nanovirusdevcj · 4 years
Raven: "Leave them be. I don't want to waste time with them. So you finally show yourself. Jack the ripper." (Raven's phone rings and she answers it.) "Umm hello."
The girl on the phone: "[Hey boss. I did what you wanted.]"
Raven: "Excellent Karin. I know you get the job done."
There was a girl with red hair and blood eyes sitting on a headless corpse. There were a lot of dead bodies surrounding her and blood everywhere. In front of her was a school girl who was scared and terrified of Karin. The girl was Mayumi Hinata. One of Hitomi’s classmates.
Karin: "Raven. This is too easy. I thought this was fun. Well anyway did she get her?"
Raven: "[Not quite. She failed her job and now she's escaped but no matter what. I don't need weaklings like Veronica.]"
Karin: "Hahaha. I know she's a waste of time. I can do better. Don't worry Raven, I can deal with Vera with no sweat. It's a piece of cake."
Raven: "[I know I can trust you Karin. I'll leave it to you.]"
Karin: "Thanks boss. And boss?"
Raven: "[ Yeah?]"
Karin: "Love you." (She hangs up the phone and looks straight at Mayumi with a huge grin.) "Now then. You're one of Hitomi's best friend right?"
Mayumi: " How do you know her and what do you want from me?"
Karin: "Well I knew Hitomi for a long time. Well what do I want from you is do you where Yumiko is? I just asking nicely, because you know where am."
Mayumi: "I don't know who this Yumiko you’re talking about is?"
Karin: "Let me tell you a secret love." (She moves close to Mayumi and whispers in her ear.) "See these dead bodies around here. You don't want to be like that right? So be a good girl tell me the truth."
Mayumi: "But I don't know everything about this Yumiko. So please don't kill me."
Karin: "Stop fucking around with me. Because she looks like me."
Mayumi: "But I don't know what you're talking about."
Karin: "Fine. I believe you. You may go."
Mayumi: "Thank you."
She runs straight for the door, terrified and she started crying. She went to a nearby building and rings her friend Hitomi on her mobile phone.
Mayumi: "Come on pick up please? Hey Hitomi. Are you awake?"
Hitomi: "[Hey Mayumi-senpai. It's really late. What's wrong? You sound like your scared or something?]"
Mayumi: "It was terrifying. I was just at the police station to visit my dad then out of nowhere I heard loud screams next door. So my dad told me to stay put so he can look what's happening. Then I heard gun shots. When I went to have a look because I was worried. There was a crazy girl with red hair covered in blood hacking people in half. I called on to my father but."
Mayumi: "Dad!!"
Mayumi's father: "Your idiot daughter of mine. I told you to stay there."
Karin: "There you are. I been looking for you Mayumi."
Mayumi: "(Is that Hitomi?? No. It can't be.)"
Mayumi's father: "Mayumi. Run!! You keep away from my daughter you monster."
Karin: "Monster you say? You know how many years I was in jail? Four fucking years your asshole!! I'll never forget that day you did to me. You watched me when I begged you to stop. But you and the other officers laughed. So you punched me in the face and called me a dirty whore, I was only 14 years old and a virgin. I will never forget that day."
Mayumi: "Daddy, is that true??"
Karin: "Oh yes Mayumi. It's true. Come on mister Hinata. Tell your daughter how much a monster you are."
Mayumi's father: "Mayumi?? I.."
Mayumi: "I can't believe this. How can you do that daddy? You were hiding that from mommy and me. How could you."
Karin: "Aww what's wrong? I you mad at me mister Hinata. I just told the truth about your little dirty secret."
Mayumi's father: "You fucked up bitch. I'll kill you!!"
Mayumi: "Daddy??"
Suddenly Mayumi watched when her father got stab in the back by a giant blade made out of blood, coming from a dead body behind him.
Mayumi's father: "Cough. (Shit. She got me from behind but how.)"
Karin: "Hehe. Did you fucking forget what I can do? I have the ability to control the blood around me. You got to be kidding me you fucked up old man. Any ways I let you suffer as I have suffered, all the pain and hurting you cause. Now you will die as well as your sweet daughter."
Mayumi's father: "Mayumi. Run away!!"
Karin: "Too slow. Now DIE!!"
Karin cuts Mayumi's father's head clean off. The severed head landed in front of his daughter. Mayumi screamed and cried out. Karin laughed and smiled. Then Mayumi saw a pistol beside her, she picks up the weapon and started shooting Karin multiple times.
Mayumi: "Die, die, die you fucking bitch."
Then she shot Karin in the head. Karin fell down.
Karin: "(Coughing) Hehehe. You fucking shot me. That's a big no-no little girl."
Mayumi: "Oh my god. What are you?"
Karin: "What am I you said? Your father called me a monster and yes, I am a monster. All thanks to the professor. My life wouldn't be better than this. Any ways have you heard about the hybrid project?"
Mayumi: "A little bit. My father told me that a long time ago."
Karin: "Has he? Well did he tell you that he has an unborn child from me?"
Mayumi: "What??"
Karin: "Your daddy never told you that right? A few months later, I was pregnant. And yes. That faces of his. I still can remember it. He was shock and terrified. So he threw me to the ground, started beating me up and kicked me in the stomach. I cried so much because of the pain and the loss of my baby, so I swore to him that one day he'll get what he deserves. So I waited for a long time. I trained myself and finally I escaped. And here I am, free at last. Now then, where is Yumiko."
Mayumi: "Yumiko. I don't know this person you're talking about" (Why does she has the exact face as Hitomi?")
Karin: "Don't waste my fucking time you bitch. I'm asking you a fucking question. Now tell me where is she."
One of the officers with a shotgun appeared: "Mayumi. Get down now!!"
She shot Karin in the chest and her top part of her body exploded in to bits.
Karin: "(Gasping) you fucking asshole. I’ll."
The policewoman: "Say hi to your mother bitch!!" (Then she shot her in the head.) "Young miss, are you okay?? That was very close. Luckily we came here in time."
Mayumi: "Thanks lieutenant Aiko. Who is that girl? She looks like the same age as me."
Lieutenant Aiko: "That's Karin Akiyama, a deadly serial killer known as the Bloody Mary. She murdered so many innocent bystanders from teenage girls, children and criminal gangs. It's like a game to her. She also feeds on their dead corpse."
Mayumi: "That's disgusting."
Karin: "Disgusting you say?? It's so delicious and tender." (She stood up.) "Oh I'm so hungry. Hungry!!" (She charges towards a nearby officer and ripped both her eyes out. The girl screamed as Karin smiled as the blood went on her face. "So tasty." Then her mouth opens up too much that her muscles ripped from her jaw and she chomped her way through the girl's skull and ripped her head off. She stood there with the girl's head in her mouth and blood gashing out.)
Lieutenant Aiko: "Let's get out of here. Now!!"
Karin: "Hehehe hahaha!!!" (She tossed the head up with her mouth and crushes it with her teeth.)
Other officers: “Shoot her!! Shoot her now!!! Aghh!!!" Karin rips the man's chest open and thrust her way through his chest with her bare hands and out of his back. She laughed like hell as she slaughtered everyone.
Karin: "I'm coming for you fucking bitch! Ha!! You can't hide from me because I'll find you!! Bwahahaha!!!"
She continues running after them while slicing a officer in half with her blood scythe, turns to the woman & slits her throat with right hand. Karin grabs holds the blood while it was coming out woman’s neck, gently pulls it from behind like a web & turns the liquid into solid matter. That causes the officer's entire blood system in her body including her heart & organs become hard as diamonds.
Lieutenant Aiko: "Young miss. This way and hurry."
Karin: "Hehehehehe! Kill! Kill! Kill!!"
They went to the security room and locked the door. There were a of loud screams and gun shots. The screams were coming closer and closer until there was silence.
Mayumi: "Is it's over??" Then they heard a knock on the door. “OMG, she's found us."
Lieutenant Aiko: "I'll check the door."
Mayumi: "But it's dangerous. It's her."
The voice on the other side of the door: “Lieutenant. It's me Sergeant Furukawa."
Lieutenant Aiko: "Where's. Karin??"
Sergeant Furukawa: "We lost her and manage to get away." (Lieutenant Aiko opens the door.)
Lieutenant Aiko: "At least you’re safe and badly wounded. I'll get the first aid kit."
Sergeant Furukawa: "I'm sorry." (He stabs the lieutenant from behind) "I found you.
