nanodose · 10 months
One time I dreamt I found a kitten in the middle of a rainstorm and brought it home. I was keeping it a secret from my family, grooming and feeding it, until my sister walked in and caught me red handed cuddling the kitty. She was mad at first but the cuteness of the cat made her less abrasive. She asked me: "Have you given her a name yet?" And I replied: "Marvin." Puzzled, she asked: "What's that short for?" (????). And my dumb ass dream self replies: "Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3". Right on cue, my alarm went off and I woke up, laughing at the absurdity of it. This was the first of so far two times I've woken up laughing.
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nanodose · 1 year
Haha wouldn't it be fucked up if we like made hummus together
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nanodose · 1 year
reblog to explode a landlord
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nanodose · 1 year
The hell is a hat fic
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nanodose · 2 years
what if we held hands (platonically) at the burnt remains of wells fargo
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nanodose · 2 years
With its new guardians, life was allowed to flourish. The universe became populated by an infinitely diverse range of creatures, and the sentient ones fed the Wrought. Now, Reality's home was packed with all kinds of visitors. She marveled at the thoughts of Corporeals, creations of her creations. Content with the freedom the Corporeals now had, Reality rested, confident in the belief that her children would be able to fend for themselves.
It is said that Reality retreated to her own sanctum in the Wrought: the Hall of Creation. No one knows what she's doing or what she plans on doing, and no one has seen her since, but the Corporeal Realm and the Wrought both moved on without her.
Now that civilizations could take hold, the many species of the universe evolved and strove towards progress. Sciences, technologies, the film noir era, all the major cultural milestones were hit and eventually culminated into the present day.
Along the way, though, the Void Corps crawled through. Void's corruption found its way to more and more Corporeals and through his wicked gifts, the Void Corps acquired Inscriptions as well.
The universe at large is locked in a stalemate with the forces of the Void Corps and the Travelers caught in an eternal battle without end. With the growing number of Corporeals, this has led to new factions joining in the conflict, for better, worse, or profit. These are the major players in the never-ending conflict:
Celestial Alignment. An alliance between several solar systems towards the development of new technologies that will one day be able to achieve peace between all worlds in the universe. Their methods of unification have been rather hostile, though, and this has led to discontent in their population while the leaders ignore pleas for help.
The Shuar's Children. An interstellar group of thieves and smugglers. They're also refugees of several different conflicts. Whether it's a planet lost to an assault by the Void Corps or due to its own inner wars, the Shuar's Children welcome all refugees with open arms, as long as they follow the code of Grenn. Their scrappy survival mindset has allowed them to exist despite their ongoing struggles, and they have come up with their own technologies and techniques thanks to their diverse population throughout the stars.
The Kingdom of Lanore. It is an extremely xenophobic place. Lanorians live in the continent-sized asteroid that used to be part of their homeworld. They fell to their pride and stayed alive thanks to their pride. They believe themselves to be superior to every other species in the universe and we have recently found out a great majority of their population is adept in the use of the Wrought through Speech Casting, but they're not aware of the true nature of that Realm (an even greater display of pride on their part, might I add). They might be headed for doom, though. Their kingdom is divided by the citizens of the overworld that live on the surface of the continent and the population that lives underground. The royals live on the surface along with the more affluent citizenship while the impoverished masses live underground, assaulted by criminal gangs and the addictive substances they pedal.
Of course, we saved the best for last, the illustrious School of Magi. We research everything and anything related to the Wrought and contain the perils that might menace our Corporeal Realm that come from the Wrought. We train people adept in the ways of the mind and teach them about the Wrought in a safe environment. We have a solid alliance with the Travelers, trading our services with each other, and we have even managed to enlist some of them into our ranks!
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nanodose · 2 years
I'm right here
screams at my friends to be awake so i can talk abt the new idea i had
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nanodose · 2 years
The Travelers
Where do I even begin with the Travelers? As a child, I heard stories all about them, the heroes defending the universe from the threat of the Void Corps. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to become a Traveler myself. Sadly, I discovered quickly that I wasn't meant for the battlefield -and, sure I could have joined their research teams, but even they are under the threat of combat at all times.
The Travelers are not a military force. They are more like gentle rangers patrolling the universe to stop the threat of the Void Corps. If those rangers had special abilities given to them by the Concepts, of course. They were founded by Shen, the first Traveler, with the ultimate goal of ending the threat of the Void Corps and preventing catastrophes that would ruin the universe on a significant scale. They do not get involved in the politics of a specific world. That's what the Star Alignment is for, but they will intervene if someone decided to destroy a planet.
Unfortunately, Shen has been missing for quite some time. Their newest leader, Aureon, has been struggling to keep things in order, especially considering this is the first time the Travelers have had a new leader. Oh, but I do believe he's doing a great job, and I really admire his um, leadership.
