nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
i may be revamping gally into an oc soon. just a warning!
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
rhian is going on vacation semi-hiatus — one week, dates: 7.22 til 7.31!
i will be leaving the 24th, in technicality, for my family reunion trip to north carolina. but due to having a 3-4 page paper in my art history course that i put hella off which is due on the 26th? i will be starting my semi-hiatus today (the 22nd) and then officially come monday. 
also, i will be bringing my laptop along because i do indeed have homework / course work i will need to do while i’m there; which is why i say semi-hiatus, since i will have access to my computer as well as the internet during the trip… i just won’t have long or steady periods of available. if we’re close and mutuals, and you’re in the states, i can share my cell number with you so we can text.
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
plotting call. this is mostly a way for me to sort out which of my mutual followers are interested in long-term interaction be it pre-plotted or not — no matter the type of verse. so, if you like this post? … then you’re telling me you’d like to simply start interaction at one point or another; that you’re down for plot or that you want to share contact info to get the ball rolling on plotting or something.
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
supergiant games sentence starters.
the goal with these is to be a mix of possible threading material or even just action-y type starters; some may be lyrics from the game soundtracks as well. most of the ones from pyre are taken from trailers and the pax east gameplay preview. also, these are just some lines or lyrics and i tried to steer clear of spoilers.
bastion —
listen, all this takes a lot of gettin’ use to, and you do get used to it… after a while.
there’s three things i’ll always miss though: one? not havin’ to watch my step all the time. two… ah… forget about two, and three… i miss the songs.
so, build that wall and build it strong ‘cause we’ll be there before too long.
i set my sail, fly the wind, it will take me back to my home, sweet home.
i see your star, you left it burning for me.
gods ain’t gonna help ya son, you’ll be sorry for what’cha done.
they ain’t gonna catch you when you fall.
you’ll be pleadin’ while you’re bleedin’.
they ain’t gonna heal ya son, don’t care about what’cha done.
no matter what happens now, you done good kid.
now… there’s something i want you to see.
did anyone else survive?
if i could be anyplace i wanted… i’d stay right here — we could go anywhere in the world.
nah, i’m just foolin’.
— i’d hate to be in your shoes.
well… it’s a touching reunion…
glad you showed up…
sometimes ya just need a drink.
right back at’cha!
get up, kid!
c’mon, that ain’t funny… i said get up!
you’re a mighty fast learner.
the dead? the dead ain’t gotta worry about this mess.
i ain’t one for long goodbyes, so here’s the deal —
although, after talking it out like this? … guess i’m beginning to have my doubts.
our world? she’s done… but there’s a way to put it back together, so better get ready.
together, we’re gonna build something grand.
— and remember… you ain’t in this alone, that’s a promise.
proper stories are supposed to start at the beginning… ain’t so simple with this one.
transistor —
hey _____ — we’re not going to get away with this, are we…?
together again — heh. sort of…
yikes…! found us already.
they want you back i bet… well, so do i.
ok, let’s go!
look, don’t fret, just… do something? 
hello world — look at all that.
we’re on the edge of town, a hundred blocks away.
still too close to it, we better get as far from there as possible.
… i’m so sorry, _____.
i couldn’t stop them…
s/he’s tracking us?
ok, side street due east — through there.
i think i know a place where we can get a ride.
this didn’t used to be here…
look, whatever you’re thinking, do me a favor; don’t let go.
it’s just skin and bones.
you always go, walking on coals.
i hear you buzzing, a fly on the wall, in through the window and up through the hall… flying in circles just trying to land.
maybe you’re looking for someone to blame, fighting for air while you circle the drain.
never be sorry for your little time.
it’s not when you get there, it’s always the climb.
but i won’t save you.
when you speak i hear silence, every word a defiance.
think i’ll go where it suits me, moving out to the country.
you tell yourself that you’re lucky.
lying down never struck me as something fun.
i won’t become a number in the system. zeroes and ones? not me.
i will always find you like it’s written in the stars… you can run, but you can’t hide — try.
pyre — 
let’s get down to business, chum!
hey chum, you know how to read, or what?
you may call me _____.
see — right on schedule! what’d i tell you?
you told us we’d find someone alive…
someday! i said we’d find someone alive someday… just not today i guess, but don’t be glum.
you know, i see you frowning underneath that mask!
it looks like s/he’s breathing.
broken, shaking, starving, probably diseased… yeah, good luck with that there, chum!
you have an hour at best.
i won’t be long.
don’t care who you are or what you did, none of that matters anymore — all of us? we’re equal nothings here.
turns out you’re tougher than you look.
what!? then what are we waiting for?
silent treatment, huh?!
now now, don’t you play dumb with me here, understand?
i ask you for something simple in exchange.
— sorry to put you on the spot like this, friend.
that horrifying petrified mountain thing that no one with a lick sense goes near? … great.
well — this ought to be good for a few laughs at least… what do you say, _____?
i’m counting on you, friend.
it is safe enough for us to travel by the light of day, but at dusk? we stop.
you could join me for a little stroll if you’re feeling up to it.
in any case… i do what i can to stay busy — it keeps the sense of isolation well at bay.
i see that reports of your demise have been exaggerated, just as we were beginning to think you were gone for good… 
i trust you remember my face, though you must have assumed to never see it again after last time…?
never had i come so close to freedom, only for you to dash my hopes.
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
You have two choices. you can keep running and hiding and blaming the world for your problems, or you can stand up for yourself and decide to be somebody important.