Lieutenant Aiko: "Sergeant. What did you do to me?” She looks at him, his eyes were red and he skin is cold. "It's you."
Karin: "Sure it's me, what do you expect. I just took control of his dead corpse by turning myself into blood particles and I can imitate that person when I'm in control, pretty neat huh. You couldn't imagine what I can do with this power of mine."
Lieutenant Aiko: "Damn you fucking bitch. Aghh!!"
Karin: "Chill out for a moment girlfriend. That's for shooting me in the fucking head, it's really hurts, like seriously. Now then. Where were we?" The lieutenant jumps on Karin and stabs her neck. "Eck, you still have a little fight in you. You're starting to piss me off." She grabs the woman from behind, throws her on the ground and stabs her to death in the head with a blood spear.
Mayumi: "Oh my god. You just killed her."
Karin: "Who gives a fuck? She deserves it. That bitch is so annoying and it's getting on my nerves. So I just shut her up. Is that right you fucking bitch?" She continues stabbing the dead woman's head over and over. "What you looking at!! Can't talk huh?? That's what happens when you fuck with me."
Mayumi: "Stop it please. Ok I'll let you know where she is."
Karin: "That's a good little bitch you are"
Mayumi: "So that what I said to her. I'm so sorry Hitomi. And she also says that she knows you."
Hitomi: ["Mayumi. Who's her name?"]
Mayumi: "Her name Karin."
Hitomi: ["Karin Akiyama you say? Please Mayumi, Run far away now. Because she's very dangerous and she won't leave anyone alive even if she let you go. She will find you and kill you.]
Mayumi: "Ack.." (Suddenly a blood blade went through Mayumi's chest from behind. Karin picks up the phone and talks.)
Karin: "Hey Hitomi-chan. It's been so long sweetie. Did you miss me?"
Hitomi: ["Rin. What did you do to Mayumi you bitch?"]
Karin: "Is that how you talk to a long lost bestie?"
Hitomi: ["We are not best friends. Where is she?]
Karin: "You're mean. Well your friend is struggling to breathe and looks like she's not gonna make it. Oh just like the old days. Is that right Yumiko? My twin sister of mine."
Hitomi: ["Don't you dare call me by that name. It's Hitomi Satsuna. Not Yumiko."]
Rin: "But you always be my Yumiko. Any ways tell you that I'm coming for you and I'll destroy you. Also be ready my lovely sister or else." (She picks up Mayumi, slices her neck and rips her head off.) "I'll do this to your friends."
Hitomi: "Fine". (A Mist of water started surrounding Hitomi. Her hair turned blue and eye color change to white.) "But I swear if you hurt my friends. I'll kill you over and over again."
Rin: ["Ooh scary. You think you’re just a normal teenage girl who living a normal life and everyone else adore you just the way you are. But no one else does know about little secret even your trusted friends. A fucking monster. Like me. Hehe."]
Hitomi: "Fuck you Rin!! We are not the same. Because I wasn't the one who went on a rampage and started killing innocent lives. We were on our mission. You murder our friends. So I have no choice but to take you down."
Karin: ["But don't deny it. I was in prison for 4 fucking years. I was beaten up, got raped and pissed on. Plus, its still hurts down there. And where were you?? Living a normal average life with no care about me. That's why I hate you so much big sis!! Any ways meet me at that place where we hang out and maybe even you'll see your Mayumi again. In pieces I mean! Bahahaha!!"]
Hitomi: "You bitch. Once I get my hands on you. You're dead you hear me. You're fucking dead!!"
Rin: "Hehehe. See you soon Yumiko. Bye-bye. Hehehe hahaha!!" She hangs up the phone.
Hitomi: "Damn it!! How could she be back? Mayumi doesn't deserve to die. Why! (Stomp) Son of a bitch!!"
Hitomi's mother: "Hitomi. Is everything alright??"
Hitomi: "Umm. It's nothing mom. I just stomp my foot. (Dam that hurts. Sheesh.)"
Her mother: 'Ok sweetie. I hope it's not too serious.' She closes the door.
Hitomi: "(But it is serious. I'm so sorry.)" Tears started flowing from her eyes as she cried.
Chapter VI - Nightfall: The Tragic Incident
"Man sheesh...this place reeks. I wonder what happen here." says the young black haired teenage girl.
"Yeah I agree. All I can see around me are decapitated bodies everywhere. The suspect left quite a mess here. Did you find anything Izumi?" Asked the redhead.
Izumi: "Well Excella. Looking into our database. We have found a serial killer. Karin Akiyama. Age seventeen & went to jail for four years. But escaped & went missing until now."
Excella: "That is disturbing. Reading her profile is troublesome. Wait a minute. It says the most of her details is classified. What is up with that?"
"You don't have to jurisdiction to know about it."
Excella: Oh come on Faye!! You must known something."
Faye: "It's classified. Plus you don't want to pissed of the head of chief."
Excella: Fine... Hey! It says that she has a sister. Yumiko Akiyama & its classified as well."
Izumi: "I heard that only the chief knows about it."
Faye: "That's correct. Well... We are done with investigation. Time to head back to HQ."
Izumi & Excella: "Roger that."
Suddenly... Her phone starts to ring as she enter the vehicle.
Faye: "Hey Yumiko... Oh I mean Hitomi. You heard the news?"
Hitomi: ["She's back... Isn't she?"]
Faye: "Yes & I know this is her dirty work. Sorry about your friend."
Hitomi: ["She murdered my best friend. I have to take care of this & I won't let anyone to get in my way."]
Faye: "Wait! You don't have to do this. Let us Clever eyes agency handle it. For your own protection."
Hitomi: “Okay. Well good night.’
A huge mist of silence grew in our classroom as we moan the loss of our classmate and close friend Mayumi. I just stood there without a single word of grief and sadness to my friends. All I was thinking about is anger and revenge. How could she, my sister Karin who came out of the blue and murdered my best friend. I hated her as well. Oh if I find her. I will kill her, cut off her fucking head and put it on a spike. Oh yeah she will get what she fucking deserves. That right your son of a bit-.
Integra: "Hey buddy. Earth to Hitomi. You seem lost there. What's the haps girl?"
Hitomi: "Oh? Um its nothing. Sorry about that."
Integra: "At the second there I thought that you're hiding something from us."
Hitomi: "It's nothing really, Honesty I telling you the truth."
Integra: "Hehehe. I get it now. You lost something?"
Hitomi: "No."
Integra: "You are going somewhere mysteriously that you don't wanna talk."
Hitomi: "Nope!"
Integra: “Aha!! I got it!! You have a secret lover."
Hitomi: "For the last time. No!!"
Integra: "Hehehe. I see now. You dirty girl."
Hitomi: "What's so funny? Spit it out."
Integra: "You had been playing with yourself."
Hitomi hits Integra on the head that make her crash thought the floor.
Integra: "What was that for?? I was just kidding."
Hitomi: "If you dare think or think dirty thoughts about me. There won't be a next time." She gave a terrifying glare.
Integra: "Um okay. Sorry about that."
Hitomi: "Now then. What should we do after school is over?? (I have to put on a good face so nobody else won't notice how I really feel.)"
Kotori: "Well we should visit the bakery again."
Integra: "That a good idea. It will be fun."
Yoshino: "Oh jeez... You guys again. You know this is not a place for you girls to lounge around here so often."
Kotori: "I'm sorry about that Ms. Kaname."
Yoshino: "It's Yoshino! It's sounds annoying when I'm been called me that. Do I look like an old hag to you?? Ridiculous."
A girl sleeping under the desk: "Hehe. Old hag." As she whispers.
(WHACK!!!) She grabs a newspaper and whacks it on Veronica's head.
Yoshino: "Ahem.. Did I told you permission to talk?"
Veronica: "Oww!! That really hurts you fucking bitch."
Yoshino: "Watch your language kid!!"
Integra: "Excuse me but who's the little twerp?
Veronica: “Little twerp!! Don't you recognize me before?”
Integra: "Um nope."
Hitomi: "(She doesn't realize that's Veronica Rossia she's talking to. I bet Kio knows who she is.)"
Kotori: " · · · ·?" (Staring)
Hitomi: "(Oh never mind. It looks like she doesn't remember her either and why she's giving off a terrifying look.)"
Veronica: "Fine then. Maybe you should recognize me when I do this." She grabs her hair with both hands and made it into a twin tail. "Does this ring any bells?"
Integra: " · · · ·? Aha!! It's you."
