product within six months and need 100 testers. It would make sense to start outsourcing now so that there are enough testers on hand before the launch date. You don't want to find yourself without testers after you've already invested time and money into the project. However, if you don't need many testers and can easily hire them when needed, then it's probably better to keep them in-house.
3) Which is the Right Tool?
Deciding on the right tool for your business is one of the most important decisions you will make. It can shape everything from how quickly your company grows, to the success and efficiency of your team. No matter what you need, there's a software development tool out there for you. To find the best fit for your company, ask yourself these five questions: 
1) What are my goals? 
2) How much do I know about software testing? 
3) What skills do I have in-house already? 
4) What type of work am I looking to complete with this software test outsourcing service? 
5) What is my budget?
The first question may seem self-explanatory, but it’s often overlooked. There’s no point in trying to figure out which tools will be perfect for you if you don't know where your company is headed or what your plans are going forward.
4) How Much Does it Cost?
The cost of outsourcing software testing can vary depending on the type and the size of your project. It typically ranges from $25 per hour for larger projects, all the way down to $8 per hour for small projects. And that's not including any other expenses like travel or accommodation if you're in a different country. What Happens If I Have a Problem?: If there is an issue with your outsourced software testing company, then it may be difficult to resolve it because they will likely be in another country. How Do I Know They Are Good at What They Do?: To avoid any issues, make sure to ask them about their experience and credentials before agreeing to have them work on your project. Is There a Warranty?: Some companies offer a warranty where they will fix any bugs in the code up to 3 years after delivery. Who Will Pay For Changes?: Oftentimes, changes are charged by the number of lines affected by the change and sometimes by time spent. Be sure to find out what applies to your situation so you know what you'll be responsible for paying.
5) How long Will it Take?
Software testing is an integral part of the software development process. The goal of software testing is to ensure that a product performs as intended and that it meets customer and business needs. Software testing can be time-consuming, costly, and complicated for the company hiring outside help. However, outsourcing software testing can free up the in-house team's resources to focus on other tasks. It can also provide companies with more experienced testers who have experience working with specific technologies. Therefore, before you decide to outsource your software testing services, consider the following: How much does it cost? What level of expertise do they have? What are their expectations? How long will it take? If you need more information or want to explore different options, don't hesitate to reach out! We're happy to answer any questions you may have about our platform, or offer suggestions for where you might find what you're looking for.
If you are willing to learn a Software testing course, Join Us:  Software Testing Training in Chennai.
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naniseo · 2 years
Find Out Everything You Need To Know About DevOps!
What is devops? That’s a question that’s not always so easy to answer! The purpose of this article is to help you learn what devops, also called development operations, truly means. You will discover the history behind the concept, why it makes sense and how it can benefit you and your business. Ultimately, you will be able to understand devops and make smart decisions about whether or not it’s something that might interest you.
What is DevOps?
DevOps is a set of principles, practices, and tools that are used to accelerate software delivery and improve the quality of life for developers. It aims to get the code from developer's machine (where it was just created) into production as fast as possible. It also provides visibility into the production system so if any errors or failures occur, they can be quickly identified, diagnosed and remedied. More broadly, DevOps is an evolution in the way IT systems are managed. Traditionally there has been a distinct separation between those who manage the infrastructure and those who develop applications. With the introduction of DevOps practices, this separation disappears. Developers have more input about how their application will run in production and take on responsibilities for monitoring its performance once deployed. The result is greater collaboration among teams with different specializations, leading to faster development cycles which help organizations reach their business goals faster than before.
Advantages of DevOps
DevOps is a methodology for rapidly deploying and scaling applications, especially in the cloud. It can be applied to any organization, from startups to enterprises. DevOps is about collaboration between development and operations teams so that software is more reliable, features are delivered faster and customers can have better experiences. In short, it's the cultural, organizational and process changes you need to move your software delivery processes from manual to automated. It's not just tools; it's what we do with them. The goal of DevOps is to create a culture where developers, sysadmins and other IT professionals work together on a daily basis to fix problems quickly, share knowledge readily and avoid costly downtime.