-Magi Scribe Rippen
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nanodose · 2 years
The Collapse
For the most part, the Corporeal Realm and the Wrought exist isolated from each other. However, there are gaps where the Wrought seeps into our reality. Normally, we Magi take care of these gaps for the protection of the unknowing masses. We live in an age of spatial wonder and technological discovery, yet so few of us Corporeals know about the Wrought and its machinations.
One of the biggest gaps we have been to this day, unable to seal, is the Collapse. It is a massive rift in space that allows direct passage to the Wrought. It pulls you in and pushes you away at the same time. I believe this is because it is trying to pull your Spirit to the Wrought while rejecting a Corporeal body. It is possible to enter, but you must have an adamant will. You literally must be able to pull yourself together with sheer mental willpower.
Even a Corporeal untrained in the ways of the mind would be able to pass through as long as their will is strong enough, I suppose!
I do dream of the day the worlds of sciences and Magi will come together. Who knows what we could accomplish? But that's just wishful thinking for now. While other Corporeals travel the universe, we safeguard it from direct threats of the Wrought. Information about the Wrought isn't withheld from the masses for no reason. Rather, such power in the wrong hands could lead to ruin. We have seen the effects on the Void Corps, and while the Travelers have been a force for good, I can not help but be weary of their newest leader.
-Magi Scholar Horald
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nanodose · 2 years
The Wrought is a dangerous place. It is currently impossible as a Corporeal to cross to the other realm physically, so most Magi explore this wretched place by Astral-Stepping. Experienced Magi have the ability to project their Spirit onto the Wrought while still in life. We do this from a secure place, like one of the many Magi Sanctuaries or the mysterious Leylines scattered throughout the universe.
These are safe places where one can enter and exit the Realm of Thought as it guards the gateway back to one's body. Every time one enters this space, they leave behind a trail that leads back to one's exposed body. This trail can lead malicious creatures known as Wrought Entities to infiltrate this body and take over, leaving one as a Spirit indefinitely and exposed in the Wrought.
The importance of these safezones can not be understated. It is the duty of us enforcers to maintain and protect these places for our work as Magi to continue unhindered. To learn about the Wrought and protect the denizens of the Corporeal Realm against its dangers.
-Magi Enforcer Ferman
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nanodose · 2 years
Corporeals who desire power at any cost can become Avatars of Concepts. By allowing a Concept to inhabit their body, they gain a huge amount of their power, but now must share control of the body. Usually, Avatars have high compatibility with the Concept they host, but if they are not, this bond will not last long, as this incompatibility will weaken the Concept's connection to the Corporeal Realm until it can no longer stay in the Corporeal's body.
If they are compatible, however, their bond lasts quite longer. Normally, Corporeals were never meant to wield so much power, so their bodies would erode as they spend too much time hosting a power too great for them, but high compatibility between the two can help to ease the effects of the erosion.
If a Corporeal is able to host a Concept for an extended amount of time, they would start to pick up habits from one another, and if left together for even longer time, they would be indistinguishable from each other personality-wise.
I shudder to think that such an Avatar could exist for that long, and worse yet, without our knowledge.
-Magi Enforcer Ferman
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nanodose · 2 years
Immortal Concepts
The purest manifestations of abstract ideas are known as the Immortal Concepts. They embody concepts we understand and experience in our Corporeal Realm. For every feeling and every idea you have ever had, you can be sure there is a Concept whose attention you have attracted by interacting with them.
Concepts are empowered every time Corporeals act out emotions and ideas that embody them (a grieving person, for example, would empower the Concepts of sadness, misery, and pain). Other methods of empowerment include a Concept adopting a Champion (a Corporeal blessed with an incredibly small fraction of the power of a Concept), an Avatar (a Corporeal who shares a body with a Concept in a symbiotic relationship that allows more power to be shared between them), or direct worship of a Concept, though the last one is rarer.
Concepts have limited reach into the Corporeal Realm. Most Corporeals can not reach into the Wrought to witness these beings, and if they did, the most powerful Concepts would grab their attention first. Even then, a Corporeal might mistake a Concept as a deity of their own understanding instead of grasping the true nature of Concepts.
Major Concepts embody several ideas that are often associated with them. Minor Concepts only embody one idea. However, certain ideas can be more powerful than others. For example, while the Concepts of life and death each only embody one idea, the sheer amount of emotion tied to both makes them incredibly more powerful. A couple of notable Concepts are:
Fortuna. Concept of fate, good fortune, and victory.
Abryss. Concept of greed, obsession, and control.
Reality. The Great Mother, Concept of existence, creation, and love.
Void. The First One, Concept of nothingness and destruction.
Concepts often influence the Corporeal Realm for several reasons, chief among them being the eternal bid for power over the Wrought, that conflict is a story for another time.
-Magi Scribe Rippen
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nanodose · 2 years
I don't know how tumblr works but I have made the executive decision to stumble in and start posting my mad ramblings here.
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nanodose · 2 years
hey king
Hey fucker
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nanodose · 2 years
Why am I here
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