Veronica: "The hell!! You finally get it now."
Integra: "Yep. Your pipsqueak right?"
Veronica: "It's Veronica. Not pipsqueak!!"
Integra: "Oh yeah. Veronica. Sorry. Hehehe."
Veronica: "Girl. You're so dense and stupid."
Integra: "Stupid!!? You want to fight little brat??"
Veronica: "Bring it on milk jugs!!"
Integra: "Milk jugs?? (Moo!!) "Oh you ask for it!!"
(Whack 2x!!)
Yoshino: "Enough!!"
Integra: "Jeez lady. You don't have to be that harsh. But why do I have to be the one to get punished as well??"
Yoshino: "Because you two were getting on my nerves."
Hitomi: "Pardon me for interruption. What are you doing here?”
Veronica: "Well it's a long story."
Integra: "Humph. I hate stories."
Integra: "Ahh shit. That really hurts." She started crying as she holds her forehead and sitting at the corner.
Veronica: "As I was just talking about. I what you call the death watcher & I'm also one of the five royal maidens."
Hitomi: " A royal maiden?? Can you please tell that to me?”
Nightingale: "Certainly. I'll be honoured to answer your question." Nightingale suddenly appeared next to Veronica. "The royal maidens are young girls that watches over the world and protects humanity from threats. There are six noble families. Leona, Pendragon, Roberta, Daskal, Armovick & Rossia."
Veronica: "Thanks for the interruption & as she was saying . (Dang that annoying bitch.) I tell you guys the rest. It start -"
Four Hours Later
Veronica: And that’s how I got in to this mess at the first place. Uhmm.. Are you guys alright??"
Yoshino: "Oh my god that took forever."
Kotori: " • • • • • (Staring)"
Integra: "So this what death feels like. I'm going to be sick."
Veronica: "I put my heart & soul in that story. And this is the result I'm getting?? Typical. Humph!!"
Yoshino: "Well who was the Idiot that spends four freaking hours telling that. It's giving me a headache."
Veronica: "Oh excuse me for giving you a fucking headache lady."
Yoshino: "Why you little brat. By the way." She points to left side of the desk. "Why is he doing here??"
Veronica: "Err...what the hell!! How did you get here? Oh wait are you here to kill me??"
Jack :"(Step aside my lady. I'll take care of this.)" A dark shady man suddenly appears in front of Veronica.
Ivan: "Whoa whoa whoa...hang on! I'm not here for any trouble."
Jack: "Explain yourself or the next time you see me...is cutting your chest open, pull your guts out & leave your empty rotting corpse on the road of Scotland Yard."
Ivan: "Just relax for minute. Let me explain."
Jack: "Talk or else!!" He moves his sickle close to Ivan's face. " I'll gouge your eyes out."
Ivan: "Technically...I don't have eyes."
Jack: "Who gives a fuck?"
Veronica: "Enough with this silly facade rumbling & let Ivan talk for a moment. And you should realize he doesn't have eyes."
Jack: "Humph. You should be generous that my master or what do I always call her?? Oh yeah! That little shit stain on the wall let you live."
Veronica: "Hey!!"
Integra: "Hehe.. Shit stain. Classic."(Continues giggling)
Veronica: "Humph." She gives an evil glare to Integra . At the same time Integra sticks out her tongue & teases Veronica back. Then she turns back to Ivan. "So why are you here?"
Ivan: " I apologise young miss for hurting you & Bonnie. As a loyal servant to the rose maiden. My life is yours to command."
Jack: "Worthless swine. Begging for your life??
Veronica: "Shut it already!"
Jack: "So what? I can say whatever I want."
Veronica: " Yeah okay. Fine with me. Now buzz off!"
Jack: "Humph." Jack disappears into the shadows behind Veronica.
Veronica: "(Jeez... I'm glad that’s over.) Ahem! I forgive you. (Just for now asshole,) As for your loyalty to me. Madame Veronica Rossia, the Rose maiden. You will become my servant & do my betting. Is that understood??"
Ivan: "Yes madam. I won't let you down." He starts to cry.
Veronica: "Oh seriously. You’re a grown man & you're embarrassing yourself. Sheesh..."
Yoshino: "Ah jeez... This is getting annoying & I don't know what's going on?"
Someone's voice from behind: "I would like to know that as well. Right... Veronica??"
Veronica: "Grand mistress!!"
"There stands a woman that looks like a head maid. She wears a really well made gothic lolita dress with belts around her waist & a long leather gloves that matches her shoes. Her strong elegant beauty works perfectly well with her short brunette hairstyle. She has a huge rack... Dosen’t she?"
Hitomi: "(Humph... There goes that mysterious voice that I'm hearing again. Looks like I'm not the only one.)"
Grand Mistress: "Its been a whole month that you suddenly disappeared & left your duties without notifying me. You're in big trouble runt."
Veronica: “OH shit... Ah...I'm... well you see... (Holy shit... she's really pissed & I can't control myself with fear.) Ehehe..."
Grand Mistress: "Stand up straight, speak formally & start behaving like a proper lady. For goodness sake... Are you a maiden or not?"
Veronica: “Yes ma'am!!"
Integra: "OMG... This is priceless. By the way. Who is this maid chick anyway?"
Grand Mistress: " I beg your pardon? You dirty swine. You should address me as grand mistress." She stared at the blonde bombshell with a curious look.
Yoshino: "Hey GM. Its been a while.
0 notes
nanovirusdevcj · 4 years
Chapter III: Dawn - Who Is This Girl?
The following week at school. Hitomi and her friends were still thinking about that horrible day. Who is those mysterious girls or what are they? Then Amelia and Leo arrived to class as normal. Integra went to them and asking them a serious question.
Integra: "Hey Amelia. Are you and Leo a couple like boyfriend and girlfriend? Because you two are really close". (What am I saying? I look like an idiot asking that question.)
Amelia: "Actually he's my partner and we are very close."
Integra: "Oh my bad. Please forgive me asking that stupid question."
Amelia: "That's okay. No need to apologize because everyone thinks that me and Leo are a couple. I'm feeling a bit embarrass by the way."
Hitomi: "It's alright. She always asking silly questions. By the way how is she doing?"
Amelia: "She's doing fine and her conditions are looking great. But she's still asleep. She needs a lot of rest so she can be in full health."
Leo: "Anyways is there anything else you want to know about us or what we are?"
Hitomi: "Yeah. You brought us in this mess and you two are not normal right?"
Amelia: "Okay if you want to know about us well it's complicated but what the heck. We are known as Hybrids, a next step of human evolution with unique abilities. We were genetically created by injecting a DNA into our immune system. I have the ability to control light particles and wield it as weapons. Leo on the other hand he can control flames."
Hitomi: "That girl you met before. Who is she?"
Leo: "Her name is Raven Knight and she is the first subject experiment six years ago. She has the ability to control dark matter. The one who created her and us is professor Arthur Maes."
Integra: "Wait?! You mean my grandfather was the one who created her?"
Amelia: "Yes. So you're his granddaughter. How is the professor?"
Integra: " Umm he passed away two months ago. My grandfather is a great scientist."
Amelia: "Oh that's very sudden. Sorry for your loss. He was a great man."
Integra: By the way who is in charge of mu grandfathers' work?
Leo: "The professors' assistant Vincent Xander. He owns your grandfathers' corporations called Inter Corp, but now Vincent called it The Xander Industrial Corporation."
Hitomi: "Okay. Any ways can we see that girl when school is over?"
Leo: "Sure if you insist. You may."
A young woman: "Good morning class. I’m your new home teacher Ms. Yoshino Kaname. I'm a replacing Keiichi."
Kotori: "Where did he go?"
Yoshino: "He's having a holiday because of that incident last week. it’s very terrified that he lost a friend and some of his students, well I hope he's alright. Well let's have a good day, the class exam is very close by so study extremely hard everyone."
The Class: "Yes ma’am. We will."
Hitomi: "Finally school is over for the day and I'm exhausted."
Integra: "Yea me too buddy. It's going to be a long way before the summer holiday begins very soon."
Kotori: "Wow! The warm sun and the sea. I'm looking forward for that but first study study study you dummy."
Integra: "Hey don't say that. I’m trying my best idiot."
Kotori: "I hope so. Dummy."
Hitomi: "Enough you two. You guys are like little brats in kindergarten and I'm like your mother. He’s here."
Leo: "Hey. i kept your promise. Right this way."