Disadvantages Of Devops
DevOps can also be a massive headache when it comes to generating new versions of code. As with any other software development project, creating and testing a new version of code is not an easy task. Some people will even argue that it is impossible to do so in the short timeframe that DevOps usually operates in. In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to DevOps. The goal is for organizations looking into adopting this model should evaluate their own needs before deciding if it is appropriate for them.
Steps Required For Successful Implementation Of DevOps
DevOps is the need of the hour to ensure that all the operations are automated. It is a necessity for any company to adopt this process in order to stay competitive in the market. The following steps need to be followed for the successful implementation of DevOps: - A team needs to be set up so as to plan and execute projects. - A process needs to be created with defined roles, responsibilities, and goals. Continuous integration (CI) tools will have to be used by the team to track changes in code. - A continuous delivery pipeline should also be established which would allow each stage of deployment to happen seamlessly and automatically. - Some other requirements would include tooling such as Docker, Ansible, or Puppet that can make management of servers easier than ever before. Utilizing these tools you can manage your whole infrastructure in just minutes instead of hours. All it takes is a few commands and some patience to understand how they work. They give you flexibility over what resources you want to be allocated to what application running on your servers without having to physically access them. - In general, there are four stages involved in the DevOps process namely ideation, construction, delivery, and optimization.
If you are willing to learn a DevOps course, Join Us:  DevOps training in Chennai
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naniseo · 2 years
The Various Aspects of Data Science You Need to Know
Data science can be hard to conceptualize if you’re unfamiliar with it, so it’s helpful to understand what the various elements of data science are and how they function together. A big part of understanding the definition of data science involves getting an overview of the process, technologies and work that go into it. This introduction to data science will cover all three parts of the field and give you an idea of how they work together to create this relatively new field of study.
What is data?
Data is a factual statement or measurement, typically from a scientific experiment or survey. It's the raw material for information and can be anything from the size of a company's customer base to how many people bought products in the last week. There are four types of data: qualitative, quantitative, categorical, and continuous. Qualitative data is subjective and hard to measure. Quantitative data includes numbers that can be measured precisely. The problem with this type of data is that it often doesn't give us much insight into why things happen, just what happened. Categorical data on the other hand groups observations into categories, while continuous data values exist on an unbroken scale without gaps. The most important thing about all these types of data though is their relevance to solving business problems. The more relevant they are to what you're trying to solve and the better quality they are, the better your results will be. In order to understand which data is best for a certain problem, think about three questions: What do I want to know? What kind of data does my question involve? How does the answer need to look? If you want an answer that gives specific detail about something like the makeup of customers who shop at your store, then categorical data would work best. However, if you want a general picture of where customers come from then geographical information would help out more.
What are sources?
One of the first things that you need to know about data sources is that they're not all created equal. They can be classified as primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are where the information comes directly from the business or person, while secondary sources are where someone else has analyzed the primary source and put together their thoughts. For example, if you want to find out what a company's revenue was last year, then checking the company's financial statements would be considered a primary source. If you wanted to figure out how many people in your city walk dogs for a living, then interviewing dog walkers in your area would be considered a primary source. Secondary sources might include an analysis of survey results that were taken from past clients who walk dogs. What are the different types?: There are two main categories: qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data contains descriptions, perceptions, and observations. Quantitative data includes numbers like lengths, weights, times, distances, and other measurements. Qualitative data is often more subjective than quantitative data because it captures opinions and experiences which may vary from person to person. However, both types of data provide insights into topics that otherwise may have gone unnoticed.
When should you use statistics?
Statistics are often used in order to help understand the meaning behind a set of data. For example, statistics can be used to find the average height or the median age across a population. Statistics can also be used in order to make predictions about future events. For example, we might use statistics and other variables (such as age, gender, and ethnicity) to predict how likely it is that someone will purchase a certain product. The important thing to remember when using statistics is that they need a lot of data in order to be reliable. Often, large surveys conducted by reputable companies provide us with enough data for statistical analysis. Another type of statistic that you should know about is called statistical significance. A result is statistically significant if there's less than a 5% chance of getting the same result by chance alone. Statistical significance helps researchers figure out whether there's a meaningful relationship between two things; for example, whether studying your GPA will have an impact on your chances of getting into graduate school.