Sidney Sheldon, Nothing Lasts Forever 
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
additional modern verse details  ---  dc / marvel applicable.
her full right arm and right leg from knee down are mechanical (or rather, robotic) prosthetics ; she is a former MMA fighter, and is as a result of the accident that took her arm and leg simply a specialist who spars and trains with others.
she works with some heroes (like possibly members of hero teams and or solo heroes) due to her fighting expertise along with her technopathic / cyberkinetic skills.
i am willing to plot with someone about what type of accident she had and or it’s cause if anyone is down for that.
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
on her tip-toes, as tall as she can make herself, she boops him on the nose. for science.
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      “wah—”  there’s only a moment of confusion. blinking slowly, his lips curved into a wide smile. cute! oh look at how tiny she was!  “hm… i think i’m going to adopt you.”  yeah, conceal don’t feel, my ass. / @nanomachinery
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
a few things about a modern / human gally.
it is important to note that my portrayal of gally will be canon divergent, especially in respects to ‘human’ AUs and the like — i will not really be calling her ‘yoko von der rasierklinge’ in a good portion of non-canon verses.
general:  (alita) galenia ‘gally’ guerrero,  twenty-one  —  ( technopath / cyberkinetic, this detail is for specific types of encounters a.k.a. mostly marvel and or dc scenarios. )
personality:  friendly and caring, fierce about family and friends. happy to sit and listen to a person talk for hours no matter the topic. extremely curious, if not dangerously so — this trait has gotten her into messes before. can be defiant with authority figures.
music preferences:  pretty much open to anything, though she has a penchant for very traditional spanish music at the same time as enjoying edm and or electronica.
living situation:  tba, likely travels quite a bit.
please do not reblog w/o my express permission. this is my own personal headcanon and meta for my muse.
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
              DEAR PERSONAL BLOGS, 
please. do not. reblog an roleplayer’s posts. hear me out: it’s not because we aren’t happy that you follow us, really, we appreciate it ! it’s awesome that someone who isn’t a roleplayer takes pride or likes our work. you’re WELCOME to enjoy our characterizations, and you’re welcome to do show appreciation. but when you reblog our headcanons, interactions, self promos, or anything of the like, it can be a legitimate cause of discomfort and panic for numerous reasons. here’s a few i’ve heard: 
it messes up activity feeds !! we as roleplayers are trying to keep track of replies, and memes and followers && all kinds of things. when you reblog our things ( even pictures too much ), it can be confusing and hard to wade through personal blogs reblogging something to find things that we need !! it can be a little problematic. 
it puts our blog in public spotlight in places we don’t want. in the fandoms we love, we enjoy a character enough to roleplay them. but the issue is that not all fandoms are welcoming && it can be a large anxiety to have to realize that people are now going to see our blog && see our work when we may only want to keep it private and out of public eye. it can cause anon hate to an influx of people that have nothing to do with roleplay && it can make roleplayers uncomfortable. please be courteous ! 
it makes our headcanons easier to steal. yes, that’s a legitimate problem. it’s not that we aren’t happy you like our headcanons, it just makes it very easy for fic writers && other enthusiasts to steal or rip off a headcanon we worked hard in making without permission. we’d appreciate that you like us enough to give us publicity, but the idea that people who aren’t so honest or nice could use it is very discouraging. 
it adds hassle to interactions. when you reblog an interaction from an rp partner, it can mess up the entire process of a thread && even cause some roleplay partners to become very confused. we don’t want this, since tumblr and roleplay can be stressful enough ( esp. if you have a large follower count ). so please, don’t reblog interactions. 
again, this is NOT us telling you to unfollow OR that we don’t like you. 
                    WE LOVE YOU. 
just please be courteous && respect a roleplayer’s desire not to be reblogged. && please, if a roleplayer asks to delete a post of theirs, please do it. it can make them very nervous. have a nice day !! 
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
plotting call. this is mostly a way for me to sort out which of my mutual followers are interested in long-term interaction be it pre-plotted or not — no matter the type of verse. so, if you like this post? … then you’re telling me you’d like to simply start interaction at one point or another; that you’re down for plot or that you want to share contact info to get the ball rolling on plotting or something.
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
name:  some of you know it nickname:  rhian or gadget gender:  female pronouns:  she / her zodiac:  virgo  birthday:  sep. 14th sexuality:  borderline asexual country:  united states religion:  judaism, though i don’t really practice anymore hogwarts house:  ravenclaw MBTI:  intj
about me.
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
i’m trying to think of where to have gally be from in her league verse as well as more details for that verse... and given that she is a cyborg in her own canon? the only logical place(s) are piltover and or zaun, let’s be real here.
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
If you like a response I made, you are more than allowed to just take it and make it into a thread. Some of you do this already, but others might need a bit of a verbal confirmation to let them know that they are more than allowed to do so. When I put a lot of effort into something, I really do enjoy when it sparks the need to turn things into threads with people. Whatever random situation I put our muses in normally something that I’ve wanted to write for a while, and I assume that you do too because you sent me the thing in the first place!
Write out a thing and tag me or mention me. I want to see where things go from there. Plus, who knows, if you wanted something with our muses, breaking the ice tends to make it easier to get that thing.
Turn ask replies into threads.
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
Sechs fights Zekka
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nanomachinery-blog · 7 years
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“What do you want me to tell the others?” “Tell them… tell them I floated myself.”
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