Hitomi: "Where are we going?"
Leo: "To our headquarters. It’s not far from the school. And Amelia is there to check up on Vera."
Integra: "I wonder where it is. umm what is this?"
Leo: "It’s our headquarters."
Hitomi: "A bakery store?? Are you kidding me."
Kotori: "Looks cute and weird."
Integra: "This is very funny. It’s called the Big Bunny Bakery."
Leo: "Please don't embarrass me. our boss chose this lame stupid place and she name it as well. Its just a cover up. Any ways let's go inside."
Hitomi: "Okay."
Then out of nowhere. They noticed someone and they were shocked
Hitomi: "Umm. Ms. Kaname. Is that you??"
Yoshino: "Oh hi ladies. Good to see you again."
Integra: " Hey Ms. What’s with the mechanical arm and leg. I’m confused
Yoshino: I lost my left arm and right leg in the war four years ago. Any ways I'm the leader of this team and the one to look after these Lil brats. I think you already met Leo and Amelia. This young lady is..."
Kotori: "My sister."
Hitomi: " Yuki! Is that you!!"
Yuki: "Hey watssup. Oh hey big sis!"
Kotori: "Explain yourself. Why are you doing here & give me a proper good reason why I won't let our father knows about this?"
Yuki: "Fine then. Here's the truth what father been hiding from us. 32 years ago. Our father was a former member of a secret organization known as the freelancers & the reason why he quit because of the death our big sis Chizuru who is also a member 11 years ago."
Kotori: "I don't believe in any of this."
Yuki: "But it's the truth."
Kotori: "That's enough Yuki!! Stop with these ridiculous nonsense!!"
Yoshino: As I was saying. She is a ninja and also our tech specialist. Our weapon expert is Solomon Creed, an ex-marine commander. Don’t mess with him cause he's tough as steel and strong as a rampaging tank.
Solomon: Yo baby. If there's anything needs fixing. I’m the man for the job. Now who's hungry. I didn't have some buffalo wings for a while. You got some?
Leo: Sorry man. looks like we'll have Japanese pork noodles tonight.
Solomon: Aww man. i miss my momma's cooking. shit that some real food right there and tasty. Oh yeah so hungry right now. You dig?
Leo: Yes, I know.
Yoshino: Stop interrupting. Jeez man. As I was saying an again he's our weapon specialist... Oh wait. I said that already. And finally our medical doctor is Michelle Aira and she's a mage hybrid.
Integra: "A mage hybrid?"
Michelle: "I can help with you that. A mage hybrid is a type of person who uses long range magic abilities like I use flames as well. Unlike Leo. He what you call a Nemesis class hybrid & as you know. He’s pretty good at close combat and Amelia is a Ares class that cause she can creates weapons from light."
Kotori: "That’s interesting. So what type of hybrid is Raven?"
Yoshino: "She’s a special type of hybrid call Unique. She unique because she her abilities is different from the others. Vera is the what you call a Nexus hybrid but she carries the same special vector as well. We still can't understand how these Unique class abilities. But we'll continue our studies."
Integra: So how many types are there??
Amelia: "There are ten types of hybrids."
"Allow me to tell you that my dear. Ahem... There are a total of 10 types of hybrids & each class plays a. They already explain the first three. Nemisis, Ares & Mage.:
Hitomi: Amelia. How is she now??
Amelia: She just woke up. But.
Integra: But what?? What's wrong Amelia??
Amelia: Well. You better see for yourself.
When the girls just about to open the door & entered the room. They saw Leo flying through the wooden door and into the wall. As they turned around and saw Vera. Her back pressed on the wall frightened.
Vera: Please don't hurt me. Who are you and where am I. I want to go home. That bad man is a big meaning.
Amelia: What did he do Vera?
Eve: "Hi name is Eve. Vera is my big sis. Well he was a bad man and he's always a meannie."
Hitomi: Umm. Can you please explain what's going on? And why is she acting like a child??
Leo: Say hello to Eve. She has a personality of a frightening little girl.
Eve: I’m not little. I'm 15 yrs. old. and I hate eating vegetables. It's yucky.
Leo: Because it's good for you.
Eve: Big sis Amelia. See he's a meannie.
Amelia: Ok but he's trying to help you get better. So say sorry to him.
Eve: "I'm sorry Leo. Any ways who this pretty girl." She looks curious about them. "Are they your friends from school?"
Amelia: Yes
Hitomi: Well hello there. I’m Hitomi and its nice to meet you. And these are my best friends. Kotori and Integra.
Kotori: "Hi there. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Integra: "Hi watssup!!"
Eve: Hitomi, Kotori and Integra. nice to meet you.
Yoshino: "Vera has what you call a personality changes because each hybrid has different behaviour and attitude. They may have one or multiple personality. Vera has two minds in herself and they switch when their need helps. Eve is the child version of Vera and she's not as strong but she like the defensive one. Vera on the other hand is the offensive type and she's very strong. And you know what she does because you see her in action. So Eve. May I talk to Vera please?""
Eve: Okay.
Vera: May I ask what you need from me?"
Yoshino: Vera. Just the girl I'm asking for. I need to ask you a favour.
Vera turned to the 3 high school girls and she remembered that day.
Vera: Where is she? She supposed to be dead. I must go after her and destroy her.
Amelia: She’s too powerful and she can't be destroyed. It’s impossible. We tried and failed. I’m sorry.
Vera: But I thought I can do it. she was killing innocent people and manipulating civilians like her own puppets to murder others. It’s like a game to her. That’s why I must stop her. Both of us. Anyway you girls are the one who that guy in machine was going to kill you. But I saved you three from harm.
Hitomi: Thank you for saving us.
Yoshino: Any ways Vera I need you to do me a favor. It may help you on your mission.
Vera: "I'm interested."
There was a 10-year-old Italian girl name Veronica Rossia. She was sitting on the edge of the balcony singing children nursery rhymes in Italian. She had a mechanical dog named Bonnie sitting next to her. Her mission was to hunt down Vera and ask her to join Raven's evil group called The Guilty. She was getting bored and tired of waiting.
Veronica: "Bonnie. This is so boring. I want to play. Mommy told me what to do but I can't see Vera anywhere. I been waiting here for a long time."
Bonnie: "(Don't worry Veronica. Our master said that she's in this location, so just be patient.)"
Veronica: "I know Bonnie. I'll be patient but this is getting too relaxing for me and I'm feeling sleepy now."
Bonnie: "(Veronica Rossia. This is not time for resting. We are on a quest to find 41. So be a big girl and act like one.)"
Veronica: "Leave me alone. I’m going sleep now. (Yawn) Wake me up if you if you sense her presence okay."
Bonnie: "(Mama Mia. What should I do with you now. Oh wait I can feel something.)"
Veronica: "Ahh what is it? Did you find her location already?"
Bonnie: "(Wait. Wait. Just kidding.)"
Veronica: "Why did you do that?? I thought you found her."
Bonnie: "(I was trying to get your attention. So I played a little trick on you. That what happens when your slacking off. By the way that was pretty funny. Hehe)"
Veronica: "Humph. That's not fun at all. I think I should break you up into scrap metal and take you to the dump yard so I won't see you. Jeez. Don't do that again."
Bonnie: "(Man. Is just a little joke. Hold on something coming up. I can sense her.)"
Veronica: "I'm not listening.
Bonnie: "(I'm not playing around. This is serious. I can sense her whereabouts now.)"
Veronica: "I'm still not listening to you"
Bonnie: "(If you're not listening to me. I'll force you to listen to me.)"
Veronica: "Ouch!! What was that for? Why did you bit me, oh wait I can see her? She's over there. So you were right all along."
Bonnie: "(That what I was telling you. Any ways. What should we do now Madame Rossia??)"
Veronica: "Looks like this is going to be fun Bonnie. It's playtime."
Chapter IV - Midnight: The Girl & The Mechanical Dog
Back at the Headquarters. Yoshino was asking Vera to help her capture one of Raven's followers, because they spot one of them on camera. A little girl with pigtails, wearing a maid dress and has a mechanical dog sitting next to her. Vera was very interested.
Vera: "I accept the offer plus she looks easy enough to takedown. So who's that pip-squeak?"
Amelia: "That's Veronica Rossia. She from Italy and she's only a 10-year-old girl. Don't think this is easy because she's a child. She's very dangerous and also she a Reaper, a type of hybrid that have a companion with them. And some people use to called her the Death Watcher."