What are the other components of Data Science?
Data science is a broad field that incorporates skills from many other areas. It can be difficult for newcomers to identify where the boundaries are and what skills are needed for data science jobs. Here are some of the major aspects that make up the field: - Statistics: Statistical analysis is used in nearly every aspect of data science, including modeling, understanding how variables relate and how this information can be used to make predictions. Statistics also encompasses collecting and analyzing all kinds of data sets using computational methods such as linear regression, clustering algorithms, or machine learning. - Computer Science: Computers play an integral role in most data science workflows. If you’re going to create or manipulate large amounts of data, you will need computer programming skills. - Programming Languages (R, Python): Programming languages such as R and Python have been developed specifically for working with data sets that have numerous variables.
Getting into data science.
Data science is a field that uses mathematics and computer programming to analyze data and find patterns. Data science also includes predictive analytics, which focuses on predicting future events based on patterns found in current data. There are two main types of data scientists: those who come from a statistician background, and those who come from an engineer background. For example, engineers might use coding languages such as R or Python, while statisticians will use MATLAB or SAS. Statisticians will have more advanced math skills than engineers, but both have the same core skillset when it comes to data analysis. To become a data scientist, you'll need at least three years of experience working with big datasets in your industry.
Statistics Vs Machine Learning.
Statistics is a branch of mathematics and is concerned with the drawing of conclusions, drawing inferences, and discovering patterns from data. It can be used in many fields such as economics, sociology, biology, and medicine. Statistics is all about analyzing data by using different techniques like averages or tests for significance. Machine learning on the other hand is about teaching computers how to recognize patterns without programming them explicitly. There are various algorithms that allow machines to learn progressively more accurate models as they gain experience in handling inputs, generating predictions, and providing feedback. They don't require programming knowledge because they learn through training sets - a set of input values together with their correct outputs.
If you are willing to learn a Data Science course, Join Us:  Data Science Training institute in Chennai
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naniseo · 2 years
Azure: Everything You Need to Know
The Azure cloud platform has quickly become one of the leading tech providers in the industry, and with good reason! It’s packed with features that give users more control over their data, better flexibility to make updates, and useful customer service that makes it easier to get answers when you need them the most. If you’re ready to bring your business into the 21st century, then Azure could be just what you’re looking for!
Introduction to Azure
Azure is a Microsoft cloud computing platform that includes an open and flexible software-as-a-service (SaaS) pricing model. With Azure, you can quickly deploy, manage and scale applications on the cloud. This post will be your go-to guide for understanding what Azure has to offer you. In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything from SaaS offerings to hybrid solutions. We'll also provide examples of how Azure can be used in real-world scenarios by leveraging it's strengths as well as how it stacks up against other enterprise platforms.
What Can it Do?
Azure is a suite of Microsoft services that includes an open, flexible, scalable cloud platform and powerful tools for building modern applications. Azure is trusted by more than 95% of Fortune 500 companies from around the world as well as many startups. Azure offers a variety of hosted services with a broad set of capabilities and supports multiple programming languages, tools and frameworks. This means you can build just about anything on Azure. From games to IoT devices and even web apps! If you are interested in learning more about what this service has to offer, here are some FAQs compiled by the Azure team.
Deployment Options
Azure has a flexible deployment model with lots of options. With Azure, you can choose your deployment option depending on what suits your needs best. For instance, if you want the most control and flexibility, you can deploy your application as an Azure Resource Manager Template. Or if you want to quickly get started building an app without worrying about infrastructure, then you could use the App Service Plan or App Service Environment. No matter which option is right for you, we'll show you how it's done in this post! While the Azure platform offers you a variety of options for deploying apps, there are two ways that I recommend people getting started. The first way is to use our Cloud Shell , where we offer a fully configured Ubuntu Bash shell from within your browser so that all you need to do is write code. And second way is to make use of Visual Studio Code and easily run any npm script commands from within VSCode by installing an extension .
