nannameebb-blog · 5 years
Guess you didn't care at all 😶 you gave me these thoughts, thoughts that I may be no good for you. Please try consider configuring your actions from your words.
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nannameebb-blog · 5 years
Yesterday, all my troubles seems so far away 😢 then I met you; days, weeks, months are wasted. Wish I could go back, wish I never let myself drowned.
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
A Sequel of Hard Work
As we receive the message from the owner of the machine shop, telling us that the product was already done, we went back to the shop to get our product. Sadly, as we receive it, it turns out that they did not follow our instructions. The features have been change, it cannot be adjust and it cannot be expand.
It’s a day before the final pitch, as we went back to school we consulted our instructor about what had happened and asked for an advice or solution on how could we deal on it to the final pitching. She then illustrate to us what to do, and she advice that we could tell the panels about what happened and provide a back-up to the product like Sketchup, to visualize our products features.
FINAL PITCH DAY. The day has finally arrived, and we are line-up as the 16th presenter to pitch. Though it’s tough and we could barely answer the panels’ question, yet our day was enlightened by their comments. They conclude that it was a very brilliant idea and the only problem is we should have done it with simulations to defend the product. In addition, he even recommends our product to our instructor. It was overwhelming hearing those words, from the thoughts that our hard work has been paid off. The room was filled with applause and all of the other teams attention is with us.
All I can say is “Thank you Almighty Father!”.
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
The Final Forearm
Final pitch awaits, but before that a preparation was surely be made. A week before the final pitch a discussion was further persisting between our instructors and our team. We discuss about the channels that we could use to keep our target market, and how to pitch with the real investors.
Our team then decided that Sue and Kate will be the one who will pitch in front of the investors since they have the ability to do so. As they were preparing their lines, Alexa and I were busy with the product. We bought the materials needed, which are the steel pipes, and canvass a suitable shop that could build our product. The first shop that we went to is a steel fabricator, yet they refuse to make our product since they cannot put a thread inside a pipe.
The next shop that we went to is a machine shop, which is appointed to us by the fabricator shop. We told everything to the owner of the said shop the ideal product that we want to have, and he did told us that we can count on them. We left our materials to the shop, and went back to school.
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
The Creation
Looking back to the things that we’ve done to create our very own product, hardworking does pays off. Since, it was finally validated by the people we have interviewed. Now, we were on the level in which we will create our product. For we have known that step by step, inch by inch, we were getting closer on choosing the materials to assemble it.
My team was divided into two groups as we are looking or canvassing materials that would fit for our product. Our product has the specific kind of material. What I mean for this activity that we are doing is on making small sample or making this what we called miniature for the exact feature for the product. It is to show the people or to our specified customer the functions and the use of our product.
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
Journey Towards Success – Leadoff
Summing up Sir Bronson’s discussion and the response of the interviewed individuals, it somewhat shifted our product in a way that it should be presentable and useful to our target customer. To be straightforward, some changes are made to our product. The designs are no excuse, and even some of its parts are slightly changed. We make it more convenient and reliable to use.
The discussion to Sir Bronson emphasizes to what, to whom, and what are the variables that we should consider in the product that we will make.  What we have deliberated with our group about the product is that we will produce a material that is good for the people’s choice. Sir Bronson always told us to interview more people so that our product will be validated and be accepted by the overall public’s criterion.
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
One to Another
For the update of our product, the last thing that we did is we interviewed several of the construction workers in our school. We chose them for the reason that they can relate to our product and can probably give suggestion and comments about it. Even the engineers and the staffs of the project on site get interested and want to be interviewed also.
The engineers that we have interviewed contribute a lot for our product. We will apply those recommendations that they have given, and will make our product as soon as possible so that they will know the outcome of their ideas’ suggested. Engineers’ department faculties also have a contribution to our product. We interviewed them for they are easily get approached and they’ve like to be ask, unlike those workers on the site we’ve waited several of hours for their break time before we can enter the site.
As the number of respondents is completed, gaining a total of 100 interviewed individuals. Our product is validated.  
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
Lecture Series #4
February 2, 2019, a seminar was held in our school with regards to patent thingy on our product. There, was an engineer appointed for the seminar and he was Engr. Clark Gozon, the speaker for the whole duration of the said event. Engr. Gozon discuss about the rights of an entrepreneur and how he/she could legally protect his/her product.
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Innovations to a product could possibly apply a patenting if it is obvious. In relating it to our product, our product is an innovative of scaffolds. And there are so many changes that we made, but it almost has the same function as the current common scaffolds do. Thinking that maybe we could apply a patent on our product, another aspect of my thoughts conspires on building it; particularly, without the proper materials is quite impossible.
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
A person, a lover, the one, that one, who really wants you will make time for you. Always.
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
she craved his quiet dominance. the way he firmly held onto her, the way he kept her close, protected her from herself and the world. gently guiding her, nudging her, peeling away all of her layers. the way his eyes spoke volumes and his lips stayed silent. the way her wrist rested perfectly in his grip. the way her body became malleable in his hands, pliant. she craved the peace and stillness that he provided within his embrace. the way he eased her mind, filled her heart, painted a permanent smile across her face and soul
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
fantasies ❤
concept: having babe in front of you, so close, seeing her gestures, her smile, her eyes, having the ultimate desire to kiss her red magical lips, hugging her so hard as to swap each other souls, telling her what you feel, showing that you want her, making her feel secure, proving that she can trust you and you will be there all the time, you won’t leave no matter what, because you love her the most, because she makes you happiest guy on the planet, because she is home and because you have genuine feelings and you don’t want a life without her in
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
Sadly, I can no longer see your effort 😢
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
Just made it happen.. .
“If someone wanted to be with you, after all, they just made it happen.”
— Jojo Moyes (via quotemadness)
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
Longing for those hugs 😞
“It’s all about those people who hugs you tight in those moments when every breath you take feels like the end of the world.”
— Juansen Dizon, I Am The Architect of My Own Destruction page 109 
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
Those little talks, little chat, little text, little topics, the little presence of yours, affects me 😿
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
Do understand me deeply 😐
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nannameebb-blog · 6 years
Hopelessly hoping 😢
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from a letter to Hans-Joachim Neupert circa November 1951;
original photos and edit
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