Vera: "Death Watcher eh?? Sounds okay to me. Any ways what's with the dog."
Yoshino: That's Bonnie. Veronica’s companion. Each Reaper has her or his own companion or dolls for short.
Vera: Okay I understand now. Anyway who is that girl in that group photo over there?
Yoshino: That girl name is Xing Jiang. she an agent from China also she's my sister's closest friend & partner. And she's a Reaper hybrid as well.
Hitomi: Wow. So what's her type of companion that Xing has??
Yoshino: The spirit of mother.3 years ago. Her mother died in the hospital and she loved her daughter Xing. She was so depressed and alone. The only child of her mother. She never knew her father. One day she was introduced by a group of men wearing lab coats and asked her if she's interested. She accepts the offer. She has the ability to use spirit power.
Amelia: I have a feeling that Veronica has found our location and she on the move. So you have to get ready for her encounter. But first you need some firepower. Creed will help you with that.
Solomon: Sure. I can show what I got to take Veronica down.
Vera: Show me what you got available.
Solomon: You will be surprised what I got. This is my baby. She a reinforced particle cannon or the Poseidon for short. It fires 8 rounds of pulse energy per clip.
Yuki: That's a huge weapon. Are you sure she can lift something that big & super heavy? It's massive. You got to be kidding me.
Vera: Don’t worry about that because it looks heavy but I think i can manage it. plus, it’s beautiful & I like the name Poseidon. The god of the sea. It’s suits her.
Solomon "I think you like these two as well. This baby is a high frequency katana call the Artermis. she can cut through solid metal and stronger alloy ever existed. She sexy and highly dangerous. And lastly a custom made mechanical flight suit equipped with four plasma cannons and missiles, it's speed is twice faster than a fighter jet and armour it's made from carbon titanium alloy. It's lighter and stronger. It’s also equipped with latest advance technology system. So what do you think??"
Vera: "I like it but the suit needs a name too. How about
Amelia: "Sounds nice. Besides you need to get going. Veronica is on her way and she's coming fast."
Yuki: "Oh shit. Veronica taking out our defences and it's too late. She's here."
Veronica: "Hehehe. I found you. Vera!!"
Veronica suddenly jumped from a nearby building & smashed her way through the rooftop window. She stared at Vera with a big smile on her face and winked at her as she was falling. She landed on the ground and stood up.
Veronica: "Ta da!! Hi there Vera. I finally found you. I'm number 36. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Vera: "So you’re the little pip-squeak on the security camera. Is this like an old fashioned movie. Weird?"
Bonnie: "(How dare you call my master that young lady. It's Madame Veronica Rossia to you, Not pip-squeak.)"
Vera: "Am i hearing things?? Did that mutt just talk or maybe I'm just imagining things."
Veronica: "How rude. She using telepathy like talk with her mind. Duh? I thought you teenagers know that. Looks like I'm more like a grown up then you idiots. Humph."
Vera: "What did you say little brat? You think your smart but you're still just a child pip-squeak. And what's with that outfit? That's old fashion princess. So lame."
Veronica: “Garr. You’re such a mean bitch. Mommy told me to hunt you down and invite you to join us."
Vera: "No thanks little girl."
Veronica: "What?"
Vera: "I'm not interested little twerp and besides why should I join a snot nose brat's stupid group. I have my own reasons."
Veronica: "What did you call me? I am not a snot nose brat lady. You don't want to get me mad. So you apologize to me now."
Yoshino: "She has a point their cutie."
Veronica: "Huh?"
Yoshino: "She has no time for that because she on her mission to recover her lost memories."
Amelia: "Yeah I agree as well. She a huge threat that she must be stopped. Anyway who this mommy your mentioning?"
Bonnie: "(Our master, Raven. She not really her mother but she calls her mommy, It's a habit to her. About that Vera. You have to come with us or else.)"
Vera: "Or else what? You don't threaten me. I'm here for one purpose and there's no way you can stop me. So I'm so sorry little girl."
Veronica: "So is that it? Hehe. Is this what I'm feeling right now. Hehehe. Oh yeah so I get it. You just playing with me right huh!! Hahaha!!! Don't mess with me bitch. If you won’t come with me. It looks I have no choice."
Vera dashes forward with one strike of her katana but Veronica suddenly vanished as quickly as a bullet.
Amelia: "What the heck. She just disappeared out of thin air. Vera!! Look out!!"
Veronica: "(Come forth. Clyde.)"
Veronica suddenly appeared behind Vera. she was holding a giant scythe
Vera: "(Oh shit. Veronica is right behind me. How can she have moved that fast?)”
Veronica smiled and slashed Vera behind. Then she turns and hooks Vera around her waist and tossed her towards a pillar with one hand. Vera flew & collided into the pillar. She fell to the ground and she just about to stand, she saw Veronica running towards her fast carrying her weapon on the right and she quickly dodge her horizontal slash attack that slice the post behind her in half. She jumped and kicked Vera on the head twice.
Veronica: "It's seems to be really interesting to me that you not what I thought you are. What's the matter 41? You took Raven down like it's simple so I wanted to see for myself."
Vera: "For a little brat like you. It looks like i underestimated you."
Veronica: "Remember I'm a hybrid called a reaper and besides. Bonnie is not the only one of my companions. I have what you call the Arc of romantic souls, forge into mechanical beings to fight beside me. They are my shield and my sword."
Vera: "So that giant scythe you're holding is one of them."
Veronica: "Yep. this is Clyde."
Hitomi: "Wait? You mean Bonnie and Clyde!? The romantic criminal duo? We use to study the history of two people who fell in love. Robbed the banks and kill cops just for fun of it."
Veronica: "That's right whoever you are. Well I got you now Vera?!!"
Yuki: "Stop right there you little bitch!!"
Yuki was suddenly in the air holding a ball of flaming energy heading straight for Veronica. It made an explosion of enormous energy. She thought that will hit her but she saw her in the air with a mechanized woman with angel wings holding her.
Veronica: "Jeez about time. Where were you Nightingale?? You're late!"
Nightingale:" I'm sorry. I was just visiting my homeland England. It's really different now, not like before in my days, and also there were a lot of changes too. But anyways are you okay master??"
Veronica: "Yes I'm okay, by the way. Put me down this instant!!"
Nightingale: "But I'm worried about your safety. You're a little girl and I have to protect you from harm."
Veronica: "Oh not this again. Every time I'm on a mission. You're too protective of me, I can do this by myself."
Nightingale: "Young miss, there is no time for that now. I'll help you to get Vera to join our master Raven."
Vera:" So who the heck is this chick?"
Nightingale: "My name is Florence Nightingale, I’m one of my lady's strongest companions. And I'm like a mother and mentor to Veronica."
Yuki: "Vera, be on your guard. This one is hard to takedown, she’s very strong and clever. Also keep away from her wings."
Vera: "Why??"
Nightingale started to lock on to Vera and Yuki. Her wings form a ring of blades.
Yuki: That's what I mean. Move your ass. Now!!
She fires multiple plasma lasers from her wings. Vera started to dodge Nightingale's lasers. But when she turned her head to the left. There she was again. Veronica was coming towards her but luckily Yuki jumped and kicked Veronica in the head.
Veronica: Ouch!! That really hurts. Who's the idiot who kick a 10-year-old girl like me in the head? So you figured it out that was just a distraction??
Nightingale: Are you alright my master??
Veronica: Yeah no big deal, plus I can handle it. I felt worse.
Nightingale: Glad you're ok my master.
Yuki: Yo Vera. You deal with that lil brat and I'll take care of this robotic chick.
Nightingale: Really?? You're kidding right. How can a person like you have the guts to face a goddess like me? Prepare to meet your worse.
Yuki: That's fine with me. I'm itching for a fight. Besides (She brings out a large shrurekken weapon). I'm trained for this.
Nightingale: So show me what you got.
Amelia: "Leo. We can't just stand here and do nothing. We'll help as well."
Leo: "Hey look out!!" He moves in front of Amelia & blocks Bonnie’s attacks. Amelia starts to blush as she thanks Leo.
Nightingale extend her wings and launches them towards Yuki but she dodged and blocks Nightingale's wings in mid-air. Then she dashes forward and strikes an attack. Meanwhile Vera and Veronica looked at each other.
Veronica: "Looks like Nightingale is busy with that Asian bitch and now it's not fun at all. While it's time to end this once and for all. Now come forth. The stage is set for your performance Romeo and Juliet!!"