Pricing Plans
What are the pricing plans for Azure?There are three different options for your Azure subscription: Pay-As-You-Go, Reserved Instances and Azure Hybrid Use Benefit. There is a cost difference between the plans, but they each have their own benefits. If you want on-demand access and don't care about upfront costs then Pay-As-You-Go is the way to go. If you're interested in using prepaid monthly payments then Reserved Instances might be an option for you. However, if you plan on only paying for what you use and want more control over how much it will cost then Azure Hybrid Use Benefit is the best choice. For example, with this plan if there is a lot of traffic at night time your company could choose to not pay any additional fees because traffic will be minimal during that time of day.
Security and Compliance
The United States government has classified Azure as a Moderate level of risk for those data that are stored on the public cloud. Azure is compliant with the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) and has achieved compliance with ISO 27001/27002, NIST 800-53, SAS 70 Type II, and PCI-DSS v3.1. It also complies with the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC; Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); National Institute of Standards and Technology SP800-113; Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS); Gramm Leach Bliley Act; Sarbanes Oxley Act; U.S. Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 312; U.S.
If you are willing to learn a Azure course, Join Us: Azure Training in Chennai.
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naniseo · 2 years
Are you looking to get ahead of the competition with Power BI? Here's everything you need to know to get started!
Power BI has quickly become one of the most powerful business intelligence (BI) tools in the industry, and it continues to be more and more popular. Even Microsoft Office 365 boasts of using Power BI in its data visualization! If you’re looking to get ahead of the competition with this platform, here’s everything that you need to know about Power BI. Follow our handy guide below to learn more about Power BI and how you can use it to supercharge your sales, marketing, and customer relationship management (CRM) strategies!
Why you want it
Power BI is an analytics tool that provides insight into data that can be used for analytical purposes. In addition, it can be used to create interactive dashboards and share them with others. It allows companies to make better decisions more quickly by turning data into meaningful information. With a few simple clicks, you can create charts, tables, maps, and more. Plus, there are plenty of free tutorials available online so that anyone can learn how to use it in just a few minutes. It's easy to set up, too. All you have to do is download the app from Microsoft and sign up for a free trial. Once you're signed up, head over to the website and start playing around. If you don't see what you're looking for or if something isn't working quite right, head over to the forums and search through previous questions before submitting your own question - someone else might already have asked your question! You'll find yourself getting more creative with your reporting once you get the hang of things because this software offers an infinite number of ways to tell your story. There are also some basic videos on YouTube if you want to watch somebody else walk through a quick tutorial on Power BI.
How it works
Power BI is a program that utilizes data from various sources and helps people visualize their data. It can also be used for predictive analytics, which means it will use information about past patterns to predict what might happen in the future. With this in mind, Power BI can help businesses make more informed decisions and stay ahead of their competition in an ever-changing environment. A few of its key features include the following: -You can combine different types of data -You don't need any advanced skills to use it because most tools are preloaded and customizable -The ability to create your own visualizations -The ability to access mobile apps for on-the-go analysis. Since every company has a unique set of goals, there are many ways in which Power BI can benefit them as well. For example, if you're looking to increase customer loyalty or improve efficiency within the organization, Power BI can help you achieve these goals by providing insights into areas such as profitability or customer sentiment. The best part is that with power BI software, there's no one way to do things. You have the freedom to customize and adapt according to your needs or desires!
Types of reports
There are four types of reports that can be generated: Interactive, Quick Table, Chart, and Data Model. Interactive reports provide a more visually appealing interface for users to explore their data. These reports make use of interactive charts and graphs so that users can see different perspectives on their data in a more dynamic way. Quick Table reports allow for easy exploration of your data by providing an organized table view. Charts are also available in this report type which gives insights into specific information by providing visual representations. In addition to these features, there is also the option of formatting these tables as well as adding interactivity through filters or cross-tabs. Data Model reports are a new feature that was introduced in Power BI Version 2.0. These reports allow users to create hierarchies and related columns, among other things. Users can add visuals from other sources such as Excel sheets, PowerPoint presentations, and images. One thing to keep in mind about Data Model reports is that they require at least two years' worth of data stored within a single column.