A bunch of rose petals suddenly appeared around her and two couples suddenly stood in front of Veronica holding each other.
Romeo: What a beautiful performance. Our love is perfect my sweet Juliet.
Juliet: Yes, my darling. We sparkle like the sun.
Bonnie: Oh brother. I hate these two.
Veronica: Romeo and Juliet. Now transform and show me your true love.
Romeo & Juliet: Yes, our master. We'll do as you command. Our love is one.
Romeo transformed into a powerful sword while Juliet turned into a beautiful rifle. Veronica was holding them on each hand.
Veronica: Impressive right. Romeo is my knight and Juliet is my seeker. A sword and rifle makes them a perfect couple
Vera: Wow. This is very tough but we are not giving up.
Veronica: Who's we? There's only you. Stop making nonsense. Let me say this. You will lose. So give up and join us.
Vera: You're going to make a big mistake girlie.
Veronica: Huh. I have no idea what you mean. Romeo and Juliet. Let's take her down.
Romeo and Juliet: As you wish master. Let's teach her a lesson.
Vera: Oh well. I'd warn you.
Then a strong burst of Nano energy suddenly surrounded Vera.
Veronica: What's happening?
Vera: "NANO OVERDRIVE. CODE NAME: ANDROMEDA. RELEASING NEO GEAR. GATE ACTIVATED. Prepare yourself Veronica. I warned you before but now I'm going to end this. Right now!"
Veronica: "Let's get her!" She just about charge forward & just by a blink of an eye. She finds herself falling towards the ground. "What the heck?"
As she stared at Vera. She felt a strange & powerful energy surging inside of Vera herself. Her hair turned black with a green aura surrounding her.
Vera: "I don't know why I'm doing this & in this form for no reason. But you have witness to my uncontrollable power. This form is... OBELISK!!"
Chapter V - Daylight: The Perfect Weapon.
Veronica: ("Oh shit. I'm gonna die.")
Vera: "Now... Be gone!"
Nightingale: "No... Young miss."
Suddenly a big strong man burst through a wall & grabs Veronica while blocking Vera's upcoming attack head on. "Are you okay conrade?" said the man.
Raven: "How could you fail your mission Veronica? You were this close and you blew it. You disappoint me little girl.
Veronica: "I'm sorry master. I won't fail you again. I can make it right."
Raven: "I don't trust you Veronica. If it's wasn't for Ivan. You'll be dead. Finish her off. I have no time for weaklings."
Ivan: "Yes my lady." He grabs hold of Veronica by the neck and chokes her to death)
Veronica: (Cough)
Bonnie: "(Leave her alone you brute.)"
Bonnie charges forward and jumps on Ivan's back. She tries to bite him but he grabs Bonnie from behind.
Ivan: "Hehehe. What do we have here?" (He drops Veronica on the ground.)
Veronica: "Please don't hurt her. I'm begging you."
Ivan slams Bonnie on the ground. The dog transforms back into her human form.
Raven: "Well. Were you thinking of trying to stop him from killing her." (She squeezes Bonnie's head and lifts her in the air with one hand)
Veronica: "Please don't do it."
Raven: "Okay." (She crushes Bonnie's skull to pieces.) "Oops my bad."
Veronica: "Bonnie!!!"
Out of nowhere a black skinny figure suddenly appeared in front of Raven. He slices Raven's chest in half, grabs Veronica and runs off.
Veronica: "What are you doing?? Don't leave her there."
The mysterious man: "Don't worry about her. She's apart of you. We and are."
Veronica: "Thanks Jack."
One of Raven's followers: "They're getting away. Don't let them escape."
0 notes
nanovirusdevcj · 4 years
Stil in working progress... And this an original story.
NanoVirus: Project
Act One: Revenge
Genre: Sci-fi, Horror, Super power, Echi, Fantasy, Comedy, Supernatural & Mystery.
Rated: R-18 (For Sexual themes, highly course language, drug use, nudity, psychological, extreme blood & gore.)
"Hello there Spectator. I know you're wondering what is this strange place your in? But there's nothing to worry about." says the mysterious woman. "Sorry for bringing you here. I have a very urgent request to ask you if you're really considered to hear my proposal. Is that okay with you?"
I tried to speak but there was nothing coming out. I only just nod my head.
"That’s excellent news. Oh. I think there's a problem with your speaking. Must be a slight side effect from teleporting you here. At least you're still moving. That’s a relief & I'm so happy to see that you're okay. So where was I. (She takes a deep breath.) Would you like to listen to a story that I'm going to tell you & explain everything that is going to happen. Oh! How so rude of me. I haven't introduced myself yet?" said the woman. “Alright. My name is -"
Wait?! What's going on? I didn't hear her name. This is getting weird...Oh my head! It hurts.
Please...make it stop.
"Spectator...Spectator... Spectator. Are you okay? I was a bit worry when you were suddenly collapsed & I'm sincerely apologize for not noticing that you're not completely recovered yet." she kindly said it. "So are ready to hear this incredible journey set before you? Excellent. So sit back & relax. You're gonna enjoy it."
The Uprising
3 years in the future...
Is someone there? I can hear a voice calling for me. Wait! What's going on. Am I spacing out again? Seriously. I'm gonna lose my mind again.
"[Hello. Are you there? Commander. Are you there? We need you.]"
(Cough) "Where am I?? What the fuck? Your still alive??"
"Hehehe. Everyone will die. You will die. Everything will disappear. Hehehe." said the mysterious young girl.
"This is impossible. She's too strong. AI. Damage report."
"Major damage to the main Thrusters and arms. Also we have lost 80 percent of power and draining fast."
"Damn it. We have no chance taking her down Roxanne."
"[Commander. Are you okay? We don't know what's happening.]"
"I'm fine lieutenant just my armour machine has been sustaining too much damage and I'm out of ammunition. How's everyone?"
The Lieutenant: "We are okay. Everyone is safe here. But we're worried about your ma'am."
The girl: "[That's good. She's impossible to defeat. There only one thing to do.]"
The Lieutenant: "Vera hold on. Don't do it. You know what will happen to you. You'll die."
Vera: "[Don't worry about me Integra. I'll make it through. Commander Vera out.]"
Integra: "(Sniff) Commander. I don't want you to disappear. Most of my friends I know are gone. Damn it."
The young girl: "There she goes again. Always charging into danger & getting hurt at the same time. Give me fucking break."
Integra: "Shut it pipsqueak!!"
Veronica: "Did I heard a dairy cow called me a pipsqueak?? Huh bitch!!"
Integra: "Ohohoho!! You're dead you little brat!!"
Veronica: "Bring it on milk jugs!!"
Vera: ["Enough with this annoying bickering you two!! I can still hear you."]
Both girls: "We're sorry!!"
Vera: ["Jeez... You dumb bitches sound like a couple of whiny kids."]
Veronica: "B-but she started it!!"
Vera: ["Yeah yeah.. blah blah blah!! Just stop it already. That’s an order!!"]
Veronica: "Fine. It won't happen again."
Vera: "Thank you. Vera out... Again!?"
Veronica: "Heh. Dumbass blonde." as she says to Integra.
Integra: "Snot nose brat."
Veronica: "Tsk."
The other girl next to Veronica: "Hehehe..."
Veronica: "Whets so funny Misaka?"
Misaka: "You two are still the same. Always fighting & getting into trouble."
The young female knight: "I know right. They were meant for each other."
Integra: "Oh shut up Amelia. Veronica is nothing but a pain in my ass."
Amelia: "Aww... That’s so romantic."
Misaka: "Oh that’s a good one Mia."
"Enough already." says the girl behind them. "Vera is busy taking down you know who & we have our own problem to take care of. So.. No joking around. Got it??"
Integra: "Yeah. We got it. Plus-" Electricity started to come out of her cybernetic right arm. "This won't be easy but I can still kick their asses."
Veronica: " Yeah... What she said." She summons a mechanized doll behind her. "But I can do much better then you."
Amelia: "Okay. It's official. Let’s make this a competition. Whoever kills the most. Wins. And the loser-" She creates a sword of light. "Buys lunch."
Misaka: "That won't be me." She activates her hybrid's power.
"Well that settles it. Are you girls ready?" Water starts to surround her & her turns white.
Hitomi: "Alright. Let’s go!"
Vera: Okay. Time to do this. NANO OVERDRIVE. CODE NAME: ANDROMEDA. RELEASING NEO GEAR. GATE ACTIVATED. Now you’re going down. Joker!!
Joker: "(Hehe... This is gonna be fun.)"
Vera: "For my friends you took. I will destroy you and drag you straight to hell!!"
Daybreak: The Life of a High school Girl
Dusk: The Unknown Encounter
Dawn: Who is this Girl?
Midnight: The Girl & The Mechanical Dog
Daylight: The Perfect Weapon
Nightfall: The Tragic Incident
The story is about a girl who has no memories of her past and her life. She is stuck in a war between humanity and hybrids. A genetic experiment of people who has enhanced abilities and the next evolution of mankind. She is the only one who can stop this outbreak. She regains her lost memories of herself and learns more about her unique abilities. She meets a mysterious young girl name Raven and she wanted the world to be in ruins and burn to the ground. What will happen to our hope and dream? A hero will rise to face this threat. Enjoy the epic saga of the NanoVirus: Project.
Warning. This story contains intense graphic violence, bad psychological behaviour, highly course language, sexual themes, nudity & drug use that might disturb some readers. This novel is not meant for young readers only 18 & over.
The Beginning.
In the year 2052. Tokyo, Japan.
6 years ago.
A discovery of a hidden genetic DNA that contains a new way to enhance the evolution of human being. The one who found this great mystery was Professor Arthur Julius Maes. A 64-year-old English professor from Brooklyn university of science & discovery. He was surprised that he and a group of scientists did their first experiment on a young Arabic girl name Raven Knight who her father, a friend of the professor insists her to volunteer, it was a great success. The girl was surprised that she can have the ability to control dark matter.
But. Something horrible went totally wrong she started to have psychological behaviour and personality changes. They did some test on her to see what happen. Days went on when they started to checked on her. She attacked and killed them. She blamed her father for what he done to her. Raven hunted and murdered her father. She laughed and enjoyed killing her
family. Raven stood quiet and she look at the blood on her hands. She loved it that she wanted more, so she slaughters the whole villagers of her hometown and burnt to ruins. Years after. She creates a group called the guilty.
Six years later the professor re-created and improve better subjects with unique abilities but he creates a perfect subject, a girl with green hair that controls nanotechnology and he called
her Vera, also known as number 41. But she escaped and she has no memories about her or who she is.
So the story begins.
Chapter I - Daybreak: The life of a High School Student.
The year is 2058. Three years before the End.
Another beautiful day in Osaka. A young 16-year-old Japanese high school girl name Hitomi Satsuna was enjoying her day walking to school with friends. One of her friends, Integra, is the proud granddaughter of the professor. The other girl next to her is Kotori Miyake, a Shinto shrine maiden and a close friend to Hitomi.
Integra: "I can't wait when the new school semester starts soon because I heard there's two new transfer students starting this year!" Says Integra so excited.
Hitomi: "You're so jumpy and cheerful today Terra." Hitomi replied.
Integra: "Yeah! It's so awesome buddy!"
Kotori: "Well guys I'm looking forward to study more. And maybe I'll become class
president again, I hope." says Kotori happily
Hitomi: "I hope you will. Well Integra, Kotori. Let's go and do our best girls!!"
"Now hang on a second!!" A door suddenly appears behind her. "I'll be back." She when through the door. "Where hell did these fucking speech boxes came from? I told you guys that this is a fucking novel." The entire room shakes. "Oh really?!! Do you want to let the master know about this!! Then fix it already!!"
A Few Minutes Later...
"Sorry about that. We had some minor technical issues needs fixing. Now where was I? Oh yeah... Sorry for scaring you girls!!"
Hitomi: "It’s okay."
Integra: "You nearly gave me a heart attack...you mysterious voice that I can hear!!"
A young girl wearing a hood: "Can you please get this story rolling. I'm waiting for my reveal."
A woman standing in the shadows: "Yeah! What she said!!"
"Fine!! Fucking bitches!!"
Both girls: "We heard that!!"
"Shit!! They can still hear me!! Now where that button! Nope that one...how about this one...oh c'mon!! Where is it!"
Integra: "Can you please hurry the fuck up? We're getting late for school!!"
Integra: "What you said bitch??"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Let me find this fucking button!! Aha!!... I got it!"
Integra: "Hey!! We are not done yet-...she's gone?"
Hitomi: "That was kind of...weird?"
Integra: "I know right!! Umm... What we're talking about again??"
Hitomi: "I don’t know?... Oh well."
"Short memory lost activated!! They won't remember a thing. Now let’s continue with the story."
In the classroom. Hitomi was greeted by her best friend Mayumi Hinata
Hitomi: "Mayumi. How's it going??
Mayumi: "Hey Hitomi. I'm doing good & you're looking smart today."
Hitomi: "Really? Stop it. Ehehe... Anyways. I heard that you're going for student council president ?"
Mayumi: "Yep. But I'm not the only one joining."
Hitomi:" True... You got Tomoyo Tsubaki, Mitsuru Kagura & the honoured student from a Noble family. Lady Athena Pendragon. You seriously got some competition ahead of you."
Mayumi: "Tell me about it. It's gonna be tough but I'm ready for this."
One of the girls in the class pointing outside: "OMG!! It's Lady Pendragon!"
The girl with the short brown hair: "Wow!! She so beautiful & very elegant. She must be royalty."
The girl with the ponytail hair: " She so lucky to ride in a limousine."
The one girl sitting behind Hitomi: "Wahoo... Look at me. I'm so rich & I have a butler too. Huh... Gimme a break."
Hitomi: "You seem a bit jealous Tomoyo. Something on your mind?"
Tomoyo: "Who... me? Nah... That's not for me." She started to stand on top of her desk & doing a fighting pose. " All I need is a strong will & fighting spirit. Once you have that, then you're battles of life will be unstoppable. That's my goal."
Mayumi: "I see... But... A girl standing on her desk, acting so high & mighty won't achieve the reason to fail her own studies."
Tomoyo: "I know that... Humph! Stupid studies."
Integra: "Yo Tomo! You're looking serious today. Ha-ha!"
The Teacher: "Good morning class, I’m your new homeroom teacher. My name is Keiichi Sado but you can call me Mr. Sado for short. Anyways I like you to meet our new transfer students."
Next to him were two new students. A young girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and a black ribbon on her hair. The American guy with black hair wearing black sunglasses & he looks kind of Japanese looking.
Amelia: "Hello and it’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Amelia Rosewell and I'm 16 years old. I’m from England but been living here for a month. I love to learn about your culture and tradition, I hope I can learn more. Thank you “Amelia smiled
Leo: "HI. I’m Leo Anderson and I am 17. I'm from the United States and I been living here with my mother for 4 years. Any ways nice to meet you guys." Leo smiles along.
Hitomi: ["Huh. He kinda looks Japanese."]
Keiichi: " Now introductions are over. I think they are two empty seats available. One next to Ms. Satsuna & the other is by the window behind Tsubaki. Is that okay with you two?"
Leo: "Sure. That okay with me." Leo walks towards the seat by window while Amelia has chosen to sit next to Hitomi.
Keiichi: "Ok students. We are going on a school field trip to visit The research of Robotics and Discovery Industry laboratory in Tokyo because I have a friend who’s the director of that place, it’s will be exciting to learn and study about it. So let’s go."
Integra: “Wow. This is so cool. Do you think this is awesome Kio??"
Kotori: This is impressive. The mechanism of these machines is amazing. Did your dad ride one of these in the military??"
Integra: "Yeah he did. Only the older models."
Someone's Voice: "Keiichi. It’s been a long time."
Keiichi:"Natsumi. It’s been a while. I like how you did the place. Very impressive. Plus, your sexier than ever. OH, everyone I like you all to meet Natsumi Matsumoto. She's the director of this facility."
Integra: “What!? That's awesome. I never thought she's in charge of this place, and you never told us that the director was a woman. “Integra was shocked.
Natsumi:"Keiichi your dumb ass. Anyways I'm director of this building and I like to introduce our latest Zealot units called Prodigy Alpha. These Robotics machines are more advance then its previous model, with the latest technology and weapons. This machine is the next step in military warfare."
Someone's Voice: Get the fuck on the ground. Now!! This hostage!!"
There were gun shots and everyone panic and afraid. There was something weird with the man's eyes. His eyes were black and he was talking to himself strangely. Then he took control of the machine and started shooting the director. Everyone got terrified and started running, he ran after them. Death after death. Dead bodies were everywhere. Hitomi and her friends were hiding.