Who can use it?
Power BI is a suite of business intelligence and analytics applications that gives users access to powerful analytical capabilities. It combines data from various sources into a single source that is interactive, personal, and predictive. With this tool, enterprises are able to analyze data in more meaningful ways, leading them to make better decisions. The best part is that it's not just for big companies; Power BI can be utilized by small businesses as well. One example is Copa Airlines which was able to use Power BI to track passenger sentiment and prepare staff accordingly. To see how they accomplished this feat, check out our blog post on how Copa Airlines used power bi. A lot of people think they're going to want a Ph.D. in statistics or an analyst degree before they start using Power Bi which isn't true at all. All you really need to get started is an internet connection (whether through your phone, computer, or tablet), basic knowledge of Excel, and general curiosity about how these types of software work. Plus if you already have some experience with Microsoft Office products like Excel or PowerPoint then that'll go a long way too! Check out our tips on getting started with PowerBi here. A lot of people think they're going to want a Ph.D. in statistics or an analyst degree before they start using Power Bi which isn't true at all.
The process in a nutshell
The process of getting started with Power Bi is fairly straightforward. First, you'll create a workspace on your computer. Next, load up one or more data sources, such as an Excel spreadsheet or SQL Server database. You can then explore your data and test out different visualizations before publishing them in your dashboard. Once that's done, you're ready to go live and share it with the world! You can embed dashboards on websites and blogs so that visitors will always have access to them. However, if you want to make changes after they've been published, there are no simple ways to do this - once it's gone live, there's no going back. One option would be to just publish a new version of your dashboard with the desired changes (which will overwrite the old version). However, another option would be to use blog posts for the organization instead: each post could contain links pointing back to individual versions of dashboards from earlier points in time.
Three ways to start using Power BI
Power BI is a business intelligence tool that helps organizations gain insights into their data. This includes understanding customer behavior, tracking inventory levels, and forecasting costs. Here are three ways to start using Power Bi: 1) Connect your data from your company's database or other sources like Excel or Salesforce into Power BI Desktop. 2) Customize visualizations on dashboards and reports by changing colors, adding filters, and adjusting other aspects of what the information displays. 3) Use Power BI mobile apps to view information on the go. 4) Add visuals to your PowerPoint presentations by inserting interactive charts and graphs generated in Power BI Desktop into slides. 5) Enable people who don't have access to a desktop computer to use Power BI by publishing content as an app for iOS and Android devices. 6) Use the natural language query feature to search for specific datasets based on phrases like sales or inventory. 7) Switch between analytics views like pivot tables, slicers, and grids without having to recreate your entire dataset every time.
If you are willing to learn a Powerbi course, join Us: Power Bi Training in Chennai .
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naniseo · 2 years
Why Selenium Is The Best Choice for Web Automation
Selenium has been around for quite some time now and it’s used by many developers all over the world for automated web testing in order to ensure their website works properly. Because of this huge popularity, there are plenty of misconceptions and myths about the tool, so I’ve decided to write an article with 5 reasons why selenium should be your preferred choice among other available options when automating web tests on your website or web application.
Major things you must know about Selenium
Selenium is an open-source testing framework that computerizes programs. This framework is usually used to test web applications, but it can also be used to automate any kind of application that has a user interface. Selenium works by sending commands via the browser's native API or by using the language of your choice. For example, in Java, you would use the Selenium Driver API while in Python you would use Selenium with either PyQt or PySide bindings. Other languages supported include Ruby, PHP, and JavaScript among others. Selenium supports all major operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The current stable release is 3.0 RC4. Selenium has come a long way since its first release in 2003. It started out as a project at NCR Corporation where developers were tasked with finding ways to ensure proper operation of their eCommerce sites during daily batch processing so their customers could still place orders despite heavy traffic spikes from the holiday season. As time went on, they found themselves moving away from exclusively working on desktop applications and wanted to create tools that would allow them to better serve the mobile marketplace.