Hitomi: "Shit. What's going on?? We all going to die"
Integra: “I don't want to die like this. No not like this, there are things I never done before"
Kotori: “No. He found us!! It's all over!!!"
Then out of nowhere a girl jumped in front of them and this green wave of energy shot through the machine when she did a punch at high frequency speed that set the machine flying towards a wall. The man in the machine got furious that he attacks the girl but she dodges it and smashed the left arm that it ripped and shattered it to pieces.
The Man: “You fucking bitch. You'll pay you little shit. Take this!!"
He fires the weapons of the Prodigy but she kept on dodging the bullets well she was running around him then she jumped into the air and landed straight on the machine, she places her right hand on the back.
The Man: “Get the fuck off me you shit!!!"
The Girl: “Nano overdrive. Code name: Iris. Self-destruct activate"
The Man: “Noooo...!!!"
The girl jumped off well the suit exploded leaving the man wounded really bad. The mysterious girl stood there but she was injured. She got shot on the waist and she was bleeding but out of nowhere her wounds heal quicker.
Hitomi: “Who is that girl, she saved us from that guy."
Then they felt this strange feeling. There was another girl who was walking towards her. She was wear black with blood red eyes and a dark mist surrounding her.
The girl in black: “So you’re the professor's new toy. Very impressive babe. My name is Raven Knight and your mine now"
Kotori: "She has a strong dark aura around. It so much pressure."
Vera: “I finally found you. Raven Knight!"
Chapter II - Dusk: The Unknown Encounter.
"Previously from NanoVirus: Project." she starts to speak in an Russian accent. "Once a normal day at school. Two new comrade joins the class. All the students when on trip to lab. Meets woman with nice clothes who is good friend to teacher. Then man with gun shoots the woman & takes control of giant robot. He shoot left, he shoot right & he shoot everywhere... Like crazy man who drinks too much vodka at bar. Out of nowhere. Girl with green hair punch
Raven: “So your Vera. the professor newest toy?? How so cute, love the green hair sweetie. I'm his first. Surprised right? You should be."
The injured man: "Raven. Help me please. I did what you told me to do. Please save me. i have a family and daughter. I don't want to die."
Raven: "I don't give a fuck about your family. I just use you as bait to lure her out for me. You're nothing but a useless pawn. Now be gone."
Raven made the man’s head explode in front of her. She smiled and very surprised.
Raven: “I love the colour of blood, its turns me on so badly. Anyways he's nothing to me but pile of shit. As for you 41. I'm going to love you like crazy. So you want to dance with me sweetie??
Vera: “Sure. I would gladly love to kick your ass."
Raven: “Oh yeah. I love it when you talk dirty to me."
Vera: "Yeah whatever."
Raven: "Well this is gonna be fun."
Raven attacks Vera head on with a strike in the abdomen then an uppercut in the jaw that sets Vera flying in the air. Then Raven teleports above her and slams her to the ground.
Raven: “Ahahahaha! What’s wrong baby, am I not good for you. Not so high and mighty huh?" She attacks Vera rapidly. "I thought your newer models are better than me but you're pathetic and weak, just like the rest of you!!"
Vera: “Augh!!"
Raven: “This is way too easy but not fun at all. I'm finishing you off." She brings out two blades out of darkness.
Someone's voice: “Hold it right there! Raven. HQ we found her."
Raven: “Oh baby. Look who wants to play with me. The two love birds. It's been awhile. Leo and Amelia!!"
Amelia: “This is gone long enough Raven, your slaughter and murders ends here."
Leo: “Surrender or we'll take you by force. Don't make this easy like before."
Raven: “Hehe You two are the same as always. You two always wanted to fuck my ass do u?? Not today baby."
Amelia: “Your attitude sucks by the way. We have no choice but to take you down. We'll end this."
Raven: “Ha! Don't make me laugh girlie. Do you think your light and fire tricks will stop me bitch? Nothing can touch me?” She charges forward in a blink of an eye & kicks Amelia in the chest.
Amelia: “Arghh!!!” She flies towards a glass window & falls to the ground.
Leo: "Amelia!! Damn it. She's fast."
Vera: ("Hold her right there.")
Suddenly a robotic arm appeared in front of Raven and hit her in the abdomen.
Raven: “No way. But how??
Vera:" Nano overdrive weapons engaged. type: Prodigy. Codename: Xenovia."
Her AI: "Acknowledge. Code recognize. Type: Prodigy activated. Preparing for reanimation."
Then out of nowhere. A machine suddenly appears behind Vera. Raven thought that she destroyed the machine. She was very impressed.
Raven: “That’s new 41. I love it. How did you do that?? I thought you destroyed it."
Vera: “I have the abilities to hack a machines and weapons with a touch, and breaks down the components into tiny particles with my Nano machines inside me, it creates a replica of the weapons that I can use. Like this big guy next to me. I use the left side of my brain to control it while I move around with my right. It time you're going down bitch."
Raven: “Humph. Bring it on you little bitch??
She tried to attack Vera but she realized that something was different about her. She was quicker and faster than herself. Then she was hit from different directions. The machine slammed Raven into the wall. When Raven got up. Vera ran towards her, punched her in the chest so hard that her fist went through Raven's chest & back. Blood started coming out of her mouth as she fell to the ground. As she stared up. The machine smashed her with its fist. Raven was dead, her entire body was crushed.
But suddenly there was a laughter. Vera was shocked that she thought she killed her. She saw Raven's hands grabbing the both sides of the crater and pulls herself up.
Raven: “Hehehe. Hahaha!! You think I'm dead right? Hahaha!! You thought wrong bitch. I can’t be fucking die baby!" Her body started to form back as she stood up and laughed like hell. "What's with that face of yours Vera. Are you surprised and scared of me now?" Raven just stood there and smiled. "You should be and baby. That's not nice at all. Seriously come on! I have to experience that again. That blows big time."
Raven's voice: “We will meet again 41. This is not over. Ta-ta then her voice faded away.
Amelia: “That can't be right, how can still be alive. She was dead. Vera are you ok? Vera??
Vera started feeling dizzy and weak. Suddenly she collapsed on the ground.
Hitomi: “What happened to her. She just fell on the ground."
Leo: “She injured really bad and she over did herself. The Nano machines in her blood system is overloaded. Vera is getting weak and she needs medical help, we don't want to lose her."
Hitomi: “I’ll call for an ambulance."
Amelia: “That’s not a good idea. She needs special treatments. If we took her to a hospital. The doctors and nurses will think she's a monster. Like me and Leo. We are just like her but we'll take her now."
Kotori: “Where are you two taking her. Plus, who is she or what are you guys??"
Amelia: “It complicated. But we'll taking her to our secret facility. Anyways I'll see you at school next week. See ya."
Hitomi: “Girls. What is going on? How did we end up in this mess? I can't stop thinking about it. Some of our classmates are dead. And umm, where's teach??"
They suddenly saw their teacher Keiichi holding the dead body of Natsumi in his arms.
Keiichi:"Natsumi. please wake up. Natsumi. It's ok. You'll be ok. Please answer me? I'll take you on a date and I'll tell you how I feel about you..."
Kotori: “Teach. She already gone. I'm sorry but she's dead."
Keiichi: "Don't say that Kotori. She was my closest friend and I love her so much. So shut up and leave me be. She can't be dead, she can't be.Na.. Nats. Natsumi!!"
The Girls: “TEACH!!?"
Raven: “That was very interesting. the girl is very strong and surprising too. I like it when she took me down. and you're right about her Vincent. She is the perfect weapon. i love it even more. Oh yeah."
Vincent Xander: “She really is baby. Any ways our plan is nearly in motion and so perfect too. We'll invited her to join us. What do you think Raven??"
Raven: “Oh yes she will be ours. Damn I'm so hot right now. These clothes are so dirty." (She started to take her clothes off and laid on the bed naked) "Ah. That's better. You will be mine Vera. Next time we'll meet. You will join me. I'll force you to."
The Big Guy: “She will my lady."
The Young girl: “Of course my lady. I want to play with her.
Raven: “Yes you're absolutely correct my beautiful servants and she will join us. Any ways Veronica."
The little girl: “Yes ma'am. Is it playtime??"
Raven:"Yes little one. I want you to play with her and bring her to mommy. Can you do that for me my dear??"
Veronica: “Yes mommy. I will make you happy my master...??
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