What is Selenium?
Selenium is an open-source, browser-based tool that automates the process of web browsing. This tool can be used to programmatically test a website’s behavior and ensure it is performing as expected. It can also be used to generate reports on how the site has changed over time. All you need is one tool (and its libraries) to automate multiple browsers on different operating systems and devices. Selenium supports Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer (IE), Opera, Safari, and many other browsers. There are clients for Java, C#/.NET, Python, or Ruby programming languages. You don't have to know HTML or JavaScript since this software translates those languages into their corresponding browser commands in real time - or does everything automatically with code generation tools such as Selendroid for Android testing or CocoonJS for mobile testing.
How can I Get Started with Selenium?
Selenium is an open-source testing framework that supports a variety of different web browsers and programming languages. In order to get started with selenium, you need to download the framework and install it on your computer. If you are using a Mac, simply open up the terminal and enter brew install selenium. Windows users will have to follow these steps: Download the latest version from here, extract the zip file and run Setup.exe then select all of the components in order to install everything. Now that we have Selenium installed let’s set it up so we can use it with our favorite browsers like Chrome or Firefox. Once again, for this step to work make sure that Selenium has been downloaded and installed before continuing. Open up Terminal (or Command Prompt) and type the following command without quotes webdriver-manager update. The next type of web driver-manager starts without quotes. Lastly, press Ctrl + C to close Terminal (Command Prompt).Now You Know How To Set Up Selenium! Ready To Get Started?
What Software Tools are Available?
Selenium is a web automation tool that mimics human interaction. It allows you to control a browser from the command line and automate tasks, such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and interacting with elements on the page. Selenium is often coupled with other software tools in order to create an automated testing environment. For example, it can be used in conjunction with open-source frameworks like Watir (a Ruby-based framework) or Protractor (an end-to-end test framework based on AngularJS).What's Your Favorite Feature? : One of the most exciting features of Selenium is that it can be run within browsers such as Chrome and Firefox without having to download any additional add-ons. Since Selenium is free and open source, it's also one of the most accessible tools on this list. Another major perk of using Selenium is that its easy-to-read syntax enables developers to quickly understand how their scripts are written.What Disadvantages Does Selenium Have?: Although there are many benefits to using Selenium for web automation, there are some disadvantages as well. First, if you're looking for a GUI-less tool then Selenium might not be your best option. Second, while its codebase is open source, it still costs money to download and use the application. Thirdly: currently only supported by Windows Operating Systems so those who have Macs or Linux computers will need to look elsewhere. Fourth: sometimes creates bugs when loading certain pages which may lead users to experience delays while they wait for these issues to resolve themselves.
What's the Difference between Selenese and Java?
Selenese is an object-oriented programming language that is used to automate web browsers and test web applications. It is a scripting language. Java is a compiled programming language which means that code written in this language needs to be compiled before it can be executed. Compilation typically takes some time, so the execution of Java programs can be delayed by up to 10 seconds or more. Selenese on the other hand is interpreted, so you don't need to wait while your program executes. So if you're automating a browser using Selenese scripts, they will execute much faster than they would be using Java. Of course, there are cases when speed isn't everything and then Java might be preferable - but if speed is important then Selenese should always be considered as the first choice!
Selenese is easier to learn than Java.
There are only a few commands available with Selenese compared with the large number available with Java.
The open-source version of Selenium IDE has been downloaded over 3 million times, making it one of the most popular automation tools out there.
Selenese is designed specifically to automate web browsers, whereas Java is designed for use across different types of application software.
If you want to script your browser interactions, Selenese should be your preferred option because its syntax is closer to natural language.
If you are willing to learn a selenium course, Join Us:  Selenium Training in Chennai.
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